Costa Rica Trip Final Days for Toy Drive Homeroom 304`s Raffle
Costa Rica Trip Final Days for Toy Drive Homeroom 304`s Raffle
VOLUME 3 ISSUE 50 Day 7 – Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Costa Rica Trip All students participating in the Costa Rica trip must attend a quick meeting at the beginning of lunch in room 103, on Wednesday December 17th. Thank you, Mr. Aiken, Ms. Cayer and Ms. Suarez 12/17 Upcoming Events • Dec 15-19 Computer Science Week • Dec 16 UN Debate AUD/GG/BG • Dec 19 Last Day of Classes • Dec 19 Grade 7 ED Ends Final Days for Toy Drive Attention students - we are still 50 toys short of our goal of 140. These toys are going to the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students of Westmount Park School. Please bring your toys in at the LATEST before HR on Wednesday. G. Purdy 12/17 • Dec 22-Jan 2 Holidays Homeroom 304's Raffle • Jan 13 PM Ped Day – dismissal 12.24 The winner of Homeroom 304's raffle is Ashley Saad! Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who has participated. – Ms. Zuccaro 12/17 • Jan 5 Classes Resume • Jan 9 Variety Show • Jan 12 RWA Foundation 19:00 • Jan 13 PreCal Math Competition • Jan 14 Music Concert Matinee • Jan 14 Governing Board Meeting • Jan 15 Winter Concert Table Tennis Please take a look at the schedule on Edmodo to know whether you are playing today (Dec. 16) and tomorrow (Dec. 17) at lunch or not. Some of you are signed up for both days. Mr. Girardin – 17/12 • Jan 19 Mind Pop Check-Up Period 3 • Jan 19 Semester I Ends • Jan 20 Semester II Begins • Jan 20 Home & School 19:30 • Jan 20 Winter Carnival Hockey Raffle All Hockey Raffle stubs (sold and/or unsold) for the India & Taiwan Exchange as well as the Bardolators must be returned to Mr. Vamvakas in room 205 by Wednesday at lunch. The drawing for the hockey tickets will take place on Thursday at lunch. Mr. Vamvakas 18/12 • Jan 20-21 Winter Camping Leadership • Jan 21-23 Black Out Period • Jan 26-30 Mid-Year Exams Griffin Schwartz Raffle Congratulations to the lucky winner: Justin Miller-Clarke. – Mr. Dufault 12/17 Eager to Start Learning To Drive? City Driving School will be hosting an information session this Thursday, December 18 at lunch (room TBA). All 15 and 16 year olds invited to attend. Come find out how easy it is to sign up for classes (your parents can even get gift certificates as a Christmas gift!). – RWAF 12/18 Attention All Grads It's time to order grad apparel! Starting Tuesday, January 6 until Monday, January 12, you can come place your orders in 201 at lunch. The deadline will not be extended further so please make sure to place your order before then! Make sure to bring a blank cheque made out to Royal West Academy so your order can be processed. Thanks! - Grad Committee 1/12 3D Printed Face Congratulations to Asghar Taqvi in HM 114 that has won a free 3D print of their face! Go see HR 208 for more details. HM 208 12/17 Raffle Winner for the $20 Micco Gift Certificate Congratulations to Ilyssa Tobenstein from HR 217! Thanks to everyone who purchased a raffle ticket; you helped us to raise over $54 for Tyndale. G. Purdy 12/17 Variety Show MC Auditions PAGE 1 RWA STUDENT BULLETIN 16 - Dec- 14 Would you like to be the MC for the Variety Show on Jan. 9th? Come audition on Wednesday, Dec. 17th in the auditorium. You can audition with 1 or 2 other people and MC as a team/group. We will ask you to introduce an imaginary act and give us a sample of what you would say between acts of the show. Ms. Dillon 12/16 Attention Potential ROWERS The forms that the reps from Rowing Canada gave you must be filled in and submitted to Mr. Mateus by Wed. Dec. 17th 12:34. The testing will take place at RWA after school on Monday, January 12th. Put it in your agenda! Any other interested students can pick up a form in Mr. Mateus’ office. - J. Mateus 12/17 7 wonders Vous voulez jouer à un jeu de table, obtenir un crédit culturel tout en , améliorant votre français? Saisissez votre chance en vous inscrivant au groupe «7 Wonders »: un jeu où vous prendrez la tête de l’une des sept grandes cités du monde Antique, où vous exploiterez les ressources naturelles de vos terres, où vous développerez vos relations commerciales et où vous affirmerez votre suprématie militaire. Pour vous inscrire au groupe #1: a) Faire d’abord une recherche pour savoir si le jeu vous intéresse (amis, internet ou autres), b) Être disponible à l’heure du midi, c) S’inscrire (porte de la salle 110) dès maintenant. Seulement 7 places sont disponibles pour l’instant. Je préfère les élèves ponctuels ;) Mme Roy 110 12/19 7 wonders (anciens joueurs) Un nouveau groupe sera formé bientôt. Si vous êtes dispos, surveillez l’horaire qui sera affichée sous peu et venez faire un tour… Votre expertise serait appréciée. Un crédit pourrait être offert… Mme Roy 110 12/19 Ireland – June 2015 – One Spot Available Interested in travelling to Ireland? We will be biking through many scenic areas and touring some beautiful villages and cities! One spot has opened up that needs to be filled (possibly two spots, if you want to travel with a friend), so see Ms. Dillon in room 308 if you would like more information! The dates are from June 24th to July 3rd 2015, and the trip is open to students currently in gr. 9, 10 or 11. A 400$ deposit is required ASAP. Ms. Dillon 12/16 Parent and Student Information Meeting for the Ireland Trip If you signed up for the trip and submitted a deposit, your attendance is requested at a meeting Thursday, Dec. 16 at 7pm in room 308. Your parents have been sent an email with this information earlier this week. Please verify they have received the email, and if they have not, please inform either Ms. Dillon in 308 or Mr. Zigby in 306. We will be explaining many specific details concerning the trip such as cost, flight details, itinerary, and insurance. See you then! Ms. Dillon 12/16 Attention All Variety Show Participants • • Rehearsal dates @ 3:10pm in the auditorium: Mon, Dec. 15th and/or Wed, Dec. 17th (MUST ATTEND AT LEAST ONE OF THESE 2 DATES, BUT COME TO BOTH IF YOU CAN!) • Tues. Jan. 6th – 3 to 5pm • Thurs. Jan. 8th – 3 to 6 pm (DRESS REHEARSAL) • Friday, January 9th – 3 to 10 pm, with supper break (SOUND CHECK and SHOWTIME!) Ms. Dillon 12/16 Christmas Luncheon December 17, 2014 Come enjoy a Christmas luncheon for $3.75 in the cafeteria on December 17, 2014: Chicken Leg, Cranberries, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies, Juice, Milk, Special Dessert - Cafeteria 12/17 EMSB Leadership Camp: Grades 7 to 10 The annual EMSB student leadership camp will take place April 22 to 24th once again at Camp Val-Estrie in Waterville, Quebec. The cost is $120 per participant which includes transportation, food and accommodation. The goal of the camp is to expose students to the many components of student leadership. If you are interested in attending, please see Ms. Di Pietro in room 225 by the end of December. - Ms. Di Pietro 12/19 Recycling Please note that Wednesday is Recycling Day. Please make sure that all recycling is brought down to the area near rm.103 during homeroom. (Same place as last year). Please reduce, reuse, and recycle – Caretaker PAGE 2 RWA STUDENT BULLETIN 16 -Dec-14
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