Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness courses NAV
Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness courses NAV
Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness courses NAV 07-2016- AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS OBJECTIVE Revision : 08 Date : 18/12/2016 Page 1 on 1 Année 2016 CONTENT To study the various types of system (e.g. hydraulic systems) which exist on an aircraft, in consideration of the concepts of safety, by providing multiple networks. ____________________________________________ COURSE DURATION 5 days, 30h/week 6h/day Visits Visit to the Centre d'Essais Aéronautique de Toulouse Visit to Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse ____________________________________________ WHEN AND WHERE ISAE SUPAERO : November 21-25 , 2016 ____________________________________________ PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS Engineers Language English • Air systems - General Air production Air conditioning ( thermal budgets, temperature control, forthcoming changes, weight and balance ) Cabin pressurization Ventilation of electronic systems General distribution (cockpit, cabin, baggage compartments and bays; problems concerning comfort, humidity, filtration, ozone, etc.) Anti-icing - Presentation of control / indication and parameters in the cockpit • Hydraulic systems Performance objectives, safety and maintenance ( with their consequences on the choice of general architecture ) Resulting general architecture Design of a system Integration tests on a global test bed Presentation of control / indication and parameters in the cockpit Accessories, fluids used Forthcoming changes • Landing gear systems ____________________________________________ MODULE OF MASTER ISAE “AVIATION SAFETY AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS” Retraction / extension systems Nose-wheel steering Braking system Pilot presentation • Electrical systems COURSE DIRECTOR Marc ROLIN ____________________________________________ COURSE FEES 1 833 € Practical information and registration Marie GUIBBAL 05 61 33 80 28 [email protected] Performance and safety objectives ( with effects on the choice of general architecture - redundancy and segregation ) Resulting architecture Presentation in the cockpit - Equipment and accessories • Fuel systems System functions Tanks ( design and problems ) The different systems Gauging system Pilot presentation Fuel specifications Installation of equipment and accessories Equipment and accessories ISAE SUPAERO - Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace 10, avenue Edouard-Belin - BP 54032 - 31055 Toulouse CEDEX 4 - FRANCE Tél : 33 (0)5 61 33 80 80 - Télécopie : 33 (0)5 61 33 83 30 - Site internet : www.isae-supaero.fr