EnsaPLV Course Description 2014-2015
EnsaPLV Course Description 2014-2015
MASTER 1 - SEMESTER 8 EnsaPLV Course Description 2014-2015 TITLE : SEMINAR OPTION : PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES IN A SUSTAINABLE PROJECT Course Code: M86‐So838 Teachers: P. BLANDIN Objective Introduction to a sustainable project in the field of the built environment in France and abroad. Contents International intervention framework: technical, legal, economic and institutional data. Examples of specific interventions: requalification of open lands into eco‐neighbourhoods, new Valenciennes neighbourhoods, issues of intervention in a safeguarded perimeter: eco‐neighbourhood of Senlis. International sustainable projects in New York, Moscow, Hanoi, Pristina, Mogadiscio, Panama. 1‐ « Démarches d'aménagements durables : villes et quartiers » Jacqueline Samulon : Urbaniste, IEP URBA, IUP, 2‐ « Les éléments de langage des projets durables » Philippe Delaroche : Rédacteur en chef de Lire, journaliste, écrivain. 3‐ « BROOKLYN (NY) et projets durables» : Jessica Label : Architecte DPLG / MA / Après des études à Columbia University (New York), Jessica Label a créé en 2000 à Paris l'atelier d'architecture IN/ON. Parmi ses réalisations : 15 logements Paris 11ème, 12 logements Paris 18ème, 4000m2 de rénovation Paris 10ème, le siège social de Westfalia Systemtechnik Allemagne, le siège social et unité de production de Westfalia USA, le concours du nouveau Musée des Beaux Arts de Lausanne, des résidences privées, éco quartier lille et valenciennes 28 000 m² , éco quarier Senlis 110 000 m²etc. 1/ ‘Sustainable management approaches: cities and neighbourhoods’ Jacqueline Samulon : Urbanist, IEP URBA, IUP 2/ ‘Elements of language in sustainable projects’ Philippe Delaroche: editor‐in‐chief of Lire, journalist, novelist 3/ ‘Brooklyn (NY) and sustainable projects’ Jessica Label: Architect DPLG / MA / After studies at Columbia University (New York), Jessica Label created the IN/ON Workshop in Paris in 2000. Among her works: 15 dwellings in Paris’ 11th district, 12 dwellings in Paris’ 18th district, 4000m2 of renovations in Paris’ 10th district, central office of Westfalia Systemtechnik Germany, cental office and production unit of Westfalia USA, new Musée des Beaux Arts de Lausanne competition, private residences, eco‐neighbourhoods in Lille and Valenciennes of 28,000m2, Senlis eco‐ neighbourhood of 110,000m2, etc. Organisation and Nature of work required Lecture courses, lectures and debates. Assessment Continuous assessment 75% Partial or final exam 25% Course given in French 1 / 1