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Evaluation du site edtelling.com Généré le 06 Juin 2016 01:38 Le score est de 47/100 Optimisation du contenu Titre Professional Photographer London, Freelance Photography Services Longueur : 64 Parfait, votre titre contient entre 10 et 70 caractères. Description Ed Telling - Recognised Specialists In Events, Business Portraits & Commercial Photography For London, Kent & Home Counties Businesses. 07932 636624 Longueur : 156 Génial, votre balise META description contient entre 70 et 160 caractères. Mots-clefs Très mauvais. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de balise META keywords sur votre page. Utilisez ce générateur gratuit de balises META en ligne pour créer des mots-clés. Propriétés Open Graph Niveaux de titre Cette page ne profite pas des balises META Open Graph. Cette balise permet de représenter de manière riche n'importe quelle page dans le graph social (environnement social). Utilisez ce générateur gratuit de balises META Open Graph pour les créer. H1 0 H2 1 H3 1 H4 0 H5 51 H6 3 [H2] Professional Photography For Your Business Marketing Needs – PR, Events, Portraits and Commercial Activities [H3] Recent Posts [H5] Highlights 2015 [H5] Vinyl Impression – Marketing Photography [H5] CPA Workshops [H5] IPSE – National Portrait Gallery [H5] Droidcon Expo and Conferences [H5] Google Kubernetes at Code Node Optimisation du contenu [H5] Shooting Planes [H5] Aquascutum – Made to Measure [H5] Housebuilder Corporate Charity Auction [H5] Nikon European Film Festival [H5] Huawei – The Dorchester [H5] Celebrating Magna Carta [H5] Bruno Tonioli Shoot – Rivoli Ballroom [H5] World Communication Awards [H5] Cold Comfort [H5] Growth for Development [H5] AVN Conference [H5] Extreme Event Photography [H5] Cass Freshers Evening [H5] Footbridge Conference [H5] Internal Conference [H5] Corporate Hospitality [H5] CPA June 2014 [H5] Community Lighting Conference [H5] World Cup Preview [H5] Odeon Workshops [H5] Odeon Cinema Corporate Shoot [H5] Bridges 2014 [H5] Brain Game [H5] Voestalpine [H5] Xmas at the Westbury [H5] Resource Efficiency Summit [H5] Spitalfields [H5] City Skew [H5] Woodland Wonders [H5] ITU Triathlon [H5] Fryscraper [H5] Ping Pong at St.Pancras Station [H5] Hines AGM [H5] Shaken Not Stirred… [H5] All ’bout the image [H5] Mayhem in the Dales [H5] Shot in the City [H5] The Brain Game 2013 [H5] Westbury Hotel Photography [H5] Special Order [H5] London Olympics [H5] Celebrity Quiz Night [H5] Great Daffodil Appeal [H5] Ravelli Shirts [H5] Hand Crafted [H6] “I provide a professional freelance photography service that’s underpinned by – Creativity, Technical Agility and Commercial Sense.”From live events, to organising a business portraits in the comfort of your offices, you’ll experience a service totally dedicated to creating fantastic images. Ed offers three key areas of photographic services- event photography, portrait photography and commercial photography. Please take a look at the recent work below, as well as in the portfolios section and services detailed in the menu above. “Many thanks for visiting – see you on the inside!” Optimisation du contenu [H6] • Business Portraits• Interiors and Locations Photography• Hospitality Events Photography• Conference and Networking Photography• Industry and Corporate PR• Sport and Team Challenge Events [H6] Images Nous avons trouvé 70 image(s) sur cette page Web. 70 attribut(s) alt sont vides ou manquants. Ajouter un texte alternatif permet aux moteurs de recherche de mieux comprendre le contenu de vos images. Ratio texte/HTML Ratio : 11% le ratio de cette page texte/HTML est au-dessous de 15 pour cent, ce qui signifie que votre site manque de contenu textuel. Flash Iframe Parfait, aucun contenu FLASH n'a été détecté sur cette page. 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