hôtel des ventes nice riviéra - Visit zone
hôtel des ventes nice riviéra - Visit zone
HÔTEL DES VENTES NICE RIVIÉRA Ventes Vo lontaires aux En chères Pu bliques, agrément n° 2001-004 50, rue Gioffredo - BP 1462 - 06008 NICE CEDEX 1 - Tél. : 04 93 62 14 71 - Fax : 04 93 62 69 97 www.hdvnice.com- www.interencheres.com - [email protected] Yves WETTERWALD & Patrick RANNOU-CASSEGRAIN Commissaires-Priseurs Associés SATURDAY 24 TH MARCH 2012 AT 2.30 PM RARE PAIR OF “LEGION OF HONOUR” CONSOLES Delivered around 1805 by Jacob Desmalter to Maréchal Davout for his Parisian town house in the rue Saint- Dominique. Origin : Sale of the collection from the Château of Grand-Vaux from 22nd - 24th June 1935. Currently on show at the exhibition rooms of the art and furniture expert : Cabinet Guillaume DILLEE 37 rue Vaneau - 75007 Paris Tel. 33 (0)1 53 30 87 00