DEBATE How to support the WHO in keeping to its fundamental


DEBATE How to support the WHO in keeping to its fundamental
In memory of Dr. Eric Ram, founder of the
NGO Forum for Health
60th World Health Assembly
How to support the WHO
in keeping to its
fundamental principles
Dr. Hani Serag, PHM Global Secretariat
People’s Health Movement and Alma Ata Principles
Dr. Martin Khor, Director, Third World Network and
PHM Global Steering Council
Threats of globalization to Alma Ata Principles
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director, Institute of Science in Society, UK
Why does WHO think Genetically Modified Food is safe?
Dr. Michel Fernex, Emeritus professor, Faculty of Medicine Basel, formerly Tropical
Diseases Research Steering Committee, WHO
WHO agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency
Dr. Thelma Narayan, Director, Community Health Cell, India
Strategies today to support WHO in keeping to fundamental principles
Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, Director, PAHO
Dr. Lida Lhotska, IBFAN
Tuesday May 15, 2007
2 pm to 7 pm
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Room XXII
Interpretation in French and English
Organised by CMC – Churches Action for Health, NGO Forum for Health,
People’s Health Movement (PHM), and Europe - Third World Centre (CETIM)
En mémoire du Dr. Eric Ram, fondateur du
NGO Forum for Health
60ème Assemblée mondiale de la santé
Comment aider l’OMS à
respecter ses principes
Dr. Hani Serag, Secrétariat général du PHM
Le People’s Health Movement et les principes d’Alma Ata
Dr. Martin Khor, Director, Third World Network et membre du
PHM Global Steering Council
Les menaces de la mondialisation sur les principes d’Alma Ata
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Directrice de l’Institute of Science in Society, GB
Pourquoi l’OMS pense que la nourriture génétiquement modifiée est saine ?
Dr. Michel Fernex, Professeur Emérite, Faculté de médecine Bale,
ex-membre du groupe de travail de recherches sur les maladies tropicales, OMS
L’accord de l’OMS avec l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique
Dr. Thelma Narayan, Directrice du Community Health Cell, Inde
Les stratégies actuelles pour aider l’OMS à respecter ses principes fondamentaux
Dr. Mirta Roses Periago, Directrice, PAHO
Dr. Lida Lhotska, IBFAN
Mardi 15 mai 2007
14.00 à 19.00
Palais des Nations, Genève, Salle XXII
Interprétation en français et anglais
Organisé par CMC – Churches Action for Health, NGO Forum for Health,
People’s Health Movement (PHM) et le Centre Europe – Tiers Monde (CETIM)