Dépliant bœuf + doux-4
Dépliant bœuf + doux-4
K=de mo'ete da namerite wotlandsko gove'do v +r[ksel Mar a bhfaighfeá mairteoil Albanach sa Bhruiséil R E S TA U R A N T S Where to find Scotch beef in Brussels L’ATELIER EUROPEEN CASTELLO BANFI Rue Franklin 28 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.734.91.40 (Fax 02.735.35.98) www.atelier-euro.be Rue Bodenbroeck 12 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.512.87.94 www.castellobanfi.be Closed: Saturday - Sunday Cuisine: French Closed: Sunday, Monday Cuisine: Italian JB Rue de Grand Cerf 24 - 1000 Brussel Tel. 02.512.04.84 Closed: Saturday noon, Sunday www.restaurantjb.be Onde encontrar um bom bife escocês em Bruxelas Dónde se puede comer ternera escocesa en Bruselas AU VIEUX SAINT-MARTIN Place du Grand Sablon 38 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.512.64.76 Où trouver du bœuf écossais à Bruxelles Closed: Monday Cuisine: Belgian Waar kun je Schots rundvlees eten in Brussel LA ROTONDE VINCENT Rue de l’Enseignement 5 - 1000 Brussels Tel. Rue des Dominicains 8/10 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.511.23.03 www.restaurantvincent.com Closed: Saturday noon, Sunday www.larotonde.be Closed: Open 7 days a week Cuisine: Belgian Dove trovare la carne bovina scozzese a Bruxelles Missä täällä Brysselissä saa skotlantilaista naudanliha BIBERIUM LES BRIGITTINES - AUX MARCHES DE LA CHAPELLE LE SAINT-GEORGES Cantersteen 55 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.502.52.25 Place de la Chapelle 5 - 1000 Brussels Tel. 02.512.68.91 Closed: Sunday, Saturday noon Cuisine: Brasserie, International - Fusion Closed: Sunday, Saturday noon Cuisine: Brasserie, Belgian, French Av. E. Max 81 - 1030 Brussels Tel. 02.736.78.26 www.lesaintgeorges.be 1030 SCHAERBEEK Hvor kan jeg få skotsk oksekød i Bruxelles 1000 BRUSSELS Kur rasti skotiskos jautienos Briuselyje Cuisine: Fish dishes, Brasserie, Belgian Rue de Florence 26 - 1050 Brussels Tel. 02.537.69.95 Pom ya brv stiq Brmj[lleq Skvts[ziko bvdiy] kr[aq www2.resto.be/choudebruxelles/ Closed: Sunday, Monday noon, Saturday noon Cuisine: Seasonal, Belgian Var hittar man biff från Skottland i Bryssel Kur Briselç atrast liellopu gaïu no Skotijas Hol lehet talàlni Skòt marhahust Brüsszelben Kde je dostat’ S̆kótske hovädzie v Bruseli 1050 IXELLES Kde se da sehnat Skotske hovezi v Bruselu 1083 GANSHOREN Kus Ma Leian Shoti veiseliha Bruellis Av. Jules Dujardin 23 - 1150 Brussels Tel. 02.770.24.14 www.lemucha.be ROYALE DUJARDIN Rue de Trève 42 - 1050 Brussels Tel/fax. Av. Adophe Buyl 6 - 1050 Brussels Tel. 02 554 1860 (Also event catering services) www.the-staff.be Closed: Saturday, Sunday SAN DANIELE Unde sã gãsim carne de vitã scolpianã in Bruxelles LE MUCHA THE STAFF Gdzie zjes’c’ szkocka˛ wolowine˛ w Brukseli Fejn tista' ssib laham Skocciz fi Brussel 1150 WOLUWE-ST-PIERRE LE CHOU DE BRUXELLES Av. Charles Quint 6 - 1083 Brussels Tel. 02.426.79.23 www.san-daniele.be Closed: Sunday, Monday Cuisine: Italian DELICASSEN & SUPERMARKETS Wo kann man hier in Brüssel schottisches Rindfleisch essen Closed: Sundays www.royale-dujardin.be ROB FINE FOOD Blvd de la Woluwe 28 - 1150 Bruxelles Tel. 02.771.20.60 Closed: Sundays www.robfinefood.be DELHAIZE SUPERMARKETS Located throughout Belgium Scottish beef production is centred on specialist beef breeds, such as Aberdeen Angus, Galloway, Charolais and Limousin. This and the unique environment in which cattle are raised, contributes to a product many connoisseurs and top chefs believe is the best in the world. The geographic origin and traditional production methods of the Scottish red meat industry have brought further recognition to the specific qualities of Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb. Both have been approved, and are protected under EC Regulation 2081/92 for Products of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). Suckler bred calves are traditionally reared on Scottish hills and matured slowly on lowland farms. Calves receive their mother’s milk until they are weaned aged about nine months. Once weaned, cattle are predominantly grass fed.