J. Ma 1. Books Antiochos III and the cities of Western Asia


J. Ma 1. Books Antiochos III and the cities of Western Asia
J. Ma
1. Books
Antiochos III and the cities of Western Asia Minor (2000; revised and expanded paperback
edition 2002; revised and expanded French translation, Les Belles Lettres, 2004).
Statues and Cities: Honorific Portraits and Civic Identity in the Hellenistic World (2013)
2. Edited volume
Interpreting the Athenian Empire (2009), with N. Papazarkadas and R. Parker.
3. Articles, chapters and reviews
“Black Hunter Variations”, PCPS 40 (1994), 49-80.
“RC 38 (Amyzon) Reconsidered”, ZPE 109 (1995), 71-80 (with P. S. Derow and A. R.
“The koinon of the Laodikeis”, Epigraphica Anatolica 28 (1997), 9-10.
"Autour du Décret d'Ilion OGI 219 / I. Ilion 32", ZPE 124 (1999), 81-88.
"The Epigraphy of Hellenistic Asia Minor: a Survey of Recent Research (1992-1999)", AJA
104 (2000), 95-121.
"Seleukids and Speech-acts: Performative Utterances, Legitimacy and Negotiation in the
World of the Maccabees", Scripta Classica Israelica 19 (2000), 71-112.
"Public Speech and Community in Dio Chrysostom's Euboikos", in S. Swain (ed.), Dio
Chrysostom (2000), 108-24.
"Fighting Poleis of the Hellenistic world", in H. van Wees (ed.), War and Violence in the
Greek World (2000), 337-76.
Review of F. Bérard et al. (edd.), Guide de l'épigraphiste (2000), in BMCR 2001.03.08
"Les Statues honorifiques dans les cités hellénistiques", Annuaire EPHE IVe section, 19992000, 94-5.
"Thémistocle entre Cité et empire", Metis 12 (1997 [2002]), 169-93.
" 'Oversexed, Overpaid, Over here': A Response to A. Chaniotis", in A. Chaniotis, P. Ducrey
(edd.), War and power in the ancient world (2002), 115-22.
Review of A. Bresson and R. Descat, Les Cités d'Asie Mineure occidentale au IIème siècle,
Bordeaux, 2001, CR 53 (2003), 141-3.
"Kings", in A. Erskine (ed), A Companion to the Hellenistic world (2003), 177-95.
"Peer Polity Interaction in the Hellenistic age", Past & Present 180 (2003), 9-40.
"Dans les pas d'Antiochos III: l'Asie Mineure entre pouvoir et discours", in F. Prost, N.
Mathieu (edd.), L'Orient hellénistique (2003), 243-62.
"RC 38 (Seleukid Letter to Amyzon): Again", Epigraphica Anatolica 35 (2003), 43-5.
"Une culture militaire en Asie Mineure ?", in J.-C. Couvenhes, H. Fernoux (edd.), Les
Cités grecques et la guerre en Asie mineure à l'époque hellénistique (2003), 199-220
"You Can't Go Home Again: Displacement and Identity in Xenophon's Anabasis", in R. Lane
Fox (ed.), The Long March: Xenophon and the Ten-Thousand (2004), 330-45
'Notes on Attic Statue bases' (with S. Tracy), ZPE 150 (2004), 121-6.
'The Many Lives of Eugnotos of Akraiphia", in B. Virgilio (ed.), Studi Ellenistici 16
(Pisa, 2005), 141-191.
"Sur l'Amphictyonie delphique" (review-article of P. Sánchez, L'amphictionie des Pyles
et de Delphes [2000], F. Lefèvre, L'amphictionie pyléo-delphique [1998], and F. Lefèvre,
Corpus des Inscriptions de Delphes IV [2002]), Topoi 13 (2005), 661-76.
"A Gilt Statue for Konon at Erythrai ?", ZPE 157 (2006), 124-6
"The Two Cultures: Connoisseurship and Civic Honours", Art History 29.2 (2006), 32538.
Review of A. Chaniotis, War in the Hellenistic World (Oxford 2005), CR 56 (2006), 4213
"Hellenistic Honorific Statues and their Inscriptions", in Z. Newby, R. Newby-Leader
(eds.), Art and Inscriptions in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 2007), 203-20.
"The Worlds of Nestor of Laranda", in S. Swain, J. Elsner, S. Harrison (eds), Severan
Culture (Cambridge, 2007), 83-113.
"Dating the New Decree of the Confederation of Athena Ilias", EA 40 (2007), 55-7.
'A New Horse from Teos', in P. Wilson (ed.), The Greek Theatre and Festivals.
Documentary Studies (Oxford, 2007), 215-45.
"Notes on Honorific Statues at Oropos (and Elsewhere)", ZPE 160 (2007), 89-96.
Review of G. Aperghis, The Seleucid Royal Economy, Cambridge, Hermathena 182
(2007), 182-8.
Review of N. Katsikoudis, Dôdônê. Oi Timêtikoi Andriantes (2006), BMCR 2008.02.27
"Paradigms and Paradoxes in the Hellenistic world", Studi Ellenistici 20 (2008), 371-86.
"Mysians on the Çan Sarcophagus: Ethnicity and Domination in Achaimenid Military
Art", Historia 57 (2008), 243-52.
"Chaironeia 338: Topographies of Commemoration", JHS 128 (2008), 72-91
"The Return of the Black Hunter", CCJ 2008, 188-208.
"The Inventory SEG 26.139 and the Athenian Asklepieion", Tekmeria 9 (2008), 7-16.
Review of L. Robert, Choix d'écrits (Paris, 2006, ed. D. Rousset) CR 59 (2009), 205-8
"Empire, Statuses and Realities", in J. Ma, N. Papazarkadas, R. Parker (eds.),
Interpreting the Athenian Empire (2009), 125-48.
"Whither the Athenian Empire ?", in J. Ma, N. Papazarkadas, R. Parker (eds.),
Interpreting the Athenian Empire (2009), 223-31.
Review of P. Cabanes, F. Drini, Études Epigraphiques 2: Corpus des Inscriptions
Grecques d’Illyrie Méridionale et d’Épire 2, by Pierre Cabanes and Faïk Drini (2007), in
ajaonline.org, July 2009.
"City as Memory", in B. Graziosi et al. (eds), Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Culture
(2009), 248-59.
"Le roi en ses images", in I. Savalli-Lestrade (ed.), Des Rois au Prince (2010), 147-64.
"A Note on Lead Projectiles (glandes, molybdides) In Support of Sling Bullets: A Reply
to T. Rihll", JRA 23 (2010), 427-9.
"Autour des balles de fronde de Camiros", Chiron 40 (2010) 155-73.
Review of Schultz, Peter and Ralf von den Hoff (edd.). Structure, Image, Ornament:
Architectural Sculpture in the Greek World, BMCR 2011.03.48.
"Court, King and Power in Antigonid Macedonia", in R. Lane Fox (ed), Brill Companion
to Macedonia (2011), 522-43
"Travelling Statues, Travelling Bases ? Ancient Statues in Constantinople", ZPE 180
(2012), 243-9.
"Honorific Statues and Hellenistic History", in L. Yarrow, C. Smith (eds.), Imperialism,
Cultural Politics, and Polybius (Oxford 2012), 230-51
"Relire les Institutions des Séleucides de Bikerman", in S. Benoist (ed.), Rome, a City
and its Empire in Perspective: The Impact of the Roman World through Fergus Millar's
research (Leiden 2012), 59-84.
"Epigraphy and Authority", in J. Davies, J. Wilkes (edd.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth
International Congress of Greek and Roman Epigraphy (London 2012)
"Notes on the History of Honorific Statues", in P. Martzavou, N. Papazarkadas (eds.),
The Epigraphy of the Post-Classical Polis (Oxford 2012), 165-79.
"Herrschaft in der hellenistischen Welt", in Hellenismus. Eine Welt im Umbruch, Damals
September 2012, 41-52
"Hellenistic Empires", in W. Scheidel and P. Bang (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the
Ancient State (Oxford 2013), 324-57.
"The Attalids: a Military History", in P. Thonemann (ed.), The Attalid State After 188
(2013), 49-81.
Review of Christian Mann / Peter Scholz (Hgg.): "Demokratie" im Hellenismus. Von der
Herrschaft des Volkes zur Herrschaft der Honoratioren?, Mainz: Verlag Antike 2012, in
sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 7/8 [15.07.2013]
"Re-examining Hanukkah", Marginalia Review of Books July 2013
"Histoires (militaires) de Grèce et de Suisse", Revue d’Études Militaires Anciennes 6
(2013), 11-15.
"Alexander's decision-making as historical problem", Revue d’Études Militaires
Anciennes 6 (2013), 113-25
Forthcoming (all submitted and accepted)
"The Statue of Menander in the Theatre of Dionysos in Athens, and its Neighbours",
Studi Ellenistici
"Private Statues, Public Spaces", in J. Griesbach (ed), Polis und Porträt
"Spaces as / and / of Competition in the Hellenistic world", S. Chandrasekaran (ed),
Continuity and Destruction in the Hellenistic world
"Notes on the Restoration of the Temple and the Letters in II Macc 11", in R. Oetjen (ed),
Seleukeia: Studies in Honor of G. M. Cohen.
"Les cultes isiaques dans l'espace séleucide", in M.-J. Versluys, L. Bricault (eds.), Power,
Politics and the Cult of Isis.
"Grandes et petites cités au miroir de l'épigraphie", Topoi
Review of B. Virgilio, Le roi écrit, in Topoi
Review of V. Pont and A. Heller (eds), Patrie d'origine et patries électives: les
citoyennetés multiples dans le monde grec d'époque romaine, in Topoi.