sponsorship form - Toutes à l`Ecole Luxembourg


sponsorship form - Toutes à l`Ecole Luxembourg
• Because less than one third of children going to school in
the world are girls...
• Because millions of women do not have the means to
defend themselves against forced marriages, prostitution...
The association «Toutes a l’école» develops a high level of
schooling system for young girls in emerging countries, so
they can become free women and educated mothers.
«I commit myself to «Toutes à l’école» to give the young girls
in Cambodia the opportunity to carry out their dreams.»
Nathalie Saluzzi
Toutes à l’école Luxembourg President
«Women’s evolution in society
is achieved, above all, through
their education. «Toutes à l’école»
contributes so that tomorrow more
women can take up important
positions in our society.»
Toutes à l’école Luxembourg
Honorary President
School in Cambodia, 12 km
from Phnom Penh. In 2011,
A non-profitable organisa- a boarding school was born
tion whose mission is to provide and in 2013 a sports, training
schooling for young girls with and cultural centres will open.
the most needs in emerging
countries. Since 2010, a Luxem- • The school registers 100
bourg branch has been created new students every year and
will teach more than 1000 by
seeking the same mission.
the time the final year of high
• In 2006, we built and inau- school will open.
gurated the Happy Chandara
Donations are fiscally deductible in Luxembourg
You will learn about our latest
news of the school through the
newsletter we publish quarterly
on our website as well as the
school reports of the sponsored
If you visit Cambodia, you may
visit the school and spend some
time with the girls and their
Name / Surname: ..............................................................................................
Address: ...............................................................................................................
Postcode: ....................................City: ................................................................
Country: .................................................................................................................
Phone number: ..................................................................................................
Email: .....................................................................................................................
I wish to:
• Become a member of Toutes à l’école Luxembourg
5 20€
(mandatory membership for sponsoring)
• Sponsor a young girl (at least 30€ per month)
5 30€ per month
5 50€ per month
5 .............€ per month
• Sponsor the Happy Chandara School (at least 15€ per month)
5 15€ per month
5 30€ per month
Date & Signature
5 .............€ per month
• Make a donation
5 .............€
• The girls as from elementary school will be assisted
throughout their education and
obtainment of their first job.
• The teachers, French or
Khmers, have the educational
mission to identify the skills
of each child, to enable us to
support each of them to develop in the best possible way.
• The school’s objective is
to train women who will be
tomorrow’s decision makers:
some will become doctors,
teachers, and judges... others
will do an an apprenticeship
and will be assisted until they
have a profession which gives
them freedom and dignity.
Standing order
Through my commitment with the young girls of the
Happy Chandara School and my wish to sponsor one
of them, I commit myself to placing a standing order to
Toutes à l’école Luxembourg’s account:
Beneficiary Bank account number:
IBAN: LU30 0080 2124 4530 2003
Tomorrow, I will be an educated woman
Sponsorship method
• Sponsorship is made through a monthly standing order.
• Sponsorship involves a mandatory annual membership.
• Sponsorship may be suspended with no justification at any
time by mail.
• Toutes à l’école is registered in France by «the Comité
de la Charte du don en confiance». This Committee is an
organisation of approval and control of associations and
foundations appealing to public generosity.
• The annual accounts of Toutes à l’école and Toutes à
l’école Luxembourg are audited by an external auditor.
Sponsorship form to be sent to:
Email: [email protected]
Toutes à l’école Luxembourg - Service parrainage
c/o MJC Conseil
37C Avenue J.F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
Join the association
«Toutes à l’école»
and provide an education
to young girls in Cambodia
+352 621 413 251
[email protected]