About the director


About the director
About the director
Liane Simard is a pioneer in the field of directing and instructing actors for
television and film. She has worked as an acting coach on film sets for over 20
years. Liane has coached many of today's young actors who have gone on to
achieve acclaim at the international level.
Liane Simard is also a writer and filmmaker. She is the writer, producer, and
director of the film La Boîte which was presented at the World Film Festival as
well as at the Rendez-vous du Cinema Québécois.
To realize various writing projects, she launched a publishing label called Les
Édition du Bardeau (www.leseditionsdubardeau.com). Je reviendrai te le dire, a
children’s story, is the first title published. Her upcoming book, Mon enfant
comédien? Pour tout savoir… a guide for parents of child actors is expected to
be released shortly.
She is also the founder of a school that teaches acting for the camera where
she trains actors and actresses of all age groups. She continues to write and
direct her own films (www.lianesimard.com)