Education and Training Program Call for Proposals, 2015


Education and Training Program Call for Proposals, 2015
Education and Training Program
Call for Proposals, 2015
The IIPC Steering Committee proposes a continuation of the Staff Education and Training
Program to provide for the sharing of knowledge about web archiving among members and
with other interested organizations. The goal of this program is to raise the level of staff
skills and knowledge about web archiving across our member organizations. Members may
propose workshops, tutorials, and staff exchanges for this purpose. Members are
encouraged to propose projects in collaboration with professional training and education
experts. These projects should begin and end within the calendar year of 2015.
The schedule for this call for proposals is as follows:
1st October 2014: call for proposals advertised
28th November 2014: deadline for receipt of Proposals
12th January 2015: announcement of awards.
Feedback on unsuccessful bids will be communicated in the weeks following the award
All proposals should be submitted to the Program and Communications Officer
( [email protected] ) by the 28th November deadline.
Proposal Format
Proposals should cover the following, in no more than 5 pages:
1. The type of project (one of the four listed below)
2. The topics to be covered
3. The demonstrable need for the training delivered by the project
4. The qualifications of the trainers or of the developers of online tutorials
5. The expected learning outcomes for the attendees
6. The process for evaluating whether the learning outcomes were achieved.
7. Any resources produced (e.g. presentations, workshop or tutorial material) which
could benefit the wider IIPC membership.
8. The detailed project budget and budget justification.
9. The project timeline from acceptance of the proposal to delivery and post-delivery
evaluation of outcomes.
10. Contact information for follow up questions.
Funding Guidelines
The maximum funding that can be applied for is indicated against each project type.
Please note that any institution accepting the funding for a project must provide leadership
and funding for all aspects of the project during the course of the project. Project costs will
be reimbursed on completion of the project and the submission of receipts to the IIPC
Proposed budgets should be expressed in Euros.
Proposal Evaluation
The following criteria will be used to evaluate project proposals:
- Does the proposed project benefit the diversity of our membership, in geographic location
and web archiving model and maturity?
- Does the proposal clearly describe the proposed project, how it would support the IIPC
mission, and the expected benefits to IIPC members?
- Are deliverables clearly defined?
- Is the budget appropriate for the work to be accomplished?
- Will the work be evaluated effectively and reported to the Education and Training
Committee at the end of the project?
Questions regarding this call for proposals are welcomed and encouraged.
In order for the entire IIPC membership to benefit from the discussion, we ask that
members use the IIPC members mailing list ( [email protected] ) to ask their
Types of Project
1. Face to Face Workshops
Recognizing that a hands-on approach may often be the better way for staff to gain
knowledge related to Web archiving, two or more members may propose a hands-on, faceto-face workshop. Proposers should examine all parts of the training event to determine if
segments of the workshop are appropriate for recording on video or audio or documented
in print to share with other members online. Especially helpful segments might include
lectures, presentations, instructions for exercises, and bibliographies of resource material
including links to tools or available software. Proposers should plan to assess the value
gained by participants attending the workshop. Costs that may be included in the budget for
such an event include:
- Developing the workshop curriculum
- Honorarium for non-IIPC member trainers (IIPC members should provide training as
part of membership participation)
- Travel for speakers/trainers (whether IIPC members or not)
- Recording and preparation of segments for sharing with all members
- On-site expenses such as catering and rental of training facilities (if needed)
Up to 10,000 Euros may be requested for projects of this type.
2. Training Modules designed for Online Learning
Using best practice for online learning, a member or group of members may propose developing a
single tutorial or series of tutorials on a topic or topics of interest to members.
Modules may be pitched at many levels, from basic to advanced. Tutorials may use a variety
of multimedia formats appropriate for a specific topic. Proposers should plan to assess the
value gained by participants using the online learning modules. Examples of costs to include
in a proposed budget are:
- Payments to professionals in online learning to advise on development of the tutorials
- Expenses for developing the curriculum for each topical area
- Recording and preparation of tutorials for online use
The tutorials will be hosted on the IIPC website. Outside organizations with the mission and
experience to develop and host training may be partnered with. Proposed projects can be
small and focus on specific topics or workflows that educate professionals, users, faculty, or
decision makers. The target audience could be the user group for a specific tool, standard,
or collection.
Up to 10,000 Euros may be requested for projects of this type.
3. IIPC Member Staff Exchange
Two or more member organizations may propose a staff exchange for the purpose of
providing in-depth understanding of tools and workflows, for development of new tools or
improvement of existing tools, or to share existing expertise. A proposal for funding in this
area should clearly describe the expected outcome of such an exchange, plan for an
evaluation process, and discuss ways that the experience might be shared with other IIPC
members (presentation at IIPC meetings, published papers, etc.). The exchange
could range in time from a few days to a few weeks, depending on what is to be
accomplished. Proposers will plan to assess the value gained by the staff exchange. At the
very least, a final report to the IIPC will be required, outlining the outcomes of the exchange.
Note that while face-to-face workshops are focused on learning a specific tool or aspect of
web archiving with expert trainers and presenters clearly identified as such, this third model
encourages more diverse and more flexible sorts of interactions. In-house training based on
sharing a team’s daily environment and web archiving routines is a first possibility. Also,
proposals for more creative interactions related to the production of a deliverable are
expected when the exchange involves spending time building software or working
collaboratively on any sort of project of interest to the membership.
The wording “staff exchange” does not necessarily imply reciprocity between institutions
but is intended to facilitate in-person meetings and in-house experiences and internships
between institutions. Proposals for funding might also support travel for experts to visit an
institution for coaching and counselling when the institution can benefit from their presence
for such work as launching their web archiving program, implementing a specific
technology, or learning new skills or specific workflow aspects.
Up to 10,000 Euros may be requested for projects of this type.
4. Other Projects
The IIPC will also consider other projects that do not fall into any of the three categories
outlined above, but which are still centrally concerned with the education and training of
staff, and which still fulfil the general criteria outlined above.
Up to 10,000 Euros may be requested for projects of this type