My Favourite Animal


My Favourite Animal
My Favorite Animal
Each students will have the opportunity to present a project about their favorite animal. This
project will help students begin to initiate conversations in French. This project will also allow
students to record ideas through drawings, approximations of letters and words, and copied
words. Students will also show a curiosity and willingness to learn about the environment.
Family members are welcome to help students prepare. In order to complete the presentation
students need to answer the following questions:
Where does your animal live? (at the farm, in the forest, at the zoo, in people’s homes)
Où est-ce que ton animal vit? (Ferme, maison, foret, ou zoo)
What is its covering?(fur, feathers, scales, or smooth skin)
De quoi est-il recouvert? (fourrure, plumes, ecailles ou peau)
What does it eat? (meat or plants)
Qu’est-ce que ton animal mange? (viande ou plante)
How does the animal move? (run, jump,fly, swim or slither)
Comment est-ce que ton animal se déplace? (court, sauté, vole, nage ou rampe)
Other interesting facts… Autres faits interessants…..
Students are asked to complete their project on the poster paper provided. Students should bring
their presentation to school on their assigned presentation day. Students are welcome to bring
pictures, photographs, drawings, figurines, of stuffed representations of their animal.
Please note your child does not have to write, they can draw pictures, cut and paste or use other
mediums. If you do not feel comfortable completing the project in French, please complete it in
English and I will help the students translate on presentation day.