fall luncheon - Precious Blood Parish, Glen Walter, Ontario.


fall luncheon - Precious Blood Parish, Glen Walter, Ontario.
Saturday / samedi
October 8 octobre
Pro Populo
Leoda & Narcisse Deschamps by Darquise Lalonde
Sunday / dimanche
October 9 octobre
Jennifer Valade by The family
For the intentions of our Bishop
Monday / lundi
Chateau Garden Nursing Home
Mme Fernande St-Laurent by Rita Hurtubise
Tuesday / mardi
October 11 octobre
Thérèse Boulerice par Roger & Huguette Charlebois
Wednesday / mercredi
October 12 octobre
Leopold Lefebvre par Laurette Vaillancourt
Thursday / jeudi
October 10 octobre
October 13 octobre
Rick Perkins by Bernadette & Jake Lapierre
Friday / vendredi
October 14 octobre
Eucharistic Adoration
Francois Viau by Jacques & Gisele Villeneuve
Saturday / samedi
October 15 octobre
Pro Populo
Nicole Lalonde-Roy by
Sunday / dimanche
October 16 octobre
Rena Parisien by Denise & Marcel Samson
Barbara Cuggy by David Cuggy
Parish web site…. http://preciousbloodparish.ca and http://www.stjosephparish.ca
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding regular BINGO nights starting in September. Our next
bingo will be on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 in the church hall starting at 7:00p.m. We will be starting the
Bonanza Game! Tell your family and friends. Hope to see you there.
La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie des soirées de BINGO qui débute au mois de
septembre. La prochaine soirée aura lieu mercredi le 12 octobre à 19h00. Nous débuterons le «Bonanza»
aussi! Dites-le à vos parents et amis. Nous espérons vous voir des nôtres.
The Auxiliary to Cornwall Community Hospital invites you to their “Fall Luncheon” to be
held on Friday, October 14, 2011 at St.John’s Presbyterian Church Hall, 28 Second Street
East, Cornwall at 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Soup, sandwiches and dessert. Cost $7.00. Harvest
bake table, produce, plants and craft table. Tickets available at the door. EVERYONE
WELCOME! For information please call 613-933-5373 or 613-933-8889.
“Put Out Into the Deep” – New Project for Young Adults (ages 19-30)
Did you ever ask yourself, “What am I doing with my life? How can I discern what is best?
How do I find out what God wants me to be and do? How can I respond to God’s call to
happiness?” If yes, you might be interested in joining a group of young adults that have the
same questions in mind and meet 8 times over one year in a very supportive environment.
We call this journey “Duc in Altum – Put Out Into the Deep”(available in French)is for you.
An info session is offered on Wednesday, October 5th at the residence of the Salesian Sisters
(300 Montreal Rd). For more information, please call 613-361-2431 or e-mail
[email protected] or visit the web site: www.alexandria-cornwall.ca.
Avance au Large! – Nouveau projet pour jeunes adultes (19-30 ans)
T’es-tu déjà demandé des questions comme: « Qu’est-ce que je vais faire de ma vie?
Comment puis-je faire les bons choix? Et Dieu, dans tout cela, que veut-il que je devienne
et que je fasse? » Eh bien, si ça t’intéresse de cheminer pendant un ans (8 rencontres) avec
d’autres jeunes qui se posent les mêmes questions, dans un environnement qui te permet
d’apprendre, de grandir, de discerner et d’être accompagné, le programme « Duc in
Altum » - Avance au large (offert en anglais) est pour toi! Une session d’information aura
lieu mercredi le 5 octobre prochain à la résidence des Sœurs Salésiennes, au 300 chemin
Montréal. Pour plus d’informations, s.v.p. contacter Sr. Françine (responsable de la
pastorale jeunesse diocésaine) au 613-361-2431 ou [email protected] ou
site web www.alexandria-cornwall.ca
Rév. Éric Robichaud et les paroissien(ne)s de la paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Anges
de Moose Creek vous invitent à leur «Souper Paroissial» le dimanche 16
octobre de 16h à 19h30 à la salle communautaire de Roxborough sur la rue
St-Polycarpe à Moose Creek. Adultes: 10,00$ Enfants de 6 à 12 ans: 5,00$
Enfants de moins de 6 ans: GRATUIT. MENU: dinde et farce, canneberges,
jambon, fêves au lard, pommes de terre, petits pains et beurre, légumes, salade
de chou, tartes assorties, jus, thé, café. Repas pour apporter disponibles.
Rev. Eric Robichaud and the parishioners of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in
Moose Creek invite you to their “Parish Supper” on Sunday October 16 , from
4 pm to 7:30 pm at the Roxborough Community Hall on St-Polycarpe Street in
Moose Creek. Adults: $10.00, Children from 6 to 12: $5.00, Children under 6:
FREE. MENU: Turkey and stuffing, cranberries, ham, baked beans, potatoes, rolls
and butter, vegetables, coleslaw, assorted pies, juice, tea and coffee. Take out
meals available.
The Revised Roman Missal
Bishop Paul-André will continue his fall series of talks on Thursday, October 13,
2011. Beginning this Advent, changes are being made to the Missal. Bishop
Paul-André will discuss what these changes are and the reasons for the changes. His
English talk will take place at St. Peter’s followed by a social time. His French talk
will take place on Thursday, October 27 at Ste-Thérèse at 7:00 p.m.
Les revisions pour le Missel romain
Commençant au cours de l’Avent prochain, quelques changements seront apportés
au Missel romain. Mgr Paul-André discutera de ces changements et expliquera les
raisons données qui motivent ces changements jeudi, le 27 octobre, 2011 à 19h, à
l’église Sainte-Thérèse. Après, il y aura une rencontre de fraternisation. La causerie
anglaise se donnera le 13 octobre à 19h, à St. Peter’s.
Des leçons de piano à prix très abordables seront offertes à partir du 11 octobre par Sœur
Roberte Johnson, FMA (une sœur salésienne nouvellement arrivée à Cornwall) dans le but de
développer les talents musicaux des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes. Les cours auront
lieu à la résidence des Sœurs Salésiennes à côté de la Co-cothédrale, 300 chemin Montréal et
seront offerts après l’école pour les étudiants du primaire et du secondaire et en soirée pour les
adultes. Pour des renseignements supplémentaires et pour inscription, adressez-vous à Sr.
Roberte au 613-937-4956 ou par courriel [email protected].
Affordable piano lessons will be given beginning October 11th, by Sr. Roberta Johnson (a
newly arrived Salesian Sister of St.John Bosco). The goal is of course to develop the musical
abilities of children, teenagers and adults. The lessons will be given at the residence of the
Salesian Sisters next to the Co-cathedral at 300 Montreal Road, afternoons for children and
teenagers and evenings for adults. For more information and to register for the year please call
Sr. Roberta at 613-937-4956 or email [email protected].
St-Mary’s Roast Beef Dinner with all the trimmings will be held
on Sunday, October 16th, from 3:30 pm to 7 pm
at St-Mary’s Center, Williamstown, ON.
Adults: $12.00 Children ages 6 to 12: $6.00 Children under 6: Free
Take outs available $12.00
Practice mutual submission (Ephesians 5:21-33)
(Please read the following passage to help you grow in your spiritual life)
St-Andrews Knights of Columbus is hosting a Western Knight on Saturday, October 15/2011, at
the Lion’s Hall in Bonville at 6:00 pm. Buffet at 7:00 pm, D.J. (country music), spot dances.
Don your western wear!!! Cost: $10.00/person, $5.00 ages 6-12, Free under 6. Sponsored by
Bruyere’s Restaurant. EVERYONE WELCOME. For tickets please contact Garry 613-936-6515.
Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the
simple life... a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the
turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest,
the ripe product of the year - and the deep, deep
connection of all these things with God.
~Ray Stannard Baker (David Grayson)
Offer the past several weeks, I’ve received a number of e-mails from
various parishioner with beautiful words of encouragement; I’ve also
received some cards in the mail. To all of you, my parish family, thank
you for understanding my humanness and sensitiveness, thank you for
also making me laugh… I’ve received this note from a parishioner and
would like to share it with you…
1- The ideal priest has deep; well thought out and clear homilies, that
don't last more than eight minutes.
2- The ideal priest does not compromise the truth, and always makes
people feel good about everything that they are doing.
3- The ideal priest is available from 8am till midnight, and also spends
his days praying, studying and reflecting.
4- The ideal priest makes $50 a week, and gives $45 to the poor and
needy in the community.
5- The ideal priest dresses well, and looks casual.
6- The ideal priest is 30 years old, and has 40 years’ experience.
7- The ideal priest loves spending time with the elderly, and is always
there for the youth.
8- The ideal priest produces miracles, is an effective teacher, a superb
evangelizer and prefers a quiet and simple life.
9- The ideal priest manages the complexity of church finances, without
ever talking about money.
10- The ideal priest has written books, appears weekly on TV and radio,
travels to give speeches, and is always around when needed.
11- The ideal priest can always be found in his office for whatever needs
that may arise, and visits all the sick of the parish at least once a
12- If by chance you can't find the ideal priest, pray for the one you have
and collaborate with him to produce a healthy, vibrant, and
God-loving Church.
Le riche n’est pas celui qui possède beaucoup, mais celui qui donne
beaucoup. ~Erich Fromm