Leïla LOUSSAIEF Marketing and Commercial Relations Department
Leïla LOUSSAIEF Marketing and Commercial Relations Department
May 2015 Leïla LOUSSAIEF Marketing and Commercial Relations Department Teaching Area/s: Marketing Year hired at ISC Paris: 2006 Full-Time: Participating Education: Degree Institution Year Major / Minor Doctorate Université Paris Dauphine 2002 Marketing Postgraduate Diploma (french DEA) Université Paris Dauphine 1995 Marketing French Master Degree (old name) Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales 1994 Marketing Intellectual Contributions 2010 through 2015: Intellectual Contributions Total Peer/Non-Peer Reviewed Journals 6 Chapters 4 Peer Reviewed Proceedings 6 Faculty Research Seminar 1 Published case 1 Total 18 Education Doctorate: , Doctorate, in Sciences, Marketing, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2002 Leïla LOUSSAIEF ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France 1/4 May 2015 Graduate: , Postgraduate Diploma (french DEA), Business administration, Marketing, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 1995 , French Master Degree (old name), Business administration, Marketing, Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Carthage, 1994 Instructional Activities and Development Taught Courses outside ISC Paris since 2010 Université Paris Dauphine, module in Marketing (e-learning) in Marketing, 2012 Service Institutional Professeur-Chercheur en Marketing-Marketing éthique, ISC Paris, since 2006 Scientific Activities Research Axis Access /Possession / Dematerialism Emerging consumption Ethics and marketing - Responsible consumer Intellectual Contributions Refereed Journal Articles LOUSSAIEF L., S. CACHO-ELIZONDO, I. PETTERSEN, A. TOBIASSEN, Do CSR actions in retailing really matter for young consumers? A study in France and Norway, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, vol. 21, n° 1, 2014, pp. 9-17., [CNRS, FNEGE, AERES]. CROMER G., L. LOUSSAIEF, La valorisation de la RSE - Voyageurs du Monde, Voyage vers un monde meilleur ?, Revue des Cas en Gestion, vol. 11, 2014.. LOUSSAIEF L., E. MOIGNO, La perception de l’offre responsable par le consommateur français. Une étude exploratoire dans la grande distribution alimentaire, Ethics and Economics/Ethique Economique, vol. 9, n° 2, 2012, pp. 162-179.. DORNIER R., V. COTHIAS, L. LOUSSAIEF, The application of collective ethics charters: the case of French adventure Tour-operators, International Business Research, vol. 4, n° 1, January 2011, pp. 133-144., [AERES, CNRS]. CACHO-ELIZONDO S., L. LOUSSAIEF, The influence of sustainable development on retail store image, International Business Research, vol. 3, n° 3, July 2010, pp. 100-110., [AERES, CNRS]. LOUSSAIEF L., Ethique et origine nationale perçue d'une marque, Management & Avenir, vol. 3 , n° 33, March 2010, pp. 388-403., [CNRS, FNEGE, AERES]. Leïla LOUSSAIEF ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France 2/4 May 2015 Conference proceedings CACHO-ELIZONDO S., L. LOUSSAIEF, I. PETTRERSEN , A. TOBIASSEN , Young Consumers Perceptions towards CSR actions in the Retail Sector: A Study in France and Norway, 15th Etienne Thil Conference, 28-30 November 2012, Lille., November 2012, Lille. LOUSSAIEF L., E. MOIGNO, Le consommateur et l'offre responsable - Une étude exploratoire dans la grande distribution alimentaire en France, , 10th International Congress of Marketing Trends, ESCP Paris, 20-22 January 2011, Paris., pp. 30 pages, 2011, Paris. LOUSSAIEF L., I.-B. PETTERSEN , R. INGVALDSEN , A.-E. TOBIASSEN , S. CACHO-ELIZONDO , Young consumers’ perceptions of retailers’ sustainable development actions. Impact on store image and retailer brand relationships - A study in Norway and France, IFSAM, 8-10 July 2010, 2010, Paris. COTHIAS V., R. DORNIER, L. LOUSSAIEF, Les limites de la mise-en-œuvre d’une charte éthique collective : le cas des voyagistes d’aventure français, Atelier Développement Durable de l'AIMS, 20 May 2010, Paris., 2010. COTHIAS V., L. LOUSSAIEF, R. DORNIER, « The limits of the implementation of collective codes of ethics : an exploratory study of French adventure tour operators, IFSAM, 8-10 July 2010, Paris., 2010. LOUSSAIEF L., La perception du développement durable en entreprise - Une analyse exploratoire auprès de responsables marketing français, 9th International Congres of Marketing Trends, 22-23 January 2010, 2010, Venise. LOUSSAIEF L., Comment tromper le consommateur en choisissant un nom de marque associé à un pays différent de l’origine nationale réelle du produit, Colloque « Les dérives éthiques », ISC Paris , 2009, Paris. CACHO-ELIZONDO S., L. LOUSSAIEF, The influence of retailers’ perceived sustainable development actions on store image and relationships with consumers: A study of young consumers’ perceptions of French food retailers, 38th EMAC Conference, May 2009, Nantes. CACHO-ELIZONDO S., L. LOUSSAIEF, The impact of sustainable development initiatives on consumers’ relationship with retailers: An exploratory study of French food retailers, , 8th International Congress of Marketing Trends, ESCP Paris, January 2009, Paris. LOUSSAIEF L., Do sustainable development actions affect young consumers’ brand associations? An exploratory study of French food retailers, International Conference held by the International Business School of Vilnius, May 2008, Lithuania. Case Studies BEQUAERT B., L. LOUSSAIEF, R. KAMIN, La CAMIF - Le repositionnement d'une marque sur le Développement Durable - CCMP (M1807), CCMP, 2013. MOTARD S., M. LIOTTIER, L. LOUSSAIEF, Playa Sin Nubes, Cas collectif sur le Yield Management, CCMP, 2009, (G1644)., 2009. Chapters in Scholarly Books LOUSSAIEF L.. Innocent, décliner un mix marketing responsable. In : 15 études de cas, Thierry Delecolle (Ed), Studyrama Pro, n° 1, Part 1, 21-29, 2014. REBUFET M., L. LOUSSAIEF, S. BACOUËL-JENTJENS, . Does the Country of Origin Matter for Cosmetics? The "Made in France" Argument. In : Advertising Confluence: Transitioning Marketing Communications into Social Movements, (Ed), Palgrave Macmillan, n° 4, 45-60, 2014. Leïla LOUSSAIEF ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France 3/4 May 2015 BEQUAERT B., L. LOUSSAIEF, R. KAMIN. La marque CAMIF mise sur la consommation locale. In : Analyse de Marché: de la définition au diagnostic, Véronique Boulocher et Sabine Ruaud (Ed), Vuibert, 264- 269, 2013. BEQUAERT Bénédicte, L. LOUSSAIEF. Comment concilier RSE et marketing? Un décryptage à travers le discours de quatre responsables en entreprise . In : Regards croisés sur la RSE , DUPUICH F. (Ed), L'Harmattan, 171-194, 2012. Other Outlets BEQUAERT B., L. LOUSSAIEF, Camif: Repositioning its brand on sustainability, 25-27 October, Boston, 2012. LOUSSAIEF L., Comment tromper le consommateur en choisissant un nom de marque associé à un pays différent de l’origine nationale réelle du produit, n° 24, pp.176-193, CRISC Cahier de la Recherche, 2009. LOUSSAIEF L., R. KAMIN, New Lady Divna: Feminine protection disposable pads in Russia, Case study presented at CNAM University, Paris, 2009. Leïla LOUSSAIEF ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France 4/4