Total Control(NASCAR #5) by Pamela Britton
Total Control(NASCAR #5) by Pamela Britton
Total Control(NASCAR #5) by Pamela Britton Just a warning, this book is a tear jerker. The romance is there but it's not in full force like the other Nascar romance books in this series. The lead character in this book is a 10 year old little boy with cancer that wants a wish granted with a Nascar driver. It helps if you've read the other books in the series so that you already know who Todd Peters is and the other surrounding characters that are mentioned in the books. Ms. Britton gives some updates on the other couples in the series. I love how she told you about a driver's life off the track and the events they attend. She really got into the driver's head about his off time and how he handles all the functions going on. Ms. Britton really didn't go into the wish foundation charity. Not sure if she didn't know anyone from that area or not. I thought it was interesting how she brought in a fictional Victory Junction camp and then stated that proceeds from buying the book would go there. That would be enough for me to buy this book. It's a quick enjoyable read.|Total Control by Pamela Britton NASCAR Series Book 5 Indi Wilcox is ticked off with a capital T. Another egotistical sports figure has blown off meeting with a young fan who may have very little time left. Young Benjamin is dying and his wish was to meet the man he considers a hero, a NASCAR driver. She’s not going to put up with it and takes it onto herself to do something about it. Todd Peters has made life about himself and winning, he’s not always a team player either. He has been pegged with the reputation of being the ‘bad boy.’ When the pretty woman comes and tells him what he’s done to the young boy, he sets out to fix it. Todd also loves a good challenge, but could Indi be even too big a challenge for him? The reader is introduced to Todd in passing in the first books, in book four we get to know him somewhat better after Mathew Knight buys the team he races on. This fifth book is different, it has some very real life issues in it as Indi works with very ill children. Another excellent story in this seven book series. **Mild language|Todd admits that he was wrong. Unknowingly he missed 2 meetings with little Benjamin, a kid who has cancer and whose wish was to meet his hero - the NASCAR driver. So he decides to|Todd admits that he was wrong. Unknowingly he missed 2 meetings with little Benjamin, a kid who has cancer and whose wish was to meet his hero - the NASCAR driver. So he decides to do everything he can to make up for it. But the woman who accompanies Benjamin holds his attention as well. Indi has dedicated her life to Miracles, a company that fulfills the wishes of kids with terminal illnesses. And her opinion of Todd is really low, how can somebody let down a kid? But then she gets to know him, no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, and starts to care for him. I love Benjamin, he's such a great kid, so brave. And his relationship with Todd is remarkable. The way Todd started to love the kid, doing everything he can to help. And the race he won for Benjamin, the way he thought about the kid all the time was so heart-wrenching. Todd is a great guy. Some of you may remember him as a rival to the hero of To The Limit. But he now recognizes that his feelings for Kristen weren't the real thing, that Indi is the right woman for him. I like him. And my problem with the book is Indi. She hurt Todd a lot, and her issues are bad. I just can't seem to like any of Pamela Britton's heroines so far. They are mostly okay in the beginning, but the way they deal with pressure and their feelings just rub me the wrong way. Rating: 3.5 stars.|Indi Wilcox travaille pour l'association caritative Miracles qui s'occupe de réaliser le rêve d'enfants gravement malades. Elle essaye d'ailleurs aujourd'hui d'organiser une rencontre entre Benjamin, petit garçon de 10 ans atteint d'une leucémie myéloïde chronique, et Todd Peters, champion de Nascar (et pas de Formule 1 comme indiqué sur la 4ème de couverture). Sauf que Todd a déjà annulé deux rendez-vous et qu'Indi est prête à tout pour que Benjamin puisse vivre son rêve. Cette romance se déroule donc principalement dans le milieu de la course automobile et on apprend beaucoup sur ce sport peu connu pour nous, Français. Tous les passages sur Benjamin, sa famille et sa maladie sont très poignants et on est très souvent bouleversé par ce qui leur arrive. Cependant l'auteur s'appuie trop sur ce sujet au détriment de l'histoire d'amour entre Todd et Indi. Il est d'ailleurs difficile d'être séduit par ce couple qui rencontre beaucoup d'obstacles pour être heureux. Ils sont tous les deux tellement pris par leurs émotions personnelles qu'il leur est quasi impossible d'être ensemble. Et la maladie de Benjamin entoure le récit et nous empêche de vraiment nous sentir proche des deux héros. Le personnage de Todd qui tente de sauver Benjamin malgré tout ce que disent les médecins est touchant (on ressent un peu l'injustice de la situation) mais il est difficile de croire à cette fin qui tient plus du miracle qu'autre chose. Indi n'est pas attachante. Son personnage souffle le chaud et le froid ce qui nous empêche d'être proche d'elle. On a donc un couple qui ne convainc pas et des émotions, liées à la situation de Benjamin, présentes un peu partout, pour combler les faiblesses de cette histoire d'amour. Au final, une histoire qui ne reprend pas vraiment les codes de la romance et qui joue un peu trop sur le pathos avec la maladie de Benjamin pour que le lecteur se sente vraiment embarqué.|I enjoyed the first half of this book much moreso than the last half. It got a bit carried away at the end and it was all ribbons and bows. Todd Peters reminds me of a few real NASCAR bad-boys, but I fail to see the real "bad" in him. All in all he is rather fluffy if not a little distracted by speed and loose women. That is until the completely infuriating Indi Wilcox (yes, a supremely terrible name) comes storming into the circut. She seems too cold, too aloof,etc. I dunno. I liked it overall, especially the descriptions of NASCAR fans, the technical crew chief aspect, and those damn pit lizards...