Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name: Mohamed NEJI Date and place of Birth : 16 July 1979 at Sfax. Civil situation : Married Postal Adress : Route El Ain Km 6 3042, Sfax Chez Mokhtar NEJI. Professional Adress : Institut Supérieur d’Informatique de Medenine, Route El Jorf Km 3 Ibn Khaldoun, Medenine, Tunisie. Phone : +216 74 630310,+216 24 502 756 Fax : +216 74 654 897 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Main Degrees Since 09-10 Phd Student In Computer Science Engineering, National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia. Titre: Towards an intelligent information research system based on the human behavior: recognition of user emotional state, Supervised by Prof. Adel Mohamed ALIMI. 2009 Certificate of Computer Science and Internet, Virtual University of Tunis. 2007 Master graduate in SINT, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Sfax, Tunisia. Titre : Multidimensional Schema Evolution - Integrating New OLAP Requirements, Supervised by Dr Jamel FEKI. 2003 Four-year degree in Management Computer Science, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Sfax, Tunisia. 1999 Bachelor degree,Technical, from the 15 Novembre 1955 Secondary Scholl, Sfax, Tunisia. 1 Training and research 2012 November and December: Participation in training workshops in English (Listening, Speaking, Reading et Writing) in the National Engineering School of Sfax. 2009 May: Animation of a training workshop“Basic Computer”for trainers in the integration of TIC in Higher Education, Higher Institute of Computer and Management of Kairouan. 2008 January : Participation in the training workshop “Exploitation de la plate forme Moodle”, ISIG, University of Kairouan. 2007 Du 02-07 au 06-07: Certification preparation LPI (Linux Professional Institute), Iset Sfax. 2004 Training course Psycho-pedagogical in the Sfax CREFOC for the preparation of CAPES competition . 2003 April: Training in the REGIM Unit, ENIS, University of Sfax. Teaching and Professional Experience Since November 2011 , Assistant in the Higher Institute of Computer Sciences of Medenine 2009-2011 : PES in the Higher Institute of Business Administration of Sfax 2005-2009 : PES in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Kairouan. participation in scientific events 2012 May : International Conference On Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS’12, Tanger, Morocco. 2011 April : International Conference On Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education”, EDUCON’11, Amman, Jordan. 2 2010 July : International Conference On Next Generation Networks and Services”, NGNS’10, Marrakesh, Morocco. 2007 October : Participation in the second Workshop of Decision Information system, Sousse, Tunisia. 2006 May : Participation in the Days Information Technology (JTI’06), Distributed Information Systems Technologies: The New Trends, Kairouan, Tunisia. Publications NEJI, M., BEN AMMAR M., ALIMI A. M. (2012) “Towards an intelligent information research system based on the human behavior: recognition of user emotional state”. Third International on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS’12, May 10-12 2012, Tanger, Morocco. NEJI, M., BEN AMMAR M., ALIMI A. M. (2011) “Real-Time affective learner profile analysis using an EMASPEL framework”. Second International on Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education, EDUCON’11, 664-670, April 4-6 2011, Amman, Jordan. NEJI, M., BEN AMMAR M., ALIMI A. M. (2010) “Vers un système de recherche d’information intelligent à base de comportement humain: cas de ressources pédagogiques”. Second International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services, NGNS’10, 235-238, 8-10 July, 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco. NEJI M., NABLI A., FEKI J., GARGOURI F. (2006) “Multidimensional Schema Evolution: Integrating new OLAP requirements”, the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS’06, 23 - 27, May 2006, Paphos - Cyprus. NEJI M., NABLI A., FEKI J., GARGOURI F. (2006) “Evolution des besoins OLAP : restructuration des magasins de données”. Sixième journées scientifiques des jeunes chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique, GEI’O6, 24-26 Mars 2006, Hammamet, Tunisie. NEJI M., NABLI A., FEKI J., GARGOURI F. (2005) “Etude de l’évolution des magasins de données suite à l’apparition des nou3 veaux besoins OLAP”. Cinquième journées scientifiques des jeunes chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique, GEI’05, 25-27 Mars 2005, Sousse, Tunisie. Affiliation 2012 : Member of the Organizing Committee of RoboComp, 22 December 2012, Palais des sciences de Monastir, Tunisia. 2011 : President of the Committee “Education Student Chapter in ENIS”, 2011. : Member of the Organizing Committee of NGNS’11, November 2011, Hammamet, Tunisia. Depuis 2009 Member in the REGIM Lab (REsearch Group on Intelligent Machines) ENIS-Sfax. Since 2008 Member IEEE and ACM. Knowledge Basic Software : Internet, Bureautique, LATEX; OS: Dos, Unix, Win 2000/Me/XP/Vista/Win 7; Programmation: JAVA, C, SQL, PHP, HTML, VB, VRML; Data maining : OLAPCube, Tanagra, SIPINA; SGBD : SQL Server, Oracle(8, 9, 10 express), Access; Conception : Merise, UML,OMT, PowerAMC, StarUml, Rational Rose; Multimedia Tools : Flash MX, Photoshop CS, Adobe Premiere, Dreamweaver MX, Coral Draw, Picasa 2, MovieXone; Cooperation Tools : Lotus Notes, MS Project; 4
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