alicia mckinley


alicia mckinley
Avocate salariée
T 403.232.9617
F 403.266.1395
[email protected]
Organismes de bienfaisance et à but non lucratif
Propriété intellectuelle
Technologies de l'information
Droit de la santé
Respect de la vie privée et protection des données
Concession de licence
Marques de commerce
Formation / Admission au Barreau
LLB, University of New Brunswick,
Alicia McKinley is a lawyer and registered Canadian trademark agent in our Intellectual
Property Group and Information Technology Group in our Calgary office. Alicia
practises in the areas of intellectual property, information technology, privacy, and notfor-profit law for a variety of industries – including software, technology, healthcare,
general corporate and charities. She assists clients with issues relating to IP and IT
ownership, development, licensing and use, and with developing and administering
policies relating to the collection and protection of personal information in accordance
with privacy laws. Alicia also assists charities and not-for-profit groups with a variety of
governance and compliance issues, including obtaining and maintaining charitable
B.Comm., University of Victoria, 2002
Alberta, 2007
Activités professionnelles
Member, Canadian Bar Association,
Intellectual Property and Charities
Member, Calgary Bar Association
Affiliate member, Intellectual Property
Institute of Canada
Assisted a variety of organizations with the drafting and negotiation of software
and IT licence terms and conditions.
Member, Canadian IT Law
Association (IT.Can)
Drafted and negotiated trademark licence and patent licence agreements.
Drafted software development contracts for IT services companies.
Advised software and technology companies on intellectual property ownership
and licensing issues.
Board Member, Federation of Calgary
Reviewed and negotiated clinical trial agreements on behalf of healthcare
Volunteer, BLG Reads to Kids
Reviewed and negotiated material transfer agreements on behalf of
educational institutions.
Drafted user terms and conditions and related privacy policies for the use of
websites and mobile applications.
Assisted with the incorporation of not-for-profit entities and subsequent
application to register those entities as charities under Canada Revenue
Agency’s Charities Directorate.
Advised charities on matters regarding the operation of a charity and
maintaining charitable status.
Activités communautaires
Volunteer, BLG United Way Program
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés
Advised various organizations regarding privacy policy requirements,
acceptable practices regarding protection of personal information, and general
privacy law requirements under both federal and provincial privacy legislation.
Alicia was a frequent blogger on the “The Law of Privacy in Canada Blog”. This Blog
was intended to be of value to those interested in matters relating to current privacy
issues, including breach reporting, anti-spam and class action issues.
Alicia is also a frequent blogger on the Not-For-Profit and Charity Law In
Canada Blog.
Speaker, “Law Reform with Impact: The Effect of Privacy and Anti-Spam
Legislation,” Legal Education Society of Alberta (Advising Charities, Not-forProfits, and Social Enterprises), November 2013.
Speaker, “Charities for Beginners,” Volunteer Lawyer Services, March 2009.
Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. (BLG) est un grand cabinet juridique canadien
qui offre à ses clients une gamme complète de services, principalement en droit des
affaires, litige commercial et arbitrage ainsi que propriété intellectuelle. BLG est l’un des
premiers cabinets juridiques en importance au pays; il compte plus de 725 avocats,
agents de propriété intellectuelle et autres professionnels dans 5 grandes villes du
Canada. BLG répond aux besoins de ses clients, que ce soit en matière de litige, de
financement ou d’enregistrement de brevets et de marques de commerce.
Avocats | Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce
© 2016 Borden Ladner Gervais
S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L.
(«BLG»). Tous droits réservés