Emails received on February 20, 2014 De tout cœur avec vous pour


Emails received on February 20, 2014 De tout cœur avec vous pour
Emails received on February 20, 2014
►De tout cœur avec vous pour la réouverture de Melkonian. C'est une honte de ne pas
respecter la volonté des donateurs. Scandaleux est l'attitude de l'AGBU et de son actuel
président, qui persistent dans leur bêtise et signent leur mépris de la volonté de tous les
arméniens, sauf la leur, bien sûr. Ceci s'appelle aussi usurpation et falsification d'un
testament ...
Véronique et Vasken Séringulian, Coupvray, France
Translation :
I am wholeheartedly with you for the reopening of Melkonian. It's a shame not to respect the
will of donors. Outrageous is the attitude of the AGBU and of its current president, who persists
in their stupidity and sign contempt them of the will of all Armenians, except their own, well
course. This is also called theft and forgery of a will...
Véronique and Vasken Seringulian, Coupvray, France
►I want MEI to re-open because it has given me so much for the rest of my life. As an MEI
student for 6 years I had the most amazing experiences living with fellow Armenians and
learning things which I couldn't have learnt anywhere else. Also, I would love my child to attend
my school. I live in a town with very few Armenians and no primary Armenian school.
We owe it to the next generations of Armenians all over the world, the school must re-open.
Anna Haroutunian, Paphos, Cyprus
► A great school lies idle for almost the past decade... Instead, it could have served the
educational needs of the Armenian communities in the Diaspora as well as providing a safe
haven for the children living through daily hell, especially in the war-torn countries of Iraq and
Syria. It's time the AGBU Central Board rectifies its mistake and reopens the Melkonian for the
sake of the coming generations!
Shiraz Iskenderian Melbourne, Australia
► I support the communiqué of Melkoniantsi for re-opening of the Melkonian Educational
Institute. The subject institute is part of the Armenian Diaspora belongings and it should remain
as such. Also, the use of this patrimony has to remain in the same scope as its donators wished!
If the current administrators are not capable of managing it properly, then they should transmit it
to a democratically elected committee. Otherwise the weight of the public memory will be
forever on them and on their descendents.
Alexandre Torosyan, Auvernier, Switzerland