Publications du Centre PSYCLE EA.3273 Période 2010/2015 (au 30


Publications du Centre PSYCLE EA.3273 Période 2010/2015 (au 30
Publications du Centre PSYCLE EA.3273
Période 2010/2015 (au 30 mai 2015)
Articles à Comité de Lecture (ACL) – Ouvrages – Chapitres d’Ouvrages (OS)
ACL 2010
Aghababian, V., Berland Benhaim, C., Bartoli, C., & Leonetti, G. (2010). Implication du rapport Dintilhac
dans l’expertise neuropsychologique. L’Encéphale, 36(2), 139-146.
Arciszewski, T., Verlhiac, J.-F., Goncalves, I., & Kruglanski, A. (2010). From psychology of terrorists to
psychology of terrorism. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 22(3), 5-34.
Blättler, C., Ferrari, V., Didierjean, A., van Elslande, P., & Marmèche, E. (2010). Can expertise modulate
representational momentum? Visual Cognition, 18(9), 1253-1273.
Bonnardel, N., & Zenasni, F. (2010). The impact of technology on creativity in design: An enhancement?
Creativity and Innovation Management, 19(2), 180-191.
Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2010a). Features of spontaneous pointing gestures in toddlers. Gesture, 10(1),
Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2010b). Pointing gesture in young children: Hand preference and language
development. Gesture, 10(2-3), 129-149.
Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2010c). Pointing gestures produced by toddlers from 15 to 30 months:
Different functions, hand shapes and laterality patterns. Infant Behavior & Development, 33(4),
Galy, E., Mélan, C., & Cariou, M. (2010). Investigation of air traffic controllers’ response strategies in a
free recall task: What makes auditory recall superior to visual recall? The International Journal of
Aviation Psychology, 20(3), 295-307.
Gana, K., Lourel, M., Trouillet, R., Fort, I., Mezred, D., Blaison, C., & Ledrich, J. (2010). Judgment of
riskiness: Impact of personality, naive theories and heuristic thinking among female students.
Psychology & Health, 25(2), 131-147.
Jover, M., Ayoun, C., Berton, C., & Carlier, M. (2010). Specific grasp characteristics of children with
trisomy 21. Developmental Psychobiology, 52(8), 782-793.
Jover, M., Schmitz, C., Centelles, L., Chabrol, B., & Assaiante, C. (2010). Anticipatory postural adjustments
in a bimanual load-lifting task in children with developmental coordination disorder.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(9), 850-855.
Maher, M. L., Bonnardel, N., & Kim, Y. S. (2010). Creativity: Simulation, stimulation, and studies. Ai
Edam-Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing, 24(2), 149-151.
Meguerditchian, A., Vauclair, J., & Hopkins, W. D. (2010). Captive chimpanzees use their right hand to
communicate with each other: Implications for the origin of the cerebral substrate for language.
Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 46(1), 40-48.
Pellegrin, L., Gaudin, C., Bonnardel, N., & Chaudet, H. (2010b). Collaborative Activities During an
Outbreak Early Warning Assisted by a Decision-Supported System (ASTER). International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 26(2-3), 262-277.
Pellegrin, L., Gaudin, C., Bonnardel, N., & Chaudet, H. (2010b). Apports d’une représentation
événementielle des activités collaboratives : l’exemple de la surveillance épidémiologique pour
l’alerte précoce. Le Travail Humain, 73(4), 385-406.
Perret, P., & Ducrot, S. (2010). Viewing-position effects in the Stroop task: Initial fixation position
modulates Stroop effects in fully colored words. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17(4), 550-555.
Picard, D., & Lebaz, S. (2010). Symbolic use of size and color in freehand drawing of the tree: Myth or
reality? Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(2), 186-188.
Picard, D., Lebaz, S., Jouffrais, C., & Monnier, C. (2010). Haptic recognition of two-dimensional raised-line
patterns by early-blind, late-blind, and blindfolded sighted adults. Perception, 39(2), 224-235.
Piolat, A. (2010). Approche cognitive de la prise de notes comme écriture de l’urgence et de la mémoire
externe. Le Français Aujourd’hui, (170), 52-62.
Piolat, A., & Bannour, R. (2010). Effets de l’expression écrite d’un événement positif et négatif sur le
niveau d’anxiété d’étudiants de différentes disciplines. Psychologie Française, 55, 1-23.
Scola, C., & Vauclair, J. (2010a). Infant holding side biases displayed by fathers in maternity hospitals.
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 28(1), 3-10.
Scola, C., & Vauclair, J. (2010b). Is infant holding-side bias related to motor asymmetries in mother and
child? Developmental Psychobiology, 52(5), 475-486.
ACL 2011
Aghababian, V., Auquier, P., Baumstarck-Barrau, K., & Lançon, C. (2011). Relationship between insight
and self-reported quality of life among shizophrenic patients. L’Encéphale, 37(3), 162-171.
Barbier, M.-L. (2011). Du bilinguisme en général et de la « bilitéracie » en particulier. Le langage et
l’homme, 46(2), 5‑14.
Baumstarck-Barrau, K., Simeoni, M.-C., Reuter, F., Klemina, I., Aghababian, V., Pelletier, J., & Auquier, P.
(2011). Cognitive function and quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Neurology, 11(1), 17.
Blättler, C., Ferrari, V., Didierjean, A., & Marmèche, E. (2011). Representational momentum in aviation.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(5), 1569‑1577.
Bonnardel, N., Piolat, A., & Le Bigot, L. (2011). The impact of colour on Website appeal and users’
cognitive processes. Displays, 32(2), 69-80.
Cochet, H., Jover, M., & Vauclair, J. (2011). Hand preference for pointing gestures and bimanual
manipulation around the vocabulary spurt period. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,
110(3), 393-407.
Congard, A., Dauvier, B., Antoine, P., & Gilles, P.-Y. (2011). Integrating personality, daily life events and
emotion: Role of anxiety and positive affect in emotion regulation dynamics. Journal of Research in
Personality, 45(4), 372-384.
Corbière, M., Zaniboni, S., Lecomte, T., Bond, G., Gilles, P.-Y., Lesage, A., & Goldner, E. (2011). Job
acquisition for people with severe mental illness enrolled in supported employment programs: A
theoretically grounded empirical study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21(3), 342-354.
Donnot, J., & Vauclair, J. (2011). Infant-holding side biases: Comparison of laterality patterns in childcare
professionals and mothers or students. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition,
16(3), 280-291.
Fantini-Hauwel, C., Dauvier, B., Arciszewski, T., Antoine, P., & Manouvrier, S. (2011). Genetic testing for
hereditary cancer: Effects of alexithymia and coping strategies on variations in anxiety before and
after result disclosure. Psychology & Health, 26(7), 855-873.
Fort, I., Jacquet, F., & Leroy, N. (2011). Self-efficacy, goals, and job search behaviors. The Career
Development International, 16(5), 469-481.
Harma, K. Gombert, A.,Roussey, J-Y., & Arciszewski, T. (2011). Effet de la visibilité du handicap et de
l’expérience d’intégration sur la représentation sociale du handicap chez de jeunes collégiens.
Travail et formation en éducation, [En ligne], 8 | 2011, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2011. URL :
Lainé, F., Rauzy, S., Tardif, C., & Gepner, B. (2011). Slowing down the presentation of facial and body
movements enhances imitation performance in children with severe autism. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 41(8), 983-996.
Meguerditchian, A., Molesti, S., & Vauclair, J. (2011). Right-handedness predominance in 162 baboons
(Papio anubis) for gestural communication: Consistency across time and groups. Behavioral
Neuroscience, 125(4), 653-660.
Mencacci, N., Harma, K., Gombert, A., Barbier, M.-L., Davin, F., & Tsao, R. (2011). La formation des
étudiants de Master « Education et Formation » à la prise en compte des Besoins Educatifs
Particuliers. L’exemple à l’IUFM d’Aix-Marseille. La Nouvelle Revue de l’Adaptation et de la
Scolarisation, 55(57-7).
Meunier, H., Blois-Heulin, C., & Vauclair, J. (2011). A new tool for measuring hand preference in
non-human primates: Adaptation of Bishop’s Quantifying Hand Preference task for Olive baboons.
Behavioural Brain Research, 218(1), 1-7.
Perret, P. (2011). L’Amnesie infantile: les perspectives tirees de la psychologie developpementale.
Devenir, 23(4), 379-395.
Perret, P., Bailleux, C., & Dauvier, B. (2011). The influence of relational complexity and strategy selection
on children’s reasoning in the Latin Square Task. Cognitive Development, 26(2), 127-141.
Picard, D. (2011). Impact of manual preference on directionality in children’s drawings. Laterality:
Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 16(1), 24-34.
Picard, D., & Boulhais, M. (2011). Sex differences in expressive drawing. Personality and Individual
Differences, 51(7), 850-855.
Picard, D., Jouffrais, C., & Lebaz, S. (2011). Haptic Recognition of Emotions in Raised-Line Drawings by
Congenitally Blind and Sighted Adults. Ieee Transactions on Haptics, 4(1), 67-71.
Piolat, A., & Bannour, R. (2011). Les effets de l’écriture expressive sur la santé physique et
psychologique des rédacteurs : un bilan, des perspectives de recherches. European Journal of
Cognitive Psychology, 61, 101-113.
Piolat, A., Booth, R., Chung, C. K., Davids, M., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2011). La version française du LIWC :
modalités de construction et exemples d’application. Psychologie Française, 56, 145-159.
Roger, M., Bonnardel, N., & Le Bigot, L. (2011). Landmarks’ use in speech map navigation tasks. Journal
of Environmental Psychology, 31(2), 192-199.
Tsao, R., Fartoukh, M., & Barbier, M.-L. (2011). Handwriting in adults with Down syndrome. Journal of
Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 36(1), 20-26.
Vauclair, J. (2011). Du geste à la parole. De la communication des primates au langage humain. Faits de
Langue, 37, 85-96.
Wallez, C., & Vauclair, J. (2011). Right hemisphere dominance for emotion processing in baboons. Brain
and Cognition, 75(2), 164-169.
Wojtczuk, A., & Bonnardel, N. (2011). Designing and assessing everyday objects: Impact of
externalisation tools and judges’ backgrounds. Interacting with Computers, 23(4), 337-345.
ACL 2012
Aillaud, M., & Piolat, A. (2012). Influence of gender on judgment of dark and nondark humor. Individual
Differences Research, 10(4), 211-222.
Arciszewski, T., Berjot, S., & Finez, L. (2012). Threat of the thin-ideal body image and body malleability
beliefs: Effects on body image self-discrepancies and behavioral intentions. Body Image, 9(3),
Barbier, M.-L. (2012). L’apprentissage bilingue de l’écrit: implications en L1 et en L2. Recherches et
applications : le français dans le monde, 51, 50-61.
Baumstarck, K., Pelletier, J., Aghababian, V., Reuter, F., Klemina, I., Berbis, J., & Auquier, P. (2012). Is the
concept of quality of life relevant for multiple sclerosis patients with cognitive impairment?
Preliminary results of a cross-sectional study. PloS One, 7(1), e30627.
Blättler, C., Ferrari, V., Didierjean, A., & Marmèche, E. (2012). Role of expertise and action in motion
extrapolation from real road scenes. Visual Cognition, 20(8), 988-1001.
Bonnardel, N. (2012). Designing future products: what difficulties do designers encounter and how can
their creative process be supported? Work. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation,
41, 5296-5303.
Boyer, L., Aghababian, V., Richieri, R., Loundou, A., Padovani, R., Simeoni, M. C., & Lancon, C. (2012).
Insight into illness, neurocognition and quality of life in schizophrenia. Progress in
Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 36(2), 271-276.
Chapelain, A., Laurence, A., Vimond, M., Maille, A., Meunier, H., Fagard, J., Vauclair, J. & Blois-Heulin, C.
(2012). Hand preference and its flexibility according to the position of the object: A study in
cercopithecines examining spontaneous behaviour and an experimental task (the Bishop QHP
task). Animal Cognition, 15(5), 937-953.
Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2012). Hand preferences in human adults: Non-communicative actions versus
communicative gestures. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and
Behavior, 48(8), 1017-1026.
Congard, A., Antoine, P., & Gilles, P.-Y. (2012). Assessing the structural and psychometric properties of a
new personality measure for use with military personnel in the French Armed Forces. Military
Psychology, 24(3), 289-311.
Congard, A., Antoine, P., Ivanchak, S., & Gilles, P.-Y. (2012). Désirabilité sociale et mesure de la
personnalité: les dimensions les plus affectées par ce phénomène. Psychologie française, 57(3),
Dauvier, B., Chevalier, N., & Blaye, A. (2012). Using finite mixture of GLMs to explore variability in
children’s flexibility in a task-switching paradigm. Cognitive Development, 27(4), 440-454.
Enea-Drapeau, C., Carlier, M., & Huguet, P. (2012). Tracking subtle stereotypes of children with trisomy
21: from facial-feature-based to implicit stereotyping. PloS One, 7(4), e34369.
Fabre, M., Barbier, M.-L., Arciszewski, T., & Tsao, R. (2012a). Les adolescents sourds et la production
écrite en contextes variés: SMS, prises de notes, écrits scolaires et blogs. Approche
Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, (118), 322-332.
Fantini-Hauwel, C., Boudoukha, A. H., & Arciszewski, T. (2012). Adult attachment and emotional
awareness impairment: a multimethod assessment. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, 2.
Fartoukh, M., Chanquoy, L., & Piolat, A. (2012). Effects of emotion on writing processes in children.
Written Communication, 29(4), 391-411.
Faure-Brac, C., Gombert, A., & Roussey, J.-Y. (2012). Les enseignants du secondaire et les élèves
porteurs de troubles spécifiques du langage écrit. Le français aujourd’hui, 177(2), 65-78.
Galy, E., Cariou, M., & Mélan, C. (2012). What is the relationship between mental workload factors and
cognitive load types? International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83(3), 269-275.
Gaudin, C., Bonnardel, N., Pellegrin, L., & Chaudet, H. (2012). Les activités de gestion d’alerte
épidémiologique : les transformations induites par l’utilisation d’un système de surveillance en
temps réel. Pistes : Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé, 14(1), [Disponible en
ligne à]
Lebaz, S., Jouffrais, C., & Picard, D. (2012). Haptic identification of raised-line drawings: High visuospatial
imagers outperform low visuospatial imagers. Psychological Research, 76(5), 667-675.
Marrone, T., Moussu, A.-L., & Roux, J.-P. (2012). Effets du contexte situationnel sur le type d’échanges
conversationnels lors d’une résolution de problèmes en dyade chez des élèves de
SEGPA. Enfance, 2012-02, 193-231.
Meguerditchian, A., Donnot, J., Molesti, S., Francioly, R., & Vauclair, J. (2012). Sex difference in squirrel
monkeys’ handedness for unimanual and bimanual coordinated tasks. Animal Behaviour, 83(3),
Meunier, H, Vauclair, J, & Fagard, J. (2012). Human Infants and Baboons Show the Same Pattern of
Handedness for a Communicative Gesture. PLoS ONE, 7(3), e33959.
Morizet, D., Depezay, L., Combris, P., Picard, D., & Giboreau, A. (2012). Effect of labeling on new
vegetable dish acceptance in preadolescent children. Appetite, 59(2), 399-402.
Myowa-Yamakoshi, M., Scola, C., & Hirata, S. (2012). Humans and chimpanzees attend differently to
goal-directed actions. Nature communications, 3(693), 106-121.
Odier-Guedj, D., & Gombert, A. (2012). Pratiques collaboratives en classe: amélioration de la
compréhension des consignes chez des élèves dyslexiques et autistes. La nouvelle revue de
l’adaptation et de la scolarisation, 57(1), 117-130.
Picard, D., & Gauthier, C. (2012). The development of expressive drawing abilities during childhood and
into adolescence. Child Development Research.
Picard, D., & Lebaz, S. (2012). Identifying raised-line drawings by touch: A hard but not impossible task.
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 106(7), 427-431.
Rattat, A.-C., & Picard, D. (2012). Short-term memory for auditory and visual durations: Evidence for
selective interference effects. Psychological Research, 76(1), 32-40.
Rouyer, C., Gilles, P.-Y., Bochatay, K., & Congard, A. (2012). Reduire les inégalités sociales à I’université:
Présentation d’un dispositif d’aide à l’orientation et à la transition secondaire-supérieur.
Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 41(3), 469-495.
Tsao, R., Velay, J.-L., Barbier, M.-L., & Gombert, A. (2012). Étude de l’écriture chez des adultes porteurs
de trisomie 21. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 23, 22-33.
Vernay, F., & Roussey, J.-Y. (2012). Présentation d’un support informatique de reconnaissance de mots
écrits pour des enfants non verbaux avec autisme. Enfance, 64(4), 411-422.
Wallez, C., Schaeffer, J., Meguerditchian, A., Vauclair, J., Schapiro, S. J., & Hopkins, W. D. (2012).
Contrast of hemispheric lateralization for oro-facial movements between learned attention-getting
sounds and species-typical vocalizations in chimpanzees: Extension in a second colony. Brain and
Language, 123(1), 75-79.
Wallez, C., & Vauclair, J. (2012). First evidence of population-level oro-facial asymmetries during the
production of distress calls by macaque (Macaca mulatta) and baboon (Papio anubis) infants.
Behavioural Brain Research, 234(1), 69-75.
Weise, D. R., Arciszewski, T., Verlhiac, J.-F., Pyszczynski, T., & Greenberg, J. (2012). Terror management
and attitudes toward immigrants: Differential effects of mortality salience for low and high
right-wing authoritarians. European Psychologist, 17(1), 63-72.
ACL 2013
Aillaud, M., & Piolat, A. (2013). Compréhension et appréciation de l’humour : approche
cognitivo-émotionnelle. Psychologie Française, 58, 255-275.
Blättler, C., Ferrari, V., Didierjean, A., & Marmèche, É. (2013). L’extrapolation du mouvement
(Representational Momentum) dans les scènes visuelles dynamiques. L’Année psychologique,
113(01), 93-121.
Bourjade, M., Meunier, H., Blois-Heulin, C., & Vauclair, J. (2013). Baboons’ hand preference for a
communicative gesture, but not for a simple manipulative action, is not influenced by spatial
factors. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(6), 651-661.
Brock, A. M., Truillet, P., Oriola, B., Jouffrais, C., & Picard, D. (2013). Map design for visually impaired
people: past, present, and future research. Mediation & Information, 36, 117-129.
Canteloup, C., Vauclair, J., & Meunier, H. (2013). Hand preferences on unimanual and bimanual tasks in
Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 152, 315-321.
Fabre, M., Barbier, M.-L., & Jullien, N. (2013). Shorts Message Services of deaf teenagers and adults:
what can we learn from their spontaneous writing? La nouvelle revue de l’adaptation et de la
scolarisation, 63(3), 263-276.
Glaveanu, V., Lubart, T., Bonnardel, N., Botella, M., de Biaisi, P.-M., Desainte-Catherine, M., Zenasni, F.
(2013). Creativity as action: Findings from five creative domains. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 1-14.
Harma, K., Gombert, A., & Roussey, J.-Y. (2013). Impact of mainstreaming and disability visibility on
social representations of disability and otherness held by junior high school pupils. International
Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 60(4), 312-331.
Jover, M., Ducrot, S., Huau, A., Bellocchi, S., Brun-Hénin, F., & Mancini, J. (2013). Les troubles moteurs
chez les enfants dyslexiques: Revue de travaux et perspectives. Enfance, 2013(4), 323-347.
Meguerditchian, A., Vauclair, J., & Hopkins, W. D. (2013). On the origins of human handedness and
language: A comparative review of hand preferences for bimanual coordinated actions and
gestural communication in nonhuman primates. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(6), 637-650.
Meunier, H., Fagard, J., Maugard, A., Briseño, M., Fizet, J., Canteloup, C., Vauclair, J. (2013). Patterns of
hemispheric specialization for a communicative gesture in different primate species.
Developmental Psychobiology, 55(6), 662-671.
Meunier, H., Fizet, J., & Vauclair, J. (2013). Tonkean macaques communicate with their right hand. Brain
and Language, 126(2), 181-87.
Meunier, H., Prieur, J., & Vauclair, J. (2013). Olive baboons communicate intentionally by pointing.
Animal Cognition, 16, 155-163.
Mohamed-Ahmed, A., Bonnardel, N., Côté, P., & Tremblay, S. (2013). Cognitive load management and
architectural design outcomes. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1(3),
Perret, P., Dauvier, B., Bailleux, C., & Thomachot, L. (2013). Intégration relationnelle en mémoire de
travail et intelligence fluide chez I’enfant. L’Année Psychologique, 113(2), 191-212.
Picard, D., Albaret, J.-M., & Mazella, A. (2013). Haptic identification of raised-line drawings by children,
adolescents and young adults: An age-related skill. Haptics-e, 5, 24-28.
Picard, D., & Blanc, N. (2013). Need for Humor Scale: Validation with French children. Psychological
Reports, 112(2), 502-518.
Roger, M., Knutsen, D., Bonnardel, N., & Le Bigot, L. (2013). Landmark frames of reference in interactive
route description tasks. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(4), 497-504.
Schlösser, O., Frese, M., Heintze, A.-M., Al-Najjar, M., Arciszewski, T., Besevegis, E., Zhang, K. (2013).
Humane orientation as a new cultural dimension of the GLOBE project: A validation study of the
GLOBE Scale and out-group humane orientation in 25 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, 44(4), 535-551.
Scola, C., Arciszewski, T., Measelle, J., & Vauclair, J. (2013). Infant-holding bias variations in
mother–child relationships: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology,
10(6), 707-722.
Vauclair, J., & Cochet, H. (2013). Hand preference for pointing and language development in toddlers.
Developmental Psychobiology, 55(7), 757-765.
Vauclair, J., Fagard, J., & Blois‐Heulin, C. (2013). Lateralization, praxis, and communicative gestures:
Developmental and comparative perspectives. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(6), 575-576.
Wallez, C., & Vauclair, J. (2013). Human (Homo sapiens) and baboon (Papio papio) chimeric face
processing: Right-hemisphere involvement. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 127(3), 236‑ 236.
ACL 2014
Aillaud, M., & Piolat, A. (2014). Nature du lexique émotionnel produit en situation d’appréciation et de
rejet de dessins d’humour noir et d’humour non noir. Canadian Journal of Experimental
Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 68(3),
Bourjade, M., Meguerditchian, A., Maille, A., Gaunet, F., & Vauclair, J. (2014). Olive baboons, Papio
anubis, adjust their visual and auditory intentional gestures to the visual attention of others.
Animal Behaviour, 87, 121-128.
Cochet, H., Jover, M., Oger, L., & Vauclair, J. (2014). Morphological differences between imperative and
declarative pointing: Hand shape, arm extension, and body posture. Journal of Motor Behavior,
46(4), 223-232.
Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2014). Deictic gestures and symbolic gestures produced by adults in an
experimental context: hand shapes and hand preferences. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain
and Cognition, 19(3), 278-301.
Dauvier, B., Bailleux, C., & Perret, P. (2014). The development of relational integration during childhood.
Developmental Psychology, 50(6), 1687-1697.
Didierjean, A., Ferrari, V., & Blättler, C. (2014). Role of Knowledge in Motion Extrapolation: The
Relevance of an Approach Contrasting Experts and Novices. Psychology of Learning and Motivation
61, 215-235.
Donnot, J., Phelip, M., Blättler, C., & Vauclair, J. (2014). Children below 9 years use both verbal cues and
lateralized cues to orient their attention in an emotional dichotic listening task. Laterality, 19(5),
Duprez, C., Christophe, V., Rimé, B., Congard, A., & Antoine, P. (2014). Motives for the social sharing of
an emotional experience. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1‑31.
Enea-Drapeau, C., Huguet, P., & Carlier, M. (2014). Misleading face-based judgment of cognitive level in
intellectual disability: The case of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Research in Developmental
Disabilities, 35(12), 3598-3605.
Fartoukh, M., Chanquoy, L., & Piolat, A. (2014a). Influence d’une induction émotionnelle sur le ressenti
émotionnel et la production orthographique d’enfants de CM1 et de CM2. L’Année Psychologique,
114, 251-288.
Fartoukh, M., Chanquoy, L., & Piolat, A. (2014b). Mood induction in children: Effect of the affective
valence of a text on phonological working memory. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10(3),
Fort, I., Pacaud, C., & Gilles, P.-Y. (2014). Job search intention, theory of planned behavior, personality
and job search experience. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,15,
Galy, É., & Gaudin, C. (2014). Vigilance et tension: effet de l’organisation du travail et de la perception de
la situation de travail. Le travail humain, 77(4), 301-323.
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