Carmel Rodriguez-Walter Andover Obituary


Carmel Rodriguez-Walter Andover Obituary
Carmel Rodriguez-­Walter Andover Obituary Comments Marc de La Fortelle January 26, 2014 5:03 PM C'est mon coeur endolori qui parle, car vous savez combien nous sommes attachés à votre famille, à Carmel. Et c'est un très grand vide que je ressents maintenant. Carmel est maintenant dans la Paix du Seigneur, après toutes les souffrances qu'elle a endurées depuis des mois. "Heureusement", Carmel est partie en paix et sans trop souffrir, entourée de son mari, de ses deux enfants, ce qu'elle avait de plus cher; et c'était le plus important, le plus "beau". Car Carmel a été une superbe épouse rayonnante d'amour. Carmel a été aussi une formidable maman pour ses enfants, rayonnante d'amour maternelle. Elle a été aussi une de mes meilleures amies depuis fort longtemps, 50 ans ! Et c'est extraordinaire d'avoir toujours pu garder le lien avec la famille malgré la distance, malgré les années. Que de merveilleux souvenirs avec Carmel, à Paris rue de Javel, à Paris plus tard, avenue d'Eylau chez mes cousins, à Sanary, en bateau, à La Ferté, à St Pair, en Normandie que Carmel aimait tant..., à Montclair, à Andover, à Rockport... Nous avons eu cette chance inouïe de pouvoir venir en famille cette année 2013 fin avril, début mai, dans sa maison de Phillips Academy, alors que Carmel était déjà bien fatiguée après son opération. Quelle grâce incroyable, merveilleux souvenirs que nous garderons à jamais; nos trois "grâces", comme disait si gentiment Carmel, ainsi que Magali et moi-­‐même, nous nous en souviendrons toujours. Avec quelle précision Carmel nous avait tout organisé avec le concert superbe d'Anna Stacy, le tour de l'école avec une élève si sympathique, Carri Bresnaham, les repas aux "Commons", le séjour à Rockport, la visite à la Frick Collection, à New York avec Sophia... Je viens de relire tous les mails, nombreux, si bien écrits, si poignants que Carmel nous a écrits depuis trois ans. C'est très émouvant. Quelle gentillesse, quelle prévenance, quelle attention aussi lorsqu'elle nous écrivait pour nous encourager lors de différents problèmes médicaux nous concernant... Sans oublier le séjour en famille en 2008 à Andover et Rockport, avec le si bel été indien, les couleurs de "Fall" que Carmel aimait tant aussi. Assistance à un cours avec Carmel à Brooks School, tour sur le lac en bateau, visite à la ferme avec l'ambiance Halloween, le déjeuner de lobsters au restaurant "Fish Shack" de Rockport... Sans oublier aussi les autres séjours antécédants toujours délicieux dans cette formidable école qu’est Phillips Academy. Vous nous avez beaucoup gâtés; Carmel nous a beaucoup gâtés ! Avec Carmel, en famille, vous avez vécu de très belles années sur le magnifique campus de Phillips Academy. Vous aviez une très grande et belle « famille » élargie avec tous les élèves et le corps professoral de cette prestigieuse école. De Paris, on Carmel Rodriguez-­Walter Andover Obituary Comments imagine le vide avec Carmel, partie trop jeune, qui va tellement vous et nous manquer. De tout coeur avec vous, par la prière et la pensée, avec toute la communauté de Phillips Academy, Magali, Camille, Amélie, Charlotte et moi-­‐même. Rolando Bonachea January 22, 2014 2:30 PM When I think of the many good memories I have of PA, Carmel Rodriguez-­‐Walter will always be there among my most cherished memories. I will always remember her smile, good advice, love and support she always gave me. She was a wise friend to many students at PA. During my four years in the Chorus I don't think she ever missed one performance! I was not the best singer, but without fail, at the end of each performance she would always come and say "Rolandito, great performance!" Thank you Mrs. Walter for always giving me encouragement and helping me transition as a junior at PA. I will always remember you with fond affection. My deepest condolences to Mr. Walter, Sophia and William. Nathalie Bacchet January 22, 2014 9:28 AM I was one of her pupils in Spanish. She was very helpful to me as I was away from home and in a foreign country. She was expecting her daughter at that time, and I remember watching her as she was trying so sit comfortably ! I have never forgotten her. I can still hear her soft voice. My warmest condolences to her family. Paula Hornbostel January 21, 2014 10:55 AM My sincere condolences to all of Carmel's family members for their huge loss. I am thinking of you, especially Mr. Walter (Chris) and William, during this difficult time. Paula Rand Hornbostel '88 Jorge Arteta January 20, 2014 7:24 PM Teacher, mentor and friend, I recollect many memories dating back to the year we met, 1979. There are memories of her first golden retriever, outings in Boston with the Rubio’s, canoeing in Harvard Pond, her wedding with Chris in Montclair surrounded by very dear friends, the births of Sophia and William, our conversations about interpreting, professional conferences, enjoying Chris' concert at the Elizabeth Stewart Gardner Museum, and Yo Yo Ma's concert in Cochran Chapel, Carmel's 50th birthday party and so on. She is an important part of my youth and early adulthood. I send my deepest condolences to Chris, Sophia and William. Susan M. Lloyd January 18, 2014 7:14 PM Carmel -­‐-­‐ A loving pioneer: Carmel was the first teacher of Latin American history in the Lawrence High School/Phillips Academy Urban Studies beginning in 1981. Urban Studies students, daunted by the blizzard of information requisite to any Carmel Rodriguez-­Walter Andover Obituary Comments effort to understand the culture shaping Lawrence families' lives, found both understanding and useful challenge in Carmel's way of teaching. And I loved working with her. Since retiring from PA 16 years ago, I have seen her rarely; but just knowing she was there has been a comfort and an inspiration. Lon Haber January 18, 2014 1:43 PM Carmel became my "boarding school mother" starting from the moment we met as I was moving into Blanchard house Upper Year. From that very moment and to this day, and for the rest of time, she is a confidant, mentor, kindred spirit, friend and angel. I will always be grateful for the pivotal role she continually plays in my life, starting from making me feel comfortable and special and safe when I was 15 to helping me broaden my horizons over the next 20+ years. So many heartfelt conversations about everything from language to our common cuban connections to family to work -­‐ to what was really important -­‐ what was in our hearts and our minds and our ability to persevere and make a positive difference in lives of all creatures. From exchanging letters to emails, visits at Blanchard House and Quincy House after I graduated, loving and seriously entertaining phone calls, dinners -­‐ no matter how much time passed in between -­‐ there was never a break in our special bond. My deepest love goes out to the Walter family; Chris, Sophia, William and Quincy -­‐-­‐ to my "brothers" from Blanchard House, and to anyone who was privileged enough to know Carmel and spend time with her. I know of no one as dignified, fiery, gracious, kind, honest and welcoming as Carmel -­‐ and the lessons she taught me over the years like the love she shared with me and so many others are engrained in my soul for all time. I will miss you tremendously in the way I got to know you but I am looking forward to getting to know you again in more wonderful and magical ways. She will be there to remind us to hug ourselves and be gentle with ourselves as well as a swift kick in the rear from time to time when we get off track -­‐ and for all this and everything else I am eternally grateful. See you on the other side, Carmelçita -­‐ with cafe con leche, pastelitos de guyaba y queso and a salsa band playing so we can dance the night away. Christine Kim January 18, 2014 12:33 AM I had the chance to see Carmel and to meet Sophia and Willliam upon the occasion of William Thomas' memorial in June. I did not know of the illness, and am surprised and saddened to learn of her passing. She was a wonderfully warm person. My sympathy to the Rodriguez and Walter families. Emily January 17, 2014 3:25 PM I will always remember Mrs. Walter as one of the loveliest people around campus. I still think of her every time I make soup; she once told me that the best soup she had ever tasted consisted only of champagne and melted camembert. A fancy soup for a very fine lady! Carmel Rodriguez-­Walter Andover Obituary Comments Willie Nabors, '83 January 17, 2014 3:04 PM She was always, at all times, the nicest of people, and she was genuinely warm to everyone she encountered. Her family and friends are in my prayers. Rafael Lorente January 17, 2014 1:20 PM So sad. She was so welcoming and caring. My sympathies to her family. Ellen Nordberg January 17, 2014 1:04 PM She was a truly compassionate house mother who made a difference for so many of us. She will be missed. Roxanne Barry January 17, 2014 10:59 AM Carmel was a good friend, a PA campus mother, like myself and our daughters Sophia and Kezi shared their first "tea party" at age 6 months! My children are saddened by her passing as are we. We all will remember Carmel with great fondness. Our son recently commented on her warm smile and interest in others. She was a bright ray of sunshine in Phillips Academy's history and in our lives. We miss her deeply. Roxanne and Don Barry and family Claudia Kraut January 17, 2014 10:45 AM I am so sad to hear of her passing; she was a lovely woman. My deepest condolences go out to Mr. Walter and the Andover community, current and alum. rafael vg Rodriguez January 16, 2014 9:15 AM Saddened. Brings back memories, of all the houses she lived in at Andover, the times spent there and her visits to her parents in Montclair and to me in Manhattan. Much too soon for a departure...I always thought we would spend more family time together in later years Chelsea Quezergue January 10, 2014 1:08 PM I'm thankful I had the pleasure of singing with Carmel in chorus and creating those memories. She was generous person, and she will truly be missed. Vicki Boylan January 9, 2014 2:06 AM My sympathy and prayers go out to the Walter family. Carmel was truly a special lady. Max Meyer Carmel Rodriguez-­Walter Andover Obituary Comments January 8, 2014 11:13 PM What a profound loss. She was a remarkable woman taken far too soon. So sad Malina January 8, 2014 11:10 PM Although I didn't know her well, when we spoke, her warmth and compassion were always apparent. She will be missed tremendously by the PA community and all the lives she touched. Thank you for being so kind always.