Lost and found
Lost and found
Usborne French picture puzzles To print out this puzzle, click on ‘File’ and then ‘Print’ in the menu at the top of your browser. Lost and found Pierre is going into the forest to look for six things that he has dropped there. At the signposts there are animals who can help him. Pierre will find his belongings if, at each signpost, he follows the sign that shows the right answer to what the animal is saying. Can you list (in French, using the right words for “the”) Pierre’s six things in the order he picks them up? They are all shown on the map. Ça va? Sal ut. Bonjour Monsieur. n. a bie Ça v . evoir Au r Salut. va Ça . n bie Bonjour Madame . Comment tu t’appelles? Il s’appelle Pierre. Je m’appelle Pierre. Au r evo ir. va? Ça Salut. Bon jour . Bonjour Monsieur. ut. Sal Elle s’appelle Jeanne. Au revoir. Bonsoir. Ça va bien. oir. Bons Salu t. The six things that Pierre picks up: 1. ......................................................... 2. ......................................................... 3. ......................................................... 4. ......................................................... 5. ......................................................... 6. ......................................................... For clues and answers to this picture puzzle, go to www.usborne-quicklinks.com Copyright Usborne Publishing 2001, 1993