UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS (UNDESA)/ DEPARTEMENT DES AFFAIRES ECONOMIQUES ET SOCIALES (UNDESA) EVALUATION FORM/ FICHE D’EVALUATION Dear Participant, Thank you for your participation in the workshop on: “Engaging Citizens to Counter Corruption for Better Public Service Delivery and Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals”. UNDESA organizes meetings on critical issues in public administration in order to deepen understanding of emerging challenges to the field, develop policy recommendations for the community of practitioners, academics, and policy makers, and disseminate such information with the aim of enriching and improving policy and practice. In order to improve the quality, relevance and outcomes of our meetings, we wish to ask for your evaluation of the current meeting and your suggestions for improvement. Kindly answer the following questions and make additional comments below. Haiyan Qian, Director, DPADM, UNDESA _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cher Participant, Merci pour votre participation à ce workshop “Engaging Citizens to Counter Corruption for Better Public Service Delivery and Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals”. Le UNDESA organise régulièrement des rencontres sur les préoccupations et problèmes déterminants de l’Administration publique pour approfondir la compréhension des nouveaux défis à relever de manière pratique sur le terrain, pour élaborer des recommandations de politiques utiles aux professionnels de l’Administration publique, aux chercheurs, ainsi qu’aux analystes et concepteurs des politiques de gestion, et pour disséminer l’information ainsi obtenue dans le but d’enrichir les connaissances et d’améliorer la formulation et la mise en oeuvre des politiques. Pour nous permettre d’améliorer la qualité, la pertinence et les produits de nos rencontres, nous sollicitons votre évaluation par rapport à la présente rencontre; ainsi que vos suggestions d’amélioration. Vous voudrez bien cidessous, répondre aux questions suivantes et faire des commentaires supplémentaires. Haiyan Qian, Directeur, DPADM, UNDESA All workshop participants were given the evaluation questionnaire during the workshop and it was also distributed in an electronic form. In total 31 participants returned the evaluation questionnaire. The numbers to the right of the multiple choice answers (from Excellent to Poor) indicate how many respondents selected that option. Questions/ Questions Substantive content: Contenu : Number of responses: Importance and relevance of the topic: Importance et pertinence du thème : Excellent/ Excellent 22 Very good/ Très bien 9 1 Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 13 Very good/ Très bien 10 Quality and clarity of meeting documentation: Qualité et clarté de la documentation de la rencontre : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 6 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 2 Excellent/ Excellent 13 Very good/ Très bien 12 Clarity of meeting objectives: Clarté des objectifs de la rencontre : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 5 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 1 Excellent/ Excellent 11 Very good/ Très bien 11 Quality of the background papers: Qualité des documents de travail : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 8 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 1 Excellent/ Excellent 9 Very good/ Très bien 16 Quality of the presentations: Qualité des présentations : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 6 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 15 Very good/ Très bien 7 Quality of the discussions: Qualité des discussions : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 6 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant 2 Poor/ Médiocre N/A 1 2 Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 12 Very good/ Très bien 10 Structure of the programme and method of work: Structure du programme et méthode de travail : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 8 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A 1 Other suggestions to improve substantive aspects of the meeting: Autres suggestions d’amélioration des aspects substantifs de la rencontre : • I think the overall quality of the meeting could benefit from a follow-up, less formal meeting, something along the lines of an email list serve or a skype conference call. Our break-out sessions created some very interesting ideas. It would be a shame to not follow up on those, see where they are being implemented or if we or our colleagues have come up with other ideas since Marrakesh. • There are three major things to do to improve substantive aspects of the meeting : identification, diagnostics, and proposals (possible solutions). With identification of different kind of corruptiom the objectives of the workshop can be determined easily. Diagnostics of many cases in different countries can be the appropriate methodology to know about how corruption negatively affects our social system. The proposal, which is the ultimate goal, is the reninforcing of good governance and the correction of poor governance. • Clarify the advantages and objectives, mention clearly at the beginning. • Timing of presentations is crucial and has to be respected and inforced if needed, difficult as that is. Some speakers talk for too long, others have no time left and most importantly, the discussions are cripled and rushed. • I suggest to put special emphasis on the corruption practices themselves and the ways they avoid and even profit from the legal order. We cannot win the game if we do not invest more in collecting data and analyzing the tools and ideas of our antagonist. Therefore, anticorruption agenda should be set by the recent (newest) or unexplored tendencies in corruptive practices. The reason is simple : the latter are very flexible, inventive and permanently call for proposals. • Seminar seating arrangement rather than lecture theatre set-up. • It was fine. • The time is not enough. • The report is very difficult because it is in English while my language is Arabic. • There was a lot of repetition of information in some cases. Perhaps more guidance to speakers. • More discussion on concrete matters for future collective efforts globally, nationally and locally. • Améliorer la qualité de la traduction. Utiliser plus de support et moyen de présentation des interventions. • Engage more youth organizations (civil society) in the panelists (not only from Arab regions). • Include civil service commissions. 3 Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 16 Very good/ Très bien 10 Meeting organization: Organisation de la rencontre : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 5 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 14 Very good/ Très bien 10 Responsiveness of UN Secretariat: Réaction appropriée du Secrétariat des Nations Unies : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 4 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 3 Excellent/ Excellent 12 Very good/ Très bien 10 Completeness and timeliness of logistical arrangements: Logistique bien assurée et à temps : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 7 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant 1 Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 1 Excellent/ Excellent 10 Very good/ Très bien 4 Satisfaction and timeliness of financial arrangements: Modalités financières satisfaisantes et bien synchronisées dans le temps : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 5 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant 1 Poor/ Médiocre N/A Number of responses: 11 Excellent/ Excellent 14 Opportunity for professional enrichment through new discussions and contacts: Opportunité d’enrichissement sur le plan professionnel à travers les discussions et les contacts interpersonnels : Very good/ Très bien 8 Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant 6 Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A 3 4 Number of responses: Excellent/ Excellent 20 Very good/ Très bien 10 The meeting was worthwhile: La rencontre était utile et de bonne valeur : Satisfactory/ Satisfaisant Unsatisfactory/ Insatisfaisant Poor/ Médiocre N/A 1 Other suggestions to improve operational aspects of the meeting: Autres suggestions d’amélioration des activités de la rencontre : • Operationally, I think future meetings could benefit from more substantive, research-based presentations held together at one panel. While the usage of one primary presentation and reactions to it was quite effective, I think more experience, best practices and lessons learned can be diffused if there is simply more "thick" information presented at each round of the meetings. • Pour les Rapports de clôtures il faut qu’il soi on tous les langues (mondiale). • In order to realize objectives of this kind of workshop we need to form leaders in local communities and I am wondering if possible for you to organize a professional training connected with subject of "how to fight against corruption", of course we need to have the necessary tools to influence a variety of decision makers. • Operational aspects were very good. • Donner plus temps au public pour échanger et de s’exprimer plus. • More time for discussions. More work in small groups. More interaction rather than just listening. • I think it’s a good opportunity to discuss some issues and build consensus. • Please limit the number of speakers. I suggest three presenters max in a panel. • In the future, more media practitioners should be invited to participate in this kind of workshop, so that they can share challenges being faced in their profession. • La participation du publique peut être aussi enrichissante que les interventions (donner plus de temps). • Topics needed more time for presenters. Reduce on sessions and give more time to the remaining issues. • The meeting was well coordinated. Comments/suggestions concerning any other aspects of this activity: Commentaires/suggestions concernant tout autre aspect de cette activité : • At the end of the workshop during the discussions groups I have noticed that the Arabic language and French language are ignored, and since : the workshop is organized in Arabic country, Morocco, and the majority of my staff that participated in it can not master English language but they have a good academic background, they were really hyper motivated to join the discussion group to participate in the draft summary. • Aurons nous d’autres opportunités assister à d’autres conferences similaires (je le souhaite vivement). • Aurons-nous plus d’opportunités a assister a telles activité qui sera très utile pour amélien nos capacités en tant que acteurs sociaux (nous l’espérons merci). • The duration of the conference was too short, it would be better if it was ten days, the menu was only for few people, know a lot people that wish for different food. 5 • La lange principale réservée a la lange d’anglé (mondiale). • Yes, I would suggest you expand your invitation next time for a much wider representation and to also involve civil society organizations to the panelists. THANK YOU / MERCI 6