À la carte - Ferme Auberge du Kreuzweg


À la carte - Ferme Auberge du Kreuzweg
La Ferme Auberge du Kreuzweg - 21 route du Kreuzweg - 67140 Le Hohwald - Tél. 0033 (0)3 88 08 35 00
À la carte dishes
Cold dishes
Plate of crudities
Plate of ham with crudities
Plate of homemade smoked wild boar ham with crudities
6,90 €
7,90 €
8,80 €
Product benefiting the entire reduction of VAT
Homemade Duck terrine on crudities
Homemade wild boar terrine on crudities
Homemade Duck Foie Gras
9,30 €
9,30 €
14,30 €
All starters are made from fresh ingredients!
Main dishes
Candied Duck thigh or gigolets "Homemade" (15min)
Duck magret or aiguillettes " Homemade" (15 min)
Boar stew (Local Origin Game)
14,40 €
16,50 €
14,40 €
Product benefiting the entire reduction of VAT
Munsterpfanel with green salad (10 min)
13,40 €
A fried of hot Munster served with fried potatoes and soared with cumin
Käse Spätzle with fried onions
13,90 €
Homemade fried pasta topped with Alsatian Munster cheese and fried
Munster or Tome cheese
3,50 €
Portion of Munster cheese or Tome of Alsace (Local Production: Farm
"Richard" Steige)
Menus MustWeb
La Ferme Auberge du Kreuzweg - 21 route du Kreuzweg - 67140 Le Hohwald - Tél. 0033 (0)3 88 08 35 00
Prix nets. Toutes taxes comprises
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