Programme du Symposium, version anglaise


Programme du Symposium, version anglaise
A Quebec-Europe dialogue
1. Opening public lectures
Interculturalism and Interculturality
Location: Auditorium de la Grande Bibliothèque
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
475, de Maisonneuve Boulevard East
Montreal (Berri-UQAM metro)
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Welcoming of participants
- Confirmation of registration
- Headphones for simultaneous translation are available at the proper table (ID card required)
Opening remarks by Gérard Bouchard
Session chairperson: Simon Durivage (journalist and moderator at RadioCanada/RDI)
Gérard Bouchard, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi : L’interculturalisme ou
la recherche d’équilibres
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture and
Heritage, Youth and Sport and Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue of the
Council of Europe : Vivre ensemble dans l'égale dignité.
Exchange with the public
End of evening
2. Symposium
Location: Amphithéâtre du Pavillon Sherbrooke
Université du Québec à Montréal
200, Sherbrooke street West
Montréal (Place-des-Arts metro)
Thursday May 26, 2011
Welcoming of participants
- Confirmation of registration
- Headphones for simultaneous translation are available at the proper table (ID card required)
Opening remarks by Gérard Bouchard
Session A. Integration models : comparative insights
Presentation of several models and experiences of integration in North America and in Europe.
Provide concrete benchmarks which will fuel the deliberations of all the following sessions of the
Session chairperson: Peter Leuprecht (Université du Québec à Montréal)
United Kingdom. Ted Cantle, Executive Chair, Institute of Community
Cohesion (United Kingdom) : The Journey From Defensive Multiculturalism to
Positive Interculturalism: Is That Land Upon the Horizon?
The Netherlands. Frank Lechner, Emory University (USA) : The Travails of
Integration in the Netherlands.
Exchange with the public
(continuation of Session A)
Italy and Tuscany. Emilio Santoro, University of Florence (Italy): From the
Respect for Different Cultures to the Value of Cultural Difference.
Canada. Will Kymlicka, Queen’s University (Canada): The Evolving Canadian
Experiment with Multiculturalism.
Exchange with the public
LUNCH (at participants’ expense, see attached list of restaurants)
Session B. Rights in light of interculturalism
The rule of law and social justice are of paramount importance to interculturalism. Can the latter
inspire developments in these directions?
Session chairperson : Maryse Alcindor (Officière de l’Ordre national du Québec)
The Right to Equality
The principle of equality is central in our societies. How does it articulate (in legal and other
practices) with non-discrimination, socioeconomic inclusion and management of ethnocultural
diversity? What place should the equality principle have in the interculturalist model?
Europe. Emmanuelle Bribosia, Institut d'études européennes et Université
Libre de Bruxelles (Belgique) : Title to come.
Quebec. Pearl Eliadis, Human Rights Lawyer (Quebec) : Down the Garden
Path : Canada's "Culturalisms" and the Need for Equality Rights.
Exchange with the public
Accommodation practices?
What are the legal and sociological arguments that support accommodation practices in
democratic countries? What are the objections against these practices? Where do European
countries stand on this matter? What connections can be made between accommodation practices
and interculturalism?
Europe. Frédérique Ast, Jurist, Haute Autorité de Lutte contre les
Discriminations et pour l'Égalité (France) : La capacité de l’Europe à
accommoder les autres cultures : la diabolisation de l’interculturalisme?
France. Dounia Bouzar, Ph.D. in Anthropology of religion (France) : Entre
discriminations et multiculturalisme : la notion du « plus petit dénominateur
commun » appliquée à la diversité religieuse française.
Quebec. Pierre Bosset, Université du Québec à Montréal : De
l’accommodement raisonnable à l’interculturalisme au Québec : faux
problèmes et vrais défis.
Exchange with the public
15:45-16 :00
Session C. Secularism : an overview of current models and debates
What are the stakes, the structure, the contents and ramifications of the debate on secularism on
both sides of the Atlantic? Is an interculturalist conception of secularism possible?
Session chairperson : Geneviève Nootens (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi)
Europe. Jean-Paul Willaime, École pratique des hautes études (France) : Les
évolutions en Europe vers une laïcité de reconnaissance et de dialogue.
Quebec. Micheline Milot, Université du Québec à Montréal : Interférences
entre types de laïcité et formes de citoyenneté au Québec.
Exchange with the public
Welcoming of participants
- Confirmation of registration
- Headphones for simultaneous translation are available at the proper table (ID card
Session D. The work of the Council of Europe :
three European intercultural experiences
Session chairperson : Gérard Bouchard (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi)
Irena Guidikova, Director of the Intercultural Cities programme, Council of
Europe : Cités interculturelles: bâtir l'avenir sur la diversité.
Gilda Farrell, Head Of Division, Social Cohesion Research & Development
Division, Council of Europe : Compétences interculturelles dans les services
sociaux, la nécessité de l’évolution institutionnelle.
Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture and
Heritage, Youth and Sport and Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue of the
Council of Europe: Dimensions religieuses du dialogue interculturel.
Exchange with the public
End of evening
Friday May 27, 2011
Welcoming of participants
- Confirmation of registration
- Headphones for simultaneous translation are available at the proper table (ID card required)
Session E. Intercultural practices in education
How do the broad purposes and orientations of interculturalism translate into the daily practices of
education? What are the obstacles, difficulties and successes, what are the already established
leads, what are those opening up on new horizons?
Session chairperson : Céline Saint-Pierre (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Quebec. Marie McAndrew, Université de Montréal : L'éducation au Québec
contribue-elle au développement d'une société pluraliste et inclusive? Les
acquis et les obstacles dans une perspective comparative.
Europe. Ólöf Ólafsdóttir, Director of Education and Languages, Council of
Europe: Comprendre et valoriser la diversité : les travaux du Conseil de
l'Europe en matière d'éducation interculturelle.
Exchange with the public
Session F. Economic and social inclusion
Social and economic inclusion and non-discrimination are pivotal conditions for the kind of
integration advocated by interculturalism. In this regard, what is the situation today both in
Europe and Quebec? What do the statistics reveal, what are the barriers and the means to
overcome them? What priorities for action should be set?
Session chairperson : Yasmina Chouakri (Table de concertation des organismes
au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes)
Quebec. Stephan Reichhold, Executive director of the Table de concertation
des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes
(TCRI)(Québec) : Les particularités du Québec en matière d'intégration des
nouveaux immigrants.
Quebec. Marie-Thérèse Chicha, Université de Montréal : Immigration et
intégration professionnelle : une transition incertaine et fragile.
Europe. Gilda Farrell, Head Of Division, Social Cohesion Research &
Development Division, Council of Europe: La stigmatisation des migrants :
une barrière à l’inclusion économique et sociale en Europe.
Exchange with the public
LUNCH (at participants’ expense, see attached list of restaurants)
Session G. National language, identity and integration
How to simultaneoulsy accommodate ethnocultural diversity and ensure the survival of the
language and identity of host societies, especially in the context of minority (stateless) nations?
What are the specific and concrete challenges, what strategies should be implemented to meet
these challenges?
Session chairperson: Patricia Rimok (President of the Quebec Conseil des
relations interculturelles)
Quebec. Linda Cardinal, University of Ottawa : L’avenir du français dans un
Québec interculturel.
Europe. Thomas Facchinetti, Cantonal Delegate of integration, Office for
multicultural cohesion, Neuchâtel (Switzerland) : Souveraineté minoritaire et
intégration des migrants: un dilemme identitaire? Le cas de la République et
canton de Neuchâtel en Suisse.
Exchange with the public
Session H. Interculturalism : looking forward, directions for the future
The objective of this session is to conclude the Symposium with a discussion on the future. What
are the possible ways forward for interculturalism and how should they translate into policies and
Session chairperson: Michel Venne (Executive director of l’Institut du
Nouveau Monde)
Micheline Labelle, Université du Québec à Montréal and François Rocher,
University of Ottawa : Les limites indépassables de l’interculturalisme en
contexte canadien : un chemin semé d’embûches.
Bergman Fleury, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Integration and
Reasonable Accommodation in the Schools in Quebec : Interculturalisme et
perspectives de l’éducation à vivre ensemble.
Nicole Girard, Acting Director General, Citizenship and Multiculturalism
Branch, Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Le pari moderne
et civique du multiculturalisme canadien.
Peter Leuprecht, Université du Québec à Montréal, ex-Deputy Secretary
General of the Council of Europe : Le dialogue interculturel – indispensable
dans une société pluriculturelle. Regards croisés Canada/Québec – Europe.
Exchange with the public
The Honorable Kathleen Weil, Ministre de l’Immigration et des
Communautés culturelles
Conclusion of the Symposium
Gérard Bouchard et Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni