sheila hicks - Gallery La Peche, Los Angeles, California


sheila hicks - Gallery La Peche, Los Angeles, California
b. 1934
Yale University, New Haven, CT, M.F.A
Yale University, New Haven, CT, B.F.A
La Pêcher Dans La Rivière, Alison Jacques Gallery, London
Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York
Sheila Hicks: 50 years, Mint Museum, Charlotte, N.C.
Sheila Hicks: One Hundred Minimes, Museum of Decorative
Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
Sheila Hicks: 50 years, Institute of Contemporary Art,
Philadelphia, PA
Cent Minimes, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Sheila Hicks: 50 years, Addison Gallery of American Art,
Andover, MA
Sheila Hicks – Hors Normes, Sculptures Textiles, Passage de
Retz, Paris, France
Minimes, Davis & Langdale Company, Inc., New York
Entrelaces par Sheila Hicks, Passage de Retz, Paris, France
Sheila Hicks: Weaving as Metaphor, Bard Graduate Centre for
Studies in Decorative Arts, Design and Culture, New York
Sheila Hicks, Soie et Ardoise, Petites Pieces, Centre des
Expositions, Trelaze, France
Not So Soft, La Pêche, Los Angeles, CA
Textured Planes, Demisch Danant, New York
Pliage / Fold, Gagosian Gallery, Paris, France
L’Almanach 14, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
Cartagena Biennial, Cartagena, Colombia
Whitney Biennial, New York, NY
Fiber: Sculpture 1969 – Present, curated by Jenelle Porter, ICA,
Boston, MA
W W W . G A L L E R Y L A P E C H E . C O M 5 3 6 5 W . A D A M S B L V D L O S A N G E L E S , C A 9 0 0 1 6 SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS cont.
Shaping Modernity: Design 1880 – 1980, Part Two, Museum of
Modern Art, New York
Threaded Stories, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, UK
To Open Eyes: Art and Textiles from the Bauhaus to Today,
Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
Decorum: Tapis et Tapisseries d’artistes, Musée D’art Moderne,
Paris, France
São Paulo Biennal, São Paulo
Décor et Installations, Les Gobelins Beauvais, Paris, France
Unpainted Paintings, Luxembourg & Dayan, New York
Every Thing Design, Die Sammlungen des Museum für
Gestaltung, Zürich
Elles@centrepompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Tapisserie Contemporaine et Art Textile en Europe, Académie
des beaux-arts, Paris
Recent Acquisitions, 2003–2008, Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt,
National Design Museum, New York
Looking Forward/Looking Back: Recent Acquisitions in 20th-and
21st-Century Design, Smithsonian
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York
Jouer la Lumiere, Musee des Arts decoratifs, Paris
Chongju International Craft Biennale, Changju, Korea
300 Year Anniversary Show, Yale University Art Gallery, New
Haven, CT
Smithsonian Archives of American Art Medal
Gold Medal, American Crafts Council
Officier des Arts et des Lettres, France
Medal of Fine Arts, French Academy of Architecture
Gold Medal, American Institute of Architects
1954-57 Fullbright grant to study painting in Chile
Honorary Doctorate, Rhode Island School of Design
Fellow of the Kunst Akademie, The Hague, Holland
Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA, USA
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, USA
W W W . G A L L E R Y L A P E C H E . C O M 5 3 6 5 W . A D A M S B L V D L O S A N G E L E S , C A 9 0 0 1 6 COLLECTIONS cont.
Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York, NY
Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO, USA
Industriet Museum, Oslo, Norway
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA
Kustgewerbemuseum, Zurich, Switzerland
Kunstmuseum, Oldenburg, Germany
Manufacture des Gobelins, Paris, France
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Minneapolis Institute of Art, MN, USA
The Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC, USA
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
Musée des Beaux Arts, Brest, France
Musée des Beaux Arts, Pau, France
Musée de la Mode et du Textile, Paris, France
Musée de la Tapisserie, Angers, France
Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile
Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico
Museum of Art and Design, New York, NY, USA
Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA
Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA
Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
The Museum of Nebraska Art, Kearney, NE, USA
The North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, ND, USA
Okawa Museum, Kiryu, Japan
Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA, USA
The Renwick Gallery, Washington, D.C., MD, USA
Saint Louis Art Museum, MO, USA
The Smart Museum, Chicago, IL, USA
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., MD, USA
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT, USA
Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, CT, USA
W W W . G A L L E R Y L A P E C H E . C O M 5 3 6 5 W . A D A M S B L V D L O S A N G E L E S , C A 9 0 0 1 6