Février 2015 - WordPress.com


Février 2015 - WordPress.com


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Mars/Avril 2015

Mars/Avril 2015 of Biology Texas Woman's UniversityDenton, Texas Initial telephone interviews have begun, but prompt applications from strong candidates are welcome.!  http://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?jobco...

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La gazette du GDR 3606 REPRO

La gazette du GDR 3606 REPRO and records of self-financing, a proposed research program of 5 to 10 (maximum) pages and contact details for 3 professional references. The deadline for applications is July 10 2016. Please send a...

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La recherche en Reproduction

La recherche en Reproduction Sonia Dourlot (p.38), Paolo Giacobini (p.18), Norbert Ghyselinck, (p.9), Jangle1969 (p.6), Dan Larhammer (p.3), Thierry Neveu (p.3, p.17) Jurgen Otto (p.20), Jonathan Zohar (p.41), Olivier Kah (aut...

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