A Poem A Day - PoemHunter.com
A Poem A Day - PoemHunter.com
Poetry Series A Poem A Day - poems - Publication Date: July 2005 Publisher: PoemHunter.Com - The World's Poetry Archive Poems are the property of their respective owners. This e-book was created by A Poem A Day on www.poemhunter.com. For the procedures of publishing, duplicating, distributing and listing of the poems published on PoemHunter.Com in any other media, US copyright laws, international copyright agreements and other relevant legislation are applicable. Such procedures may require the permission of the individuals holding the legal publishing rights of the poems. 2005 / 05 / 18 - Studying pharmacy Studyin' pharmacy ain't easy, I've been told By many people, some young and some old... Well, let me tell you, I'm not a nerd So take off your lips this ugly word. Pharmacy ain't as hard as you suppose You just need a very curious nose, A pair of working eyes, but one is enough Two ears, coz with one you may find it tough, A sportive tongue ready to pronounce All the weird names, titles and nouns, A bit of free space in your brains And, for the hard days, some chains; An ability to memorize a lot and a lot Whether you actually understand or not, The skill to never object or complain When a teacher chooses not to explain, A mouth that shuts up when you're told to, One working hand, better if you got two, The faculty of studying 20 pages per hour The power to feel clean without a shower And to stay awake without having slept too (Because you might not find time to) . That's the indispensible equipment You might thrown in, if you want, Some scientifical knowledge and some intelligence. Add to these opitonals a lot of patience To manage busy secretaries, stupid educators, Curious patients and brainless doctors. That's about it, but you could use A pair of nice pants and trendy shoes. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 2 2005 / 05 / 19 - Funny botanics course Finally we've been tought something amusing During the course of botanics (usually boring) The teacher said that plants could move 'Tis caused by chemicals, not by a groove. Apparently as the sunflower turns to the sun, Some plants can not only turn, but run. So don't find it weird next time When you see an orange dancin' with a lime! A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 3 2005 / 05 / 20 - Mes pantoufles d'hiver Vraiment, je déteste mes pantoufles d'hiver Oui, je sais, il ne faut pas être sévère, Mais quand je mets mon pied à l'intérieur, Il étouffe, il pleurniche et se met en sueur. Puis, lorsque je sens qu'il est achevé Et que je décide finalement de l'enlever, La semelle intérieure se colle à mes orteils Et les piège comme un géant dans sa bouteille, En fait, cette semelle, je l'ai déjà collée Mais en moins de deux jours, elle s'est décollée, Et maman, à force de m'entendre râler M'a dit: 'Je t'en achèterai une autre, allez! ' Ca fait un mois que j'attends et je me lasse De porter pendant ce temps, ces godasses. L'air n'y entre plus, pas même un souffle Alors vous voyez pourquoi je hais ces pantoufles. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 4 2005 / 05 / 21 - Failing a test In the class, you were like a guest While the teacher was explaining to the rest You were vaguing in your secret nest Never putting your intelligence at test Thinking you didn't have to invest And keeping your energy for another quest. Then you noticed the burden on your chest So you squeezed your brains up to the zest. But now, you didn't make it like the rest And you failed your chemistry test If you're angry, feel free to protest But it's not like you did all of your best. Your friends are all out now, having a fest While you lay thinking, conscience not at rest. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 5 2005 / 05 / 22 - Sweet Sunday (At Kleiat) It's so quiet here, I can almost hear Mother earth breathe right into my ear Sending a gentle breeze, a whisper of grace And a secret calling of love and faith. A few voices raise from time to time Violating the absolute calm, dishonoring crime My father telling the gardener by numbers Where to plant the remaining three cucumbers, Our neighbor calling her five-year old child Who went with his friends to play in the wild, My mother wondering, with a loud voice What she'll cook for lunch, very hard choice, And a car engine struggling to come up The hill to our house, it decides to stop. But the nature knows exactly how to resist, It's almost like these sounds don't exist, They get dissolved into the sighing gust Like thin powder mixes with the dust. I've been sitting here for over two hours Watching the same bunch of six red flowers, I have tried to move a bee away from my ear But it came back, buzzing with no fear, I guess this is a way to show her elation At the sight of this incredible creation, It's her way of saying 'I love you spring, I love all the joy and hope that you bring'. Now, I decide to take a look around the garden Unlikely, the cherry tree carries a heavy burden This year, a lot of red is mixed with the green Making a blend, like nothing I've ever seen. I can nearly hear those cherries calling me To savor their taste, mouth watering and creamy, I can nearly feel their velvet dress in my hand, Trace of heaven, delusion of a different land. My father once said 'You should fortify the roots, This is how you manage to get lots of fruits' He also told me it was extremely tough But I notice his strategy worked well enough, I can see mini-apples, mini-pears, a mini-peach And a lot of mini-currants still out of reach, I can also see blooming flowers of every shade, A once in a lifetime sight I wouldn't trade. I return to my little white plastic chair Convinced that there's so much love in the air, I can't help but notice the peace is back And everything has been put right onto its track www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 6 My father is hosing the watermelon, hoping it'll grow, The gardener left but promissed to come back tomorrow, The neighbor's son apparently is still out But his tired mother decided not to shout, While my mother finally settled on a barbecue But whether it's chicken or meat, I have no clue. I sit down and choose to enjoy the serenity Of this moment of glory, trapped in the eternity. It's so beautiful here, I can almost see The gentle wind roaming to hug the tree. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 7 2005 / 05 / 23 - The bathroom lamp Yesterday, I wanted to wash my hands, at night I went to the bathroom and turned on the light But it was still so dark, my eyes couldn't cope I even had to search and seek just to find the soap. Then I took a look at the lamp up on the wall It seemed less like a light and more like a ball. So I went and asked my dad, who was still awake Whether the weird lamp I was seeing was real or fake I said 'Dad, something is wrong with the toilet lamp I don't know, maybe it's having a sort of a cramp Or maybe the constant heat made it shrink or disappear The light it's giving is even fade, I can't see clear, I know this lamp gave us so much trouble in the past It used to switch off regularly, then turn on fast It even shut down without any reason, last week'. But my dad answered: 'That lamp was awfully weak I got sick and tired of screwing it every time So I bought the new small one, is that a crime? ' A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 8 2005 / 05 / 24 - Eau Océan de beauté au centre du désert, Instant de bonheur au milieu de la misère, Besoin intime de quelque chose de beau, Besoin de clarté, de transparence, d'eau. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 9 2005 / 05 / 25 - Shopping with a friend Shopping with a friend is cool There's nothing forbidden, no rule And no parents to say what's suitable Or to tell you what's unaffordable, Actually you don't need to be rich To try on whatever your eyes wish. Shopping with a friend is so nice You might forget budget and price And buy things you don't need Just by habit, not by greed Like get ten or eleven similar tops From two or three different shops. Shopping with a friend is funny Even if you don't have money You can try a formal blue shirt With a long gypsy orange skirt Pretend to buy them but act lost Then don't, because they're low-cost. Shopping with a friend is naughty You can act humble or haughty Change personnalities between stores: Be a girl who laughs and snores Or an english tourist, elegant and neat Who went walking on the street. But shopping is more pleasant with a friend Who has a thousand dollars to lend. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 10 2005 / 05 / 26 - Champions' League final They thought I was a total fool When I said the winner will be Liverpool, Because Milano did score three goals But then, they slept and rested their souls While the English never gave up hope, Despite their loss, they managed to cope And equalized right after the break As easy as if it was a piece of cake. The Italians kept playing without chemistry Someone please take them out of their misery! I don't know how they got to the penalty shots But the English were far better, far by knots The trophee was handed to Liverpool Now tell me, seriously, who is the fool? A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 11 2005 / 05 / 27 - Souvenirs Je voulais écrire un poème aujourd'hui, mais je ne pouvais penser qu'à deux vers que j'avais écrit depuis longtemps. Alors, j'ai abandonné la tentative d'écriture, et voici les 2 vers qui me rongeaient le cerveau: Dans ce monde de mensonge, L'amour n'est qu'un songe. Parfois je me dis qu'il n'y a rien de spécial à ces mots, mais la plupart du temps, je sens que j'ai réussi à capturer quelque chose de vrai à travers ces deux vers. J'espère que je ne me trompe pas. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 12 2005 / 05 / 28 - My gym coach My gym coach is a shorty, A typical lebanese weightlifter and boxer, Aged somewhere around forty, Who still ignores the second meaning of 'boxer'. He exersizes from sunrise till dawn Never getting tired, never giving up, Nostalgic about a glory that's gone Glory of a boxer who never won a cup. He had no family, no parents, no wife, Nothing but his red gloves an beloved rim So he thought he'd no longer waste his life And decided to open this small gym. Now, he's admired by the young boys Who come every day to see him train With his 100Kg weights, his 'small toys' As he says to whoever thinks he's insane. Sometimes, while running, I hear a 'boum' I know it's him, opening gently the door, He walks like a king in the jogging room With his feet barely touching the floor. Then he blows his muscles in my face Telling me this is how I should look like, And if I dare to say 'it's a high pace' He stands offensively, ready to strike. But still, I think he is hilarious With his mannors and XXL muscle size And I love to make him furious By telling him: 'You should still exercize! ' A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 13 2005 / 05 / 29 - Ne désespère pas On dit qu'il ne faut jamais perdre espoir, Que la chance attend au bout du tournant, Qu'avant le jour, il y a toujours un soir Et que demain serait mieux que maintenant. On parle beaucoup, mais qui peut croire A des paroles usées à travers le temps, A des balivernes, proverbes et histoires Qu'on oublie, tellement on les entend. Mais aujourd'hui j'ai compris le vrai sens De ces commentaires que je croyais vains, J'ai saisi le vrai dans ces sentences En regardant une course de formule un. Raikonen menait la marche avec aisance Puis sa voiture pirouetta comme sur des patins, Ce fut au dernier tour, simple malchance Que se déroula cet accident tellement craint. Son pneu devait résister encore une minute, Mais il lâcha si près de la ligne du but; Et Alonso fut l'héritier extrêmement gâté De cette course, à la dernière seconde, ratée. Mais il avait pleinement mérité sa récompense Car il était resté derrière, prêt à saisir sa chance Il n'a pas perdu espoir, et le voilà finir Par un succès que personne n'aurait pu prédire. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 14 2005 / 05 / 30 - Open your heart Over the internet, for seven years They had chatted He was there to wipe her tears Whenever she felt sad. For three years, he was a friend, She was a friend, With a message of hope to send Through the web. Then love spread its wings Above them, The four seasons became four springs In their eyes. He had sent her his best pic To make her smile Whenever she's sad or sick Or Whenever she feels the world is unfair And she gives up To desolation, sadness and despair. He had her photo Hidden among all the things he cherishes His dreams, His sorrows and his very secret wishes. She was encrypted in his mind He was in hers Like a hidden treasure you can't find Though you know it's there, Like the binary numbers in a PC They make it function But they are nothing you can see. She was the reason he woke up Every day, He was the reason she never gave up In every way. She was Morrocan, he was Lebanese They were together Despite the distance and the seas, Despite the fears, United through the tears, And through the invisible wires of a net Where they first linked and met. They talked, she heard his voice He heard hers, Since then they had no other choice www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 15 Than speak Every day a little bit more Just a minute, To reach everything they had waited for Longer than years. To find him online, she was keen Though she had seen him the day before, She even worshiped the computer screen That showed his face, once more. He had fallen in love with the phone He even fell asleep next to it Waiting for the call and magical tone That would make him hear her voice for a minute. Then they thought they had to meet She couldn't come He couldn't go, it was a total defeat Of the love they had. But she didn't give up, she fought For love And forth love is meant to triumph, she thought Over everything else. From Morroco, she came in a secret way Without telling him That was the first time she kept away A secret from him. Now, she is in a lebanese talkshow 'Open your heart' Could she reveal everthing she has to show By opening hers? She explained their story with a smile, People found it weird, She needed nothing but to see him for a while And ask him Ask him if he was honest, if it wasn't a lie When he said That for her, he'd do anything, he'd even die. He doesn't know from where the invitation came But he doubts In his eyes, all the invitations are the same Except hers. When he sees her face invade the TV screen He smiles Almost like if it was the first time he's ever seen Her beautiful eyes. www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 16 They ask him 'who is she? ' What can he say? He answers 'This is the dearest person' without a delay And he smiles again. She's relieved, the answer she came looking for Layed in front of her In the happiness that spread from his core Ever since he saw her. The question is a forgotten formality She doesn't need to do, For the reply is in front of her, a reality That she can't deny. One curtain and twenty steps Separate them, The shade is opened, remains the steps: One Two Three four Five six seven Eight nine ten eleven Twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen Sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen Twenty. Through the air of a television show Called 'open your heart', They showed a huge love still able to grow, They united to no longer be apart. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 17 2005 / 05 / 31 - A poem a day 'How can you write a poem a day? Is there a method? A secret way? ' I have been asked so many times How can I find my ideas and rhymes, How in less than twenty four hours Can I recover all of my powers To strike again like a serial killer Coming out of an american thriller. Well, writing poetry is very easy You should find words, make them cheesy, Spice them up according to the desire And leave them to jumble on the fire, Then display them in a vague way There, you got your poem for today. I know digging for new topics is hard But this is how you know the fraud from the bard! A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 18 2005 / 06 / 01 - The 'double you's Today is the day I finally say Goodbye to you, hated month of May And hail to you, beloved June, Can't say you came too soon! A new month, new internet account New hours to spend, untouched amount Twenty five, new, brand new, utterly new Not too many, but not a few. I no longer need to avoid peaking At my dear computer knowing That it's forbidden, I can now use it For a whole day or for a bit. And when I hear the modem once again I'm taken to a land newly discovered by men, Where they don't need to stand in queues, A land all made of 'double you's. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 19 2005 / 06 / 03 - A birthday phone message Yesterday was a very special day It was my friend Racha's birthday So I thought I'd make her stop the moan By sending her a message on the phone: 'Habbeh berdeh* ya 7abibteh! Chou kberna seneh? Ya delleh sorteh bel 3echrin! Wa ana 3al tari2! Yalla khatyarna...' That message was written in Arabic, not Swedish I think it sounds very kiddish So just to convince you it's not rubbish I'll translate it litteraly to english: Cold breeze dear! What we grew one year? ......** you became in the twenties! And I'm on the road! Come on, we're getting old... This translation didn't make my point clear I was congratulating her for growing one year I also said I was following her pace Which seems to me a bit more like a disgrace. I actually still feel like a child An eight-year old kid, whimsical but mild, Or like a twenty-four-hour clown Unable to act serious, and unable to frown. Let's get back to Racha and not drift. I, then, offered to get her a gift: 'I was thinking chou a7la cadeau Ma32oul jeblik yeh, bala bekhel, W faj2atan EUREKA WAJADTOUHA! (But I didn't go running naked in the street Metel akhouna Einstein) Ra7 a3mol 3annik fa7s el botanic! ' which is a funny thought, in betweens, And, in english, litteraly means: 'I was thinking what's the best gift I could get you, without thrift, And suddenly EUREKA I FOUND IT (But I didn't go running naked in the street Like our brother Einsten) I will do The botanics test for you! ' www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 20 Very thoughtful consideration and considerate thought, right? Well if you know what i mean, excuse me, if you might, I need to explain to the rest why doing the botanics test Is a heavy burden on every pharmacy student's chest. We got around 237 plant names to memorize A topic worth all the screams and cries, Not to mention every plant's specifications Useless informations, worthless notions: Which plant has which roots What type are every plant's fruits And what's the sort of their flowers, Unlimited data, if compiled, they'd make towers! So now you know why we hate botanic And why its test makes us panic, So you understand that offering to make the test For her, is a nice gift to suggest. Later, she called me, thanked me and said That it wasn't Einstein who ran naked, but Archimed. * in arabic, it sounds like happy birthday ** no litteral translation found for the 'ya delleh', the actual meaning seems a lot similar to the 'oh my god! ' interjection. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 21 2005 / 06 / 04 - Mexican series fan He is a man in his late twenty And love stories, he's had plenty Stories he hadn't lived but seen Through the colourful TV screen. Mexican series of love and hate Of betrayals, friends and fate, Scenarios he memorized by heart Of a couple endlessly driven apart But coming together despite it all By answering love's gentle call. The heroes in the end will be married, The evil mother-in-law will be burried, These are facts, he just knows But he keeps on watching the shows. Maybe, through the brave heroes Of these lame everlasting mexican shows He finally fulfills his secret wish Of being handsome, placid and rich, He finally fulfills his timeless will Of having, in his boring life, some thrill. Maybe he can't live except in dreams Maybe his life is a sea without streams, And he's looking for a chance to capture To end his meaningless life and torture. Now, once again, he turns the TV on He forgets his life, memories: none All he cares about is Pedro and Maria Heroes of the new series, on the TV 'Heya'. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 22 2005 / 06 / 05 - Mother earth Billions of people on this earth Every second, hundreds of births Hundreds of new humans coming To populate the planet. If one day, there would be no more space, If all the green woods and blue seas Have been invaded by our race Where would we put the newborns? Can we stop this growing fever Of newly born innocent babies Meant to become the infesting occupants Of a land that was never theirs? And while a new child is born, Another trapped rat, Another hungry cat, Another hunted bat Die. They die because we're invading their habitations, Because we're afraid of them, Because we want to eat them, Because we just want them dead, Or because we're eating the food That was once meant to feed us both, But that we now think is only ours. A million years ago, or so There were animals, all over the earth And a few men, Now there are humans, all over the earth And a few pets. They used to live in peace, and harmony, Now, we live, or we don't Because we're too afraid of them To actually enjoy life, and enjoy living aside them. And we keep building, Taking the stones from the mountains Placing it on the planes; We keep creating roads, Through the hills or in the see, Placing asphalt on the ground And paving it too; We keep constructing bridges, Over the seas, to connect While all we actually do Is drift apart, more, every day; We keeping building dykes, www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 23 And changing the water's course, Stealing it from its meant destiny And keeping it for ourselves, Like if it would never come back again; We keep cutting the trees, Erasing the woods Killing the unborn life, Digging the ground Stealing the hidden goods, Using and abusing our ressources According to our moods Or to the mood of a new CEO Who wants to prove that by consumming more energy We can earn more money. We keep thanking God for his blessings Not knowing that in every second, we offend him By forsaking his most precious present for us: A land to live on, a land to die on Not a land to kill, a land to slaughter. We keep telling God that his creation wasn't perfect Because the ground he created is rough for our cars, Because the stones he created aren't shaped as homes, Because the rivers he created are not flowing next to our doors, Because the lands he created are not linked, and they should, And because he created animals that we fear More than animals that we like. We keep cursing his beloved gift, By every single way that we can, Never thinking there must be a reason Why everything is like what it's like, Never thinking that maybe every thing was built Not just for us, but for all the other creatures too. And then, we go watching programs like Ushuaïa* Surprised by the immensity of God's creations, Thinking 'Oh my God! Blessed be thy name For you made such beauty! This sea is so pure, These mountains are so wonderful, This view is awesome! Never thought there could be something As breathtaking as this scene! ' Yeah, never thought, maybe, that this Beauty exists Because our hands still haven't violated her. www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 24 *Ushuaïa is a french program that shows newly discovered and beautiful places on earth. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 25 2005 / 06 / 06 - Dénombrer sa vie Deux milliards cinq cent millions secondes Vécues au sein de ce monde Vingt neuf mille sept cent dix-neuf rires Quatre-vingt douze mille cent trois sourires Cent quinze mille quatre cent dix 'bonjours' Dix-sept ou dix-huit histoires d'amour Trois mille huit cent cinquante et un pleurs Deux cent vingt sept bouquets de fleurs Quatre voitures, deux chats, un chien Cent quarante deux mille dollars en biens Treize mille soixante journées de boulot Six arrivées jusqu'au bout du rouleau Trois fils, deux filles de deux mariages Onze campings, sept excursions, un voyage Un prix gagné, cinq grandes opportunités perdues Cent vingt neuf lettres envoyées et reçues Sept cent cinquante sept chansons mémorisées Quatre-vingt dix-huit danses refusées Deux cent six instants de colère comprimée Trois mille cent vingt pilules et comprimés Seize femmes trouvées vraiment jolies Cinq mille six cent neuf moments de folie Soixante deux collègues, vingt quatre amis Cent quatorze disputes, trois ennemis Six cent cinquante huit films regardés Quarante quatre grammes de cocaïne essayés Vingt six mille deux cent dix appels téléphoniques Trois sosies rencontrées, et dire qu'il s'était cru unique! C'était sa vie, en quelques nombres Il avait toujours refusé de vivre dans l'ombre Voilà qu'il fermait les yeux pour la dernière fois Complètement ravi de tous ses choix, Suffisamment content d'avoir supporté Et absolument satisfait d'avoir existé. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 26 2005 / 06 / 07 - Men rawe2i3 el che3r el khalijeh (with translation) Tcheftek b soug, labssa kiss fa7m aswad W tthakkart enni sirt redjal, bathalt walad Ma gdert atchouf 3einik aw khaddek Bass tcheft tharaf assabe3 yaddek. Ma adhri itha inti 7abbaytini Bass adhri innik assartini Men gabl awwal nathra W khallaytini a7ibbik marra. 3atchanek ath7adda kell el 3yal W 3atchanek adhfa3 miliar ryal A7ebbek marra w abghiki W abghi atlob yaddek min abiki, Abghi tsiri zodjti el thaltha W agaddi ma3aki yom el ithnein wel toulatha. Bass dayya3tek, goulili, enti ayya kiss fa7m Ma ben kell el wagfin gourb dekkan el la7m? For the non-arabic speaking people, here's the closest translation I can make (it's a poem written in Saudian) : BEST OF KHALIJI POETRY I saw you in the market, wearing a bag of black coal And I remembered I'm no longer a boy, I'm a man. I couldn't see your eye or your cheek, I only saw a part of your fingers. I don't know if you liked me But I know you imprisonned me Even before the first look And you made me fall in love with you. For you, I'd defy both of our families For you, I'd pay a billion Ryal (the saudian monney) . I love you so much, and I want you I want to ask you for marriage from your father (that sentence's structure is wrong, but this is the only translation I could make) I want you to become my third wife And spend with you the Mondays and Tuesdays. But I lost you, tell me, which bag of coal are you Among all the ones standing next to the butcher's shop? A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 27 2005 / 06 / 08 - Smiling face Wondering around with her smiling face She seems like she has got no lace, Like she sees the world in pink As the French usually say, I think. In her eyes, everyone is nice, honest Kind, loving, gentle and modest. And to her, no one could be ruthless There's nothing called evil or meanness. She never looks at the bad part But only sees things from her heart, A heart so innocent and so pure It'd find for all the world's cruelty, a cure. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 28 2005 / 06 / 09 - Jaretna lleh ma khassa bel siyesseh (translated) 2e3deh 3al balcon,3am betfa22eh bezr W 3am tekol sandwish 2adda, la tenfezir W faj2atan 2arrarit tfout bel siyesseh Ka anna fehmneh kell hal awda3 el 7essesseh, 3am te7keh, aw bel a7ra 3am bitsarrikh Enno el tayyar ba3d ma la77a2 yfarrikh, W enno el 2ouwwet ktir d3af w mahzoumin W 7ezb allah w 7araket 2amal maghbounin. 2al kamein el 2arman lezim yrou7o 3a armenia Aw yentekhbo beh terkiyya aw beh kinya, W snedi2 el iktira3 henneh snedi2 batata W tayyar el mousta2bal mannon 2ella frata... Ba3den sarit t3ayyit 3a 2ass7aba w t2ellon Enno mech fer2en ma3a bel marra ra2yon, Ana ra2yeh, fouteh ya 7elweh 3al 2ouda W n2eleh ehtimemik lal moussi2a aw lal mouda! TRANSLATION (still incomplete, sorry) She's sitting on the balcony [...] Eating a huge sandwich that could make her blow And suddenly she decided to talk politics Like she understands anything from what's going around She's speaking, or should I say yelling That the LFPM* is still so young And that the LF are so weak and defeated And Hezbollah and the Amal movement are misled. And she said that the Armenians should go back to Armenia Or go vote somewhere in Turkey or in Kenya, [...] And the Future movement are just left-overs. Then she started shouting at her friends saying She doesn't care about their opinions Let me tell you my opinion, cute girl: go back inside And start caring about other topics, like music and fashion! *LFPM is the lebanese free patriotic movement *LF are the lebanese forces A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 29 2005 / 06 / 10 - My newly discovered relative I thought she'd be insensitive Haughty, arrogant and sarcastic Maybe like Cruella from the 101 Dalmatians Or the evil witch in Snow White, But I was surprised to find out She was cute, harmless and funny A bit shy at first, but then opened up, Very imaginative and very gifted. But I was even more surprised to see I had found a new friend In my newly discovered relative! A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 30 2005 / 06 / 11 - Should've said Hello 7am. She’s on the bicycle pedaling very fast And listening to another weird song by Outkast. I came in, I know I should’ve said ‘hello’ but Weirdly and despite all manners, I did not Though I had looked in her eyes, and looked deep I still regret it, but my social side was still asleep. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 31 2005 / 06 / 12 - Tout est orange Klaxons, embouteillages, foule dans la rue Interviews, annonces, cris, tout est orange* C'est le jour des élections, de l'anxiété accrue Jour du peuple trahi qui s'éveille et se venge. Pour la première fois, depuis plus de dix ans Le Bien triomphe comme les gens ont choisi Le Mal est vaincu en vrai, pas sur les grands écrans Et voici que sont rejetés tous ces politiciens moisis! *L'orange est la couleur caractéristique du Libre Mouvement Patriotic Libanais, conduit par le Général Michel Aoun, qui a réussit pendant ces élections. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 32 2005 / 06 / 13 - Twenty bucks phone My cousin came to me carrying a phone More appealing than an ice cream cone, A 7610 Nokia, black, grey and red 'I'm selling it at 20 bucks' he said. My hand reached excitedly to my pocket As fast as a formula one car or a rocket, But it only came out with a ten dollar bill 'Can I pay you the rest later? I swear I will! ' So he said 'you've got your deal, honey' Then he smiled and took the offered money. I touched the phone, it felt sweet like cream, Then woke up, too bad it was just a dream. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 33 2005 / 06 / 14 - Ways to give a test My chemistry teacher, who is actually very witty (He said he's been in Lebanon for three years But he's taught for five years at the university: A pleasant sentence that made us laugh to tears, How could he live abroad and teach here? I still can't manage to grasb that idea, I fear) So my wise chemistry teacher gave us an exam From some forgotten records of year nineteen ninety, The given questions didn't match the taken program Something he forgot to check out, oh, calamity! I wonder how do teachers, like him, put their test I mean do they find another year's session And give it as it is, leaving their minds at rest? Someone's got to take from them a confession! And who's the bloke who has to suffer and not protest? That's the student who must answer questions he doesn't know Just because his teacher lacked time to put a decent test Since he was watching some stupid television show! A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 34 2005 / 06 / 15 - Eau (suite) / Une goutte d'eau Incolore, inodore, incipite, elle n'est rien Indispensable, elle est tout Elle est le plus précieux des biens Et sur cette planèe, elle se trouve partout. Mais l'homme en consomme de plus en plus A tout instant, il l'utilise et l'exploite Et s'ingénie à trouver mille et une astuces Pour l'épuiser d'une façon des plus maladroites. Un jour, cet homme regardera sa planète usée, Son besoin ultime de quelque chose de beau Lui rappelera le don dont il avait abusé La limpidité, la simplicité, le bonheur, l'eau. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 35 2005 / 06 / 16 - A propos d'un médecin On l'appelle Docteur, mais il est juste médecin Et personne ne peut confirmer s'il est sain, Sa véritable spécialité, c'est la gynécologie Mais il traite tout, du sida à la dermatologie, On le qualifie de fou mais tous le respectent C'est comme si à lui seul, il avait une secte, Celle des vieux qui le haissent et l'insultent Mais à la moindre altération, le consultent. Son nom est reconnu partout dans la région, Et si ses adeptes formaient des légions, Ses ennemis, eux, assembleraient des armées Qui, par sa réputation, n'ont pas été charmés. Il possède un grand hopital, vide et deserté Où il reçoit ses nombreux clients, avec fierté Et où il les fascine par son grand savoir, Mélange de notions logiques et de magie noire. Quelqu'un m'a dit: 'Tous les gens ici l'adorent Même s'il est derrière une centaine de leurs morts' Je crus que c'était une ignoble exagération Jusqu'à ce que j'en eus une confirmation: Monsieur le médecin avait préscrit un médicament A une jeune charmante fille de six ans, Qui était allergique à la famille de la penicilline Alors que ledit médicament contenait de l'amoxyciline! En quelques jours, j'eus trois certaines preuves: Il aurait tué la fille, un homme et une veuve, Heureusement, il y a des pharmaciens de coeur Prêts à corriger ses sottes fatales erreurs, Et à éviter qu'un nouveau mort se rattache A la liste de ceux qui ont été tués par Dr Hajj. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 36 2005 / 06 / 17 - En swinguant Dissipe la lueur en ce soir Laisse moi et cette balancoire, Sans étoiles et sans lune Que la nuit et moi soyons une, Berce moi jusqu'à l'aurore Puis berce moi encore et encore, Que je hais le jour et adore la nuit Berce moi pour oublier qui je suis. Berce moi lentement puis vite Que mes pieds touchent le zénith, Dissous moi dans les ombres Que je vague, que je sombre, Fais moi croire que je suis un oiseau Que je m'envole entre les roseaux, Berce moi juste quelques jours Puis berce moi pour toujours. Berce moi jusqu'au sommeil Et qu'il n'y ait plus de réveil, Donne moi d'infinis doux rêves Que cette nuit jamais ne s'achève, Bénit moi de ce silence extraordinaire Que je fonde avec l'haleine de l'air, Je voudrais mourir en swinguant Et que mon dernier souffle soit un ouragan. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 37 2005 / 06 / 18 - Grandmère Ma grandmère est une personne très peureuse Incapable de vivre un vie paisible et heureuse, On pourrait même dire qu'elle est une obsédée Qui n'accepte que personne ne vienne l'aider. Elle a peur de la vitesse, des voitures, accidents, Des médecins, animaux, insectes et médicaments, De l'obscurité, du temps, de la mort mais surtout Elle a une abominable et terrible peur, de tout. Elle a peur pour elle, pour sa fille et ma mère, Peur pour moi, pour mes amies et pour mon père, On dirait qu'elle a juste une peur immonde Pas pour certaines personnes, mais pour tout le monde. C'est comme si elle se vouait le fameux rôle De porter les peurs du monde sur ses épaules. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 38 2005 / 06 / 19 - Waking up with the birds Ultimate peace and silence Found In less than one glance. Noise of the city Forgotten Replaced my serenity. I open my eyes White Unspolied with evil lies. Listen to the echoes Birds No fraud, no feared foes. Juste innocent whisteling Birds Who woke up happily to sing. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 39 2005 / 06 / 20 - Dogs hate me I don't know why but dogs seem to hate me, Whenever they see me, they run, ready to bite me Then, they stand at one centimeter from my feet And bark, looking ready to attack, hit and beat. Dear dogs, I don't think I ever did you any harm So can you please like me and fall for my charm? Or can we start it all again, on a healthier basis Since this hatred in your eyes is causing me a crisis! A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 40 2005 / 06 / 21 - Shoe lace and thyme bag He's bending down to tie his shoe lace Two cars pass as fast as if they have a race Making the mud fly towards his new jeans, He starts to rise up but then he leans Back and hardly swallows his curse As if he's saving it to a situation much worse. He tries to tie the lace for the second time But it gets loose and lends in the bag of thyme Of the fat old woman standing next to his feet Waiting for a taxi to pass by the street But he's too shy to ask for his lace back So he leaves it with the thyme in the stack. And not even one damn taxi would arrive, Would it hurt him if he had learned how to drive? Sadly, he keeps leaning, looking at the floor Seeking for a magical stone to take him off shore, It's noon and the sun hurts his buttocks A dropp of sweat lands on his Armani socks. Now he's filled with mud from belt to toe Thinking how the hell he dropped this low, He's an unemployed twenty five years old With a defeated soul auctionned to be sold, Undone hair, sweating forehead and one untied shoe Standing like a fool who doesn't know what to do. He's been waiting for an hour but he doesn't worry It's not as if he is in some kind of hurry, He just wants to get hom before the night And cry himself to sleep as he thinks he might. The lady left with the thyme bag and his lace But he won't make, from this accidental theft, a case. He keeps leaning towards the floor with such grace So no one on the street could see his angel face. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 41 2005 / 06 / 22 - Sale voiture La pluie était sans doute tombée hier soir Salissant ma voiture, sans aucune retenue, De grise, elle était aussitôt passée à noire Avec des taches blanches de nature inconnue. Je sais, ma voiture était déjà assez dégoûtante Mais il a fallu la pluie pour lui rendre Le service de devenir un peu plus répugnante Et l'aspect d'être reniée et mise à vendre. Avec la poussière accumulée sur les vitrages Et les fientes de pigeons attérries n'importe où, Le verre devenait opaque, me rendant folle de rage Et prête à la frotter et la laver de partout. C'est pourquoi, vers la station, je me dirige Avec tant d'espoir et beaucoup de ton osé, Alors, le plus sophistiqué nettoyage, j'exige En espérant qu'elle ne me donnera plus la nausée. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 42 2005 / 06 / 23 - Beirut's Heat The dust is floating in the polluted air Like a silent whitness of people's suffering And the sun is shining proudly like the heir To a throne that has never had any king. After a few days in the fresh mountain, I'm back to the city's dreadfull heat With sweat flowing like a streaming fountain, Smelly socks and horribly stinky feet. 40°C, the thermometer must've gone furious; With my shirt and pants glued to my skin, I'm somehow getting mad and delirious If I walked naked, would it be a sin? A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 43 2005 / 06 / 24 - Mom, Dad, I bought scientific books My parents were convinced I wasn't serious About my majoring choice in universtity Because they'd never seen me go curious About anything correlated with pharmacy. But I decided to prove them utterly incorrect, Show them that deceitful are many looks, And rectify their discrediting dialect So I went to some exposition of books. I bought books about immunology, hematology, Genetics (the topic I like the most) , Endocrinology, metabolism and dermatology Without asking about prices and cost. Then I came home handing them like a trophee 'Mom, Dad, I bought scientific books' I said My father almost spit his black coffee And my mother jumped off from her bed. Standing like the champion of a crucial fight I was watching their eyes glow with delight. Five minutes is all the time that it took To let the idea jumble in their head and cook. But suspicious as they are, they wanted a proof So I exhibited the six new books with pride, My overjoyed mother would've danced on the roof And my father, from happiness, nearly died. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 44 2005 / 06 / 25 - A parking spot Finding a spot to park in center Beirut Is like growing a plant with no root, Parkings are expensive, roads are full You wouldn't find a place for a baby bull! And when you finally find an empty space You enter with other drivers in a race So if you manage to get there first You receive a million curses in a burst. But trying to park your car in that spot You hurry and you get furious and hot, Drops of sweat, from your forehead, fall Till you find that the place was too small. A Poem A Day www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive 45
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