Computer Networking Lab (Smart Grid : Smart Energy !)
Computer Networking Lab (Smart Grid : Smart Energy !)
Liaison Entreprises et Universités University of Mons Faculté des Sciences Computer Networking Lab sensor networks, networked embedded systems Questions ? Céline Thillou Directrice +32-065374783 [email protected] Laboratory contact details Laboratory Head General Contact Professor Quoitin Bruno Faculté des sciences Avenue du Champ de Mars, 6 7000 Mons Belgium +32-65373448 [email protected] Main study areas and research topics The main study area of the lab is computer networking. In particular the lab focuses on the design of algorithms and protocols that allow the distributed computation of paths accross networks (routing). The lab has recently started applying this expertise to wireless sensor networks <ith objectives such as balancing the trafic load, increasing the network resiliency and decreasing the energy consumption of nodes. Industrial application fields Wireless sensor networks have several applications in industrial automation, home automation, energy management in electrical grid (smart grid), health care, agriculture, civil engineering, retail and logistics, ... Services proposal Design and implementation of sensor software (firmware) to automate the collect of application-dependent measurements (e.g. energy consumption) and transmit those measurements across networks of wireless nodes. Plan the capacity of a network given predicted traffic-demand. Predict network behavior under stress conditions such as peak traffic load and/or link / equipment failures. Design and implement software that allows the (remote) management of a network of sensors. Make sensor networks interoperable with then Internet and/or specific communication technologies (GSM, Wi-Fi …) Work with standard technologies such as IEEE802.15.4 (aka ZigBee), IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, CoAP (an alternative to HTTP) … More information about the Universities & Higher Education Institutions expertise on Page 1 / 2 Liaison Entreprises et Universités Related Lab'Insight Event Smart Grid : Smart Energy ! Organisé le vendredi 5 décembre 2014 à l'Université de Liège Ce rendez-vous Lab'InSight est l'occasion de rencontrer des experts de différentes disciplines et d'initier de nouvelles collaborations avec les Universités et les Hautes Ecoles de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. More information about the Universities & Higher Education Institutions expertise on Page 2 / 2