PG208 : Object Oriented Programming in C++ - Enseirb


PG208 : Object Oriented Programming in C++ - Enseirb
PG208 : Object Oriented Programming in C++
Shared by UV(s) :
Micro informatics
page 0
ECTS credits :
Evaluation :
S1: ET x0.75 + CC x0.25
Number of hours :
Lecture :
Practical work :
Teacher(s) :
LE GAL Bertrand
Title :
Object Oriented Programming in C++
Abstract :
In this course, object-orientation is introduced as a new programming concept which should help you in
developing high quality software. Object-orientation is also introduced as a concept which makes developing of
projects easier. However, this is not a course for learning only the C++ programming language it first introduces
the object concepts then it applies then to C++ and finally present the UML langage used in object based projects.
Plan :
1. Notions de programmation objet.
2. Introduction au langage C++.
3. Eléments de base concernant la syntaxe du langage.
4. Les classes en C++ et les constructeurs.
5. La sucharge des fonctions et des opérateurs.
6. L'héritage et le polymorphisme.
7. Les classes et fonctions template.
8. Utilisation des S.T.L. (Standard Template Library).
Prerequisite :
Connaissance du langage C.
Online course :
Introduction au langage UML :
21/02/2017 - 00:18:38