Tourism and Sustainability


Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
Contents include:
The most beautiful bicyle festival in the world - L’eroica Britannia
Le premier village français à utiliser Totally Locally
New EU tourism project - SMARTOUR
Great links for visiting the Peak District, Staffordshire and Derbyshire
Tourism and Sustainability
Introduction to sustainability and tourism
The Peak District largely straddles the counties of Staffordshire and Derbyshire and you will find in this report a
series of great links if you are thinking of visiting the region.
Sustainability is an enormous area of study, in this report we focus on some of the aspects related to the tourism
industry. Low impact activity holidays such as cycling and walking are very popular especially and these are well
supported in the Peak District, Staffordshire and Derbyshire.
Sustainable accommodation is obviously a key aspect for any green tourist so we are pleased to announce we
have won a new EU project to assist the sector with this issue (see pages 5 and 7 for details). This will not only
provide training and material for accommodation suppliers but also build confidence with green consumers and
increase skill levels in the sector.
Totally Locally has been used in over 60 towns and villages in the UK, as well as in New Zealand and Australia,
and the first French village has recently been launched (more details on pages 11 and 12). This is a grass roots
initiative that has been in operation for a few years and recently Chris Sands received an Honorary degree from
Staffordshire University for his work in this area (page 9).
We hope you enjoy this report
Jon Fairburn and David Ancel
Annotated links for visiting Staffordshire and Derbyshire ����������� 10
Introduction to sustainability and tourism�������������������������������������� 2
The most beautiful bicycle festival in the world – L’eroica Britannia
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
First Totally Locally campaign in France���������������������������������������11
Première campagne Totally Locally en France�����������������������������11
A NEW cycle route for a real slow tourism experience in France13
NEW twitter feed for tourism and events management at
Staffordshire University ���������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Une NOUVELLE route cycliste pour une véritable expérience de
“slow tourism” en France������������������������������������������������������������� 13
NEW app to support tourism in Staffordshire. ������������������������������ 3
Annotated links for visiting Peak District������������������������������������� 13
Should Staffordshire, Derbyshire and the Peak District join the
Fairbooking Campaign?���������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Alton Towers and the Business School launch NEW award�������� 14
NEW - Sustainable Managers in the Tourism Sector (SMARTOUR)
– EU project����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
NOUVEAU - Managers de la durabilité dans le secteur du tourisme
(SMARTOUR) – Projet européen�������������������������������������������������� 7
One year on from Graduation – Charnelle Merritt (BA in Tourism
Management)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
NEW - Erasmus+ Master Loan Scheme launched with first bank in
Spain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Tourism and Events Courses, Faculty of Business, Education and
Law���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
About the authors������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
NEW MSc in Digital Marketing at Staffordshire University������������ 8
Chris Sands the founder of Totally Locally honoured�������������������� 9
Chris Sands, le fondateur de Totally Locally, honor�������������������� 9
Tourism and Sustainability
The most beautiful bicycle festival in the world – L’eroica Britannia
This was the second year that L’eroica Britannia was held in Bakewell. The festival is held over three days
culminating in three races on the Sunday. All participants have to ride bikes made before 1987 and there were
plenty of stalls where you could hire such a bike if you needed to.
The festival is a big celebration of vintage bikes and clothes, great food and live music. Many of the stalls at the
festival are staffed by new companies that have benefitted from the massive increases in cycling over the last ten
years (driven by the success of Bradley Wiggins, Mark Cavendish and many others). About 2 million people now
ride a bike at least once a week in the UK.
This was a fantastic festival and hopefully it will be returning to Bakewell in 2016.
We have placed photos from the festival throughout this issue if you would like a free copy of any of them then
drop us an email.
NEW twitter feed for tourism and events management at Staffordshire University
Tourism and events staff at Staffordshire University have started a new twitter account to promote tourism and
events in the region as well as making a link between the industry and academia. Follow us @tourismsu
NEW app to support tourism in Staffordshire.
Destination Staffordshire have released a new app available for iphone and android versions.
Download on this link or use this QR code:
Tourism and Sustainability
Should Staffordshire, Derbyshire and the Peak District join the Fairbooking Campaign?
FairBooking is a campaign initiated by Cumbria Tourism, Visit Cornwall and New Forest Tourism to help
rebalance the ever increasing commission charges from the online travel agents (OTAs), and to promote
booking direct or through a FairBooking website like ( or (
All too often these OTAs commissions leave not just the destination but the country and result in a loss of profit.
This in turn can impact the local economy of the destination by reducing the amount businesses spend on
refurbishment, staff training and development. Consequently, negatively impacting the local supply chains in
tourist reliant areas, e.g. food and service suppliers to the hospitality trade.
The message for customers is – Fairbookinguk guarantees you the best possible price for your chosen
accommodation anywhere on-line. Not only will you get the best price, but all Fairbooking visitor experiences
provide a warm welcome, lots of added value, and support for the local economy & environment of your chosen
The ethical side of FairBooking ensures it stands out from any other direct or ‘fair’ booking initiative. Every
FairBooking business pledges to donate to a local good cause for each direct booking it receives (minimum
amounts apply). If a booking comes through a commissionable DMO website or, that site
pledges a percentage of its annual commission to a local good cause too. It’s a win win win all round.
This campaign must be led by the Destination Management Organisation of the area, detail for how to join it are
UK site:
There is a similar campaign in France (more of a collective of French hotel owners):
Promote your Staffordshire based business Wednesday’s 8pm - 9pm using the hashtag #StaffordshireHour
Ready to gain the knowledge and skills needed to progress within the tourism industry?
Tourism Management HND is for you! - More information here:
Tourism and Sustainability
NEW - Sustainable Managers in the Tourism Sector (SMARTOUR) – EU project
SMARTOUR wants to define the profile of the Sustainable Tourism Manager, as a qualified professional that can
contribute to the economic, environmental and social development of the community where the organisation is
In order to achieve its goals the project will develop a training path and related tools aiming to equip tourist
professionals with the right skills to become a Sustainable Tourism Manager. This will include knowledge and skills
to establish a sustainable management plan for the facilities under management, and to undertake the actions
needed to achieve sustainability objectives from the environmental, economic and social point of view.
The project foresees the use of accessible online tools to allow people to understand which actions are the most
suitable for their facilities. This should also enable a wider rural audience to take part in the project.
The Sustainable Tourism Manager model will develop as a result of the experience of the partners and the
analysis of the territory where they are based, to encompass different perspectives, locational requirements
and traditions. The structure of the project is therefore conceived to respond to European principles towards a
European Area of Skills and Qualifications through the shared experience of the partners and joint recognition
of training outputs. Very high turnover of staff occurs in the tourism sector, due to the inability to professionally
progress through a lack of training or qualifications – this project will address this issue.
The project will be looking to work with a range of organisations including those managing accommodation,
facilities and attractions. Please get in touch with the lead if you would like more information or to be involved in
the project.
Project start Autumn 2015
Project end Autumn 2017
The project is funded under ERASMUSPLUS ( Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships.
Jon Fairburn, Professor of Sustainable Development, Staffordshire University (
+44 1782 294094 [email protected]
Vicki Disley, Newcastle under Lyme College, UK
Dr. Julie Scott, Touch TD, UK
Barbara Maria Casillo, Associazione Italiana Confindustria Alberghi, Italy
Gianluca Coppola, Eurocrea Merchant Srl, Italy
Pirkko Varis, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Mattheos Kakaris, CrystalClearSoft, Greece
Do you have a HND already?
Tourism Management BA(Hons) Top-up is for you! - More information here:
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
NOUVEAU - Managers de la durabilité dans le secteur du tourisme (SMARTOUR) – Projet
SMARTOUR a pour ambition de définir le profil du Manager du Tourisme Durable, en tant que professionnel
qualifié contribuant au développement économique, environnemental et social de la communauté où
l’organisation est basée.
Dans ce but, le projet va développer, à destination des professionnels du tourisme, un parcours de formation et
les outils qui l’accompagnent permettant d’acquérir les compétences indispensables au Manager du Tourisme
Durable. Seront inclues les connaissances et les compétences pour établir un plan de management soutenable
des installations à gérer, et celles pour entreprendre les actions nécessaires afin d’atteindre les objectifs de
soutenabilité d’un point de vue environnemental, économique et social.
Le projet envisage le recours à des outils en ligne accessibles permettant à leurs utilisateurs de comprendre
quelles sont les actions les plus adéquates pour leurs installations. Cela devrait également favoriser la
participation au projet d’une plus large audience rurale.
Le modèle du Manager du Tourisme Durable sera développé sur la base de l’expérience des partenaires et des
résultats de l’analyse de leurs territoires, afin de tenir compte de différentes perspectives, des exigences locales
et des traditions. C’est pourquoi la structure du projet est conçue de manière à satisfaire aux principes d’un
Espace Européen de Compétences et de Qualifications au travers d’un partage d’expériences des partenaires
et d’une reconnaissance commune des résultats de formations. Le secteur du tourisme est sujet à un très grand
turnover des effectifs, qui est dû à l’incapacité à progresser professionnellement en raison d’un manque de
formations ou de qualifications – le projet répondra à cet enjeu.
Le projet cherchera à travailler avec une large variété d’organisations y compris celles gérant des hébergements,
des installations et des attractions. Si vous désirez plus d’information ou si vous souhaitez participer au projet,
n’hésitez pas à contacter son responsable.
Début du projet : automne 2015
Fin du projet : automne 2017
Le projet est financé par Erasmus+ Action clé 2 Partenariats stratégiques.
The project is funded under ERASMUSPLUS ( Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships.
Responsable du projet
Jon Fairburn, Professor of Sustainable Development, Staffordshire University (
+44 1782 294094 [email protected]
Vicki Disley, Newcastle under Lyme College, UK
Dr. Julie Scott, Touch TD, UK
Barbara Maria Casillo, Associazione Italiana Confindustria Alberghi, Italy
Gianluca Coppola, Eurocrea Merchant Srl, Italy
Pirkko Varis, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Mattheos Kakaris, CrystalClearSoft, Greece
Tourism and Sustainability
One year on from Graduation – Charnelle Merritt (BA in Tourism Management)
I am currently the Events Coordinator for Keele Students Union, my role is to plan
the evening entertainment for students at KeeleSU, this includes: booking relevant
acts and artists students will enjoy, designing and creating marketing material
to advertise our events and to keep our social media profile up to date and as
interactive with students as possible.
As this is a student facing role I spend lots of my term time in and around campus,
engaging with students to get an idea of what type of entertainment and acts they
want for their nightlife. The Students Union works separately to the University itself,
it is an entirely different environment, very relaxed and informal, which is perfect for
me to wear my jeans and pumps to work!
My favorite parts of this job are creating something from paper into a real life setting
by designing the venue to each theme and also getting to meet people in industry.
So far since working at KeeleSU I have managed to book Becky Hill, Big Brovaz,
Blazin Squad, Fuse ODG, Sigma, The Hoosiers, Blonde, Melissa Steel and many
more for our gigs, all of which have been fantastic performances and very popular shows!
I am currently starting to book acts for fresher’s week which is a week-long of events ranging from hypnotist shows,
comedy night to live music performances. The most difficult part of this role is always having to stay on top of the
current trends and always being one step ahead of the music industry by booking acts that will be up and coming.
This year I am also taking on extra projects as the Oxjam Takeover Manager for Stafford, we are recruiting a team
of volunteers to help organise a mini festival taking place in October. If you would like to join the team do get in
touch! [email protected]
To find out more info like us on Facebook: Oxjam Takeover Stafford and follow us on twitter @oxjamstafford
Interested in establishing a great career within the tourism, leisure or public service industries?
Tourism Management BA(Hons) is for you! - More information here:
NEW MSc in Digital Marketing at Staffordshire University
The MSc Digital Marketing Management has been specifically designed to meet the needs of marketing
professionals and recent graduates who need to update or enhance their skills in the area of digital marketing
management. Areas of study such as content curation, brand communities and the work based project are based
on our existing areas of research and include academic and professional content to allow you to graduate with
relevant cutting edge marketing skills and knowledge.
Tourism and Sustainability
Chris Sands the founder of Totally Locally honoured
Chris Sands the founder of Totally Locally (with Chris Goddard) was honoured at Staffordshire University with an
Honorary Degree for his work in developing and promoting towns and villages especially using the Totally Locally
“Totally Locally is a free campaign that is run (and given
away) by the good people of The Good Company.
The kit is, in essence a “Community-led Town Centre
Management & Regeneration” kit. And it’s all free. We
also realise that some towns need a bespoke answer to
their high street challenges. So we have a specialised
programme we offer to towns, councils, organisations
etc. where we can help create an individual solution
to each, from branding to community engagement,
workshops to events. In fact the lot really! we’ve done
them around the world. They are fun, informative and
they work! If you are interested in talking to us, please
email: [email protected]”
Totally Locally has been used internationally in New
Zealand and Australia and has recently been used in
Chris Sands, le fondateur de Totally Locally,
Chris Sands, le fondateur (avec Chris Goddard) de
Totally Locally, « totalement localement » en traduction
littérale, a reçu un doctorat honoris causa de l’université
de Staffordshire pour son travail de promotion et
de développement des villes et villages, et ceci
particulièrement grâce au kit de communication Totally Locally.
« Totally Locally est une campagne libre de droit qui est gérée (et distribuée) par l’équipe de The Good Company.
Le kit est, dans son essence, un kit pour « la régénération et la gestion des centres villes par la communauté ».
Et tout est complètement gratuit. Nous savons aussi que certaines villes ont besoin d’une réponse sur mesure
aux défis auxquels font face leurs rues commerçantes. Nous avons donc un programme spécialisé que nous
offrons aux villes, aux conseils, aux organisations, etc. grâce auquel nous pouvons aider à créer une solution
personnalisée pour chacun d’entre eux : de l’image de marque à l’engagement communautaire, des séminaires à
l’évènementiel. En fait, tout ce que nous faisons, réellement !, partout dans le monde. C’est amusant, instructif et
ça marche ! Si cela vous intéresse d’en discuter avec nous, n’hésitez pas à nous envoyer un email :
[email protected] »
Totally Locally est utilisé internationalement : en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Australie, et depuis récemment en France.
In this video Chris explains what Totally Locally is:
And more here:
Facebook group:
Tourism and Sustainability
From left to right: Agnieszka Biernat; Garikai Simango; Chris Sands; Professor Jon Fairburn; Muryum Bhayat
Annotated links for visiting Staffordshire and Derbyshire
Enjoy Staffordshire - the official website for tourism -
Visit Derbyshire - the official website for tourism -
Simply Staffordshire - handpicked by Emily Whitehead this promotes independent companies in the area
Interested in working on mega-events such as the Olympic Games?
Events Management BA(Hons) 2-year Fast-track is for you! More information here:
Tourism and Sustainability
First Totally Locally campaign in France
For a few months, Villaines-la-Juhel, around 3,000
people, has been the first town in France to join the
Totally Locally campaign.
With just €5 more spent each week by the inhabitants
of the town at local merchants, the local economy
would benefit almost €600 000 each year. Which
means, more jobs, better services and a more
pleasant life, work and leisure place for all.
The campaign with a total cost of €25,000 is funded
half by the European project Rural Alliances, financed
by the European Fund ERDF through the Interreg IVB
program, and the other half by local authorities.
So far a shopping marathon was set up, as well as a
meeting with a drink with craftsmen and merchants.
A video presentation of the local businesses was shot
and aired recently (
On 16 and 17 June, Chris Sands and Marc Briand
made visit to the town and showed their confidence in
the success of the operation.
Première campagne Totally Locally en France
Depuis quelques mois, Villaines-la-Juhel, environ 3 000 habitants, est la première ville en France à avoir rejoint la
campagne Totally Locally.
Si les habitants de Villaines-la-Juhel dépensaient simplement 5 € de plus par semaine chez les artisans et
commerçants locaux, ce serait près de 600 000 € par an injectés dans l’économie locale. Ce qui signifie plus
d’emplois, de meilleurs services, et un lieu de vie, de travail et de loisirs plus agréable pour tous.
La campagne, dont le coût total s’élève à 25 000 €, est financée pour moitié par le projet européen Rural
Alliances, lui-même financé par le fonds européen FEDER au travers du programme Interreg IVB, et pour l’autre
moitié par des autorités locales.
Jusqu’à présent un marathon des commerces a été mis en place,
accompagné d’une rencontre autour d’un verre avec les artisans et
les commerçants. Une vidéo de présentation des commerces locaux a
récemment été tournée et diffusée (
Les 16 et 17 juin, Chris Sans et Marc Briand ont visité la ville et montré
leur confiance dans la réussite de l’opération.
And on social media:
YouTube channel:
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
A NEW cycle route for a real slow tourism experience in France
A new 630km cycle route, named “La vélo Francette”, links La Rochelle in Poitou-Charentes and Ouistreham
in Normandy, from Atlantic to the Channel. It ties existing cycleways into one unified route – on which cars can
be counted on fingers – across the Marais Poitevin, nicknamed the Green Venice; the fortified towns along the
Thouet River; the vineyards of the Loire Valley; the Swiss Normandy… A real slow tourism experience in a scenic
and lovely part of France.
More information (only in French for the moment):
Are you creative and entrepreneurial? So, what about a successful career in events
Events Management BA(Hons) is for you! - More information here:
Une NOUVELLE route cycliste pour une véritable expérience de “slow tourism” en France
Une nouvelle route cycliste de 630 km de long, baptisée « La vélo Francette », relie La Rochelle en PoitouCharentes à Ouistreham en Normandie, l’océan Atlantique à la Manche. Elle unifie en une seule route – sur
laquelle les voitures peuvent se compter sur les doigts de la main – plusieurs parcours cyclistes déjà existant
au travers du Marais Poitevin, surnommé la Venise Verte, les villes fortifiées le long de la rivière Thouet, les
vignobles de la vallée de la Loire, la Normandie suisse… Une véritable expérience de slow tourism, littéralement
de tourisme lent, dans un concentré de douce France.
Pour plus d’information :
Annotated links for visiting Peak District
Visit the Peak District -
Peak Venues - especially good for groups or corporates -
Cycling in the Peak District -
The High Peak and Tissington Trails are two of my favourite bike rides in the Peak
District. Traffic free, plenty of places to stop for a picnic, also plenty of places to join the trail and even hire a bike.
Here is a tip, the incline although slight is uphill from Ashbourne to Hurdlow so you might find it easier to start from
that end and take it easier on the return journey. Download a very good leaflet and map here:
The Manifold Trail is another lovely traffic route probably a bit easier if you have children than the High Peak. Here
is a leaflet on it:
Gradbach Hostel – situated very close to the Roaches ridge just outside Leek. Outdoor activities as well as
corporate hosting available.
Paul Williams is Head of the Business School and an expert on tourism. He is very active on twitter:
Tourism and Sustainability
Alton Towers and the Business School launch NEW award
Top tourist attraction Alton Towers Resort has joined forces with Staffordshire University to offer a unique degree
course which helps students get to grips with every aspect of their business.
20 students will be recruited to the new Foundation Degree in Visitor Attraction and Resort Management at
Staffordshire University’s Business School beginning in September 2015.
The Foundation degree is a work-based
qualification which combines two years
study with 18 weeks paid work experience
where students will learn about key areas
of the business including operations
and commercial management; strategic
management; health and safety marketing
and digital communications; financial
and human resource management and
customer service.
Students will then have the opportunity to
put their learning into practice during key
seasonal peaks.
Guy Brazier, HR Director for Alton Towers
Resort said the leisure industry was worth
£1.6 billion locally in Staffordshire and £74 billion nationally representing 7 per cent of all UK employment, and
therefore deserved be taken more seriously.
“We believe this course will offer students an amazing opportunity to develop their career potential to work in the
leisure industry, which is an ever growing sector.
“We’ve worked alongside Staffordshire University on a number of training and development projects in recent
years, but this course is really the culmination of everything we’ve been aiming for. It will give those that complete
it a credible background that will make them far more attractive to prospective employers and of course we are
hoping it will act as a catalyst for our own workforce to support our succession strategy.
He added: “This is a huge step forward for us and we are eagerly anticipating our first delegation of students
during our next season. We have everything in place to support them on what will be a challenging experience
and we are very confident that this course will quickly become a hugely popular one for the University.”
Dean of the Faculty of Business Education and Law, Professor Susan Foreman said: “The collaboration builds
upon a strong partnership between Alton Towers Resort and Staffordshire University. The Resort already employs
many of our students on a part-time basis and we are delighted to be working with them to develop people who
will acquire a comprehensive understanding of their business and their business needs through this unique award.
“The new Foundation degree is the latest in a series of specialist awards that have been developed in
collaboration with major employers to upskill their workforce.
Students will work at front line roles within retail, hotels and park operations in their first year of the programme
and at team leader level in year 2. As an alternative to full time employment, they will also have the opportunity to
top up to a full degree on completion of the Foundation Degree.”
For course related inquiries contact Linda Phillips, Academic Group Leader on 01782 294184 or email:
[email protected]
Tourism and Sustainability
NEW - Erasmus+ Master Loan Scheme launched with first bank in Spain
The scheme, which aims to fund 200,000 Master student loans by 2020, is now off the ground for Spanish
postgraduate students and students going to Spain to pursue a Master’s course abroad. The loans will be offered
by the Spanish bank, MicroBank, the social bank of La Caixa.
The Erasmus+ Master Loan scheme is a new and ambitious initiative that represents a major step forwards for
student mobility in Europe, with the aim of supporting the EU’s objective of 20% of its students being mobile by
The MicroBank’s Erasmus+ Master Loans are targeted at Spanish students pursuing postgraduate study abroad
and students from other Erasmus+ countries going to Spainfor a Master’s course.
Up to €12,000 for a one-year Master’s course or up to €18,000 for a two-year Master’s course is available as
Students interested in applying for the loan, should visit MicroBank ( to learn the exact
conditions offered and prepare their application procedure.
More on the link:
Do you prefer an intensive learning programme to enter the tourism industry sooner?
Tourism Management BA(Hons) 2-year Fast-track is for you! More information here:
Deborah Price of British Boxers
at the festival.
Deborah is based in Leek.
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
Competition for Best Facial Hair
Tourism and Sustainability
L’eroica Britannia on the High Peak Trail
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Sustainability
Tourism and Events Courses, Faculty of Business, Education and Law
Tourism Management and Events Management have a clear employability focus
and will equip you with a set of skills, knowledge and personal attributes that
means you are likely to secure and be successful in your chosen occupation.
Carol Southall is the Award leader for Tourism and can be contacted on:
+44 (0)1782 294269
[email protected]
Contact details of the Faculty of Business, Education and Law:
+44 (0)1782 294060
About the authors
Jon Fairburn is Professor of Sustainable Development at Staffordshire University. He has worked with
everyone from one man businesses to UK government departments, the EU and the World Health
Organisation. He has worked on a range of EU funded projects including INTERREG, GRUNDTVIG,
Locally, Jon and the students are involved with the Stone Food and drink festival plus a host of other
organisations and events.
Contact details
+44 (0)1782 294094
[email protected]
My name is David Ancel. I come from Strasbourg (France), a more than 2,000 years old city, home to the Council
of Europe, its Court of Human Rights and the European Parliament. I was born and bred in Alsace, a region with
a rich history and a famous gastronomy, at the crossroads between Latin and German cultures.
I am a Masters student in Energy Business & Law, and Sustainable development at Strasbourg University. I
met Professor Jon Fairburn there when he came for a lecture whilst on an ERASMUS+ teaching exchange.
That is why I chose to do my six months compulsory internship at Staffordshire University.
I am very pleased to have taken part in this special issue on tourism. I hope that students, who read it, will
seize the opportunity offered by the ERASMUS+ programme to students to enrich their knowledge abroad,
and especially in Strasbourg!
Contact details
+44 (0)1782 294225
[email protected]