Ohne Titel - aureliemermod.ch


Ohne Titel - aureliemermod.ch
Aurélie Mermod MA Sound Arts 2013
Appendix A (list of the materials set in the installation)
$125, price tag of my bike at the Hub, bike workshop, Detroit.
ACME Studios (2013) Childers Street Open Studios. [flyer]
Anonym (2009) Peckham Creative Regeneration and Artists 1995 to Now. [zine] London.
Banks, Reynolds, Mills feat Yolanda (1990) Underground Resistance, Detroit: UR Techno [sound recording: LP]
Bolton, M. (2013) Is art to blame for gentrification? London: the Guardian.
Centre ville pour tous (2013) Marseille entre rénovation urbaine et projets urbains spéculatifs. [flyer]
Colab Group (1980) The Real Estate Show, 123 Delancey st. [flyer]
Create London (2013) Open School East is an art school and communal space. London
Detroit Effect. [zine] self-made.
Detroit photocopy map, Shrinking Cities. Maidstone: Hatje Cantz.
Euroméditerranée (2013) Achetez au coeur de Marseille. [flyer]
Exhibition Ticket, LC au J1, Le Corbusier et la question du brutalisme exposition 11oct. - 22déc. 2013, Marseille.
Flight Ticket, MS Aurélie Mermod, Flight KL6119, Detroit - Amsterdam, Delta.
La Friche belle de mai (2013) 2013 Année Capitale. [flyer]
La Friche belle de mai (2013) Programme octobre 2013. [[flyer]
Marseille-Provence 2013 Capitale Européenne de la Culture (2013) Cahier de Vacances. [flyer]
Mermod, A (2013) Qui sont les nouveaux occupants d'EUROMED? stencil picture, Marseille.
Moulène, C. (2013) New Orders avec Atelier Van Lieshout la Friche Belle de Mai du 6 juillet 2013 au 2 février 2014. Les
Inrockuptibles, 11 Juillet, cover.
Open School East (2013) Art, School, Society. [flyer]
Oswald, P. (2005) Shrinking Cities - Volume 1 international research. Maidstone: Hatje Cantz.
Palomar, MK. (2010) SE15: Peckham hootspa. London: Studio International.
Pass 24 heures, billet de métro Marseille, RTM Transporteur de Culture.
Pavillon M (2013) Métamorphoses. [flyer]
Peckham Creative Regeneration and Artists 1995 to Now. [zine] London.
Peckham London SE15, Postcard. London: Hanmedia Ltd.
Peckham Space (2013) Calling all Peckham based artists! [flyer]
Peckham Space (2013) Daddy, I want to be a black artist. [flyer]
Peckham Space (2013) Free Art Clubs Easter 2013. [flyer]
Pettit, J. (2013) Hackney to get £100m fashion "hub". London Evening Standard, 10 October
Political Art Documentation /Distribution. The Lower East Side Is Still NOT FOR SALE [flyer]
Southwark Notes (2013) I participate, You participate, He/She participate, We participate, You participate, They profit
Underground Resistance (1992) Message to the Majors, Message to all murderers on the Detroit Police Force - We'll see
you in hell! Detroit: Submerge [sound recording: LP]
Université Populaire Pensons le matin (2013) La Ville à l'épreuve de la démocratie. [flyer]
Université populaire Pensons le matin (2013) Programme. In: La Ville à l'Epreuve de la Démocratie, La Friche Belle de
Mai 15-17 Octobre 2013. Marseille.
VILLA47. Marseille (2013) V47. M Residences d'artistes, Atelier, Expositions. [flyer]
Web image, Detroit Artists Against Gentrification, Detroit.
Web image, Free Detroit, Detroit.