François Garneau - Voir la biographie


François Garneau - Voir la biographie
François Garneau
Partner | Montréal
[email protected]
Administrative & Public Law
Arbitration & Mediation
Financial Services
Human Rights
Labour & Employment
Pensions, Benefits & Executive
François Garneau practises employment and labour law. His clientele consists of employers
from various sectors including pharmaceutical, oil, mining, computer consulting, food
products, and manufacturing. François has also acted for Crown corporations including
Canada Post, Loto-Québec, Hydro-Québec, and the Société Générale de Financement. In
addition, he represents senior executives in negotiations involving employment termination
and provides counsel in the drafting of employment contracts.
François is knowledgeable in all sectors of labour law including certification, collective
bargaining agreements, grievance adjudication, employment contract negotiation, unfair
competition and non-competition clauses, civil liberties, and job discrimination.
He has been called to appear before all levels of court and many regulatory boards to
interpret and enforce labour laws. He has appeared before the Labour Commissioner
General, the Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases Board, grievance arbitrators,
arbitrators under the authority of the Canadian Labour Code, the Canada Industrial
Relations Board, the Superior Court, the Federal Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of
In addition, François devotes part of his practice to commercial law. He has been involved in
shareholder remedy cases representing minority shareholders as well as oppression remedy
claims under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
François has given numerous presentations on subjects related to employment law and
human rights as well as privacy issues, contracts of employment, and business
reorganizations. He has recently given seminars on social networking sites, employee
whistleblowing, and due diligence in business acquisition matters.
Professional achievements & leadership
Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent Rated Lawyer
Martindale-Hubbell Certification Mark BV
Recognized by Lexpert Magazine as one of the leading practitioners in Labour and
Employment law in Québec
Notable matters
Shareholder remedy litigation
Inversiones Montforte S.A. vs. Javelin International Ltd., [1982] C.S. 425
Sparling vs. Javelin International Ltd., [1986] R.J.Q 1073 (Major judgment rendered
under the CBCA oppression remedy provisions, $15,000,000 condemnation; judgment
maintained in appeal), [1992] R.J.Q. 11 (C.A.)
Baril vs. Industries Flexart Ltée, [2001] R.J.Q. 488 (Superior Court), [2003] R.J.D.T. 39
(Court of Appeal)
Constitutional law
Sparling vs. Smallwood, [1982] 2 S.C.R. 686 (Crown privileged invoked by former
Premier of Newfoundland)
Discrimination, sexual harassment and psychological harassment
Roy vs. Comité paritaire de l’industrie automobile de Montréal, D.T.E. 2002T-584
(Sexual harassment)
McDougall vs. BioChem Pharma inc., D.T.E. 2006T-203 (C.S.) (Appeal abandoned)
Judicial review
Doyle vs. Restrictive Trade Practices Commission, [1983] 2 F.C. 867
Doyle vs. Restrictive Trade Practices Commission, [1985] 1 F.C. 362 (F.C.A.)
Société des loteries et courses du Québec vs. Sylvestre, [1987] R.J.Q. 1234 (C.A.)
(Jurisdiction of Superior Court to render judgment which should have been rendered
by arbitrator)
Class actions
Pélissier vs. Calian Ltd., 2004 CanLII 18342 (C.A.)
Termination cases and related matters
Couture vs. Volcano Inc., [1984] C.S. 546
Dansereau vs. Canada, [1991] 1 F.C. 444 (F.C.A.)
Desruisseaux vs. Aon-Parizeau Inc., 2003 CanLII 17322 (C.A.)
McKerracher vs. Shire BioChem, 2007T-42 (C.S.)
Thibodeau vs. Cintech Agroalimentaire, division inspection inc., 2006 QCCRT
Brandwein vs. Congrégation Beth-El, [2003] R.J.D.T. 294 (Confirmed by the Court of
Hannoyer vs. Hydro-Québec, D.T.E. 2004T-802 (C.R.T.)
Administrative law
Côté vs. Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec, 2004 CanLII 64163 (T.A.Q.)
Thought leadership
“Le congédiement déguisé”, Meredith Memorial Lectures, 1988
Perspectives sur le Québec : Le droit de l’emploi et l’obligation d’accommodement,
20e réunion annuelle de l’ACCJE, August 19, 2008
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogues : comment les nouvelles technologies changent
la donne en droit du travail, Séminaire « Les défis de la reprise : Êtes-vous prêts? »,
September 24, 2009
Les employés délateurs ou comment concilier l’obligation de loyauté et la dénonciation
(« Whistleblowing »), Séminaire « La gestion de questions liées au droit du travail et
de l’emploi – Ce que nous réserve 2010 », January 28, 2010
Application of Leave to Appeal Dismissed by Supreme Court of Canada: Premier Tech
et al. v. Dollo (2015 QCCA 1159), Labour and Employment Communiqué, April 25,
FRENCH TRANSLATION: Requête en autorisation d’appel rejetée par la Cour
suprême du Canada dans l’affaire Premier Tech et al. c. Dollo (2015 QCCA 1159),
Labour and Employment Communiqué, April 25, 2016
Quebec Introduces Legislation to Encourage Whistleblowing in the Public Sector,
Labour and Employment Communiqué, January 2016
FRENCH TRANSLATION: Québec présente un projet de loi encourageant la
dénonciation dans le secteur public, Labour and Employment Communiqué, January
The Exclusion of Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings in Quebec, Labour and
Employment Communiqué, May 22, 2015
Les employés délateurs ou comment concilier l’obligation de loyauté et la dénonciation
(« Whistleblowing »), Séminaire « La gestion de questions liées au droit du travail et
de l’emploi – Ce que nous réserve 2010 », 2010
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogues : comment les nouvelles technologies changent
la donne en droit du travail, Séminaire « Les défis de la reprise : Êtes-vous prêts? »,
Perspectives sur le Québec : Le droit de l’emploi et l’obligation d’accommodement,
20e réunion annuelle de l’ACCJE, 2008
Psychological Harassment Legislation in Quebec, Labour and Employment
Communiqué, February 2006
Le congédiement déguisé, Meredith Memorial Lectures, 1988
Corporate directorships
Director of Hachette Distribution Services (Canada) Inc., 1998- 2002
Languages spoken
Bar admissions & education
Québec Bar, 1979
L.LL., Université de Montréal, 1978
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