Open letter to the Prime Minister


Open letter to the Prime Minister
From: Jean-Claude Basque <[email protected]>
Open letter to the Prime Minister
August 31, 2000
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister of Canada
House of Commons
Room 309-S, Centre Block
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Prime Minister Chrétien:
We, the undersigned, have followed the situation evolving in the
fisheries since the Supreme Court of Canada rendered its decision in
the Marshall case.
We are very concerned by the attitude and actions of our government in
this matter especially in regard to the Native community of
Esgenoopetitj (Burnt Church). We have seen on the news (August 29,
2000), some appalling actions organized by the Department of Fisheries
and Oceans. These actions are violent and are certainly not conducive
to a peaceful negotiated settlement.
Such settlement will only be achieved if and when your government
acknowledges that Section 35 of the 1982 Canadian Constitution
recognizes aboriginal and treaty rights which include, according to the
Supreme Court of Canada decision in Sparrow, the First Nations of Canada
right to a fishery for food and ceremonial purposes; and according to
the Marshall decision, a treaty right for First Nations in Atlantic
Canada to earn a moderate livelihood from the fishery. Any negotiations
which are not rooted in such a basic acknowledgment are destined to fail.
We urge you, Prime Minister, to get personally involved before it is
too late. Real negotiations between the community of Esgenoopetitj and
the Federal Government should start without any further delay.
Jean Arnold, Executive Director, Fall Brook Centre, Knowsville, N. B.
Fernand Arsenault, Docteur en Théologie/Doctor in Theology, Université de Moncton
Marin Aubin, Avocat/Lawyer
Louise Aucoin, Professeure de droit/Law professor, Université de Moncton
Katherine A. Barnaby, Environmental Project Coordinator/Research Assistant Eel
Ground First Nation, N.B.
Jean-Claude Basque, Représentant Syndical/Union Representative, Canadian Labour
Congress-Congrès du travail du Canada
Sophia Bella, Artist, Hampton, N. B.
Michèle Caron, Professeure de droit/Law professor, Université de Moncton
Herménigilde Chiasson, Président/President, Centre Culturel Aberdeen
Bob Childs, Ten Days for Global Peace
Shirley Childs, Ten Days for Global Peace
Omer Chouuinard, Professeur en Étude de l'environnement/Professor Environmental
Studies, Univ. de Moncton
Amelia Clarke, Environmental Research, Halifax, N. S.
Mary Ann Coleman, Co-ordinatrice du Réseau Environnemental du N-B/Co-ordinator of
the NB Environmental Network
Cynthia Coates, MCPL, (Ret'd), Waterford, N. B.
David Coon, Conservationist
Auréa Cormier, PHD, Membre de l'Ordre du Canada/Member of the Order of Canada
Blair Doucet, Président , Fédération des travailleuses et travailleurs du N.-B./President,
New Brunswick Federation of Labour
Dr. Lucy Dyer, Biologist, Fredericton, N. B.
Carol Ferguson, Fredericton, N. B.
Ronald Fournier, President, The Clearinghouse Group, Glassville, N. B.
Huberte Gautreau, Co-présidente de la Marche mondiale des femmes N-B/Co-chair, New
Brunswick World Women's March
Brigid Grant, Artist, Fredericton, N. B.
Richard Grant, Geologist, Fredericton, N. B.
Gilles Halley, Co-président du Front commun pour la justice sociale N-B, Co-chair, New
Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice
Janice Harvey, Columnist, Waweig
John Hooper, Sculptor, Hampton, N. B.
Sue Hooper, Graphic Artist, Hampton, N. B.
Thaddeus Holownia, Artist & Professor, Sackville, N. B.
Rev. Leslie Jay and Gail Carter Jay, Co-Presidents, Maritime Conference, United Church
of Canada
Claudette Lagrandeur, Co-ordinatrice, Union des Femmes pour l'Équité Salariale NB/
Coordinator, Women's Union for Pay Equity-NB
Michel LeBlanc, Desneiges, Terre à Terre, Moncton, N.-B.
Robert LeBlanc, Professeur de droit/Law Professor, Université de Moncton
Alonzo Léger, Alicia Leger, Aboriginal Rights Coalition
Florien Levesque, écrivain/writer
Ghita Levin, Artist, Baie Verte, N. B.
Willie Lirette, Membre du Conseil national de Développement et
Paix/Member on the National Council of Peace and Development
Clark Phillips, Farmer and Woodlot Owner, Penobsquis, N. B.
Linda Silas, Présidente, Syndicat des infirmiers et infirmières du N.-B./President, New
Brunswick Nurses' Union
Claude Snow, Porte-parole du Comité des 12
Gérard Snow, Université de Moncton
Marc Spence, Biologist and Woodlot owner, Baie Verte, N. B.
Paula Tippet, Physician, Saint John, N. B.
Karen Townsend, Fundy Environmental Action Group, Alma, N. B.
Susan Tyler, Farmer, Woodlot Owner and Teacher, Penobsquis, N. B.
Peggy Woolsey, Teacher and Artist, Saint John, N. B.