Comment parler d`habitudes, de goûts, de vérité générale?


Comment parler d`habitudes, de goûts, de vérité générale?
Comment parler de ce qui est en train de se passer?
Comment parler d'habitudes, de goûts, de vérité générale?
This is a picture of a block of flats.
The scene takes place in a street.
There are twelve characters. A man is watching them,
On the third floor, through the first window from the left, a man is making his bed,
He makes his bed every morning,
Through the second window from the left, a child is riding a bike/cycling on the balcony. He
rarely cycles on the balcony because it is dangerous. Through the last window from the left, a
woman is having breakfast , she often eats eggs for breakfast but seldom drinks milk because she
prefers tea.
On the second floor , through the first window from the left , a man and a woman are quarreling
are arguing
They argue twice a month because the man sometimes comes back late .Through the third
window from the left , there is a phone on a desk. It is not ringing . It never rings because nobody
lives in the flat.
Through the fourth window from the left, a man is juggling with plates while he is cooking. He
seldom juggles with plates for he often breaks them.
On the first floor, through the second window from the left, a woman is feeding her baby while
her husband is reading the new paper. She feeds it six times a day while her husband never looks
after it. Through the third window from the left, a woman is sleeping in front of her TV. She sleeps
in front of her TV every afternoon. Through the last window, a man is singing while he is shaving.
He hardly ever sings but usually whistles while he shaves.
Pour parler de ce qui est en train de se passer, on utilise le présent be+ing . Son auxiliaire est be
conjugué au présent , il apparaît à TOUTES LES FORMES. L'auxiliaire est suivi de la base verbale
(=infinitif sans to ) à laquelle on ajoute ing.
I am
You are
He/she/It is
We are
You are
They are
Forme affirmative
S+Aux be au présent + Bving +Ct
Ex: She is feeding her baby.
They are arguing
Forme negative
S+Aux be au présent + Not + Bving+Ct
Ex:She is not feeding her baby.
They are not arguing.
A l'écrit, il vaut mieux utiliser les formes pleines (is not-are not). A l'oral, on peut utiliser les
formes contractées (isn't -aren't)
Forme interrogative:
(WH-) + AUX BE conjugué au présent + S + BV ing + Ct
EX: Is she feeding her baby ?
Yes , she is .
No , she isn't .
Where are they arguing ?
They are arguing on the balcony .
Le présent Be+ing peut aussi avoir une valeur de :
de faits)
Ex: He washes his car every Sunday. (Simple énoncé d’habitudes,
Ex: He’s washing his car every Sunday.
Le locuteur (= celui qui parle) ajoute un commentaire, en général négatif. Ici, le
locuteur pense que HE pourrait faire autre chose et donc ça l’agace.
Lorsqu’on parle d’un futur assez proche, on peut utiliser BE+ing.
Ex: Mr Mortelette. “I’m not coming this afternoon.”
Pour les verbes monosyllabiques se terminant par Consonne Voyelle Consonne, il faut doubler la
consonne finale avant d'ajouter la terminaison ING afin de consever la prononciation originale .
EX: To hop → he is hopping
To chat → he is chatting
To drop → he is dropping
Pour parler de vérité générale, d'habitudes ou de goûts, on utilise le présent simple son auxiliaire est
DO, il n'apparaît qu'aux formes négative et interrogative . Il devient DOES à la 3 ème personne du
Forme affirmative:
S + BV + Ct
HE / SHE / IT + BV – s + Ct
- es + Ct
EX: she feeds her baby six times a day .
They often argue .
Pour les verbes se terminant par un /Y/ sonore (on l'entend tout seul), il faut remplacer le /Y/ par
/IE/ avant d'ajouter le /S/ à la 3ème personne du singulier.
Forme négative
S + AUX DO + NOT + BV + Ct
HE / SHE / IT + AUX DOES + NOT + BV + Ct
EX: she does not feed her baby six times a day .
They do not often argue.
A l'écrit, il vaut mieux utiliser les formes pleines (DO NOT – DOES NOT).
Mais à l'oral on peut utiliser les formes contractées (DON'T – DOESN'T).
Forme interrogative
(WH-) + AUX DO + S + BV + Ct ?
(WH-) + AUX DOES + HE / SHE / IT + BV + Ct ?
EX: does she feed her baby six times a day ?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't.
Where do you they argue ?
They often argue on the blacony.
ATTENTION: Les adverbes de fréquence se placent toujours devant la Base Verbale. Les adverbes
de fréquence sont:
- Often
- Always
- Never
- Usually
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Seldom
- Hardly ever