2013 Final Program - The American Institute of Aeronautics and


2013 Final Program - The American Institute of Aeronautics and
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit
44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference
AIAA Ground Testing Conference
24–27 June 2013
San Diego, California
Sheraton San Diego
Download the FREE AIAA 2013 Conference Mobile App
Browse Program – View the program at your fingertips
My Itinerary – Create your own conference schedule
Conference Info – Including special events
Take Notes – Take notes during sessions
City Map – See the surrounding area and Sheraton San Diego Hotel
Connect to Twitter – Tweet about what you’re doing and who you’re meeting with
Any version can be run without an active Internet connection! You can also sync an
itinerary you created online with the app by entering your unique itinerary name.
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MyItinerary Web App
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iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch (3rd
generation), iPad iOS 4.0, or later
Download the MyItinerary app by
searching for “ScholarOne” in the
App Store directly from your mobile
device. Or, access the link below or
scan the QR code to access the iTunes
page for the app. http://itunes.apple.
Select the meeting “AIAA Summer
Fluids Conferences”
For optimal use, we recommend:
iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch (3rd
generation), iPad iOS 4.0,
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Most mobile devices using Android
2.2 or later with the default browser
BlackBerry Torch or later device
using BlackBerry OS 7.0 with the
default browser
Download the MyItinerary app by
scanning the QR code or accessing
Once downloaded, you can bookmark
the site to access it later or add a link to
your home screen.
he conference chairs and planning committee thank you for
participating in the co–located 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics
Conference and Exhibit, 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers
Conference, 44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 31st AIAA
Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 21st AIAA Computational Fluid
Dynamics Conference, 5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments
Conference, and AIAA Ground Testing Conference, being held
24–27 June 2013 at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel in San Diego, CA.
This event is held to provide a forum for technical exchange and
interaction among scientists, engineers, and other professionals from
the industrial, governmental, and academic technical communities who
participate in scientific research and development in the aerospace
engineering and fluid dynamics disciplines. The co–location of these
related AIAA events provides attendees with a unique opportunity to
expand their knowledge of technological advances in these interrelated
disciplines and explore areas of common technical expertise.
This week you will:
Present recent advances before a
knowledgeable international audience
Educate customers and providers
on the latest research and product
Learn about the latest technology and
research in the field from industry experts
Network to engage new contacts and
refresh old ones
Recognize significant achievements from
within the community
Here’s what to expect at this year’s event:
▷▷ Keynote and prestigious award
lecture speakers on aeronautics
in the virtual age, revolutionary
aerospace technologies, numerical
methods for computational heat
transfer, all–speed flows, behavior
of liquids and gases in motion, and
vortex dominated flows
▷▷ More than 100 technical sessions
covering all aspects of fluid
dynamics, plasmadynamics and
lasers, thermophysics, applied
aerodynamics, computational fluid
dynamics, atmospheric and space
environments, and ground testing
▷▷ Access to more than 1,000
technical papers and presentations
Networking Events
▷▷ Off–Site Event: Padres Baseball
▷▷ AIAA Awards Luncheon
▷▷ Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall
▷▷ Technical Tours
▷▷ Networking Coffee Breaks
Conference General Chair
Sergey Macheret
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference
and Exhibit
21st AIAA Computational Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Fluid Dynamics Technical Chair
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Technical Chair
LaTunia Pack Melton
NASA Langley Research Center
H.T. Huynh
NASA Glenn Research Center
44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Plasmadynamics and Lasers Technical
Nick Bisek
Wright–Patterson Air Force Base
44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference
5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space
Environments Conference
Atmospheric and Space Environments
Technical Chairs
Nelson W. Green
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Thermophysics Technical Chair
Marcia Politovich
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Patrick Yee
The Aerospace Corporation
AIAA Ground Testing Conference
31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics
Applied Aerodynamics Technical
Ground Testing Technical Chair
Victor Canacci
Jacobs Technology, Inc.
NASA Glenn Research Center
Kenrick Waithe
Chunhua Sheng
Li Wang
Monday, 24 June 2013
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
0800–0900 hrs Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
0800–0900 hrs
Opening Plenary Session
Thermophysics Award Lecture
Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
Lecturer: Gerald E. “Gerry” Schneider
“Aeronautics in the Virtual Age”
Thursday, 27 June 2013
1730–1830 hrs
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Fluid Dynamics Award Lecture
0800–0900 hrs
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Aerodynamics Award Lecture
Lecturer: Donald O. Rockwell
Lecturer: Neal T. Frink
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
1200–1400 hrs
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Awards Luncheon and Keynote Speaker
Charles Chase, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
“Revolutionary Aerospace Technologies”
New! Continental Breakfast
A great way to start the day and interact with other attendees, a
continental breakfast open to all attendees will be offered Monday–
Thursday, 0700–0800 hrs in the Harbor Island and Nautilus Foyers.
No tickets required.
Monday, 24 June 2013
1830 hrs
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Event
San Diego Padres vs. Philadelphia Phillies
Join us for a night at Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres,
enjoying America’s favorite pastime. Bus transportation will be
provided to Petco Park for the game between the Padres and the
Phillies, which begins at 1910 hrs. Tickets include all you can eat
burgers, hot dogs, ballpark snacks, beer, water, and soda. AIAA will
have the use of several private areas, with great views of the park.
Each attendee will also have a stadium seat from which to view the
Cost of the event is $85 and includes transportation. Transportation
will start boarding at 1830 hrs, and the first pitch is at 1910 hrs
(in order to attend, you must use the bus transportation provided).
Admission is included in the registration fee where indicated and
tickets will be handed out as you board the buses. Additional tickets
may be purchased at the AIAA information and registration desk
based on availability.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
0800–1100 hrs
1200–1400 hrs
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Awards Luncheon and Keynote Speaker
Charles Chase, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
“Revolutionary Aerospace Technologies”
Admission is included in the registration fee where indicated.
Additional tickets may be purchased for $60 at the AIAA on–site
registration desk. Please be sure to arrive promptly. Doors will be
closed once the awards ceremony begins. The following awards will
be presented at the luncheon:
Aerodynamics Award
Neal T. Frink, NASA Langley Research Center
For meritorious achievement in the field of applied
aerodynamics through notable contributions in
the development, application, and evaluation of
aerodynamic concepts and methods.
Fluid Dynamics Award
Harbor Island Ballroom I/II
Protecting Intellectual Property Workshop
Investing in innovation is one of the keys to maintaining a
competitive edge and expanding business opportunities. Protecting
this investment through intellectual property rights such as patents,
copyrights, and trademarks is essential in today’s global economy,
particularly when contracting with government entities. The United
States recently implemented extensive changes to the patent system
with far–reaching effects for companies that wish to obtain and
enforce their intellectual property rights. This workshop will explore
various methods of protecting intellectual property, contracting with
government agencies, and how the new patent laws will impact your
vital business IP assets. There is no additional charge to attend this
workshop; all attendees are welcome.
Donald O. Rockwell, Lehigh University
For contributions to a fundamental understanding of
vortex dominated flows and their characterization
with quantitative imaging.
Ground Testing Award
Jack (Jagdish) S. Sokhey,
Rolls–Royce North
American Technologies, Inc.
For exceptional service,
leadership, and technical
contribution in the advancement of jet engine
technology, performed through testing of
small–scale and full–scale research models
and jet engines.
Plasmadynamics and Lasers Award
Joseph Verdeyen, University of
Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
For major contributions
in the fields of gas and
semiconductor lasers, plasma
discharge technologies,
and the mentoring of young engineers and
scientists. (Note: Award has already been
presented by the University of Illinois–Urbana
Student Branch.)
Thermophysics Award
Gerald E. “Gerry” Schneider,
University of Waterloo
Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
AIAA Paper 2012–0086, “Investigation of
Aspect Ratio and Dynamic Effects due to
Rotation for a Revolving Wing Using High–
Fidelity Simulation” by Daniel Garmann
and Miguel Visbal, Air Force Research
Laboratory; and Paul Orkwis, University
of Cincinnati.
1200–1300 hrs
Ground Testing
AIAA Paper 2012–3318, “High Reynolds
Number Active Blowing Semi–Span Force
Measurement System Development,” by Keith
Lynn, Ray Rhew, Michael Acheson, Gregory
Jones, William Milholen, and Scott Goodliff,
NASA Langley Research Center.
Plasmadynamics and Lasers
AIAA Paper 2013–0922, “Flame
Propagation Enhancement of Ethylene by
Addition of Ozone,” by Matthew Pinchak and
Ephraim Gutmark, University of Cincinnati;
Timothy Ombrello and Campbell Carter, Air
Force Research Laboratory; and Viswanath
Katta, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc.
For outstanding, pioneering,
and sustained contributions
in developing simple and
advanced numerical methods
for computational heat transfer, algebraic
equation solvers, phase change energy
transport, all–speed flows, and conduction
heat transfer.
AIAA Paper 2013–0304, “An Equilibrium
Ablation Boundary Condition for the Data–
Parallel Line–Relaxation Code,” by Matthew
MacLean, CUBRC.
Certificate of Merit – Best Papers:
Aerodynamic Measurement Technology
AIAA Paper 2012–0822, “Fundamental
Processes of DBD Plasma Actuators
Operating at High Altitude,” by Alexander
Duchmann, Bernhard Simon, Philip Magin,
Cameron Tropea, and Sven Grundmann,
Technical University of Darmstadt.
AIAA Paper 2013–0033, “NO PLIF
Visualization of the Orion Capsule in
LENS–I,” by Chris Combs and Noel Clemens,
The University of Texas at Austin; Paul M.
Danehy and Brett Bathel, NASA Langley
Research Center; Ronald Parker, Tim
Wadhams, Michael Holden, CUBRC; and
Benjamin Kirk, NASA Johnson Space Center.
Applied Aerodynamics
AIAA Paper 2012–2668, “A Transonic
Laminar–Flow Wing Glove Flight Experiment:
Computational Evaluation and Linear
Stability,” by Matthew W Roberts, Helen
Reed, and William Saric, Texas A&M
Certificate of Merit –
Best Student Papers:
Plasmadynamics and Lasers
David Weaver Thermophysics
AIAA Paper 2012–3311, ”Large Eddy
Simulations of the Hydrodynamic and
Thermal Fields from a Cylindrical Film
Cooling Hole,” by Lucky Tran, Perry Johnson,
and Jayanta Kapat, University of Central
Harbor III
Exhibitor Lunch Reception
Come and have lunch with the exhibitors
and network with your peers. Admission
is included in the registration fee where
indicated. Additional tickets may be
purchased for $60 at the AIAA on–site
registration and information desk.
San Diego Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tours
The facility is located one mile from the
Sheraton San Diego Hotel. Two tours will be
offered Wednesday afternoon (25­–person
maximum per tour). The first bus will depart
from the Grand Foyer parking lot at 1330
hrs, for a tour from 1345 to 1430 hrs. The
second bus will depart from the Grand Foyer
parking lot at 1500 hrs, for a tour from 1515
to 1600 hrs.
For over 60 years, the San Diego Low
Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT) has served the
testing needs of the aerospace community.
The facility is fully staffed and equipped
to provide all testing and data processing
services. The tunnel circuit provides low
turbulence, clean airflow, and uniform
velocity distribution in the test section, with
controllable flow as low as 10 mph. A new
variable frequency fan drive system is one
of several recent tunnel upgrades. Tickets for
the tour may be purchased upon registration.
Visit www.lswt.com for more information.
Triumph’s Aerospace Force Measurement
Systems Group Tour
1700–1930 hrs
View a state–of–the–art facility for the
production of Wind Tunnel Balances. Tour
the Design area, Instrumentation, Calibration
and System Development Labs. View balance
projects currently in work, the Automatic
Balance Calibration System (ABCS), and the
Large Load Rig (LLR) with a 30,000–pound
Semi–Span balance installed, as well as
other manual dead weight load stands with a
variety of balances in the calibration process.
A Model Positioning System (MPS) will be
demonstrated. Other systems may be on site
for demonstration depending on delivery
schedules. Transportation and light snacks
will be provided (buses will depart from the
Grand Foyer parking lot). Space is limited to
the first 50 people to sign up; the cost is $20.
Networking Coffee Breaks
Coffee breaks are included in the program to allow even more time
for making new contacts, continuing discussions from technical
sessions, or checking emails and voicemails to keep in touch with the
office while you are at the conference. Networking coffee breaks will
be located in the Harbor Island Foyer and Exhibit Hall (Harbor Island
III), where indicated, at the following times:
Monday, 24 June
1000–1100 hrs and
1500–1600 hrs
Tuesday, 25 June
1000–1100 hrs and
1500–1600 hrs (Exhibit Hall)
Wednesday, 26 June
1000–1100 hrs (Exhibit Hall) and
1500–1600 hrs (Harbor Island Foyer)
Thursday, 27 June
1000–1100 hrs
Cyber Café (Internet Access)
There will be computers with complimentary Internet access in the
Nautilus Foyer for conference attendees during the following hours:
Monday, 24 June
0700–1700 hrs
Tuesday, 25 June
0700–1730 hrs
Wednesday, 26 June
0700–1730 hrs
Thursday, 27 June
0700–1200 hrs
Complimentary Internet access is provided in the hotel rooms at the
Sheraton Hotel San Diego for conference attendees booking within
the AIAA room block. AIAA cannot guarantee complimentary Internet
access for those attendees who book rooms outside the AIAA room
block. The hotel should remove the wireless charges upon checkout.
Registration and Information Center
Located in the Harbor Island Foyer on the lobby level of the Sheraton
San Diego, the Registration and Information Center is open during the
following hours:
Saturday, 22 June
(Course and Workshop Registration only
0700–0815 hrs
Sunday, 23 June
1500–1900 hrs
Monday, 24 June
0700–1700 hrs
Tuesday, 25 June
0700–1730 hrs
Wednesday, 26 June
0700–1730 hrs
Thursday, 27 June
0700–1300 hrs
AIAA Livestream Channel
Visit www.livestream.com/aiaa to view two sessions scheduled
for Monday, 24 June: the “Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR” session
(1300–1700 hrs PDT) and the Fluid Dynamics Award Lecture (1730–
1830 hrs PDT). Share the link with colleagues who cannot make it to
the conference to watch live or view afterwards.
22–23 June 2013
24 June 2013
25 June 2013
26 June 2013
27 June 2013
0700 hrs
Networking Breakfast
(until 0800 hrs)
Networking Breakfast
(until 0800 hrs)
Networking Breakfast
(until 0800 hrs)
Networking Breakfast
(until 0800 hrs)
0730 hrs
Speakers’ Briefing
Speakers’ Briefing
Speakers’ Briefing
Speakers’ Briefing
0800 hrs
Plenary Session
Award Lecture
Award Lecture
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Technical Sessions
1030 hrs
Technical Sessions
1130 hrs
1230 hrs
Continuing Education
Course and
2nd AIAA CFD High Lift
Prediction Workshop
Lunch Break
(until 1300 hrs)
Speakers’ Briefing
1300 hrs
Awards Luncheon and
Keynote Speaker
1330 hrs
1500 hrs
Exhibitor Lunch Reception
Technical Sessions
1530 hrs
Technical Sessions
1600 hrs
Technical Sessions
Speakers’ Briefing
Speakers’ Briefing
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Exhibit Hall Open
1200 hrs
Exhibit Hall Open
1100 hrs
San Diego
Low Speed
Wind Tunnel
1630 hrs
1700 hrs
1730 hrs
1800 hrs
Fluid Dynamics
Award Lecture
1830 hrs
1900 hrs
1930 hrs
2000 hrs
2030 hrs
2100 hrs
Group Tour
Offsite Event: Padres
Baseball Game
Transportation leaves
from hotel at 1830 hrs
2130 hrs
2200 hrs
Don’t miss this exciting exhibition, located in Harbor Island III,
Exhibit Hours
featuring displays on internal and external aerodynamics,
Fluid Dynamics 2013
Tuesday, 25 June
and vehicle design, hypersonics, instrumentation, and other
Wednesday, 26 June
industry–related fields. Companies from all over the world will have
products available for hands–on demonstrations.
Sheraton San Diego Hotel &
1000–1600 hrs
1000–1400 hrs
1200–1300 hrs
San Diego, California
rbor Island Ballroom III & Foyer
0x10 booths, 12-6x2 tables
ling height 18' max.
le widths asBETA
CAE Systems
29800 Middlebelt Road
Suite #100
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Booth 3 Ciespace Corporation
Rev. 5/29/13
2905 Stender Way #38
Santa Clara, CA 95054
[email protected]
BETA CAE Systems is an engineering services company that distributes
and supports the industry leading ANSA & META software. ANSA is
CAE pre–processing tool for FE & CFD Analysis, for full–model build,
from CAD to solver input file, in one integrated environment. META
is a post–processor for analyzing results from ANSYS, NASTRAN,
STAR CCM, CFD++ and other solvers.
arata expositions, inc.
15928 tournament drive
gaithersburg, md 20877
(phone) 301-921- 0800
(fax) 301-990- 1717
Booth 6
Ciespace Corporation is an early stage software technology company
delivering an innovative Software–as–a–Service based computer–aided
engineering platform for mechanical engineering design and analysis.
Ciespace is the first commercially–available end–to–end CAE solution
built entirely on an open, web services platform – to deliver an entirely
new paradigm of engineering design and analysis solutions.
Computation Engineering International
2166 N. Salem Street
Apex, NC 27523
[email protected]
Booth 8
CEI are the developers of a visualization software package called
EnSight, widely used in the engineering field to visualize, analyze,
and communicate simulation results. EnSight’s ability to extract out
quantitative and qualitative information from any CAE simulation in
a single, easy to use package allows the users to fully understand,
visualize, and communicate the simulation results.
Desktop Aeronautics
Booth 11
1900 Embarcadero Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
[email protected]
Founded in 1994, Desktop Aeronautics has grown into a well–
established consulting firm dedicated to advancing the state of the art in
aerodynamics and aircraft design.
We have significant experience and recognized expertise in
aerodynamics, aircraft design, computational fluid dynamics,
and multidisciplinary optimization. We have worked with leading
aerospace organizations on some of the most difficult challenges in
aerospace industry.
EXA Corporation
55 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
[email protected]
Booth 9
Exa Corporation offers a full suite of CFD/CAE simulation design
optimization software applications with aerodynamic, thermal and
aeroacoustic simulation capabilities in addition to engineering
consulting services. Exa’s products and services enable engineers to
integrate simulation early in the design process, therefore creating
competitive designs, shortening product design cycles and speeding
9520 Padgett Street, Suite 110
San Diego, CA 92126
[email protected]
Booth 10
Photron’s wide range of light sensitive high–speed cameras includes
short inter–frame (222ns) times ideally suited for Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV), miniature cameras for microscopy, a full resolution
at one million fps camera, to 4M pixels production HD to 2,000 fps.
Photron has the slow motion camera for your fluidics application.
Pointwise, Inc. 213 S. Jennings Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
[email protected]
589 Howard Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
[email protected]
Booth 4
Rescale enables aerospace engineers to set up and complete their
engineering analyses and simulations orders of magnitude faster than
they do today. This saves companies a lot of time and money, giving
them the ability to make the next big breakthrough much faster and
Software Cradle 70 Birch Alley, Suite 240
Beavercreek, OH 45440
Booth 2
Software Cradle is a leading provider of Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) software including SC/Tetra (general purpose unstructured
mesh), scSTREAM (general purpose Cartesian mesh), and HEAT
Designer (Cartesian mesh for electronics). Since inception in 1984,
Cradle has established itself as a major innovator for advancing the
role of simulation in engineering design.
Tecplot, Inc
3535 Factoria Blvd SE, Suite 550
Bellevue, WA 98006
[email protected]
Booth 1
Tecplot, Inc. delivers visualization software that empowers engineers
and scientists to analyze, discover, and communicate the results of
complex data. Our goal is to provide high–quality engineering and
scientific visualization tools and services to help you be more creative,
efficient, and productive.
Booth 7
Triumph Aerospace Systems
Newport News
7340 Trade St., Suite D
San Diego, CA 92121
[email protected]
Triumph Aerospace Systems–Newport News is an industry leader in
the development, engineering, and manufacture of complex aerospace
hardware, and prototype systems for force measurement devices,
ground test, and flight applications. We have been employed in the
development of nearly every domestic fixed–wing aircraft, missile, and
helicopter system.
Booth 5
Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problems facing engineering
analysts today: mesh generation for computational fluid dynamics.
Manufacturing firms and research organizations use Pointwise’s mesh
generation software to seamlessly bridge the gap between CAD and
computational fluid dynamics analysis.
New! Speakers’ Briefing Format
Authors who are presenting papers, session chairs, and co–chairs
will meet for a short briefing in their session room. Morning
sessions will meet from 0730 to 0800 hrs, and Monday–
Wednesday afternoon sessions will meet in their session rooms 30
minutes prior to their start time.
Session Chair Reports
All session chairs are asked to complete a session chair report to
evaluate their session for future planning. AIAA has partnered with
Canvas Solutions to provide an electronic Session Chair Report
form. You can download the FREE mobile app in your App Store,
AppWorld, or Marketplace by searching for “Canvas Solutions,
Inc.” The mobile app is free, so please make sure to download it.
Detailed instructions will be provided in the session rooms. If you
do not have a tablet or a smartphone, simply enter your session
chair report information at the session chair reporting computer
station located on site near the AIAA registration area. Report
data is collected and used for future planning purposes, including
session topics and room allocations. Please submit your session
chair report electronically by 28 June 2013.
“No Paper, No Podium” and
“No Podium, No Paper” Policy
If a written paper is not submitted by the final manuscript
deadline, authors will not be permitted to present the paper at the
conference. Also, if the paper is not presented at the conference,
the written paper will be withdrawn from the conference
proceedings. These policies are intended to eliminate no–shows
and to improve the quality of the conference for attendees.
Speakers’ Practice
A speakers’ practice room will be available in the Executive Center
Boardroom on the first floor for speakers wishing to practice their
presentations. A sign–up sheet will be posted on the door for half–
hour increments.
Timing of Presentations
Each paper will be allotted 30 minutes (including introduction and
question–and–answer period) except where noted.
Each session room will be preset with the following: one laptop
computer, one LCD projector, one screen, and one microphone and
sound system (if necessitated by room size). Please note that AIAA
does not provide security in the session rooms and recommends
that items of value, including computers, not be left unattended. For
additional audiovisual requirements please come to the registration
and information desk.
Journal Publication
Authors of appropriate papers are encouraged to submit
them for possible publication in one of the Institute’s archival
journals: AIAA Journal; Journal of Aircraft; Journal of Guidance,
Control, and Dynamics; Journal of Propulsion and Power;
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Journal of Thermophysics
and Heat Transfer; or Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
(formerly Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and
Communication). You may now submit your paper online at
For those who registered in advance, Conference Proceedings
will be available 24 June 2013. Follow the steps to access them:
1. To view proceedings go to www.aiaa.org > ARC > Meeting
a. Select the appropriate conference from the list.
b. Search for individual papers with the Quick Search
toolbar in the upper–right corner of the page:
i. By paper number: Click the “Paper Number”
link, select the conference year and enter the
paper number.
ii.Use the Search textbox to find papers by author,
title, or keyword. The Advanced Search link
provides additional search information and options.
2. All manuscript files submitted at least four days prior to the
conference are currently in the proceedings. Files submitted
after that date, both original and revised manuscripts, will
not be available until the final proceedings update, which
may take up to 15 business days after the last day of the
3. During this event, AIAA may provide limited Wi–Fi service
for attendee use. In an effort to keep this service available
and optimized for all attendees, please limit downloading
large files (no files larger than 2MB), creating multiple
sessions across multiple devices, or downloading multiple
files in one session. Should you encounter an error message
that indicates that that an AIAA server is blocking your
current IP address, please inform the AIAA registration desk.
4. Direct any questions concerning access to proceedings and/
or ARC to [email protected].
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
1380 Harbor Island Drive
San Diego, California 92101
Complimentary Shuttle Transportation
The Sheraton San Diego Hotel provides
complimentary shuttle service to and
from San Diego International Airport.
The courtesy shuttle arrives approximately
every 20 minutes, 0445–2400 hrs, seven
days a week. For specific instructions on
how to access the shuttle at your terminal,
please consult the hotel website or the
front desk.
Conference Certificate of Attendance
Certificates of Attendance are available
for attendees who request documentation
at the conference itself. AIAA offers this
service to better serve the needs of the
professional community. Claims of hours or
applicability toward professional education
requirements are the responsibility of the
participant. Please request your copy at
the on–site registration desk starting on
Tuesday afternoon.
Employment Opportunities
AIAA assists members who are searching
for employment by providing a bulletin
board at technical meetings. This bulletin
board is solely for “open position” and
“available for employment” postings.
Employers are encouraged to have
personnel who are attending an AIAA
technical conference bring “open position”
job postings. Individual AIAA members
may post “available for employment”
notices. AIAA reserves the right to remove
inappropriate notices, and cannot assume
responsibility for notices forwarded to
AIAA Headquarters. AIAA members can
post and browse resumes and job listings,
and access other online employment
resources, by visiting the AIAA Career
Center at careercenter.aiaa.org.
Photography or video or audio
recording of sessions, presentation
slides, or technical exhibits, as well
as the unauthorized sale of AIAA–
copyrighted material, is prohibited.
International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR)
AIAA speakers and attendees are
reminded that some topics discussed in
the conference could be controlled by the
International Traffic in Arms Regulations
(ITAR). U.S. nationals (U.S. citizens and
permanent residents) are responsible for
ensuring that technical data they present
in open sessions to non–U.S. nationals in
attendance or in conference proceedings
are not export restricted by the ITAR.
U.S. nationals are likewise responsible
for ensuring that they do not discuss
ITAR export–restricted information with
non–U.S. nationals in attendance.
Photo ID Needed at Registration
Your AIAA Membership Card Is Now
Available Online –
And Also Includes a QR Code for Speedy
Conference Check–In!
AIAA now lets you print your membership
identification card online! It’s quick,
easy, and convenient. Even better, your
membership card now includes a QR
code to improve your conference check–in
Printing your new membership card is as
easy as 1–2–3:
1. Log in to www.aiaa.org using
the email address associated with your
member account and your self–created
2. Select “My AIAA” at the top right of
the screen, or select the “Membership and
Communities” tab and scroll down to “My
3. Under the “My Account Information”
section, select “Member Card” and “Print.”
All registrants must provide a valid photo
ID (driver’s license or passport) when they
check in. For student registration, valid
student ID is also required.
Printing your conference badge and
Young Professional Guide for Gaining
Management Support
2. Scan your QR code through an
ExpressPass kiosk at Advance Registration.
Young professionals have the unique
opportunity to meet and learn from
some of the most important people in the
business by attending conferences and
participating in AIAA activities. A detailed
online guide, published by the AIAA
Young Professional Committee, is available
to help you gain support and financial
backing from your company. The guide
explains the benefits of participation,
offers recommendations, provides an
example letter for seeking management
support and funding, and shows you how
to get the most out of your participation.
The online guide can be found on the
AIAA website, www.aiaa.org/
1. Upon arrival at the conference, visit the
registration area.
3. Your conference badge and event tickets
will print out in a flash!
Nondiscriminatory Practices
The AIAA accepts registrations irrespective
of race, creed, sex, color, physical
handicap, sexual orientation, and national
or ethnic origin.
12–14 AUGUST 2013
AIAA AVIATION 2013 is a premier,
forward-looking forum designed to
showcase recent innovations and
achievements in aviation, highlight new
initiatives and plans, and address key
issues that need to be resolved in order to
define clear roadmaps for future progress.
AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference
International Powered Lift Conference (IPLC)
AIAA Complex Aerospace Systems Exchange (CASE)
Premier Sponsor
Sunday, 23 June 2013
1400–1500 hrs
GTTC Steering Subcommittee
Nautilus 1
1400–1500 hrs
APATC New Member Orientation
Executive Conference Room 3A
1430–1500 hrs
APATC Liaisons Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 2A
1500–1600 hrs
GTTC Introduction/Overview
Nautilus 1
1500–1600 hrs
APATC Publicity & Publications Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 4
1500–1600 hrs
APATC Planning Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 3B
1500–1600 hrs
APATC Membership & Nominations Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 2B
1500–1600 hrs
APATC Honors & Awards Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 3A
1500–1600 hrs
APATC Education Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 2A
1600–1700 hrs
APATC Technical Activities Meeting
Executive Conference Room 2A
1600–1700 hrs
GTTC Aero and Propulsion Subcommittee
Nautilus 1
1630–1800 hrs
FDTC Transition DG
Marina 3
1630–1730 hrs
Executive Conference Room 4
1630–1800 hrs
FDTC New Frontiers Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 3B
1700–1800 hrs
APATC Steering Committee
Executive Conference Room 3A
1700–1800 hrs
GTTC Awards Subcommittee
Nautilus 1
1730–1830 hrs
FDTC Recommended Practices for Reporting Flow Control Results WG
Executive Conference Room 2A
1730–1830 hrs
FDTC New Member Orientation
Executive Conference Room 2B
1800–1900 hrs
GTTC Publications Subcommittee
Nautilus 1
1800–2100 hrs
Applied Aerodynamics TC
Harbor Island I
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC CFD Methods Subcommittee
Nautilus 2
Sunday, 23 June 2013 (continued)
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Fundamentals of Flow Phenomena Subcommittee
Nautilus 3
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Flow Control Subcommittee
Nautilus 4
2000–2200 hrs
FDTC Steering Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 2A
Monday, 24 June 2013
0800–1600 hrs
GTTC Internal Balance WG
1700–1800 hrs
PDLTC Steering Committee
1700–1800 hrs
GTTC Committee on Standards
1830–2000 hrs
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Fluids Prize Nominating Committee
1900–2030 hrs
FDTC Turbulence Modeling Benchmarks WG
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
0800–1500 hrs
GTTC WT Model Attitude and Deformation Measurement WG
0800–1500 hrs
1500–1600 hrs
TPTC Best Paper Subcommittee
1500–1600 hrs
TPTC Awards Subcommittee
1600–1700 hrs
TPTC Publications Subcommittee
1600–1700 hrs
CFD General Notation System Committee on Standards
1700–1800 hrs
TPTC Conferences Subcommittee
1700–1900 hrs
Computational Fluids Dynamics Committee on Standards
1800–1900 hrs
TPTC Education Subcommittee
Nautilus 5
1800–1900 hrs
TPTC Nominations Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 4
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (continued)
1800–2000 hrs
APATC Rotorcraft Simulations & Performance Predictions DG
Executive Conference Room 2B
1800–2000 hrs
GTTC DOE Focus Group
Executive Conference Room 3A
1800–2200 hrs
Atmospheric & Space Environments TC
Nautilus 1
1800–1900 hrs
TPTC Publicity Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 3B
1800–2000 hrs
GTTC Conference Subcommittee
Executive Conference Room 2A
1800–1900 hrs
APATC Low Boom (and Drag Prediction) DG
Executive Conference Room 1
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Solver Technology for Turbulent Flows DG
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Nonequilibrium Flows WG
1830–2000 hrs
FDTC Free Shear Layer Mixing Layer Control WG
1900–2200 hrs
Aerodynamic Measurement Technology TC
Nautilus 2
1900–2200 hrs
Plasmadynamics and Lasers TC
Nautilus 3
1900–2200 hrs
Thermophysics TC
Nautilus 4
1900–2000 hrs
APATC Validation of Numerical Models DG
1900–2000 hrs
APATC Missile and Projectile Aeroprediction DG
1900–2000 hrs
APATC Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamic Applications & Testing DG
1900–2000 hrs
APATC Aerodynamic Design Optimization DG
Executive Conference Room 1
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
0900–1700 hrs
1200–1600 hrs
GTTC Wind Tunnel Flow Quality WG
1700–1800 hrs
GTTC Education and Student Activities Subcommittee
1800–1900 hrs
FDTC Student Outreach Subcommittee
1900–2200 hrs
Fluid Dynamics TC
Nautilus 1
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 (continued)
1800–1900 hrs
FDTC Microfluids DG
Thursday, 27 June 2013
1300–1600 hrs
Ground Testing TC
Harbor Island II
Thank You!
“For Lasting Contributions to the Enduring Success and
Worldwide Influence of the Drag Prediction Workshop Series”
Organizing Committee, AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshops (DPW):
Shreekant Agrawal, The Boeing Company
Chairman DPW–1
David Levy, Cessna Aircraft Company
Member DPW–1, DPW–4, DPW–5
Olaf Brodersen, DLR Institute of
Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Member DPW–2, DPW–3, DPW–4,
Mori Mani, The Boeing Company
Member DPW–3, DPW–4, DPW–5
Simone Crippa, DLR Institute of
Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Member DPW–5
Bernhard Eisfeld, DLR Institute of
Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Member DPW–3, DPW–4
Jean–Luc Godard, ONERA
Member DPW–2
Mike Hemsch, NASA Langley Research
Member DPW–1
Steve Klausmeyer, Cessna Aircraft
Member DPW–2
Kelly Laflin, Cessna Aircraft Company
Member DPW–2, DPW–3, DPW–5
Rick Matus, Pointwise, Inc.
Member DPW–1
Dimitri Mavriplis, University of Wyoming
Member DPW–3, DPW–4, DPW–5
Joe Morrison, NASA Langley Research
Member DPW–2, DPW–3, DPW–4,
Mitsuhiro Murayama, JAXA
Member DPW–4, DPW–5
Juergen Quest, European Transonic
Windtunnel, GmbH
Member DPW–1
Mark Rakowitz, DLR Institute of
Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Member DPW–2
Ben Rider, The Boeing Company
Member DPW–5
Edward N. (Ed) Tinoco, The Boeing
Company (Retired)
Member DPW–2, DPW–3, DPW–4,
John Vassberg, The Boeing Company
Chairman DPW–2, DPW–3, DPW–4,
DPW–5, Member DPW–1
Bastiaan Oskam, National Aerospace
Member DPW–1
Rich Wahls, NASA Langley Research
Member DPW–1, DPW–2, DPW–3,
DPW–4, DPW–5
Shahyar Pirzadeh, NASA Langley Research
Member DPW–1
Tom Zickuhr, Cessna Aircraft Company
Member DPW–1, DPW–2, DPW–3,
Session Number
Session Title
Monday, 24 June 2013
Opening Plenary Session – “Aeronautics in the Virtual
0800 hrs
Opening Plenary Session
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) Models of
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
High–Order Methods I
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
Chemically Reacting Flows
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows I
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Solution Adaptive Grid Techniques I
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Other Topics in CFD I
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze II
Interdisciplinary Methods I
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
Aerodynamics Education (Invited)
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
Innovative Aerodynamic Concepts and Designs
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Aerodynamic–Structural Dynamics Interaction I
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Environmentally Friendly and Efficient Aerodynamics
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 2A
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics I
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 4
Future of Fluids – Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 2
Session Number
Session Title
Monday, 24 June 2013 (continued)
Turbomachinery, Combustion, and Internal Flows
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 511
Boundary–Layer Stability and Transition: General I
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Flapping–Wing Aerodynamics
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 3
Actuator Characterization and Development
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Executive Conference
Turbulent Flows I
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Executive Conference
Room 2B
Cross–Disciplinary Fluid Dynamics: Multi–Material and
Multiphase Flows
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 518
Dielectric Barrier Discharges
0900 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
Atmospheric Environment of the Earth and Beyond
0900 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
Ground Test Measurement Techniques I
0900 hrs
AIAA Ground Testing
Nautilus 1
Multiphase Flows and Heat Pipes
0900 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3B
Nonequilibrium Radiation
0900 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Numerical Simulations of Hypersonic Flows (Invited)
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
40 Years of CFD (Invited)
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
High–Order Methods II
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows II
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Session Number
Session Title
Monday, 24 June 2013 (continued)
Design Optimization Techniques I
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Interdisciplinary Methods II
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze II
Multi–Phase Flows
1300 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
Drag Prediction Workshop/NASA Common Research
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Nautilus 3
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and
Optimization Methods I
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Unsteady Aerodynamics I
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 2A
Applied CFD I
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 4
Mixing and Combustion
1300 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Executive Conference
Room 1
Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR: Hypersonics into the
21st Century – Research Progress Since 2001 and Future
Directions in Aerothermodynamics
1300 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Boundary–Layer Stability and Transition: General II
1300 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Fluid Structure Interaction
1300 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 2
Active and Passive Flow Control I
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics I
1300 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Electric Propulsion
1300 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
Session Number
Session Title
Monday, 24 June 2013 (continued)
Aircraft Icing CFD and Ice Adhesion
1300 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
Vortices and Contrails in the Atmospheric Environment
1300 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 518
Ground Test Facilities Improvements and Capabilities
1300 hrs
AIAA Ground Testing
Nautilus 1
Ablation I
1300 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3B
Heat Transfer I – Conduction, Convection, Radiation, and
Phase Change
1300 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Aerothermodynamics I
1300 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 2B
Fluid Dynamics Award Lecture
1730 hrs
Award Lecture
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Protecting Intellectual Property Workshop
0800 hrs
Harbor Ballroom I and II
High–Order Methods III
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows III
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Design Optimization Techniques II
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Grid Generation and Effects of Grid Quality I
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Numerical Treatment of Boundary Conditions I
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
High–Speed and Chemically Reacting Flows I
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
Session Number
Session Title
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (continued)
Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) – I
0800 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 2
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and
Optimization Methods II
0800 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics I
0800 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Sonic Boom Mitigation and Recent Advances in
Hypersonics Vehicle Aero
0800 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Icing or Roughness Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics
0800 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 4
0800 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 511
Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions
0800 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 3
High–Speed Transition I
0800 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 1
Boundary Layer and Airfoil Separation Control
0800 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Seabreeze II
Bio–Inspired Aerodynamics I
0800 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 2A
0800 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Executive Conference
Room 1
Plasma–Assisted Combustion/Plasma Diagnostics
0800 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
Plasma Actuators
0800 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Ice Crystal Icing
0800 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
Modeling Spacecraft Envrionmental Interactions with
Space Plasma
0800 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 518
Session Number
Session Title
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (continued)
Ablation II
0800 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Aerothermodynamics II
0800 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods
0800 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 2B
Tuesday Awards Luncheon
1200 hrs
Awards Luncheon
Harbor Ballroom I and II
High–Order Methods IV
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
High–Speed and Chemically Reacting Flows II
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
Large–Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation
(DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods I
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Design Optimization Techniques III
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Parallel Computing
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Unsteady Flows I
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze II
Solution Adaptive Grid Techniques II/GPU Computing
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) – II
1430 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 2
Aerodynamic–Structural Dynamics Interaction II
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Nautilus 3
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics II
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing Aero I
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Session Number
Session Title
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 (continued)
Other Topics in Applied Aero
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Weapons Aerodynamics and Store Separation
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 4
Vortex Flow and Vortical Structures
1430 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 511
High–Speed Transition: Modeling
1430 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 1
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics II
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 1
Active and Passive Flow Control II
1430 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Spinaker II
Plasma–Based Flow Control
1430 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
MHD for Power Generation/Radio Blackout Mitigation
1430 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Executive Conference
Room 2A
Swept–Wing Icing
1430 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
Spacecraft Charging in the Earth and Lunar Systems
1430 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 518
Computational Heat Transfer and Simulations
1430 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3B
High–Speed and Rarefied Flows
1430 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Thermal Management and Protection
1430 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 2B
AIRA – Aircraft Icing Research Alliance Panel
1600 hrs
Room 515
Session Number
Session Title
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Thermophysics Award Lecture
0800 hrs
Award Lecture
Harbor Ballroom I and II
High–Order Methods V
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows IV
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
Large–Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation
(DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods II
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Unsteady Flows II
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Numerical Treatment of Boundary Conditions II
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Other Topics in CFD II
0900 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and
Optimization Methods III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
Applied CFD II
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics II
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing Aero II
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 2A
Reduced–Order Modeling
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 511
Micro/Nano Scale Fluid Dynamics and Spray Cooling
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 518
Hypersonic and Chemically–Reacting Flows I
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 1
High–Speed Transition II
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 2
Session Number
Session Title
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 (continued)
Bluff Body and Shear Layer Control
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 3
Pitch and Plunge Wing Aerodynamics
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Closed–Loop Flow Control
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 1
On–Ground and In–Flight Ice Protection
0900 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
MHD for Re–Entry
0900 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
Plasma and Laser Physics
0900 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Executive Conference
Room 4
Ground Testing Measurement Analysis
0900 hrs
AIAA Ground Testing
Seabreeze II
Plumes, Propulsion, and Turbomachinery
0900 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3B
Testing and Diagnostics
0900 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Heat Transfer II
0900 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 2B
Exhibitor Lunch Reception
1200 hrs
Lunch Reception
Harbor Ballroom III
High–Order Methods VI
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 5
Recent Development of CE/SE Methods (Invited)
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Nautilus 4
Grid Generation and Effects of Grid Quality II
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Seabreeze I
Large–Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation
(DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods III
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Spinaker I
Session Number
Session Title
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 (continued)
Other Methods for CFD/Unsteady Flows III
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Marina 5
Numerical Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification
in CFD
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 518
Other Topics in CFD III
1330 hrs
21st AIAA Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Room 514
Transonic and Supersonic Aerodynamics
1330 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 2
High Angle–of–Attack and High lLft Aerodynamics
1330 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Unsteady Aerodynamics II
1330 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Unmanned and VSTOL Vehicle Designs/tests
1330 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 2A
Turbulent Flows: Jets and Wakes
1330 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Room 511
Hypersonic and Chemically–Reacting Flows II
1330 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 1
Roughness Induced Transition
1330 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 2
High–Speed Flow Control
1330 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 3
1330 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Bio–Inspired Aerodynamics II
1330 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 1
Weakly Ionized Plasma Physics
1330 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Marina 6
1330 hrs
44th AIAA
Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
Executive Conference
Room 4
Session Number
Session Title
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 (continued)
Supercooled Large Drop and Icing Physics
1330 hrs
5th AIAA Atmospheric
and Space Environments
Room 515
Ground Test Measurement Techniques II
1330 hrs
AIAA Ground Testing
Seabreeze II
Thermophysical Properties and Surface Catalysis
1330 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 3A
Nonequlibrium Flows
1330 hrs
44th AIAA Thermophysics
Executive Conference
Room 2B
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Aerodynamics Award Lecture
0800 hrs
Award Lecture
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Unsteady Aerodynamics III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 3
Applied CFD III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Seabreeze II
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Seabreeze I
Vortical/Vortex Flow
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 6
Cavity Flows: Physics and Control
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker I
Wing Aerodynamics
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Spinaker II
Transition Open Forum
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 1
Turbulent Flows II
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 2
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 4
Modeling and Simulation of Fluids
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Marina 2
Session Number
Session Title
Thursday, 27 June 2013 (continued)
Active and Passive Flow Control III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Marina 4
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics III
0900 hrs
31st AIAA Applied
Executive Conference
Room 4
Experimental Methods
0900 hrs
43rd AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference
Nautilus 3
M. Drela, D. Darmofal,
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
D. Jingeleski, J. Schetz, R. Kapania,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA
University, Singapore, Singapore
M. Hafez, University of California,
Davis, Davis, CA
1100 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Aerodynamics for Everyone
Verbecke, ONERA, Meudon, France
J. Coder, M. Maughmer,
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA; D. Somers,
Airfoils, Inc., Port Matilda, PA
1100 hrs
Theoretical and Experimental
Results for the S414, Slotted,
Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil
Innovative Aerodynamic Concepts and Designs
B. McCormick, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA
1030 hrs
Hydrodynamics to Outboard
to Rotors To Wake Turbulence
to Expert Witness: The
Experiences of an Aeronautical
Engineer over 60 Years
Aerodynamics Education (Invited)
Chaired by: J. GUGLIELMO, Boeing Defense, Space & Security and J. PINIER, NASA-Langley Research Center
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
1030 hrs
0900 hrs
Deformation of the Upper and Numerical and Experimental
Aerodynamic Analysis of Variable Unsteady Motions of a Ram
Wing Flying above Waves and Lower Surfaces of an Airfoil
Aerodynamic Investigations
Geometry Raked Wingtips for
by Macro Fiber Composite
of Boundary Layer Ingestion
Mid-Range Transonic Transport Low-Height Obstacles
K. Matveev, Washington State
for Improving Propulsion
Aircraft Aerodynamic Analysis
University, Pullman, WA
M. Debiasi, Y. Bouremel, Z. Lu,
Efficiency of Future Air
of Variable Geometry Raked
National University of Singapore,
Wingtips for Mid-Range Transonic
Singapore, Singapore; V.
G. Carrier, O. Atinault, R. Grenon, C.
Transport Aircraft
Ravichandran, Nanyang Technological
Monday, 24 June 2013
R. Cummings, U.S. Air Force
Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Chaired by: M. HAFEZ, University of California, Davis and B. CYBYK, JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Aerodynamics Education:
Teaching Low-Speed
Integration of an
Where We’ve Been and Where Aerodynamics
Undergraduate Aerodynamics
A. Plotkin, San Diego State
We’re Going
University, San Diego, CA
Opening Plenary Session
Monday, 24 June 2013
0800 - 0900 hrs
Monday, 24 June 2013
Monday Morning Speakers’ Briefing
Monday, 24 June 2013
0730 - 0800 hrs
Aeronautics in the Virtual Age
Dennis M. Bushnell
Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
Monday Morning Networking Breakfast
Monday, 24 June 2013
0700 - 0800 hrs
1130 hrs
Panel Discussion
Marina 3
Marina 2
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Session Rooms
Nautilus and Harbor
Island Foyers
H. Kim, SAIC, Cleveland, OH; M.
Liou, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH
J. Quan, Z. Ye, W. Zhang,
Beijing, China; W. Tuo, A. Xia, Beijing Northwestern Polytechnical
Aeronautical Technology Research
University, Xi’an, China
Center, Beijing, China; S. Zhou,
Beihang University, Beijing, China
1000 hrs
Aeroelastic Analysis of a
Flexible Delta Wing at High
Angle of Attack
K. Sreenivas, C. Hilbert, A. Mittal,
L. Hereth, L. Taylor, University
of Tennessee, Chattanooga,
Chattanooga, TN
I. Elqatary, Cairo University, Giza,
Egypt; B. Elhadidi, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt
University of Bristol, Bristol, United
Kingdom; G. Ferraro, Cranfield
University, Cranfield, United
Kingdom; A. Rampurawala, Airbus,
Bristol, United Kingdom
Chaired by: C. SHENG, University of Toledo and Z. YANG, Wright State University
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
High-Fidelity Computational Comparison of CFD with BEM Propeller - Wing Interaction
Technique for Wind Turbine
using Rapid Computational
Simulation of the Wake
Characteristics of a Model
Simulation of Thin and Thick Methods
C. Agostinelli, C. Allen, C. Liu,
Rotor Blades
Wind Turbine
Monday, 24 June 2013
W. Saric, H. Reed, Texas A&M
M. Tufts, H. Reed, W. Saric, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX University, College Station, TX
Chaired by: R. WAHLS, NASA-Langley Research Center and P. MORGAN, Ohio Aerospace Institute
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Design of an Infinite Swept
Effects of Step Excrescences on Optimal Shape Design of MailWing Glove for an In-Flight
Swept-Wing Transition
Slot Nacelle on N3-X Hybrid
G. Duncan, B. Crawford, M. Tufts,
DRE Experiment
Wing Body Configuration
Monday, 24 June 2013
W. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Ye,
Northwestern Polytechnical
University, Xi’an, China
Chaired by: J. AZEVEDO and Z. YANG, Wright State University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Forced Response Analysis of
CFD Based Reduced Order
Model for Transonic Gust
Compressor Blades under
Response Prediction and
Unsteady Inlet Distortion
Z. Zhang, A. Hou, Beihang University,
Monday, 24 June 2013
M. Tufts, G. Duncan, B. Crawford, H.
Reed, W. Saric, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX
1100 hrs
Vorticity Confinement
technique for preservation of
tip vortex of rotating blade
B. Kaiser, S. Poroseva, University of
K. Pierson, A. Povitsky, University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Akron, Akron, OH
NM; E. Johnson, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM; R.
Hovsapian, Idaho National Laboratory,
Idaho Falls, ID
1030 hrs
Near-Wake Flow Simulations for
a Mid-Sized Rim Driven Wind
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics I
T. Reist, D. Zingg, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1100 hrs
Computational Investigation
of the Effects of Surface
Imperfections and Excrescences
on the Crossflow Instability
Environmentally Friendly and Efficient Aerodynamics
1030 hrs
Aerodynamic Shape
Optimization of a BlendedWing-Body Regional Transport
for a Short Range Mission
Aerodynamic-Structural Dynamics Interaction I
Executive Conference 4
Executive Conference 2A
Marina 4
A. Avelar, F. Carneiro Brasileiro, A.
Faria, G. Fisch, Aeronautics and
Space Institute (IAE), São José dos
Campos, Brazil
S. Saegeler, C. Mundt, University of the
German Federal Armed Forces, Munich,
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; J. Benek, M. Wurst, M. Kessler, E. Kraemer,
Air Force Research Laboratory,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Chaired by: P. ORKWIS, University of Cincinnati and C. LIANG, George Washington University
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Hole Cutting of Curved
Aerodynamic and acoustic
High order schemes for
analysis of an extruded airfoil
Discontinuous Galerkin
Chimera Overset Meshes using with a trailing edge device using coordinates with radial
a Direct Cut Method
Detached Eddy Simulation with a symmetry
M. Galbraith, P. Orkwis, University of Discontinuous Galerkin method S. Wang, E. Johnsen, University of
Monday, 24 June 2013
Paris Institute of Technology, Paris,
A. Keshmiri, Manchester Metropolitan
University, Manchester, United Kingdom;
R. Erfani, H. Gohari Darabkhani,
University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom
1100 hrs
An Investigation into the
Failure of a Non-Linear EddyViscosity Model in Capturing the
Laminarisation Phenomenon
J. Wang, C. Liang, George Washington
University, Washington, DC; M. Miesch,
National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, CO
1030 hrs
Fully compressible flow model
and high-order simulation of
convection and differential
rotation of solar convection zone
H. Huynh, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH
1100 hrs
High-Order Space-Time
Methods for Conservation Laws
High-Order Methods I
S. Medida, J. Baeder, University
of Maryland, College Park, College
Park, MD
1030 hrs
Adverse Pressure Gradient
Modification to Turbulence
Models for Wall-bounded
Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Models of Turbulence
Chaired by: C. RUMSEY, NASA-Langley Research Center and H. ATKINS, NASA-Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Coupled/Uncoupled solutions Advanced Numerical Simulation Bypass Transition and Tripping
of RANS equations using a
of Mixing Hot Core and
in Reynolds-stress Model
Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Cold Bypass Flow in Modern
Propulsion Systems with Internal G. Gerolymos, I. Vallet, Pierre and
Marie Curie University, Paris, France
C. Content, P. Outtier, P. Cinnella,
Lobed Forced Mixer
Monday, 24 June 2013
J. Murray, J. Vernier, T. Fairlie, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA; A. Tupper, Australian Bureau of
Meteorology, Casuarina, Australia;
M. Pavolonis, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration,
Madison, WI; N. Krotkov, University
of Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore,
MD; F. Lindsay, J. Haynes, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, DC
Atmospheric Environment of the Earth and Beyond
Chaired by: M. POLITOVICH, National Center for Atmospheric Research and N. AHMAD, NASA Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Wind Tunnel Analysis of the
Filling the Gaps: The
Synergistic Application of
Wind Incidence Angle in the
Satellite Data for the Volcanic Flow Pattern in the Centro de
Ash Threat to Aviation
Lançamento de Alcântara
Monday, 24 June 2013
Nautilus 5
Nautilus 4
Room 515
G. Reichling, B. Noll, M. Aigner,
German Aerospace Center (DLR),
Stuttgart, Germany
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Polytechnic Institute and State
H. Sun, D. Darmofal, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA University, Blacksburg, VA
K. Chitale, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Boulder, CO; O. Sahni,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
A. Schwing, I. Nompelis, G.
Troy, NY; S. Tendulkar, R. Nastasia,
Candler, University of Minnesota,
Simmetrix, Inc., Clifton Park, NY; M.
Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Shephard, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, NY; K. Jansen, University
of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO
1100 hrs
Implementation of Adaptive
Mesh Refinement in an
Implicit Unstructured FiniteVolume Flow Solver
Solution Adaptive Grid Techniques I
1030 hrs
Boundary Layer Adaptivity for
Transonic Turbulent Flows
1100 hrs
An ALE-Eulerian Formulation
of Embedded Boundary
Methods for Turbulent FluidStructure Interaction Problems
P. Outtier, C. Content, P. Cinnella,
Paris Institute of Technology, Paris, G. Pont, J. Robinet, P. Cinnella,
V. Lakshminarayan, C. Farhat,
France; B. Michel, ONERA, Châtillon, Laboratory DynFluid, Paris, France; P. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Brenner, EADS, Les Mureaux, France
1030 hrs
Development of Numerical
Schemes for Hybrid Turbulence
Modelling in an Industrial CFD
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows I
CA; H. Yee, NASA Ames Research
S. Davis, G. Jacobs, W. Don,
Center, Moffett Field, CA; M. Panesi,
San Diego State University, San
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Diego, CA
Urbana, IL; D. Prabhu, A. Wray, NASA
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
Chaired by: C. ROY, Virginia Tech and S. ARUNAJATESAN, Sandia National Labs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Parallel Anisotropic BlockAn adaptive simplex cutStructured Mesh r-Refinement
cell method for high-order
using Truncation Error
Based Adaptive Mesh
Refinement Algorithm For
discontinuous Galerkin
Equidistribution for 1D and 2D
Three-Dimensional Flows
discretizations of multi-material Euler Problems
M. Williamschen, C. Groth, University and multi-physics problems
A. Choudhary, C. Roy, Virginia
Monday, 24 June 2013
M. Drela, Massachusetts Institute of Corporation, Moffett Field, CA;
A. Wissink, Army Aviation and
Technology, Cambridge, MA
Missile Research Development and
Engineering Center, Moffett Field, CA
Chemically Reacting Flows
1030 hrs
Carbuncles in higher-order
resolution Eulerian-Lagrangian
computation of high-speed,
D. Kotov, Stanford University, Stanford, particle-laden flow
1000 hrs
1D and 2D Simulaations Related
to the NASA Electric Arc Shock
Tube Experiments
Chaired by: N. BURGESS, University of Wyoming and B. DISKIN, National Institute of Aerospace
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Three-Dimensional Integral
Effects of Turbulence Modeling The high-order dynamic
Boundary Layer Formulation for a Dual Mesh CFD Solver
computational laboratory for
N. Burgess, Science and Technology CFD research and applications
for General Configurations
Monday, 24 June 2013
S. Northrup, C. Groth, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Chaired by: C. GROTH, University of Toronto
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Parallel Implicit Adaptive Mesh Numerical Simulation of the
Refinement for Unsteady
Non-Reactive and Reactive
Fully-Compressible Reactive
Flow in a Swirled Model Gas
Turbine Combustor
Monday, 24 June 2013
Marina 5
Spinaker I
Seabreeze I
C. Kiris, NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, CA; E. Sozer, C. Brehm,
Science and Technology Corporation,
Moffett Field, CA
University, Nashville, TN
J. Eldredge, University of California,
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minneapolis, MN
Chaired by: D. HITT, University of Vermont
0930 hrs
0900 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Low Order Modeling for
Dynamics and Control of WallBounded Shear Flows
Agile Flight: Progress and
M. Jovanovic, University of
Monday, 24 June 2013
N. Nagappan, V. Golubev, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University,
Daytona Beach, FL; W. Habashi,
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Chaired by: R. DAVIS, University of California Davis
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Parametric Analysis of Icing
CFD Based Optimization of A
Control Using Synthetic Jet
Flexible Flapping Wing
C. Carson, H. Luo, B. Yin, Vanderbilt
Monday, 24 June 2013
D. Amsallem, M. Zahr, C. Farhat,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: M. ZAHR and D. AMSALLEM, Stanford University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Verification and Validation
On the Accuracy and
Convergence of MinimumStudies for the LAVA CFD Solver
S. Moini-Yekta, University of California,
Residual-Based Nonlinear
Reduced-Order Models in CFD Davis, Davis, CA; M. Barad, J. Housman,
Monday, 24 June 2013
T. Colonius, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA
1000 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Computational Challenges and
Opportunities in Closed-Loop
Flow Control
P. Schrooyen, Catholic University of
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; K. Hillewaert,
Cenaero, Gosselies, Belgium; T. Magin,
von Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics,
Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium; P.
Chatelain, Catholic University of Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
1100 hrs
Discontinuous Galerkin
discretization coupled with sharp
interface method for ablative
B. Thurow, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
1030 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Simplifying Complex
Measurements: Plenoptic
Cameras and the Future of
Experimental Flow Diagnostics
B. McKeon, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA
S. Najafi Marzbali, A. Dolatabadi,
Concordia University, Montréal,
Canada; P. Jedrzejowski, Rolls-Royce
Group plc, Montréal, Canada
1130 hrs
Fluid-Solid Interaction
Modeling of Compressible
Droplet Impact onto Elastic
T. Taylor, F. Palacios, K. Duraisamy,
J. Alonso, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA
1130 hrs
A hybrid adjoint approach
applied to turbulent flow
1100 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Perspectives on Wall-Bounded
Turbulent Flows
Future of Fluids - Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR
1030 hrs
Lift and drag control using
dielectric barrier discharge
plasma actuators installed on
the wingtips
Interdisciplinary Methods I
1100 hrs
Immersed Boundary Method
for Compressible Turbulent
Flow Computations in BuildingCube Method
J. Derlaga, T. Phillips, C. Roy, Virginia T. Ishida, K. Nakahashi, Japan
Polytechnic Institute and State
Aerospace Exploration Agency
University, Blacksburg, VA
(JAXA), Chofu, Japan
1030 hrs
SENSEI Computational Fluid
Dynamics Code: A Case Study
in Modern Fortran Software
A. DeJong, C. Liang, George
T. Mizokami, D. Noguchi, K.
Washington University, Washington, Fukagata, Keio University,
Yokohama, Japan
1000 hrs
Massively Parallel 3D
Spectral Difference Solver for
Simulating Vortex-Induced
Vibrations of Circular Cylinders
K. Panourgias, J. Ekaterinaris,
University of Patras, Patras, Greece
1000 hrs
Numerical solution of
ionized gas compressible
flows under the influence of
electromagnetic fields
Other Topics in CFD I
Nautilus 2
Room 514
Seabreeze II
F. Meng, A. Gross, H. Fasel,
University of Arizona, Tucson,
Tucson, AZ
X. Wu, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom; M. Dong,
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
X. Zhang, K. Lua, T. Lim, K. Yeo,
National University of Singapore,
Singapore, Singapore
C. Kang, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; W. Shyy,
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, Clear Water Bay,
Hong Kong
S. Karampelas, Brno University of
Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Chaired by: M. OL, Air Force Reseach Laboratory and M. GREEN, Syracuse University
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Experimental Study of TwoModeling of Instantaneous
High Reynolds number flow
past a flapping multi-element
Dimensional Flapping Wings in Passive Pitch of Flexible
Tandem Configuration
Flapping Wings
Monday, 24 June 2013
Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Japan
Spain; R. Govindarjan, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Hyderabad,
India; V. Theofilis, Technical University of
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
J. Ren, S. Fu, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China
1100 hrs
Nonlinear Development of
the Multiple Gortler Modes in
Hypersonic Boundary Layer
H. Bijl, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands; O. Cetiner, M.
Unal, Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey
M. Jones, N. Yamaleev, North
Carolina A&T State University,
Greensboro, NC
1100 hrs
Adjoint-based shape and
kinematics optimization of
flapping wing propulsive
W. Tay, M. Percin, B. van Oudheusden, efficiency
1030 hrs
Numerical and experimental
analysis of tandem flapping
Flapping-Wing Aerodynamics
R. Petzold, R. Radespiel, Technical
University of Braunschweig,
Braunschweig, Germany
1030 hrs
Transition on a Wing with
Spanwise Varying Crossflow
Evaluated with Linear Stability
Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition: General I
1030 hrs
High Fidelity Design
Optimization of a Three
Dimension Supersonic Intake
Turbomachinery, Combustion, and Internal Flows
A. Potturi, J. Edwards, North Carolina M. Aziz, Institute of Aviation
State University, Raleigh, NC
Engineering and Technology,
Giza, Egypt; H. Elbanna, M.
Abdulrahaman, Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt
1000 hrs
Investigation of Subgrid
Closure Models for Finite-Rate
Scramjet Combustion
Chaired by: K. CASSEL, Illinois Institute of Technology and E. WHITE, Texas A&M University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
A unified framework for global An approach for finding
On Continuous Spectra of
instability mechanisms in the
quantum leap of drag
the Orr-Sommerfeld/Squire
plane channel, diverging channel reduction: based on the
Equations and Entrainment
and backward-facing step flow weakly-stochastic Navierof Free-stream Vortical
M. Jotkar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Stokes equation
Disturbances in the Blasius
Research, Hyderabad, India; J. Perez, K. Naitoh, T. Nogami, T. Tobe,
Boundary Layer
Monday, 24 June 2013
H. Nawroth, C. Paschereit, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany;
F. Zhang, P. Habisreuther, H. Bockhorn,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Karlsruhe, Germany
Chaired by: A. GROSS, The University of Arizona
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Flow Investigation and Acoustic Computational Fluid Dynamics
Measurements of an Unconfined Investigation of Solar Chimney
Turbulent Premixed Jet Flame
Power Plant
Monday, 24 June 2013
W. Yamazaki, H. Yamada, Nagaoka
University of Technology, Nagaoka,
1130 hrs
PIV Data Analysis around a
Flapping Wing via Proper
Orthogonal Decomposition
Nautilus 3
Spinaker II
Room 511
A. Sassoon, University of Maryland,
College Park, College Park, MD
P. Upadhyay, J. Gustavsson, F. Alvi,
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
R. Moarref, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA; A. Sharma,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United
Kingdom; J. Tropp, B. McKeon, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
S. Whitaker, D. Reilly, J. Bons, Ohio B. Rollin, N. Denissen, J. Reisner,
State University, Columbus, OH
M. Andrews, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
M. Tomac, J. Gregory, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH
1100 hrs
Jet Interactions in a FeedbackFree Fluidic Oscillator at Low
Flow Rate
1030 hrs
Numerical Experiments with
Observable Euler and NavierStokes Equations in Shocks
and Turbulent Flows
N. Denissen, B. Rollin, J. Reisner,
M. Mohammadi, Concordia University, M. Andrews, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
Montréal, Canada; D. De Pauw, Delft
University of Technology, Delft, The
Netherlands; M. Tembely, A. Dolatabadi,
Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
1030 hrs
Modeling Turbulent RayleighTaylor Mixing with Dynamic
Cross-Disciplinary Fluid Dynamics: Multi-Material and Multiphase Flows
D. Peterson, M. Hagenmaier, C.
Carter, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; S.
Tuttle, Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC
1100 hrs
Hybrid Reynolds-Averaged and
Large-Eddy Simulations of a
Supersonic Cavity Flameholder
Turbulent Flows I
M. Koklu, L. Pack Melton, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton,
1030 hrs
Sweeping Jet Actuator in a
Quiescent Environment
Actuator Characterization and Development
M. Luhar, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA; A. Sharma, K. Mohseni, H. Natarajan, University
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
Kingdom; B. McKeon, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Chaired by: A. ROTHMAYER, Iowa State University and S. OTTA, GE Global Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
A Survey of Airborne Particle Application of a Novel
Droplet Impact and
Impact Characteristics Using Approach for Turbulence Model Solidification on Hydrophilic and
High Speed Particle Shadow Initialization: Preliminary
Superhydrophobic Substrates in
Icing Conditions
Monday, 24 June 2013
K. Bensassi, G. Grossir, P. Rambaud,
von Kármán Institute for Fluid
Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse,
Chaired by: S. RAGAB, Virginia Tech and D. DONZIS, Texas A&M University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Axisymmetric Simulation of
On effectiveness of a rank-1
A Systems Approach to Modeling
Turbulent Hypersonic flows in model of turbulent channels for Opposition Control in Turbulent
contoured nozzle
representing the velocity spectra Pipe Flow
Monday, 24 June 2013
Chaired by: J. GREGORY, The Ohio State University and K. CASPER, Sandia National Laboratories
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Development and
A Review of Fluidic Oscillator Experimental Analysis of the
Effect of Interaction Parameters Characterization of Ultra-High
J. Gregory, M. Tomac, Ohio State
on Synthetic Jet Actuator Arrays Frequency Resonance-Enhanced
University, Columbus, OH
Z. Hasnain, A. Flatau, J. Hubbard,
Microjet Actuator
Monday, 24 June 2013
Room 518
Executive Conference 2B
Executive Conference 1
B. Leslie, J. Schetz, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA; K. Hill,
Nanosonic, Inc., Pembroke, VA
M. Kotsonis, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
A. Likhanskii, Tech-X Corporation,
Boulder, CO; J. Poggie, Air Force
Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
Ottenstein, NASA Goddard Space
G. Verdieri Nuernberg, J. Florez
Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland,
Mera M. Mantelli, F. Milanese,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, MD
Florianópolis, Brazil
Technologies, Belfort, France
T. Kaseman, S. O’Byrne, W. Yan, J.
Fletcher, University of New South
Wales at the Australian Defence
Force Academy, Canberra, Australia
Metacomp Technologies, Agoura
Hills, CA
D. Cao, G. He, H. Pan, F. Qin,
Northwestern Polytechnical
University, Xi’an, China
1100 hrs
Numerical Simulation of
the Thermal Effect in the
Cavitating Venturi Flow
1100 hrs
Time Resolved Spectra of
Pulsed Nanosecond Discharges
in Argon
Multiphase Flows and Heat Pipes
J. Zito, D. Arnold, R. Durscher,
S. Roy, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
Chaired by: M. MANTELLI, Fundação de Ensino e Engenharia de Santa Catarina and B. DROLEN, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
1030 hrs
0900 hrs
Predicting Porosity and
Thermal Performance of ATLAS Velocity measurement of
Modeling of Spontaneous
Effective Thermal Conductivity Laser Thermal Control System thermocapilary flows around a Condensation in High-Speed
of Sintered Porous Media
Demonstration Unit
single vapor bubble of FC-72 Expansion of Gaseous Mixture
J. Ku, F. Robinson, D. Patel, L.
V. Carvalho, FEMTO Sciences &
I. Kim, O. Peroomian, X. Yang,
Based on Powder Geometry
Monday, 24 June 2013
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
1030 hrs
Exploration of Ceramic
Dielectrics for Microscale
Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Plasma Actuators
Dielectric Barrier Discharges
R. DeLoach, NASA Langley Research University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
IN; A. Cain, Innovative Technology
Center, Hampton, VA
Applications Company, Chesterfield, MO
Chaired by: A. LIKHANSKII, Tech-X Corporation and J. ZITO, University of Florida
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Dielectric Barrier Discharge
The effect of external flow
On the validation of fluid
Device Thrust Performance at velocity on the momentum
plasma model for pulsed DBD
Low Pressures
transfer of DBD plasma
plasma actuator simulations
S. Gordon, A. Starikovskiy, R. Miles, actuators
against full kinetic approach
Monday, 24 June 2013
R. Adamczuk, U. Hartmann, J.
Seume, Leibniz University of
Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Ground Test Measurement Techniques I
Chaired by: R. DANFORTH, AERO Systems Engineering, Inc. and J. EVERHART, NASA-Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
1030 hrs
Experimental demonstration of Design, Analysis, and Testing Comparison of Force, Moment, Control of Wind Tunnel
Analyzing an Engine’s Exhaust of Nanoparticle-Infused Thin and Pressure Coefficients
Test Temperature Using a
Jet with the BackgroundFilm Sensors for Low Skin
for the Same Test Article in
Mathematical Model
P. Sutcliffe, A. Vorobiev, M. Rennie,
Oriented Schlieren Method
Friction Applications
Multiple Wind Tunnels
Monday, 24 June 2013
Executive Conference 3B
Marina 6
Nautilus 1
H. Takayanagi, K. Fujita, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Tokyo, Japan
D. Hue, ONERA, Meudon, France
H. Kawazoe, Tottori University, Tottori, S. Khurana, K. Suzuki, University of
Japan; M. Kanazaki, Tokyo Metropolitan Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
University, Hino, Japan
Chaired by: D. LACY, Boeing Commercial Airplanes and H. FASEL
1330 hrs
1300 hrs
Assessment of Aerodynamic
Improvement of Flow Control
Performance of Plasma Actuator Effectiveness for Aerospike
Application on Hypothesized
Using Wind-Tunnel Test Based
Lifting Body Configuration in
Efficient Global Optimization
T. Matsuno, K. Maeda, G. Yamada,
Hypersonic Flow
Monday, 24 June 2013
de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
A. Lefebvre, G. Zha, University of
Miami, Coral Gables, FL
1500 hrs
Numerical Simulation of
Pitching Airfoil Performance
Enhancement Using Co-Flow
C. Wu, N. Ahmed, University of New Jet Flow Control
1430 hrs
Vectoring of a Wall bounded
Planar Jet using Synthetic Jet
South Wales, Sydney, Australia
F. Haucke, W. Nitsche, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1400 hrs
Active Separation Control on
a 2D High-Lift Wing Section
Towards High Reynolds
Number Application
M. Osusky, P. Boom, D. Zingg,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1500 hrs
Results from the Fifth AIAA Drag
Prediction Workshop obtained
with a parallel Newton-KrylovSchur flow solver discretized
using summation-by-parts
Active and Passive Flow Control I
Stuttgart, Germany
S. Keye, O. Brodersen, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig,
Chaired by: K. LAFLIN, Cessna Aircraft Company and M. MURAYAMA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1300 hrs
Investigations of Fluid-Structure Transonic Tail Buffet
Far-Field Drag Decomposition CFD Investigations on the
Coupling and Turbulence Model Simulations for the Common
Method Applied to the DPW-5 DPW-5 Configuration with
Measured Experimental Wing Effects on the DLR Results of the Research Model
Test Case Results
M. Gariepy, B. Malouin, J. Trepanier, Twist using the elsA Solver and Fifth AIAA CFD Drag Prediction
S. Illi, C. Fingskes, T. Lutz, E.
E. Laurendeau, École Polytechnique the Far-Field Approach
Kraemer, University of Stuttgart,
Drag Prediction Workshop/NASA Common Research Model
Monday Afternoon Speakers’ Briefing
Monday, 24 June 2013
1230 - 1300 hrs
Monday, 24 June 2013
Lunch Break
A. Dikalyuk, Russian Academy of
C. James, D. Gildfind, R. Morgan, T.
Sciences, Moscow, Russia; P. Kozlov, Mcintyre, University of Queensland,
Y. Romanenko, O. Shatalov, Moscow Brisbane, Australia
State University, Moscow, Russia;
S. Surzhikov, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
1030 hrs
1100 hrs
Theoretical Validation of a Test
Gas Substitution for Expansion
Tube Simulation of Gas Giant
Nonequilibrium Radiation
Monday, 24 June 2013
1200 - 1300 hrs
ERC, Inc., Moffett Field, CA
Chaired by: Y. SUZEN, North Dakota State University and A. ALEXEENKO, Purdue University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Infrared Radiation
Nonequilibrium Spectral
Compositional Dependence
of Radiance in CO2/N2/Ar
Measurement behind Shock
Radiation Behind the Shock
Wave in Mars Simulant Gas for Waves in Martian and Earth
B. Cruden, A. Brandis, D. Prabhu,
Aerocapture Missions
Monday, 24 June 2013
P. Scholz, S. Mahmood, M. Casper,
Technical University of Braunschweig,
Braunschweig, Germany; S. Wallin, D.
Skoogh, Swedish Defense Research
Agency (FOI), Stockholm, Sweden;
S. Adden, IBK Innovation, Nuremberg,
1530 hrs
Design of Active Flow Control at a
Drooped Spoiler Configuration
John Vassberg, Boeing
Steve Allmaras, MIT
Chris Rumsey, NASA
Chris Roy, Virginia Tech
Rich Wahls, NASA
Joe Morison, NASA
Drag Prediction Workshop Committee:
J. Kearney, A. Glezer, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
1600 hrs
Aero-Effected Control of a
Pitching Airfoil by Bleed
1530 hrs
Status and Directions of the DPW Series
J. Dianics, M. Balthazar, A. Gross, H.
Fasel, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Tucson, AZ
Marina 2
Nautilus 3
Session Rooms
Lunch on Own
1630 hrs
Wind Tunnel and Free-Flight
Testing of Active Flow Control
for Modified NACA 613-618
Executive Conference 3A
Research Center (CIRA), Capua,
Italy; R. Tognaccini, B. Mele,
University of Naples “Federico II”,
Naples, Italy
N. Arora, A. Gupta, S. Sanghi,
Indian Institute of Technology New
Delhi, New Delhi, India; H. Aono,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Kanagawa, Japan; W. Shyy,
Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
M. Ghoreyshi, A. Jirasek, R.
Cummings, U.S. Air Force Academy,
Colorado Springs, CO
University of Southampton,
E. Roosenboom, A. Schröder, J.
Agocs, R. Geisler, German Aerospace Southampton, United Kingdom
Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
Chaired by: K. VANDEN, USAF and K. ABDOL-HAMID, NASA Langley Research Center
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
Unsteady Aerodynamic
Coherent Wake Structures
Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic
for Transport Aircraft at
Measurements of a Landing
Modeling of Aircraft Control
Surfaces by Indicial Response Cargo Airdrop Configurations Gear Torque Link
S. Windiate, X. Zhang, D. Angland,
Including Parachutes
Monday, 24 June 2013
D. Mateescu, A. Panahi, C. Wang,
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Chaired by: P. MORGAN, Ohio Aerospace Institute and L. UKEILEY, University of Florida
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Unsteady Effects on Stationary A Numerical Method to Detect A lattice Boltzmann framework
Airfoils due to Unsteady Flow Laminar Separation Bubbles for analysis of ‘clap and fling’
Separations at Low Reynolds over Airfoils
motion of finite thickness
P. Catalano, Italian Aerospace
Monday, 24 June 2013
Munich, Germany
1400 hrs
A Hybrid Approach to
Approximate the Trade-off
Surface in Engineering
Design via Scalarization and
Evolutionary Computation
1430 hrs
Aerodynamic Design of EAV
Propeller using a Multi-Level
Optimization Method
O. Bas, ROKETSAN Missile
Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey;
S. Cakmakcioglu, U. Kaynak,
TOBB University of Economics and
Technology, Ankara, Turkey
1500 hrs
A Novel Intermittency
Distribution Based Transition
Model For Low-Re Number
C. Brehm, E. Sozer, Science and
Technology Corporation, Moffett Field,
CA; S. Moini-Yekta, University of
California, Davis, Davis, CA; J. Housman,
C. Kiris, M. Barad, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA; B. Vu, P.
Christopher, NASA Kennedy Space
Center, Cape Canaveral, FL
1430 hrs
Computational Prediction
of Pressure and Thermal
Environments in the Flame
Trench with Launch Vehicles
Unsteady Aerodynamics I
K. O’Connor, E. Loth, University
of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Charlottesville, VA; M. Selig,
University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL
1430 hrs
Design of a 2-D Fairing for a
Wind Turbine Tower
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics I
A. Winzen, M. Klaas, W. Schröeder,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
1530 hrs
Time-resolved PIV and force
measurements of wing
models with artificial surface
1530 hrs
Planform Design for a Five
Bladed Isolated Helicopter
Rotor Using Fluid-Structure
Coupled CFD Simulations
A. Budiman, H. Mitsudharmadi, H.
Low, S. Winoto, National University
of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
1600 hrs
Visualization of Counterrotating Streamwise Vortices
in a Rectangular Channel with
One-sided Wavy Surface
Executive Conference 2A
M. Sytsma, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL; L. Ukeiley,
University of Florida, Gainesville,
Gainesville, FL
Marina 4
Marina 3
1630 hrs
Evaluating the Flow Fields
Around Low Aspect Ratio
Flat Plates in Wind Tunnel
1600 hrs
Drag coefficient stochastic
uncertainty in aerodynamics
design of atmospheric reentry
Y. Jo, H. Lee, S. Choi, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Daejeon, South Korea; M. Hollands, M. Kessler, E. Kraemer, O. Frayssinet, D. Bardy, P. Maire,
J. Kwon, S. Ahn, Samsung, Daejeon, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
J. Claude, Atomic Energy and
South Korea
Alternative Energies Commission, Le
Barp, France
1500 hrs
Aerodynamic Design
Optimization of Wing-sails
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization Methods I
H. Kwon, S. Choi, S. Yi, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and
T. Weiss, W. Heinze, P. Horst,
T. Erfani, University College London, Technology, Daejeon, South Korea;
K. Kim, Korea Aerospace Research
Technical University of Braunschweig, London, United Kingdom; H.
Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
Braunschweig, Germany
Samami, University of Leicester,
Leicester, United Kingdom; R. Erfani,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Manchester, United Kingdom
Chaired by: G. ZHA and N. HARIHARAN, CREATE-AV
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
Systematic Optimization of the Influence of Propeller
Cooling Duct System of Electric Aerodynamics on Structural
Wing Box Optimization in
A. Heft, T. Indinger, N. Adams,
Integrated Preliminary Aircraft
Technical University of Munich,
Monday, 24 June 2013
C. Triphahn, University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL;
E. Loth, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VA
Z. Zheng, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Lawrence, KS
Yunlin, Taiwan
K. Kurbatskii, A. Lestari, ANSYS, Inc.,
Lebanon, NH
1430 hrs
Evaluation of Roughness
Effects on Ice Adhesion
A. Inamdar, S. Lele, M. Jacobson,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1430 hrs
A Probabilistic Ice Habit Model
for LES of Contrails
V. Dedesh, Moscow Institute of Physics
and Technology, Zhukovsky, Russia; A.
Zamyatin, M. Grigorev, A. Zhelannikov,
International Science & Technology
Center, Zhukovsky, Russia; A. Lanshin,
A. Evstigneev, Central Institute of
Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia
K. Morita, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
Japan; M. Tanaka, S. Kimura,
Kanagawa Institute of Technology,
Atsugi, Japan; H. Sakaue, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Chofu, Japan
TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Russia
1530 hrs
Methodology of evaluation and
prediction of formation and
existence of condensation trails
V. Dedesh, A. Zamyatin, M. Grigorev, and condensation cirrus clouds
International Science & Technology during flights of particular civil
Center, Zhukovsky, Russia; S. Zuev,
jet aircraft and it approbation on
Gromov Flight Research Institute,
Zhukovsky, Russia; A. Zhelannikov, concrete flight routes
1500 hrs
Researches of interaction of
aircraft wake vortices and
condensation trails
Vortices and Contrails in the Atmospheric Environment
M. Tanaka, Kanagawa Institute of
Technology, Atsugi, Japan; K. Morita,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Chofu, Japan; S. Kimura,
Kanagawa Institute of Technology,
Atsugi, Japan; H. Sakaue, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Chofu, Japan
1500 hrs
Development and Application of
Dual-Luminescence Imaging for
Capturing Supercooled-Water
Droplet under Icing Conditions
1530 hrs
Stationary- and Dynamic-Icing
Processes of SupercooledWater Droplet on Icephobic
1500 hrs
Pressure-based Coupled
Numerical Approach to the
Problem of Compressible Flow
through Convergent Conical
Aircraft Icing CFD and Ice Adhesion
T. Strobl, D. Raps, European
Aeronautic Defence and Space
TX; R. Kreeger, NASA Glenn Research Company, Munich, Germany; M.
Hornung, Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V.,
Center, Cleveland, OH
Munich, Germany
Chaired by: J. MURRAY, NASA-Langley Research Center and Z. ZHENG, The University of Kansas
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
Influence of Atmospheric
Nonlinear Wake Vortices of an Numerical Simulation of the
Oscillating Airfoil in Subsonic Aircraft Wake Vortex Flowfield
Turbulence on Crow-Type
N. Ahmad, NASA Langley Research
Instability of a Vortex in
M. Tsai, National Formosa University, Center, Hampton, VA
Ground Effect
Monday, 24 June 2013
E. Collins, E. Luke, Mississippi State
University, Mississippi State, MS;
C. Bidwell, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH
1430 hrs
Effect of Tip Geometry on a
Hovering Rotor in Ground
Effect: A Computational Study
Applied CFD I
M. Pandya, N. Frink, NASA Langley T. Kalra, V. Lakshminarayan, J.
Research Center, Hampton, VA;
Baeder, University of Maryland,
E. Ding, Analytical Services and
College Park, College Park, MD
Materials, Inc., Hampton, VA; E.
Parlette, ViGYAN, Inc., Hampton, VA
Chaired by: Z. SWETKY, Aero-Insturments Co. and T. BENCIC, NASA Glenn Research Center
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Discrete Surface Evolution and Impact Efficiency Preditions
Assessment of Ice Shape
Mesh Deformation for Aircraft On Icing Surfaces Using the
Roughness Using a SelfIcing Applications
Lagrangian Parcel Volume
Organizing Map Approach
D. Thompson, X. Tong, Q. Arnoldus, Method
S. McClain, Baylor University, Waco,
Monday, 24 June 2013
University of San Buenaventura,
Bogota, Colombia
Chaired by: J. DEBONIS, NASA Glenn Research Center and A. MAJAMAKI, The Aerospace Corporation
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Numerical Simulation of the URANS-Simulations of Combat Toward Verification of USM3D
UAV Navigator X-2
Aircraft Flight Manoeuvres
Extensions for Mixed Element
A. Giraldo, W. Buitrago J. Escobar,
S. Hitzel, EADS, Manching, Germany Grids
Monday, 24 June 2013
Room 518
Room 515
Executive Conference 4
R. Abgrall, French National Institute
for Research in Computer Science
and Control (INRIA), Bordeaux,
H. Deconinck, von Kármán Institute
for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-SaintGenèse, Belgium
Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
M. Charest, C. Groth, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Chaired by: A. KATZ and H. NISHIKAWA, National Institute of Aerospace
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
Higher-Order Finite Volume
High-Order Flux Correction
A High-Order Central ENO
for Viscous Flows on Arbitrary Finite-Volume Scheme for
Solution Reconstruction on
Highly Anisotropic Meshes
Unstructured Grids
Three-Dimensional Turbulent
A. Jalali, C. Ollivier Gooch, University B. Pincock, A. Katz, Utah State
Reactive Flows on Unstructured
of British Columbia, Vancouver,
University, Logan, UT
Monday, 24 June 2013
Bloomington, IN; M. Marion,
École Centrale de Lyon, Ecully,
France; M. Petcu, University of
Poitiers, Futuroscope Chasseneuil
Cedex, France; R. Temam, Indiana
University, Bloomington, IN
Chaired by: M. HAFEZ, University of California, Davis and M. LIOU, NASA Glenn Research Center
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Boundary conditions and
High order preserving residual A review of 44 years of
multilevel methods for fluid distribution schemes for the
von Karman Institute
laminar and turbulent Navier Computational Fluid Dynamics
A. Bousquet, Indiana University,
Stokes on arbitrary grids
Lecture Series
Monday, 24 June 2013
H. Reed, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX
H. Nishikawa, National Institute of
Aerospace, Hampton, VA
1430 hrs
First, Second, and Third Order
Finite-Volume Schemes for
H. Huynh, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH; Z. Wang, University
of Kansas, Lawrence, Lawrence, KS;
P. Vincent, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom
Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, D. Del Rey Fernández, D. Zingg,
Japan; Y. Abe, University of Tokyo, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Sagamihara, Japan; K. Fujii, Institute Canada
of Space and Astronautical Science,
Sagamihara, Japan
1530 hrs
High-Order Compact-Stencil
Summation-By-Parts Operators
for the Compressible NavierT. Nonomura, Institute of Space and Stokes Equations
1500 hrs
A New Technique for Finite
Difference WENO with
Geometric Conservation Law
High-Order Methods II
D. Zingg, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada
1500 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
An Aerodynamic Analysis and
Optimization Methodology
Based on a Newton-KrylovJ. Peraire, Massachusetts Institute of Schur Algorithm Combined
Technology, Cambridge, MA
with Summation-by-Parts
1430 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Hybridized Discontinuous
Galerkin Methods for Fluid
1530 hrs
High-Order Methods for
Computational Fluid Dynamics:
A Brief Review of Compact
Differential Formulation on
Unstructured Grids
Bauman, University of Texas, Austin, R. Schwane, ESA, Noordwijk, The
Austin, TX
1500 hrs
Recent Advancements in Fully
Implicit Numerical Methods for
Hypersonic Reacting Flows
40 Years of CFD (Invited)
J. Padilla, J. White, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA
1430 hrs
Functional Equivalence
Acceptance Testing of FUN3D
for Entry, Descent, and
Landing Applications
Numerical Simulations of Hypersonic Flows (Invited)
1530 hrs
Numerical rebuilding of unsteady
loads on ARIANE5 by URANS and
LES/DES/XLES calculations and
B. Kirk, NASA Johnson Space Center, validation against time accurate
I. Boyd, University of Michigan, Ann P. Gnoffo, W. Wood, B. Kleb, S. Alter, Houston, TX; R. Stogner, T. Oliver, P. PIV measurements
1400 hrs
Computation of Hypersonic
Flows Using the Direct
G. Candler, University of Minnesota, Simulation Monte Carlo
Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Chaired by: R. CUMMINGS, US Air Force Academy
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Simulation of Transition to
Hypersonic Stability and
Transition Prediction
Turbulence on an Elliptic Cone
Monday, 24 June 2013
J. Erwin, L. Wang, W. Anderson, S.
Kapadia, University of Tennessee,
Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
1600 hrs
High-Order Finite-Element
Method for Three-Dimensional
Turbulent Navier-Stokes
1600 hrs
Open Discussion
S. Karl, D. Potter, M. Lambert, K.
Hannemann, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
1600 hrs
CFD analysis of radiative
heat loading on hypervelocity
re-entry vehicles
Seabreeze I
Nautilus 5
Nautilus 4
P. Nathen, D. Gaudlitz, Technical
University of Munich, Munich,
Germany; M. Krause, J. Kratzke,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Karlsruhe, Germany
Akron, Akron, OH
Z. Lyu, G. Kenway, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; C.
Paige, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Canada; J. Martins, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
M. Meaux, EADS, Toulouse, France;
M. Montagnac, B. Mohammadi,
CERFACS, Toulouse, France
1400 hrs
COOLFluiD: an open
computational platform for multiphysics simulation and research
L. Osusky, D. Zingg, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1500 hrs
Application of an efficient
Newton-Krylov algorithm
for aerodynamic shape
optimization based on the
Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes equations
1430 hrs
Flow around an Elastically
Mounted Slender Body at High
V. Luu, École Nationale Supérieure
de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique,
Futuroscope, France; C. Grignon,
DGA, Bourges, France; F. Plourde,
École Nationale Supérieure de
Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique,
Futuroscope, France
A. Nemili, . Emre, N. Gauger, RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany;
F. Kramer, A. Carnarius, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany;
F. Thiele, CFD Software GmbH, Berlin,
1530 hrs
Discrete Adjoint based Sensitivity
Analysis for Optimal Flow Control
of a 3D High-Lift Configuration
M. Yumusak, ROKETSAN Missile
Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey
1530 hrs
Viscous Flow Analysis and
Design Optimization in Rocket
1500 hrs
Toward a CFD/6 DOF Coupled
Model Enhancing Projectile
Trajectory Prediction
Interdisciplinary Methods II
R. Rashad, D. Zingg, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1430 hrs
Toward High-Fidelity
Aerodynamic Shape
Optimization for Natural
Laminar Flow
Design Optimization Techniques I
1500 hrs
A Three-Dimensional
Unstructured Finite Volume
Method for Droplet Impingement
in Aircraft Icing
J. Pueblas, R. Corral, Technical
K. Jung, Gyeongsang National
University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain; University, Jinju, South Korea; S. Jung,
F. Gisbert, ITP, Madrid, Spain
Korea Aerospace Industries, Sacheon,
South Korea; R. Myong, Gyeongsang
National University, Jinju, South Korea;
J. Kim, Korea Aerospace Industries,
Sacheon, South Korea
1430 hrs
Selection of Implicit CFD
Techniques for Unstructured
Grids and Turbomachinery
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows II
A. Lani, N. Villedie, K. Bensassi, L.
S. Gendel, O. Gottlieb, D. Degani,
Koloszar, M. Vymazal, von Kármán
Technion--Israel Institute of
Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint- Technology, Haifa, Israel
J. Shang, D. Andrienko, Wright State D. Amsallem, S. Deolalikar, Stanford
Genèse, Belgium; S. Yalim, Catholic
University, Dayton, OH; S. Surzhikov, University, Stanford, CA; F. Gurrola,
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;
Russian Academy of Sciences,
New Mexico State University, Las
M. Panesi, University of Illinois, UrbanaMoscow, Russia; G. Huang, Wright Cruces, NM; C. Farhat, Stanford
Champaign, Urbana, IL
State University, Dayton, OH
University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: J. SHANG, Wright State University
1330 hrs
1300 hrs
An efficient computational
Model Predictive Control
under Coupled Fluid-Structure
approach to hypersonic
nonequilibrium radiation
Constraints Using a Database
utilizing Gaussian Quadrature of Reduced-Order Models on
and Space Partition
a Tablet
Monday, 24 June 2013
T. Economon, F. Palacios, J. Alonso,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: D. ZINGG, University of Toronto and N. GAUGER, RWTH Aachen University
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
A Viscous Continuous Adjoint Automatic Differentiation Adjoint Aerodynamic aircraft design
Approach for the Design
of the Reynolds-Averaged
for mission performance by
of Rotating Engineering
Navier-Stokes Equations with a multipoint optimization
F. Gallard, Airbus, Toulouse, France;
Turbulence Model
Monday, 24 June 2013
Chaired by: A. POVITSKY, The University of Akron and X. ZENG, Duke Univerisity
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
An extension of the Lattice
Vorticity Confinement Applied
A Hybrid Finite DifferenceFinite Volume Approach and Boltzmann Method for
to Turbulent Wing Tip Vortices
Its Applications to Inviscid
simulating turbulent flows
for Wake-integral Drag
Compressible Flows
around rotating geometries of Prediction
X. Zeng, Duke University, Durham, arbitrary shape
K. Pierson, A. Povitsky, University of
Monday, 24 June 2013
Z. Lyu, J. Martins, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
1600 hrs
RANS-based Aerodynamic
Shape Optimization of a
Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft
D. Kolmogorov, Technical University
of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark;
N. Sørensen, Technical University
of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark;
W. Shen, J. Sørensen, Technical
University of Denmark, Lyngby,
1600 hrs
Multigrid technique and
Optimized Schwarz method
on block-structured grids with
discontinuous interfaces
Seabreeze II
Marina 5
S. Nikkar, J. Nordstrom, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
1630 hrs
Energy Stable High Order
Finite Dierence Methods
for Hyperbolic Equations in
Moving Coordinate Systems
Spinaker I
Moscow, Russia; A. Molchanov, Moscow H. Kim, D. Min, C. Kim, Seoul
Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia; N. National University, Seoul, South
Ushakov, Keldysh Research Center,
Moscow, Russia
W. Tavernetti, M. Hafez, University
of California, Davis, Davis, CA
A. Sarthou, D. Zuzio, J. Estivalezes,
ONERA, Toulouse, France
1500 hrs
Multiscale Eulerian-Lagrangian
method for parallel simulation
of atomization induced by
air-blast planar injectors
1530 hrs
Experimental investigation of
flashback in premixed CH4/
H2-air swirl flames
C. Rodrigues, J. Barata, A. Silva,
University of Beira Interior, Covilha,
1530 hrs
On the modelling of spray/
wall impingement under
crossflow conditions
H. Gohari Darabkhani, J. Oakey,
Cranfield University, Cranfield, United
Kingdom; Y. Zhang, Sheffield University,
Sheffield, United Kingdom; A. Keshmiri,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Manchester, United Kingdom
1600 hrs
Study of the Flame Structure
and Dynamics Using Nonintrusive Combustion Diagnostic
P. Congedo, M. Rodio, R. Abgrall,
French National Institute for Research
in Computer Science and Control
(INRIA), Bordeaux, France
S. Schneider, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
W. Saric, H. Reed, R. Bowersox,
Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX
1430 hrs
Hypersonic Boundary-Layer
Laminar-Turbulent Transition
R. Miles, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ
1500 hrs
Optical Diagnostics for HighSpeed Flows
T. Schwartzentruber, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minneapolis,
MN; I. Boyd, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Executive Conference 1
Room 514
1630 hrs
Progress and Future Prospects
for Particle-Based Simulation of
G. Candler, University of Minnesota, Hypersonic Flow
1600 hrs
Rate-Dependent Energetic
Processes in Hypersonic Flows
I. Adamovich, J. Rich, W. Lempert, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
1530 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Energy conversion mechanisms
in nonequilibrium plasmas and
high-enthalpy flows
1600 hrs
Towards an efficient simulation
of two-phase flows with real
gas effects and cavitation
Celebrating 60 Years of AFOSR: Hypersonics into the 21st Century - Research Progress Since 2001 and Future Directions in Aerothermodynamics
D. Ebi, N. Clemens, University of
T. Reichel, S. Terhaar, C. Paschereit, Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
Technical University of Berlin, Berlin,
1500 hrs
Flow Field Manipulation by
Axial Air Injection to Achieve
Flashback Resistance and its
S. Terhaar, T. Reichel, C. Schrodinger, Impact on Mixing Quality
1430 hrs
Vortex Breakdown and Global
Modes in Swirling Combustor
Flows with Axial Air Injection
Mixing and Combustion
M. Henry de Frahan, E. Johnsen,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Ann Arbor, MI
1430 hrs
Discontinuous Galerkin
method for multifluid Euler
Multi-Phase Flows
H. Nawroth, K. Moriarty, J. Beuth,
C. Paschereit, Technical University of L. Rukes, K. Oberleithner, C.
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Paschereit, Technical University of
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1400 hrs
Experimental Investigation of
an Unconfined Swirl-Stabilized
Turbulent Premixed Flame
Chaired by: M. LEWIS, Science & Technology Policy Inst/Inst for Def Analyses
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
The AFOSR Hypersonic
Progress in Shock Wave/
Developing Mechanism-Based
Boundary Layer Interactions Methods for Estimating
J. Schmisseur, Air Force Office of
D. Gaitonde, Ohio State University, Hypersonic Boundary-Layer
Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
Columbus, OH
Transition in Flight: The Role of
Quiet Tunnels
Monday, 24 June 2013
A. Irannejad, F. Jaberi, Michigan
State University, East Lansing, MI
Chaired by: V. NARAYANASWAMY, University of Texas, Austin
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
Large Eddy Simulation of
A Numerical Study of
Spray Mixing and Combustion Axisymmetric Compressible
with Two-Phase Mass Density Non-Isothermal and Reactive
Swirling Flow
Monday, 24 June 2013
O. Peroomian, V. Akdag, Metacomp
Technologies, Thousand Oaks, CA
Chaired by: E. JOHNSEN, University of Michigan and G. JACOBS, San Diego State Univ
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Efficient and Accurate
Multiphase Modeling of Water Computation of Gas and
Injection on Flame Deflector Multiphase Supersonic Jets with Computations of Cryogenic
B. Vu, NASA Kennedy Space Center, Non-Equilibrium Processes
Cavitating Flows around
Cape Canaveral, FL; N. Bachchan,
F. Zavelevich, Keldysh Research Center, Turbopump Inducer
Monday, 24 June 2013
S. Palluconi, J. Crafton, Innovative
Scientific Solutions, Inc., Dayton,
OH; H. Dong, Wright State
University, Dayton, OH
K. Pielhop, M. Klaas, W. Schröeder,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
A. Mazaheri, W. Bruce, N. Mesick,
NASA Langley Research Center,
Hampton, VA
Hutcheson, T. Brooks, T. Spalt,
S. Bartram, W. Humphreys, C.
Lunsford, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA; D. Hoad, L.
Becker, D. Stead, Northrop Grumman
Corporation, Hampton, VA
M. Pulumathi, S. Kumarasamy,
V. Ganapuram, V. Iyengar, J.
Chennakeshava, S. Gagula,
P. Kumar, National Aerospace
Laboratories, Bangalore, India
Chaired by: D. BELTER, The Boeing Company and M. WRENN, Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA)
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
Methodology for Flight
Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft
Establishment of
Acoustic Test Preparations and Aeropropulsion Mach 3.6
Relevant Arc-Jet Testing of
Flexible Thermal Protection
Facility Upgrades
Test facility for High Speed
S. Heath, H. Haskin, M. Doty, F.
Combustor Research
Monday, 24 June 2013
S. Etienne, F. Plante, A. Hay, D.
Pelletier, École Polytechnique de
Montréal, Montréal, Canada; J. Cori,
Safran Group, Bruxelles, Belgium;
A. Garon, École Polytechnique de
Montréal, Montréal, Canada
T. Ivanco, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
1430 hrs
Unique Testing Capabilities of
the NASA Langley Transonic
Dynamics Tunnel, an Exercise
in Aeroelastic Scaling
Ground Test Facilities Improvements and Capabilities
University, Istanbul, Turkey
1500 hrs
Direct numerical simulation
of the aeroelastic response
of a panel under high speed
M. Sahin, A. Eken, Istanbul Technical turbulent boundary layers
C. Ostoich, D. Bodony, P. Geubelle,
University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL
Fluid Structure Interaction
Choudhari, F. Li, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA; M.
Wu, National Institute of Aerospace, Visbal, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Hampton, VA
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
1500 hrs
Global stability Analysis with
Compressible CFD Solver
1530 hrs
On the two classes of global
primary modal instability in
laminar separation bubbles
S. Hosseinverdi, H. Fasel, University
of Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
1600 hrs
Direct Numerical Simulations
of Control of Laminar
F. Guiho, Paris Institute of
Separation Bubbles by Pulsed
Technology, Paris, France; F. Alizard, D. Rodriguez, E. Gennaro, University Vortex Generator Jets in Low
V. Golubev, L. Nguyen, R. Mankbadi,
National Conservatory of Arts and
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,
of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil; M. and Elevated Free-Stream
Daytona Beach, FL; J. Dudley, Air Force Crafts, Paris, France; J. Robinet, Paris Juniper, University of Cambridge,
Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL; M. Institute of Technology, Paris, France Cambridge, United Kingdom
1430 hrs
On Self-Sustained Flow-Acoustic
Resonant Interactions in Airfoil
Transitional Boundary Layers
Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition: General II
Chaired by: S. GORDEYEV, University of Notre Dame and D. BODONY, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Plunging and heaving airfoils: A Study on the Aeroelastic and Experimental investigation of A Monolithic Approach for the
imposed forward motion or
Aeroacoustic Effects of a Sonic fluid-structure interaction in Numerical Simulation of Fluid
self-propulsion ?
Under-expanded Jet
elastic vessels
Structure Interaction Problems
Monday, 24 June 2013
K. Kang, K. Yeo, National University
of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Chaired by: M. KEGERISE, NASA-Langley Research Center and S. WOODRUFF
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
VESTA toolkit: a Software
Direct Numerical Simulation
The Effect of Wavepacket
Frequency Bandwidth on the to Compute Transition and
of Transition in a Swept Wing
Laminar-Turbulent Transition Stability of Boundary Layers Boundary Layer
Process in a Blasius Boundary F. Pinna, von Kármán Institute for L. Duan, National Institute of
Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Aerospace, Hampton, VA; M.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Nautilus 1
Nautilus 2
A. Haas, H. Fasel, University of
Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
1630 hrs
Influence of Adverse Pressure
Gradient on the Spatial
Development of a Wavepacket
in a Flat Plate Boundary Layer
Spinaker II
T. Lam, E. Fong, The Aerospace
Corporation, El Segundo, CA
University of Vermont, Burlington,
Burlington, VT
A. Martin, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Lexington, KY
Ablation I
1430 hrs
Volume averaged modeling of
the oxidation of porous carbon
fiber material
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA
C. Dumitrache, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO; M.
Shneider, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ; A. Yalin, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO
1530 hrs
Laser Plasma Formation in
Air Using Dual Pulse PreIonization
Fasoulas, University of Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany
U. Fuchs, S. Loehle, S. Fasoulas,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
1430 hrs
Theoretical stability analysis
for inverse heat conduction
problems using the condition
1530 hrs
Numerical prediction of
convective and radiative heating
of Scramjet combustion chamber
with hydrocarbon fuels
S. Surzhikov, Russian Academy of
Y. Muzychka, Memorial University of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; J. Shang,
Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada Wright State University, Dayton, OH;
R. Rivir, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
1500 hrs
Thermal Spreading Resistance
in Compound Orthotropic
Circular Disks and Rectangular
Channels with Interfacial
Heat Transfer I - Conduction, Convection, Radiation, and Phase Change
Chaired by: D. KUNTZ, Sandia National Laboratories and G. SCHNEIDER, University of Waterloo
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1300 hrs
Application of Solution
Chaotic Natural Convection in TALIF-Investigation of a CO2
a Toroidal Thermosyphon with Inductively Coupled Plasma
Structure Theorems for
Asymmetric Heating in Thin
Heat Flux Boundaries
Relevant for Mars Entry
W. Louisos, D. Hitt, C. Danforth,
T. Marynowski, S. Lohle, S.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Center, Moffett Field, CA; T. Gokcen, H. Alkandry, I. Boyd, University of
ERC, Inc., Moffett Field, CA
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI;
A. Martin, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY
Chaired by: N. DOUGHERTY, ERC Incorporated and D. PYTEL, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Implicit Coupling for
Coupled Flow Field Simulations Multi-dimensional modeling of
Simulation of Charring Carbon of Charring Ablators with
charring ablators
H. Weng, A. Martin, University of
Nonequilibrium Surface
Kentucky, Lexington, Lexington, KY
Y. Chen, NASA Ames Research
Monday, 24 June 2013
A. Greig, C. Charles, R. Boswell,
Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia
R. Bosworth, University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs,
CO; J. Brackbill, ERC, Inc., Edwards
AFB, CA; J. Cambier, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA; S.
Gimelshein, N. Gimelshein, ERC, Inc.,
Edwards AFB, CA; A. Ketsdever,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
Colorado Springs, CO
1500 hrs
Impact of Excitation and Reaction
Processes on the Field Reversed
Configuration Thruster Efficiency
Electric Propulsion
Chaired by: T. MOELLER, University of Tennessee Space Institute and G. WILLIAMS, Ohio Aerospace Institute
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Modeling of hypersonic flow Characterization of a coaxial Simulations of Electrospray in
Simulations of Electron
Heating in a Capacitively
on a MPD thruster geometry ECR plasma thruster
a Colloid Thruster with a High
J. Jarrige, P. Elias, D. Packan, F.
Coupled Radio Frequency
using a PISO based method
Resolution Three-dimensional
Cannat, ONERA, Palaiseau, France Particle-in-Cell Model
C. Xisto, J. Páscoa, P. Oliveira,
Micro-Thruster using
P. Wang, A. Borner, Z. Li, D. Levin,
Computational Fluid Dynamics University of Beira Interior, Covilha,
Monday, 24 June 2013
Executive Conference 3A
Executive Conference 3B
Marina 6
U. Sheikh, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia; C. Laux, École
Centrale de Paris, Paris, France; R.
Morgan, T. Mcintyre, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
H. Porat, U. Sheikh, R. Morgan, T.
Mcintyre, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
1500 hrs
Vacuum Ultraviolet and
Ultraviolet Emission
Spectroscopy Measurements
for Titan and Mars
Atmospheric Entry Conditions
Economon, A. Lonkar, J. Alonso,
A. Minelli, I. Salah el Din, G. Carrier,
ONERA, Meudon, France; A. Zerbinati, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
J. Desideri, French National Institute
for Research in Computer Science and
Control (INRIA), Sophia Antipolis, France
Massachusetts, Lowell, Lowell, MA
1000 hrs
Sensitivity-Based Sequential
Sampling of Cokriging
Response Surfaces for
Aerodynamic Data
S. Teichel, Leibniz University of
Hannover, Hannover, Germany; T.
A. Paul-Dubois-Taine, S. Nadarajah,
Verstraete, von Kármán Institute for
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse,
Belgium; J. Seume, Leibniz University of
Hannover, Hannover, Germany
0930 hrs
Optimized preliminary design
of compact axial compressors: A
comparison of two design tools
M. Liou, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH; B. Lee,
University of California, Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
1030 hrs
Mitigation of Adverse Effects
Caused by Shock Wave
Boundary Layer Interactions
through Optimal Wall Shaping
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization Methods II
Chaired by: A. ARSLAN and J. GUGLIELMO, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Cooperation and Competition
An Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Implementing AutomaticStrategies in Multi-objective
Shape Optimization
Wake Body Intersections for
Shape Optimization - Application Methodology for Fairing
Full Aircraft Congurations in
to Low-boom/Low-drag
Dirichlet Panel Methods
M. Colonno, F. Palacios, T.
D. Willis, University of
Supersonic Business Jet
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Tuesday Morning Speakers’ Briefing
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
0730 - 0800 hrs
Donald O. Rockwell
Lehigh University
Fluid Dynamics Award Lecture
J. Wiebenga, I. Boyd, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
1430 hrs
Manufactured Solutions for
Verification of a Coupled Flow
and Material Response Code
Tuesday Morning Networking Breakfast
S. Sekhar, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA; S. Ruffin,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA
1400 hrs
Predictions of Convective
Heat Transfer Rates using
a Cartesian Grid Solver for
Hypersonic Flows
Aerothermodynamics I
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
0700 - 0800 hrs
Monday, 24 June 2013
1730 - 1830 hrs
J. Weisberger, M. MacLean, R.
Parker, P. DesJardin, University at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Chaired by: J. LEE, The Aerospace Corporation
1300 hrs
1330 hrs
Through Surface and Across
Near-Surface Nitric Oxide
Concentration Measurement in Surface Vacuum Ultraviolet
the LENS-XX Expansion Tunnel Spectral Measurements in an
Expansion Tube
Monday, 24 June 2013
Marina 2
Session Rooms
Nautilus and Harbor
Island Foyers
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Executive Conference 2B
A. Toyoda, T. Imaizumi, A. Sasoh,
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
D. Willis, University of Massachusetts,
Lowell, Lowell, MA; P. Persson,
University of California, Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA
Calgary, Calgary, Canada
H. Lee, B. Kim, S. Lee, Inha
University, Incheon, South Korea
1000 hrs
Computational Study of the
Stability Derivatives for the
Standard Dynamic Model
J. Katz, San Diego State University,
San Diego, CA
K. Lee, C. Kim, Seoul National
University, Seoul, South Korea
Pezzella, Italian Aerospace Research M. Rosli, M. Takahashi, T. Sato,
Center (CIRA), Capua, Italy
Waseda University, Shinjuku,
Japan; T. Kojima, H. Taguchi, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Chofu, Japan; Y. Maru,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan
C. Wang, J. Schluter, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore,
0930 hrs
Low Reynolds’ Number
Application of Feather Inspired
Passive High Lift Device on
Finite Wing
M. Yu, Z. Wang, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, Lawrence, KS
1000 hrs
Numerical simulation of
oscillating-wing based energy
harvest mechanism using the
high-order spectral difference
1030 hrs
Lift and Drag Measurements
of Tandem, Symmetric Airfoils
1030 hrs
Streamline Tracing Technique
Based Design of Ellipticalto-Rectangular Transitioning
F. Petrosino, M. De Stefano Fumo, G. Hypersonic Inlet
1000 hrs
Evolution of Aerodynamic
Shape for a Concept of
Autonomus Re-Entry Vehicle
Bio-Inspired Aerodynamics I
0930 hrs
Application of Adjoint
Methodology to Supersonic
Aircraft Design Using Reversed
Equivalent Areas
S. Rallabhandi, National Institute of
Aerospace, Hampton, VA
B. Venkatachari, G. Cheng,
University of Alabama, Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL; C. Chang, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA; B. Zichettello, Cooper Union for
the Advancement of Science and Art,
New York, NY; D. Bilyeu, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH
0900 hrs
Long Penetration Mode
Counterflowing Jets
for Supersonic Slender
Configurations — A
Numerical Study
J. Janus, A. Zope, Mississippi State
University, Starkville, MS
0930 hrs
Response Surface Analysis of
Trapped-Vortex Augmented
Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics I
Sonic Boom Mitigation and Recent Advances in Hypersonics Vehicle Aero
Chaired by: H. HU, Iowa State University and M. PLESNIAK, George Washington University
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0800 hrs
Generating LEVs on Energetically The Effect of Rotation on the Three-dimensional Unsteady
Optimal, Flapping Wing Designs Spanwise Transport of Vorticity Aerodynamic Characteristics of
by Modulating Leading Edge
in the Absence of Tip Effects Wing-body-vortex Interactions
J. Wong, D. Rival, University of
in Insects’ Flapping Flight
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
I. Ordaz, W. Li, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA
Chaired by: G. ZHA and A. JONES, University of Maryland
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
Using CFD Surface Solutions to Near Field Pressure
Shape Sonic Boom Signatures Measurement around Three
Propagated from Off-Body
Dimensional Free Flight
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
P. Ansell, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL; M. Kerho,
Rolling Hills Research Corporation, El
Segundo, CA; M. Bragg, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Chaired by: A. MCCOMAS, Analytical Methods Inc and M. POST, USAF Academy
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Aerodynamic Characteristics Trailing Vortex Strength
Envelope Protection for
Contaminant-Induced Adverse of a Micro Air Vehicle and the Attenuation via Chipped
Aerodynamics on a Wing
Influence of Propeller Location Wingtip Shapes
J. Ahn, D. Lee, Sejong University,
J. Jin, K. Yee, S. Oh, Pusan National
Using Flap Hinge Moment
Seoul, South Korea
University, Busan, South Korea
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Executive Conference 2A
Marina 4
Marina 3
Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
P. Ansell, M. Bragg, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL
P. Struk, T. Bencic, NASA Glenn
Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Research Center, Cleveland, OH;
J. Tsao, Ohio Aerospace Institute,
Cleveland, OH; D. Fuleki, D.
Knezevici, National Research Council
Canada, Ottawa, Canada
K. Stephani, I. Boyd, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Canada, Ottawa, Canada
0900 hrs
Propagation of Surface-to-LEO
Vortex Rings For Orbital Debris
E. Titov, Dynamics Research
Corporation, Wright-Patterson AFB,
OH; J. Burt, Universal Technology
Corporation, Wright-Patterson AFB,
OH; E. Josyula, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB,
OH; E. Sutton, C. Lin, Air Force
Research Laboratory, Kirtland
0930 hrs
Uncertainties in Satellite Drag
Associated with Variations in
Atmospheric Conditions
J. Veres, P. Jorgenson, NASA Glenn
T. Bencic, A. Fagan, J. Van Zante, NASA Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
OH; J. Kirkegaard, Jacobs, Cleveland,
OH; D. Rohler, A. Maniyedath, Plexar
Associates, Inc., Shaker Heights, OH; S.
Izen, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH
1000 hrs
Development of Sample Capture
System for Mars Aero-flyby
Sample Collection Mission
T. Ozawa, T. Suzuki, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
Japan; K. Kurosawa, Chiba Institute
of Technology, Narashio, Japan; Y.
Hatakeyama, Nihon University, Tokyo,
Japan; K. Okudaira, University of Aizu,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan; T. Mikouchi,
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; H.
Takayanagi, K. Fujita, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
1030 hrs
Modeling Commercial Turbofan
Engine Icing Risk with Ice
Crystal Ingestion
Modeling Spacecraft Envrionmental Interactions with Space Plasma
M. Noyes, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY
C. Maldonado, A. Ketsdever,
University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, Colorado Springs, CO; L.
Rand, K. Xie, C. Farnell, J. Williams,
Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO
Chaired by: N. GREEN, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
0830 hrs
0800 hrs
Detailed Modeling and
Characterization of an Atomic
Analysis of Spacecraft Plume/ Oxygen Plasma Source for
Ionosphere Interactions in Low Ground-Based Simulation of
Earth Orbit
the LEO Neutral Environment
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Toulouse, France; J. Brenguier,
Meteo France, Toulouse, France;
F. Hervy, DGA, Saclay, France; H.
Schlager, German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Wessling, Germany; P.
Villedieu, ONERA, Toulouse, France;
G. Zalamansky, Dassault Group,
Paris, France
0930 hrs
Altitude Scaling of Ice Crystal
Ice Crystal Icing
Icing or Roughness Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics
1000 hrs
Advanced Optical Diagnostics for
Ice Crystal Cloud Measurements
T. Currie, D. Fuleki, D. Knezevici, J. in the NASA Glenn Propulsion
MaCleod, National Research Council MaCleod, National Research Council Systems Laboratory
Chaired by: K. VENKATARAMANI and M. OLIVER, NASA Glenn Research Center
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
HAIC - High Altitude Ice
Preparation for Scaling Studies Particle Size Effects on Ice
of Ice-Crystal Icing at the NRC Crystal Accretion - Part II
F. Dezitter, A. Grandin, Airbus,
Research Altitude Test Facility D. Knezevici, D. Fuleki, T. Currie, J.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Laurendeau, I. Paraschivoiu,
École Polytechnique de Montréal,
Montréal, Canada
Chaired by: G. JONES, NASA-Langley Research Center and C. SHENG, University of Toledo
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Characterization of Ice-Induced
Validation and Verification of Improved Finite Volume
Multi-Steps Icing Calculation Droplet Trajectories for Icing Low-Frequency Flowfield
Using CANICE2D-NS Code
Oscillations and their Effect on
K. Hasanzadeh Lashkajani, E.
T. Rendall, C. Allen, University of
Airfoil Performance
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Room 518
Room 515
Executive Conference 4
M. Liou, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH
K. Kitamura, Nagoya University,
Nagoya, Japan
G. Cook, K. Im, Z. Zhang, Livermore
K. Bensassi, A. Lani, H. Deconinck, Software Technology Corporation,
O. Chazot, P. Rambaud, von Kármán Livermore, CA
Institute for Fluid Dynamics, RhodeSaint-Genèse, Belgium
0900 hrs
Multiphase and Chemically
Reactive Flows in LS-DYNA
E. Shima, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
Chaired by: M. LIOU, NASA Glenn Research Center and E. SHIMA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0800 hrs
On the improvement of the
Why is the overheating
A Further Survey of Shock
all-speed flux scheme for very problem difficult: The role of Capturing Methods on
low Mach number flows
Hypersonic Heating Issues
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
M. Yumusak, ROKETSAN Missile
Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey; S.
Eyi, Middle East Technical University,
Ankara, Turkey
Chaired by: R. CASTNER, NASA Glenn Research Center
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
Aerothermodynamic Shape
Numerical exploration of
Optimization of Hypersonic
transient flow phenomena in
Blunt Bodies
hypersonic gun tunnel
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
M. Zahr, Stanford University,
M. Ceze, K. Fidkowski, University of
Stanford, CA; P. Persson, University Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Chaired by: K. FIDKOWSKI, University of Michigan and Z. WANG, University of Kansas
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Pseudo-transient Continuation, Adaptive IMEX Time-Stepping
Performance tuning of
Newton-GMRES methods
Solution Update Methods,
for the Correction Procedure
for discontinuous Galerkin
and CFL Strategies for DG
via Reconstruction Scheme
discretizations of the Navier- Discretizations of the RANS-SA B. Vermeire, S. Nadarajah, McGill
University, Montréal, Canada
Stokes equations
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Vancouver, Canada; P. Roe, University of B. Chacon, M. Hafez, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
California, Davis, Davis, CA
1000 hrs
Numerical Simulation of
Compressible Viscous Flow
Using a Velocity-PressureVorticity Variational
D. Zaide, University of British Columbia, Formulation and Direct Solver
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows III
0930 hrs
A Second-Order Finite Volume
Method that Reduces Numerical
Shockwave Anomalies in One
1030 hrs
A High-Order Implicit-Explicit
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Method for Flapping Flight
S. Eyi, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey; M.
Yumusak, ROKETSAN Missile
Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey
1030 hrs
Convergence Acceleration
Based on Convergence Error
B. Froehle, P. Persson, University of
Y. Li, Z. Wang, University of Kansas, California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Lawrence, Lawrence, KS
1000 hrs
Evaluation of Optimized CPR
Schemes for Computational
Aeroacoustics Benchmark
High-Speed and Chemically Reacting Flows I
C. Zhou, Z. Wang, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, Lawrence, KS
0930 hrs
An Evaluation of Implicit
Time Integration Schemes
for Discontinuous High Order
High-Order Methods III
Seabreeze I
Nautilus 4
1130 hrs
The Efficient Implementation
of Correction Procedure Via
Reconstruction with GPU
L. Khieu, B. Van Leer, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; B. Zimmerman, Iowa State
M. Lo, Self, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University, Ames, IA; Z. Wang,
University of Kansas, Lawrence,
Lawrence, KS
1100 hrs
Optimal Accuracy of
Discontinuous Galerkin for
Nautilus 5
M. Tyan, J. Park, S. Kim, J. Lee,
Konkuk University, Seoul, South
K. Onishi, S. Obayshi, Tohoku University
Institute of Fluid Science, Sendai,
Japan; K. Nakahashi, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
Japan; M. Tsubokura, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan
T. Phu, F. Plourde, École Nationale
Supérieure de Mécanique et
d’Aérotechnique, Futuroscope,
0930 hrs
A robust cut-cell method for
fluid-structure interaction on
adaptive meshes
1000 hrs
A Hybridized Least-Squares
Ghost Fluid Method with
Reduced Numerical Oscillations
in Moving Boundary Problems
Numerical Treatment of Boundary Conditions I
L. Schneiders, M. Meinke, W.
Research Center (CIRA), Capua, Italy Schröeder, RWTH Aachen University, J. Mousel, U. Kumar, University of
Aachen, Germany
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa City, IA
Chaired by: F. CAPIZZANO, Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) and M. MEINKE
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0800 hrs
Use of the Immersed Boundary Application of immersed
Coupling a Wall DiffusionModel with an Immersed
Method within the Building Cube boundary technique in SRM
Method and its Application to
simulations: toward new
Boundary Technique
F. Capizzano, Italian Aerospace
Real Vehicle CAD Data
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
D. Marcum, Mississippi State
Y. Ito, M. Murayama, K. Yamamoto, M. Larmi, Aalto University, Espoo,
University, Mississippi State, MS; F. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Finland
Alauzet, French National Institute for (JAXA), Mitaka, Japan
Research in Computer Science and
Control (INRIA), Le Chesnay, France
S. Gohari, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, CA; A. Ghasemi K.,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
1100 hrs
Introducing New Compact
Parameterization Method for
an Automated Blade Shape
P. Beyhaghi, D. Cavaglieri, T. Bewley, Optimization
1030 hrs
Delaunay-based Derivativefree Optimization via Global
Surrogate, Part 1: Theory
J. Park, S. Kim, N. Nguyen, M. Tyan, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, CA
J. Lee, Konkuk University, Seoul,
South Korea
Grid Generation and Effects of Grid Quality I
D. Poole, C. Allen, T. Rendall,
University of Bristol, Bristol, United
1000 hrs
Flap Design Optimization
for Very Light Aircraft in
compliance with Airworthiness
Design Optimization Techniques II
0930 hrs
Aerofoil Design Variable
Extraction for Aerodynamic
Chaired by: C. OLLIVIER GOOCH, University of British Columbia and H. JASAK, Wikki Ltd
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Unstructured Mesh Generation Efficient and Accurate
Effects of Mesh Deformation
Using Advancing Layers and Evaluation of Aircraft in
on the Quality of Large Eddy
Metric-Based Transition for
Different Configurations with Simulations
J. Keskinen, V. Vuorinen, O. Kaario,
Viscous Flowfields
Automatic Local Remeshing
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
K. Nakayama, H. Naito, K. Fukagata, University, Seoul, South Korea
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Chaired by: F. PALACIOS, Stanford University and S. KIM, Konkuk University
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Dynamical optimization of the Stall Prediction of Very Light Design Optimization of
trailing-edge shape of a bluff Aircraft using High fidelity
Subsonic Airfoil and Slotted
body by means of Extremum- Analysis
Flap Shape Using Multi-Fidelity
D. lee, S. Kim, J. Lee, Konkuk
Aerodynamic Analysis
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Room 514
Marina 5
B. Bobusch, R. Woszidlo, O. Krüger, C.
Paschereit, Technical University of Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
1130 hrs
Numerical Investigations on
Geometric Parameters Affecting
the Oscillation Properties of a
Fluidic Oscillator
Spinaker I
Davis, Davis, CA; J. Clark, Air
Force Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
L. Villafañe, G. Paniagua, von
Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics,
Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium
R. Decker, T. McLaughlin, J. Dudley,
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado
Springs, CO
J. Li, N. Grube, S. Priebe, P. Martin, Bur, ONERA, Meudon, France
University of Maryland, College Park,
College Park, MD
Chaired by: D. GAITONDE, The Ohio State University and D. MILLER, Lockheed Martin Corporation
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0800 hrs
Impinging Shock Wave Analysis of the Large Eddy
Dynamics of a shock-induced
Boundary Layer Interactions Simulation of a Shock Wave separation in a transonic flow:
on a Three-Dimensional Body and Turbulent Boundary Layer a linearized approach
E. Stephen, J. Farnsworth, C. Porter, Interaction
F. Sartor, M. Clement, D. Sipp, R.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Science and Technology, Tsukuba,
V. Jyothishkumar, M. Mihaescu, B.
Semlitsch, L. Fuchs, Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH), Stockholm,
L. Vanstone, D. Estruch-Samper,
R. Hillier, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom; B.
Ganapathisubramani, University of
Southampton, Southampton, United
0930 hrs
Shock Induced Separation
in Transitional Hypersonic
Boundary Layers
Shock/Boundary Layer Interactions
S. Singh, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
1000 hrs
Numerical flow analysis in
centrifugal compressor near
surge condition
0930 hrs
Effect of number of slots and
overlap on the performance
of Non-circular Ejector Air
Cleveland, OH
Moffett Field, CA; R. Lillard, NASA
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; S.
Murman, NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, CA; M. Rivers, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA;
K. Long, J. Ross, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
1000 hrs
A New Formulation for Hybrid
LES-RANS Computations
O. Khan, J. Khan, Tuskegee
University, Tuskegee, AL
1030 hrs
Three-Dimensional Numerical
Modeling of Tip Leakage Flow
over a Cylinder
P. Balakumar, R. Rubinstein, C.
Rumsey, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
1030 hrs
DNS, Enstrophy Balance, and
the Dissipation Rate Equation
D. Yoder, N. Georgiadis, J. DeBonis, S. Woodruff, NASA Langley Research in a Separated Turbulent
NASA Glenn Research Center,
Center, Hampton, VA
Channel Flow
0930 hrs
Modeling of Turbulent Free
Shear Flows
Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) - I (Invited)
Chaired by: G. WOO, Georgia Institute of Technology and C. BIDWELL, NASA Glenn Research Center
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Active Control of Tip Leakage Geometry/Grid Generation
Aerodynamic Characterization
Flow for Low-Pressure Turbine for 3D Multi-Disciplinary
of Three-dimensional Turbofan
by Ring-Type Plasma Actuators Simulations in Multi-Stage
Bypass-flow Heat Exchanger
T. Matsunuma, T. Segawa, National Turbomachinery
Effects in an Intermittent
Institute of Advanced Industrial
R. Davis, University of California,
Transonic Facility
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Carpenter, C. Streett, M. Malik,
A. Campos, K. Duraisamy, G.
NASA Langley Research Center,
Iaccarino, Stanford University,
Hampton, VA; L. Duan, National
Stanford, CA
Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA
Chaired by: M. MALIK, NASA-Langley Research Center and M. ROGERS, NASA Ames Research Center
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Separation Prediction of Large
Towards Bridging the Gaps in Towards a Two-Equation
Holistic Transition Prediction Algebraic Structure-Based
Separation with Reynolds Stress
via Numerical Simulations
Model with Applications to
M. Choudhari, F. Li, C. Chang, M.
M. Olsen, NASA Ames Research Center,
Turbulent Separated Flows
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
J. Luo, Peking University, Beijing,
China; F. Liu, University of California,
Irvine, Irvine, CA
1100 hrs
Multi-Objective Design
Optimization of a Transonic
Compressor Rotor Using an
Adjoint Equation Method
J. Bodart, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA; J. Larsson, University
of Maryland, College Park, College
Park, MD; P. Moin, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA
1100 hrs
Large eddy simulation of
high-lift devices
Nautilus 3
Room 511
J. Byun, C. Pantano, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL
1130 hrs
Advanced and high-order
numerical discretization
methods for large-eddy
simulation that maximize
subgrid-scale model resolution
Nautilus 2
University, West Lafayette, IN
K. Casper, S. Beresh, R. Wagnild, J.
Henfling, R. Spillers, B. Pruett, Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
P. Morgan, Ohio Aerospace Institute, R. Dawson, J. Little, University of
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; M. Visbal, Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
Air Force Research Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Y. Abe, University of Tokyo,
Sagamihara, Japan; K. Okada, Ryoyu
Systems Company, Ltd., Nagoya,
Japan; M. Sato, T. Nonomura, K.
Fujii, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan
Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin,
Germany; C. Gmelin, F. Thiele,
Technical University of Berlin, Berlin,
Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan; K.
Okada, Ryoyu Systems Company, Ltd.,
Nagoya, Japan; T. Nonomura, H. Aono,
A. Yakeno, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan;
K. Asada, Y. Abe, University of Tokyo,
Sagamihara, Japan; K. Fujii, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
A. Gross, H. Fasel, University of
Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
1000 hrs
Numerical Investigation of
Separation Control for Wing
Section at Re=300,000
Boundary Layer and Airfoil Separation Control
0930 hrs
Aerodynamic Flow Acceleration
with One Atmosphere Uniform
Induced by Single and Multiple
DBD Plasma Actuation Based
on PIV
L. Feng, C. Gao, B. Zheng, Y.
Wang, X. Hu, Z. Lv, Northwestern
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
1030 hrs
Study on Stabilization and
Destabilization Effect of a
Smooth Hump in Hypersonic
Boundary Layers by PSE
A. Marino, P. Catalano, C. Marongiu,
Italian Aerospace Research Center
(CIRA), Capua, Italy; P. Peschke,
C. Hollenstein, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Switzerland; R. Donelli, Italian
Aerospace Research Center (CIRA),
Capua, Italy
1030 hrs
Effects of High Voltage Pulsed
DBD on the Aerodynamic
Performances in Subsonic and
Transonic Conditions
J. Lei, X. Zhong, University of
D. Park, S. Park, Korea Advanced
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, South Korea
1000 hrs
Numerical Simulation of
Freestream Waves Receptivity
and Breakdown over Mach 6
Flared Cone
Plasma Actuators
C. Hader, C. Brehm, H. Fasel,
University of Arizona, Tucson,
Tucson, AZ
0930 hrs
Numerical Investigation of
transition delay using porous
High-Speed Transition I
Chaired by: M. BRIGHT, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems and E. WHALEN, Boeing Engineering Operations & Technology
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
0800 hrs
Local Acoustic Forcing of
Significance of ThreeOn the Performance of
Massive Parametric Study by
dimensional Unsteady
Boundary Layer Suction for
LES on Separated-flow Control
a Wing at Low Reynolds
Flows inside the Cavity on
Secondary Flow Control in
around Airfoil using DBD Plasma
S. Yang, G. Spedding, University of Separated-flow Control
a High Speed Compressor
Actuator at Reynolds Number
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA around an NACA0015 using a Cascade
K. Liesner, R. Meyer, German
M. Sato, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Synthetic Jet
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China;
H. Liang, Y. Li, Air Force Engineering
University, Xi’an, China
Chaired by: J. LITTLE, The University of Arizona and D. ASHPIS, NASA Glenn Research Center
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
An Empirical Model of
Numerical Simulations
Effects of Pulse Polarity on
Nanosecond Pulsed SDBD
Exploring Dielectric Barrier
Nanosecond Pulse Driven
Actuators for Separation Control Discharge-Induced Steady and Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Z. Chen, L. Hao, B. Zhang, Northwestern Pulsed Suction
Plasma Actuators
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH; S. Stanfield,
Spectral Energies, Dayton, OH
Chaired by: S. MATSUMURA and X. ZHONG, University of California Los Angeles
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
Simultaneous Pressure
Traveling Crossflow Instability Boundary-Layer Transition
for HIFiRE-5 in a Quiet
Experiments in a Hypersonic Measurements and HighHypersonic Wind Tunnel
Quiet Wind Tunnel
Speed Schlieren Imaging of
M. Borg, Booz Allen Hamilton,
C. Ward, D. Berridge, R. Greenwood, Disturbances in a Transitional
Dayton, OH; R. Kimmel, Air Force
A. Abney, S. Schneider, Purdue
Hypersonic Boundary Layer
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
R. Ely, J. Little, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Tucson, AZ
1100 hrs
The Mixing Layer Perturbed by
a Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Seabreeze II
Spinaker II
Nautilus 1
S. Tu, Jackson State University,
Jackson, MS
M. Nations Martin, L. Chang, J.
Jeffries, R. Hanson, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA; A. Nawaz, J. Taunk, D.
Driver, G. Raiche, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
N. Mansour, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA; F. Panerai,
A. Martin, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Lexington, KY; D. Parkinson,
A. MacDowell, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; T.
Fast, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA; G. Vignoles,
University of Bordeaux, Pessac, France;
J. Lachaud, University of California,
Santa Cruz, Moffett Field, CA
Kentucky, Lexington, Lexington, KY;
N. Mansour, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA; S. Sepka,
ERC, Inc., Huntsville, AL; J. Lachaud,
University of California, Santa Cruz,
Moffett Field, CA
N. Calvert, A. Dogariu, R. Miles,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
0900 hrs
FLEET Boundary Layer Velocity
Profile Measurements
S. Kawai, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
0900 hrs
High-order divergence-free
method for compressible MHD
with shock waves
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA; N.
Mansour, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
D. Breden, L. Raja, University of
Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
1000 hrs
Modeling of Non-Thermal
Plasma Ignition of Combustion
V. Zudov, P. Tretyakov, A. Tupikin,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, Russia
1030 hrs
Measurements of Air Plasma/
Ablator Interactions in a
50 kW Inductively Coupled
Plasma Torch
A. Firsov, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
1100 hrs
Study on Chemical Factory in
Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Flow
Using Ablation and Electric
1100 hrs
Ignition and stabilization of
burning hydrocarbonic fuels in
a stream pulse-periodic laser
S. Leonov, D. Yarantsev, S. Michail, radiation
1030 hrs
Mixing Efficiency Estimation
by Probe Discharge
F. Ebersohn, L. Raja, University
of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX; J.
Shebalin, NASA Johnson Space
Center, Houston, TX
1030 hrs
Magnetohydrodynamic Study
of Magnetic Field Effects on
Plasma Plumes
B. Helber, O. Chazot, T. Magin, von C. Park, Korea Advanced Institute of M. MacDonald, C. Jacobs, U. Sheikh, K. Suzuki, Y. Watanabe, University
Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Science and Technology, Daejeon,
C. Laux, École Centrale de Paris,
of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium; A.
South Korea
Paris, France
Hubin, Vrije Universiteit Brussels,
Brussels, Belgium
1000 hrs
Stagnation region radiative
ablation of asteroidal
meteoroids in the Rosseland
Ablation II
A. Friss, I. Franka, B. Lee, A. Yalin,
Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO
0930 hrs
Cavity Enhanced Thomson
Scattering for Diagnostics of
Weakly Ionized Discharges
Plasma-Assisted Combustion/Plasma Diagnostics
1000 hrs
simulation study of high speed
flow control using the Rail
Plasma Actuator (RailPAc)
X. Dechamps, Université Libre de
H. Sitaraman, L. Raja, University of
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium; M.
Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
Rasquin, Argonne National Laboratory,
Argonne, IL; G. Degrez, Université Libre
de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium; K.
Jansen, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Boulder, CO
0930 hrs
Study of Incompressible MHD
Flow in a Circular Pipe with
Transverse Magnetic Field using a
Spectral/Finite Element Solver
Chaired by: J. ZITO, University of Florida and C. PARK, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
0830 hrs
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
0800 hrs
Porous-material Analysis
A New Approach To Light-Weight Flow-tube Oxidation
Space and Time-Resolved
Emission Spectroscopy of
Toolbox based on OpenFOAM- Ablators Analysis: From Micro- Experiments on the Carbon
extend and Applications
Tomography Measurements to Preform of PICA
Carbon Phenolic Ablation in Air
J. Lachaud, University of California, Statistical Analysis and Modeling F. Panerai, A. Martin, University of and Nitrogen Plasmas
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
S. McGuire, T. Chng, R. Miles,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Chaired by: R. MILES, Princeton University
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
Nanosecond time-resolved 2 + Monitoring temperature in high
2 Radar REMPI measurements enthalpy arc-heated plasma
performed in molecular
flows using tunable diode laser
absorption spectroscopy
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: S. WU, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
Simulation of Reacting Flows Riemann-solver Free
in Magnetic Fields with
Space-time Discontinuous
Galerkin Method for
A. Lonkar, F. Palacios, J. Alonso,
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Executive Conference 3B
Marina 6
Executive Conference 1
A. Weaver, V. Ayyaswamy, A.
Alexeenko, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN
A. Viviani, Second University of
Naples, Aversa, Italy; G. Pezzella,
Italian Aerospace Research Center
(CIRA), Capua, Italy
0830 hrs
Analysis of Flowfield Past a
Sample Return Capsule with
Heatshield Ablation
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
1400 - 1430 hrs
Tuesday Afternoon Speakers’ Briefing
Revolutionary Aerospace Technologies
Charles Chase
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works
Tuesday Awards Luncheon
T. Zhu, Z. Li, D. Levin, Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA
1000 hrs
Modeling of NO Radiation
from Unsteady and Steady
Shocks Using DSMC
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
1200 - 1400 hrs
N. Parsons, D. Levin, Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA
0930 hrs
DSMC implementation of
MD/QCT generated energy
distributions for SO2 + O
Protecting Intellectual Property Workshop
A. Borner, Z. Li, D. Levin,
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA
0900 hrs
Comparison of DSMC and
experimental results of H2O
Supersonic Condensed Jets
Sierra Lobo, Inc., Moffett Field,
CA; E. Rodriguez, T. White, ERC,
Inc., Moffett Field, CA; M. Mahzari,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA
T. White, ERC, Inc., Moffett Field,
CA; M. Mahzari, Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta, GA; D. Bose,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, CA; J. Santos, Sierra Lobo,
Inc., Moffett Field, CA
Z. Li, D. Levin, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA
1030 hrs
DSMC Simulation of Near-field
Enceladus Plumes from Tiger
Stripe Fractures
1030 hrs
Post-flight Analysis of Mars
Science Laboratory’s Entry
Aerothermal Environment and
D. Bose, NASA Ames Research
Thermal Protection System
Center, Moffett Field, CA; J. Santos, Response
1000 hrs
Mars Science Laboratory Heat
Shield Instrumentation and Arc
Jet Characterization
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods
0930 hrs
Validation of HyperRad for
Earth Entries
A. Brandis, ERC, Inc., Mountain
G. Palmer, B. Cruden, A. Brandis, D. View, CA; A. Wray, Y. Liu, D.
Schwenke, NASA Ames Research
Prabhu, ERC, Inc., Huntsville, AL
Center, Moffett Field, CA; W. Huo,
ERC, Inc., Mountain View, CA; C.
Johnston, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
0900 hrs
Uncertainty Analysis of
Surface Heating Rates for
Outer Planet Entries
Aerothermodynamics II
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
0800 - 1100 hrs
J. Burt, E. Josyula, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Chaired by: D. LEVIN, Pennsylvania State University
0800 hrs
0830 hrs
Continuum Breakdown Effects on Implementation Challenges and
Surface Properties for Hypersonic Performance of Forced Harmonic
Shock Wave-Boundary Layer
Oscillator Model in Direct
Simulation Monte Carlo
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
K. Neitzel, I. Boyd, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Chaired by: D. BOSE, NASA-Ames
0800 hrs
Influence of Turbulence
Modeling On Aftbody Surface
Heating Prediction For A
Hypersonic Entry Capsule
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Session Rooms
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Harbor Ballroom I and II
1130 hrs
Length-to-Depth Ratio Effects
on Aerodynamic Surface
Quantities of a Rarefied
Hypersonic Gap Flow
P. Leite, W. Santos, National
Institute for Space Research (INPE), L. Paolicchi, W. Santos, National
Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
Institute for Space Research (INPE),
Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
1100 hrs
Computational Analysis of
Low-Density Hypersonic Flow
over Backward-Facing Steps
Executive Conference 2B
1130 hrs
Mars Science
Laboratory Heatshield
Aerothermodynamics: Design
and Reconstruction
K. Edquist, B. Hollis, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA
M. Mahzari, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA; T. White, ERC,
Inc., Moffett Field, CA; R. Braun, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA;
D. Bose, NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, CA
1100 hrs
Inverse Estimation of the
Mars Science Laboratory Entry
Aerothermal Environment and
Thermal Protection System
Executive Conference 3A
1530 hrs
CFD/CSD Coupled Simulations
for Helicopter Rotors in
Forward and Maneuver Flights
(DLR), Braunschweig, Germany; F.
Haucke, Technical University of Berlin,
Berlin, Germany; R. Rudnik, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig,
Germany; W. Nitsche, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
I. Elqatary, B. Elhadidi, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
Rumsey, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM; R. Chow, C. Langel,
C. Van Dam, University of California,
Davis, Davis, CA
Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
C. Huehne, S. Mahmood, P. Scholz,
Technical University of Braunschweig,
Braunschweig, Germany
1630 hrs
Active flow control at a
swept wing: A comparison of
numerical and experimental
Feuchtwang, H. Yue, University
of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United
1700 hrs
An Experimental Investigation
on the Perfomances of Wind
Turbines Sited over a Hilly
M. Meheut, ONERA, Meudon, France W. Tian, A. Ozbay, W. Yuan, H. Hu,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
1630 hrs
Thrust and Torque Far-field
Analysis of Propeller and
Counter Rotating Open Rotor
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics II
N. Rathay, M. Boucher, M. Amitay,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, NY; E. Whalen, The Boeing
Company, Hazelwood, MO
1600 hrs
Parametric Study of SyntheticJet-Based Flow Control for
Performance Enhancement of
a Vertical Stabilizer
Active and Passive Flow Control II
J. Hall, T. Rendall, C. Allen,
University of Bristol, Bristol, United
1600 hrs
A Two-Dimensional
Computational Model of Fuel
Sloshing Effects on Aeroelastic
Aerodynamic-Structural Dynamics Interaction II
Chaired by: A. JONES, University of Maryland and K. KARA, Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1600 hrs
1430 hrs
Experimental Verification
Realistic Leading-Edge Roughness Non-Uniform Inflow Effects on Double Multiple Streamtube
Effects on Airfoil Performance
Propeller Performance
Model for Variable Pitch
of Pitch Angles for Power
R. Ehrmann, E. White, Texas A&M
L. Veldhuis, M. Kotsonis, E.
Regulation of Variable Pitch
Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
van Berkel, Delft University of
C. Soraghan, W. Leithead, J.
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine University, College Station, TX; M.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
W. Milholen, G. Jones, D. Chan, S.
Goodliff, S. Anders, L. Pack Melton,
M. Carter, B. Allan, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA;
F. Capone, Analytical Mechanics
Associates, Inc., Hampton, VA
Chaired by: M. AMITAY, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and G. GATLIN
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
Enhancements to the FASTActive Flow Control on a High-Lift Lift Enhancement for Upper
MAC Circulation Control Model Airfoil: URANS Simulations and Surface Blowing Airplanes
and Recent High-Reynolds
Comparison with Time-Accurate Y. Yadlin, A. Shmilovich, The Boeing
Company, Huntington Beach, CA
Number Testing in the National Measurements
Transonic Facility
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
C. Sheng, J. Ickes, J. Wang, Q.
Zhao, University of Toledo, Toledo,
T. Combes, F. Zhang, M. Hackett, A. K. Sommerwerk, M. Haupt, P. Horst, OH
Malik, G. Bramesfeld, Saint Louis
Technical University of Braunschweig,
University, St. Louis, MO
Braunschweig, Germany
Chaired by: J. AZEVEDO and J. FARNSWORTH, US Air Force Academy
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
Aeroelastic Performance
Performance Reliability
Assessment of a Flexible
Assessment of a Wing with
Wing Micro Air Vehicle using Coanda Effect Circulation
an Efficient Fluid-Structure
Control via Fluid-Structure
Interaction Method
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Marina 2
Spinaker II
Nautilus 3
Champaign, Urbana, IL
Y. Liu, B. Cheng, X. Deng, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN
A. Bin Azry Seet, H. Tang, S. Yu
Ching Man, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, Singapore
A. Buchner, J. Soria, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia
Chaired by: A. AHMED, Auburn University and J. MURRAY, Sandia National Laboratories
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1430 hrs
An Experimental Study
Experimental Study of
Measurements of the ThreeFlow over Two Oscillatory
Dimensional Topological
of Dynamic Trailing Edge
Deflections on a Two
Pitching Airfoils in Tandem
Evolution of a Dynamic Stall
Dimensional Translating Wing Configuration
Event Using Wavelet Methods
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Institute of Technology, Harbin,
P. Tiziano, University of Rome, Rome, R. Semaan, P. Scholz, Y. El-Sayed,
China; H. Hu, Iowa State University, Italy; V. Quaranta, B. Imperatore, Italian Technical University of Braunschweig,
Ames, IA
Aerospace Research Center (CIRA),
Braunschweig, Germany
Capua, Italy; C. Roberto, University of
Rome, Rome, Italy
X. Xia, K. Mohseni, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
1600 hrs
Modeling of 2D Unsteady
Motion of a Flat Plate using
Potential Flow
1700 hrs
Later Stages of Transition over
a NACA 0018 Airfoil at Low
Reynolds Numbers
J. Codoni, E. Reed, J. McDaniel,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Charlottesville, VA; H. Alkandry, I.
Boyd, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
1700 hrs
Planar Laser-Induced
Fluorescence Velocity
Measurements of
Retropropulsion Jets in a Mach
12 Freestream
J. Tendero Ventanas, P. Paredes,
T. Kirk, S. Yarusevych, University of
Technical University of Madrid,
Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Madrid, Spain; M. Roura Sués,
Gamesa Corporation, Madrid, Spain;
R. Govindarajan, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Hyderabad,
India; V. Theofilis, Technical
University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
1630 hrs
BiGlobal and Point Vortex
Methods for the Instability
Analysis of Wakes
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics II
J. Ross, J. Heineck, N. Burnside,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, CA; M. Sellers, Aerospace
Testing Alliance, Arnold AFB, TN; N.
Halcomb, T. Garbeff, G. Yamauchi,
L. Kushner, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
1630 hrs
Comprehensive Study of the
Flow Around a Simplified
Orion Capsule Model
Other Topics in Applied Aero
O. Dantsker, M. Johnson, M. Selig, K. Edquist, NASA Langley Research
T. Bretl, University of Illinois, Urbana- Center, Hampton, VA
Champaign, Urbana, IL
Chaired by: B. MCGRATH, JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory and S. FERGUSON, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1600 hrs
An Experimental Study of the Innovative Vibration and Acoustic An Experimental Setup to
Spatial optimal growth of
Unsteady Vortex and Flow
Methodologies for the Design of Study the Impact of Surface
Görtler vortices in twoStructures around Twin-Box- Enhanced Composite Panel for Disturbances on Boundary
dimensional compressible
Girder Bridge Deck Models
Layer Transition over a
boundary layers
W. Chen, Iowa State University,
A. Marino, V. Pasquale, Italian Aerospace Transonic Laminar Wing
J. Lucas, O. Vermeersch, D. Arnal,
Ames, IA; S. Lima, H. Li, Harbin
Research Center (CIRA), Capua, Italy; Section
ONERA, Toulouse, France
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu,
Japan; H. Kleine, University of New
South Wales, Canberra, Australia
A. Korzun, K. Murphy, K. Edquist,
NASA Langley Research Center,
Hampton, VA
1630 hrs
Supersonic Aerodynamic
Characteristics of Blunt Body
Trim Tab Configurations
Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing Aero I
Chaired by: J. PINIER, NASA-Langley Research Center and E. ROOSENBOOM, DLR - German Aerospace Center
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1600 hrs
Stall/Spin Mitigation Flight
Development and Initial
Testing of the Trim Tab
Multi Degree-of-Freedom
Technique for Dynamic
Testing with a Subscale
Testing of the Aero Testbed:
Parametric Model in NASA
Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerobatic Aircraft
A Large-Scale Unmanned
Langley’s Unitary Plan Wind
A. Ragheb, O. Dantsker, M. Selig,
Entry Capsule
Electric Aerobatic Aircraft for Tunnel
University of Illinois, UrbanaK. Hiraki, K. Yasuoka, Kyushu
K. Murphy, A. Korzun, N. Watkins,
Aerodynamics Research
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Executive Conference 1
Marina 4
Marina 3
Africa; L. Dala, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa; C. Toomer, University of the West
of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL;
A. Broeren, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH; M. Bragg,
University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL
A. Sim, Irvine Valley College,
Irvine, CA; J. Dennison, Utah State
University, Logan, UT
Dennison, Utah State University,
Logan, UT; J. Murray-Krezan, Air
Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland
AFB, NM; S. Gregory, The Boeing
Company, Albuquerque, NM
Chaired by: D. FERGUSON, Air Force Reseach Laboratory
1500 hrs
1430 hrs
Comprehensive Theoretical
On the Feasibility of Detecting
Spacecraft Charging and Arcing
Framework for Modeling
Diverse Electron Transport
by Remote Sensing
Experiments in Parallel Plate D. Ferguson, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM; J.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
A. Broeren, M. Potapczuk, NASA Glenn
Research Center, Cleveland, OH; J. Riley,
Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic
City Airport, NJ; P. Villedieu, ONERA,
Toulouse, France; F. Moens, ONERA,
Meudon, France; M. Bragg, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Chaired by: D. MARCOTTE and J. TSAO, Ohio Aerospace Institute
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
Swept-Wing Ice Accretion
Aerodynamic Classification of
Characterization and
Swept-Wing Ice Accretion
J. Diebold, University of Illinois,
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
R. Harris, P. Liever, CFD Research
Corporation, Huntsville, AL; E. Luke,
Mississippi State University, Mississippi
State, MS; J. Dudley, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL
J. Polansky, J. Wang, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
1530 hrs
Laboratory Investigations
of Lunar Simulant Surface
G. Fujiwara, B. Woodard, B. Wiberg,
A. Mortonson, M. Bragg, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL
1530 hrs
A Hybrid Airfoil Design Method
for Icing Wind Tunnel Tests
Chaired by: J. DESPIRITO, US Army Research Laboratory and K. BREKKE, Sandia National Labs
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
An Engineering Method for Very
Towards a Reduced-Order
Model for Unguided Projectile
Low Aspect Ratio Cruciform WingTrajectories in Multiple-Body
Body Configurations
S. Tuling, Council for Scientific and
High-Speed Air-Delivered
Industrial Research, Pretoria, South
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Spacecraft Charging in the Earth and Lunar Systems
Swept-Wing Icing
Weapons Aerodynamics and Store Separation
Room 518
Room 515
Executive Conference 4
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
M. Holden, T. Wadhams, M.
MacLean, CUBRC, Buffalo, NY
1500 hrs
Measurements in Regions
of Shock Wave/Turbulent
Boundary Layer Interaction
from Mach 4 to 10 for Open
and “Blind” Code Evaluation/
C. Engfer, T. Lutz, E. Kraemer, University
of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
T. Lundquist, J. Nordstrom, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
1630 hrs
The SBP-SAT Technique for
R. Milligan, J. Boles, Taitech, Inc.,
Beavercreek, OH; M. Hagenmaier, J.
Donbar, C. Carter, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB,
OH; K. Hsu, Innovative Scientific
Solutions, Inc., Dayton, OH
1600 hrs
Flow Distortion: Computational
Investigation of a Shocked
Cavity Flameholder
High-Speed and Chemically Reacting Flows II
L. Wang, P. Persson, University of
California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
1600 hrs
A Discontinuous Galerkin
Method for the Navier-Stokes
Equations on Deforming
Domains using Unstructured
Moving Space-Time Meshes
High-Order Methods IV
V. Mistry, G. Page, J. McGuirk,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, United Kingdom
1600 hrs
Simulation of Swept-Wing
Receptivity to Distributed
T. Coates, G. Page, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, United
1630 hrs
LES of High Speed Jet Flow
From Convergent-Divergent
Rectangular S-bend Ducts
Using Synthetic Inlet Conditions
K. Shaler, D. Gaitonde, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH
1700 hrs
Characterization of SharpEdged Airfoils Using Large
Eddy Simulations (LES)
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods I
M. Holden, T. Wadhams, M. MacLean,
A. Dufrene, CUBRC, Buffalo, NY
1530 hrs
Measurements of Real Gas
Effects on Regions of Laminar
Shock Wave/Boundary Layer
Interaction in Hypervelocity
Flows for “Blind’ Code Validation
A. Nejat, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran
1530 hrs
High-Order Solution of
Viscoelastic Fluid Flows Using
Unstructured Discontinuous
Galerkin Method
Chaired by: M. CHOUDHARI, NASA-Langley Research Center and L. DUAN, National Institute of Aerospace
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1430 hrs
Characterization of the Cavity
A Simple Alternative to
Lessons Learned from Hybrid
Shear Layer of the Stratospheric Unsteady Stress-Flux RANS/ RANS-LES Computations of a
Observatory For Infrared
LES Models
Three-Element Airfoil Flow
Astronomy by Means of Pressure C. Winkler, A. Dorgan, M. Mani, The S. Peng, Swedish Defense Research
Agency (FOI), Stockholm, Sweden;
Sensor Data and a Hybrid RANS- Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO
B. Nebenfuhr, L. Davidson, Chalmers
LES Study
University of Technology, Göteborg,
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
S. Thakur, J. Wright, Streamline
Numerics, Inc., Gainesville, FL; M.
Ihme, Stanford University, Stanford,
Chaired by: M. MACLEAN, CUBRC
1430 hrs
Parallel Compressible Solver
for Unsteady Turbulent
Combustion in Rocket Injectors
Using Flamelet Models
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
D. Williams, A. Jameson, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: D. ZINGG, University of Toronto and P. PERSSON
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
Nodal Points and the Nonlinear High-Order Implicit Temporal
Stability of High-Order
Integration for Unsteady
Methods for Unsteady Flow
Compressible Fluid Flow
Problems on Tetrahedral
P. Boom, D. Zingg, University of
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Seabreeze I
Nautilus 4
Nautilus 5
T. Imamura, Y. Takahashi, University F. Ferguson, N. Dasque, M. Dhanasar, Columbus, OH
of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
North Carolina A&T State University,
Greensboro, NC
Chaired by: X. WANG, NASA Glenn Research Center and F. FERGUSON
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
1430 hrs
Unsteady Flow Simulation
A Finite Volume Model For
The Shock Tube Problem from
a Combined Experimental and
around Cylinder under Airfoil Simulating the Unsteady
using Cartesian-based Flow
Navier-Stokes Equations Under Computational Perspective
D. Huynh, Ohio State University,
Space Time Conservations
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Laboratory, Washington, DC; K.
S. Thomas, J. Baeder, University
Wichmann, W. Wall, Technical University of Maryland, College Park, College
of Munich, Munich, Germany
Park, MD
J. Angulo, D. Kennett, S. Timme,
K. Badcock, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
1530 hrs
Parallel Semi-Meshless Stencil
Selection for Moving Geometry
1530 hrs
Efficient CAD-based
Aerodynamic Design
Optimization with Adjoint CFD
J. Labroquère, R. Duvigneau, French
P. Thompson, T. Robinson, C.
National Institute for Research in
Armstrong, Queen’s University
Computer Science and Control (INRIA), Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
Sophia Antipolis, France; E. Guilmineau,
National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS), Nantes, France
Chaired by: J. BAEDER, University of Maryland
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
On the Achievable Speeds of
Modeling the Two-phase
Finite Difference Solvers on CPUs flowfield beneath a Hovering
and GPUs
Rotor on Graphics Processing
R. Lohner, George Mason University,
Units using a FVM-RANS Hybrid
Fairfax, VA; A. Corrigan, Naval Research Methodology
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
M. Zahr, D. Amsallem, C. Farhat,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: K. FIDKOWSKI, University of Michigan and Q. WANG, MIT
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
Construction of Parametrically- Impact of Turbulence Closures
Robust CFD-Based Reducedand Numerical Errors for the
Order Models for PDEOptimization of Flow Control
Constrained Optimization
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
R. Lohner, George Mason University,
Fairfax, VA; J. Baum, SAIC, McLean,
1630 hrs
Load Balancing for
H. Chaurasia, C. Nguyen, J.
Peraire, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
1600 hrs
A Time-Spectral Hybridizable
Discontinuous Galerkin Method
for Periodic Flow Problems
R. Sakai, S. Obayashi, Tohoku
University, Sendai, Japan; Y. Matsuo, K.
Nakahashi, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan
1630 hrs
Practical Large-Eddy Simulation
for Complex Turbulent Flowfield
with Adaptive Cartesian Mesh and
Data Compression Technique
Unsteady Flows I
D. Chandar, J. Sitaraman, D.
Mavriplis, University of Wyoming,
Laramie, Laramie, WY
1600 hrs
A Hybrid Multi-GPU/CPU
Computational Framework
for Rotorcraft Flows on
Unstructured Overset Grids
Parallel Computing
Netherlands; K. Fidkowski, University AZ; Q. Wang, Massachusetts Institute H. Gagnon, D. Zingg, University of
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
1630 hrs
Unsteady Aero-Structure
Coupled Adjoint Method for
Flutter Suppression
1700 hrs
Geometry Generation of
Complex Unconventional
Aircraft with Application to
M. van Schrojenstein Lantman,
Z. Zhang, P. Chen, S. Yang, Z. Wang, High-Fidelity Aerodynamic
University of Twente, Enschede, The ZONA Technology, Inc., Scottsdale, Shape Optimization
1600 hrs
Adjoint-Based Optimization of
Flapping Kinematics in Viscous
Design Optimization Techniques III
S. Eyi, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey; M.
Yumusak, ROKETSAN Missile
Industries, Inc., Ankara, Turkey
1730 hrs
Aerodynamic Design
Optimization of Three
Dimensional Rocket Nozzles
Using Adjoint Method
Seabreeze II
Marina 5
Spinaker I
F. Gisbert, R. Corral, ITP, Madrid,
Spain; J. Pueblas, Technical University
of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
J. Derlaga, C. Roy, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA
1530 hrs
Adjoint and Truncation Error
Based Adaptation for 1D Finite
Volume Schemes
N. Vachon, D. Hitt, University of
Vermont, Burlington, Burlington, VT
Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
Chaired by: W. LOUISOS, University of Vermont
1500 hrs
1430 hrs
Experimental Measurements The Interaction of Hyperbolic
and Shear Stretching in
of Convective Mass Transfer
from a Surface Due to a Bound Geophysical Vortex Flows
D. Lipinski, K. Mohseni, University of
Vortex Flow
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
J. Slotnick, A. Khodadoust, The Boeing Research Center, Hampton, VA; T.
Fisher, Sandia National Laboratories,
Company, Huntington Beach, CA; J.
Alonso, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Albuquerque, NM
D. Darmofal, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA; W. Gropp,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL; E. Lurie, Pratt & Whitney,
East Hartford, CT; D. Mavriplis, University
of Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie, WY
R. Harris, B. Williams, Self,
Huntsville, AL
1600 hrs
Ventus: An Overset Adaptive
Cartesian Simulation
Framework for Moving
Boundary Problems
A. Javed, K. Djidjeli, University of
Southampton, Southampton, United
1630 hrs
Adaptive Shape Parameter
(ASP) Technique for Local Radial
Basis Functions (RBFs) and Their
Application for Solution of NavierStokes Equations
Solution Adaptive Grid Techniques II/GPU Computing
1600 hrs
Cascading of Vortical Structures
and Transition to Turbulence
1630 hrs
Stationary and Traveling
Vortical Structures on Swept
Cylinders and Turbine Blades
D. Hahn, S. Klein, P. Scholz, R.
V. Katta, Innovative Scientific
Radespiel, Technical University of
Solutions, Inc., Dayton, OH; W.
J. Gostelow, A. Rona, S. Garrett, W.
Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany Roquemore, Air Force Research
McMullan, University of Leicester,
Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Leicester, United Kingdom
1530 hrs
Vortex interactions with a high-lift
airfoil in a low speed wind tunnel
D. Darmofal, S. Allmaras, M.
Yano, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
1630 hrs
Progress Towards a Higherorder Adaptive Solver for
Vortex Flow and Vortical Structures
L. Diosady, S. Murman, NASA Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
1600 hrs
Design of a Variational
Multiscale Method for
High Reynolds Number
Compressible Flows
N. Sharan, D. Bodony, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL
1700 hrs
High-order provably stable
overset grid methods for
block-structured adaptive mesh
Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences (RCA) - II (Invited)
Chaired by: M. MALIK, NASA-Langley Research Center and M. ROGERS, NASA Ames Research Center
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Vision 2030 CFD Code
High-Order Entropy
Adjoint Based Anisotropic Mesh
Study: Defining the Path for
Stable Formulations for
Adaptation for the CPR Method
Revolutionary Computational
Computational Fluid Dynamics L. Shi, Z. Wang, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Lawrence, KS
M. Carpenter, NASA Langley
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Chaired by: R. HARRIS and B. WILLIAMS, CFD Research Corporation
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
Computation of
GPU Accelerated Kinetic
Solvers for Rarefied Gas
Turbomachinery Flows with
a Parallel Unstructured Mesh
V. Kolobov, CFD Research
Navier-Stokes equations Solver
Corporation, Huntsville, AL
on GPUs
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Room 511
Nautilus 2
Room 514
P. Paredes, V. Theofilis, Technical
University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
V. Soudakov, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Russia;
A. Fedorov, Moscow Institute of Physics
and Technology, Zhukovsky, Russia; A.
Ryzhov, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Russia
P. Peschke, S. Goekce, P. Leyland,
P. Ott, C. Hollenstein, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
M. Tanaka, Y. Zhuang, F. Komatsu, T. H. Watanabe, T. Fujino, M. Ishikawa,
Murakami, Y. Okuno, Tokyo Institute University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
Chaired by: M. KIM, niversity of Adelaide and M. WHITE
1500 hrs
1430 hrs
Experiments of High
Study of Influence of Electrodes
Temperature Inert Gas Plasma Arrangement for Faraday Type
MHD Power Generation with a MHD Generator and Coal Power
Faraday Type Generator
Cycle Analysis with CO2 Recovery
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
University, Manchester, United Kingdom;
T. Erfani, University College London,
London, United Kingdom; K. Kontis, H.
Zare-behtash, Manchester University,
Manchester, United Kingdom
1600 hrs
Effect of Plasma Flow Control
on Low Reynolds Number
Airfoil and Flying Wing
Y. Tamada, N. Niwa, T. Takahashi,
T. Fujino, M. Ishikawa, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
1530 hrs
Influence of Cross-sectional Shape
on Generator Performance and
Electromagnetic Fluid Phenomena
of DCW-MHD Generators for
Hypersonic Airplanes
M. Kim, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia
1600 hrs
Investigating the Feasibility of
Electron Manipulation Scheme
using a Cold Atmospheric
Plasma Jet
MHD for Power Generation/Radio Blackout Mitigation
1630 hrs
Effects of external circuit on DBD
plasma actuator operation
Plasma-Based Flow Control
1630 hrs
Statistical inverse analysis
and stochastic modeling of
J. Klentzman, A. Tumin, University of G. Serino, T. Magin, P. Rambaud,
Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
F. Pinna, von Kármán Institute for
Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse,
1600 hrs
Stability and receptivity of
high speed boundary layers
in oxygen
High-Speed Transition: Modeling
A. Likhanskii, S. Zhou, Tech-X
Corporation, Boulder, CO; M. Shneider,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; D.
University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX B. Goeksel, I. Rechenberg, F.
Ashpis, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Behrendt, C. Paschereit, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Cleveland, OH; M. Laun, Sierra Lobo,
Inc., Cleveland, OH
Chaired by: J. DRAKES, Aerojet and K. KREMEYER, PM & AM Research
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
Multiple Encapsulated Electrode Experimental Investigation
Experimental Characterization
Plasma Actuator Effect on
of Pulsed Dielectric Barrier
of the RailPAc Plasma Flow
Aerofoil-Wake Interaction
Discharge Actuators in SubActuator
R. Erfani, Manchester Metropolitan
J. Sirohi, B. Pafford, L. Raja,
and Transonic Flow
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
J. Kuehl, H. Reed, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX
Chaired by: V. THEOFILIS, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and A. FEDEROV
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
Spatial linear global instability Effect of local volume energy
Instabilities on a Hypersonic
Yawed Straight Cone
analysis of the HIFiRE-5 elliptic supply on high-speed boundary
E. Perez, T. Kocian, N. Oliviero,
cone model flow
layer stability
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Executive Conference 2A
Marina 6
Nautilus 1
S. Khurana, K. Suzuki, University of
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
D. Potter, S. Karl, M. Lambert, K.
Hannemann, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
1530 hrs
Computation of radiative and
convective contributions to
Viking afterbody heating
Y. Ma, University of California,
Merced, Merced, CA
P. Agrawal, ERC, Inc., Moffett Field,
CA; M. Munk, L. Glaab, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA
Chaired by: T. LAM, The Aerospace Corporation
1500 hrs
1430 hrs
Equation of Phonon
Arcjet Testing of Micro-Meteoroid
Impacted Thermal Protection
Hydrodynamics for NonFourier Heat Conduction
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
1600 hrs
Immersed Boundary Method
for Analysis of Unsteady
Rarefied Gas Damping
T. Reimer, German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Stuttgart, Germany; B. Esser,
A. Guelhan, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany
1530 hrs
Arc Jet Testing of CMC Samples
with Transpiration Cooling
Thermal Management and Protection
D. Liechty, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
1630 hrs
State-to-State Internal Energy
Relaxation Following the
Quantum-Kinetic Model in
High-Speed and Rarefied Flows
T. Sakai, Nagoya University, Nagoya,
Japan; K. Fujita, K. Fujii, H. Takayanagi,
T. Suzuki, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Tokyo, Japan
1600 hrs
CFD Investigation For Obtaining
Arcjet Freestream With Higher
Dynamic Pressures Using An
Arcjet Facility
Computational Heat Transfer and Simulations
C. Pekardan, V. Ayyaswamy, A.
Ishii, National Research Institute
Alexeenko, Purdue University, West
of Police Science, Kashiwa, Japan;
Lafayette, IN
T. Miyazaki, University of ElectroCommunications, Chofu, Japan; H.
Sakaue, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan
Chaired by: M. MARTIN, Louisiana State University and S. CHIGULLAPALLI, Purdue University
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
1530 hrs
Influence of Boundary-Layer Towards Heat Transfer Control Global Pressure Measurement
Turbulence on Effusion Cooling by Aerospikes for Lifting-Body of a Moving Bullet
Y. Yamada, University of Electroat Mach 2.67
Configuration in Hypersonic
Communications, Chofu, Japan; M.
M. Keller, M. Kloker, University of
Flow at Mach 7
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
A. Lani, von Kármán Institute for Fluid L. Taylor, K. Sreenivas, R. Webster,
Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium; J. Kress, University of Tennessee,
P. Duarte Santos, Technical University
Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal; A. Sanna,
University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Chaired by: A. SURESH, GE and N. MANSOUR, NASA-Ames
1430 hrs
1500 hrs
An efficient Monte Carlo method An Artificial Compressibility
for radiation transport in
Algorithm for Convective Heat
aerothermodynamic simulations Transfer
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Executive Conference 2B
Executive Conference 3A
Executive Conference 3B
Sitaraman, University of Wyoming,
Laramie, Laramie, WY
Thermophysics Award Lecture
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
0800 - 0900 hrs
University, Princeton, NJ; J. Kollasch,
University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Madison, WI
X. Chen, R. Agarwal, Washington
D. Paulus, C. Wirth, M. Hornung,
University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Technical University of Munich,
Munich, Germany
1030 hrs
Blended Wing Body Aircraft Recommendations from High
Lift and Control Surface Design
and Optimization
F. Bisson, S. Nadarajah, McGill
University, Montréal, Canada
1100 hrs
Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic
Design Optimization Using the
Drag Decomposition Method
Aerodynamic and Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization Methods III
Chaired by: A. ARSLAN and S. FERGUSON, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Helicopter Rotor Design using Shape Optimization of Airfoils
Genetic Algorithm and Adjoint
Adjoint-based Optimization in in Transonic Flow Using
Optimization of Periodic Wing
Protuberences for Stall Mitigation a Coupled CFD-CSD Framework a Multi-Objective Genetic
M. Lohry, L. Martinelli, Princeton
A. Mishra, K. Mani, D. Mavriplis, J. Algorithm
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Wednesday Morning Speakers’ Briefing
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
0730 - 0800 hrs
Gerald E. Schneider
University of Waterloo
Wednesday Morning Networking Breakfast
Panel Discussion
Moderated by James MacCleod
National Research Center, Canada
Icing Forecast Research Activities at NCAR
Marcia Politovich
Nactional Center for Atmospheric Research
Inaugural Ice Crystal Icing Engine Test in the NASA Glenn Research Center, Propulsion Systems Laboratory
Michael Oliver
NASA Glenn Research Center
AIRA - Aircraft Icing Research Alliance Panel
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
0700 - 0800 hrs
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
1600 - 1730 hrs
Marina 2
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Session Rooms
Nautilus and Harbor
Island Foyers
Room 515
R. Chaplin, Defence Science and
Technology Laboratory, Fareham,
United Kingdom
W. Phillips, Utah State University,
Logan, UT
C. Timothee, J. Dandois, E. Garnier,
L. Jacquin, ONERA, Meudon, France
M. Gaffuri, J. Brezillon, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig,
Germany; D. Kwak, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Tokyo,
Japan; K. Ohira, Ryoyu Systems
Company, Ltd., Nagoya, Japan; G.
Carrier, ONERA, Meudon, France
1100 hrs
Comparison of CFD solvers for
low speed vortex dominated
C. Porter, C. Fagley, J. Farnsworth, J. McLaughlin, C. Fagley, U.S. Air Force H. Kim, Seoul National University,
Seoul, South Korea; K. Jung, Agency
Seidel, T. McLaughlin, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
for Defense Development, Daejeon,
Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
South Korea
Z. Li, R. Agarwal, Washington
University in St. Louis, St. Louis,
MO; H. Gao, Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin, China
1100 hrs
Robust Hinf Control of
Theodorsen’s Lift Model for a
Pitching and Plunging Airfoil
Using LMI Approach
Closed-Loop Flow Control
1100 hrs
Over Wing Nacelle Installations
for Improved Energy Efficiency
1130 hrs
Decomposed Lifting-Line
Predictions and Optimization
for Propulsive Efficiency of
Flapping Wings
C. Breviglieri, L. Paula, Technological
Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), São
José dos Campos, Brazil; W. Wolf, J.
Azevedo, Aeronautics and Space Institute
(IAE), São José dos Campos, Brazil
1130 hrs
Assessment of WENO and SFV
High-Order Reconstruction
Schemes for Aerodynamic Flows
B. Pomeroy, P. Ansell, J. Diebold, M. J. Hooker, A. Wick, Lockheed Martin
Selig, University of Illinois, Urbana- Corporation, Marietta, GA; C. Zeune,
Champaign, Urbana, IL
Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright- W. Phillips, R. Miller, D. Hunsaker,
Patterson AFB, OH; A. Agelastos, Sandia Utah State University, Logan, UT
National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
1030 hrs
A Study of Burst Wakes in a
Multielement Airfoil Flowfield
Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics II
Chaired by: K. KARA, Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research and T. COLONIUS, California Institute of Technology
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
1030 hrs
0900 hrs
Experimental Closed-Loop
Numerical Simulations of
Experimental Closed-Loop Flow Closed-loop Active Flow Control
Control of Flow Separation on Closed-Loop Flow Control of a Control of a von Karman Ogive of Stall Separation using
a Simple Hinged Flap using
Tangent Ogive at a High Angle at a High Angle of Attack
Synthetic Jets
J. Farnsworth, C. Porter, J. Seidel, T. B. Lee, M. Kim, B. Choi, C. Kim,
of Attack
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
J. Petrilli, R. Paul, A. Gopalarathnam, W. Phillips, Utah State University,
N. Frink, North Carolina State
Logan, UT; D. Hunsaker, Scaled
University, Raleigh, NC
Composites, Mojave, CA
1030 hrs
Hybrid RANS-LES Computations
of Turbulent Flow over
Rudimentary Landing Gear
Applied CFD II
M. Ruetten, S. Koch, German
S. Peng, Swedish Defense Research
Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Agency (FOI), Stockholm, Sweden
Germany; S. Kuckenburg, University
of Kassel, Kassel, Germany; M. Rein,
German Aerospace Center (DLR),
Göttingen, Germany
Chaired by: A. MCCOMAS, Analytical Methods Inc and J. HOOKER, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
A CFD Database for Airfoils
Lifting-Line Predictions for
Analytical Decomposition of
and Wings at Post-Stall Angles Induced Drag and Lift in
Wing Roll and Flapping Using
of Attack
Ground Effect
Lifting-Line Theory
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
A. Castano Sanchez, E. Rodriguez
Cisneros, E. Angel Blasco, Airbus,
Getafe, Spain
Chaired by: A. MAJAMAKI, The Aerospace Corporation and K. VANDEN, USAF
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
RANS CFD predictions of a
Investigation of the Flow within
C-295 AEW aerodynamic
design process: CFD, wind
supersonic jet in a transonic
Partially Submerged Scoop
tunnel tests and flight tests
Type Air Intakes
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Executive Conference 1
Marina 4
Marina 3
A. Broeren, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH; S. Lee,
Vantage Partners, LLC, Cleveland,
OH; C. Clark, National Research
Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Center, Cleveland, OH; M. Oleskiw,
National Research Council Canada,
Ottawa, Canada; A. Broeren, NASA
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland,
OH; D. Orchard, National Research
Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada
A. Balan, M. Woopen, G. May, RWTH Massachusetts Institute of
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Technology, Cambridge, MA
Chaired by: G. MAY, AICES Graduate School and T. EYMANN, CREATE-AV/Kestrel
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Adjoint-Based Hp-Adaptation Scalable parallelization of
Multidimensional Active Flux
the hybridized discontinuous Schemes
for a Class of High-Order
T. Eymann, CREATE Kestrel Team,
Hybridized Finite Element
Galerkin method for
Eglin AFB, FL; P. Roe, University of
Schemes for Compressible
compressible flow
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
P. Koivisto, Aalto University, Espoo,
1100 hrs
Adjoint-Based Error Estimation
and Mesh Adaptation for the
Active Flux Method
B. Zimmerman, Iowa State University, K. Ding, K. Fidkowski, P. Roe,
Ames, IA; Z. Wang, University of Kansas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Lawrence, Lawrence, KS; M. Visbal,
Ann Arbor, MI
Air Force Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
1030 hrs
High-Order Spectral Difference:
Verification and Acceleration
using GPU Computing
High-Order Methods V
1100 hrs
Two dimensional model of an
electro-thermal ice protection
J. Wong, M. Papadakis, J. Wong,
Wichita State University, Wichita, KS L. Bennani, Airbus, Toulouse, France; M. Pourbagian, W. Habashi, McGill
P. Villedieu, ONERA, Toulouse, France; University, Montréal, Canada
M. Salaun, University of Toulouse,
Toulouse, France
1030 hrs
CFD Analysis of a Wing with a
Bleed Air Ice Protection System
On-Ground and In-Flight Ice Protection
1130 hrs
On Optimal Design of ElectroThermal In-Flight Ice Protection
1100 hrs
Experimental Investigation
Of An Aerodynamic Flow Of
Geometrical Models In Hypersonic
N. Bier, S. Keye, D. Rohlmann, German Aerodynamic Shock Tube
1030 hrs
Design of a Wind Tunnel Model
for Maximum Lift Predictions
Based on Flight Test Data
Wind Tunnel and Flight Testing Aero II
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig, I. Kryukov, M. Kotov, L. Ruleva, S.
Germany; S. von Deetzen, Deharde
Solodovnikov, S. Surzhikov, Russian
Maschinenbau Helmut Hoffmann GmbH, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Varel, Germany
Chaired by: D. FULEKI and J. MACLEOD, National Research Council Canada
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Anti-icing Fluid Flow Off
Aerodynamic Characterization A Study of the Effects of
Process on a Wing Section
of a Thin, High-Performance Altitude on Thermal Ice
during Simulated Taxi and
Airfoil for Use in Ground Fluids Protection System Performance
H. Addy, NASA Glenn Research
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
A. Tucker, D. West, B. Crawford, W. Aerospace Aerodynamics, Beijing,
Saric, Texas A&M University, College China
Station, TX
Chaired by: B. MCGRATH, JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory and G. GATLIN
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Study on the Hypersonic Wind A Heat Flux Sensor to the
Flexible Flight Research
Platform at Texas A&M
Tunnel Flowfield Affected by Detection of Transition on
University Flight Research
the Transverse Jet
X. Zhao, China Academy of
T. Waitz, W. Nitsche, Technical
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Nautilus 5
Room 515
Executive Conference 2A
Toronto, Toronto, Canada
H. Gopalan, J. Sitaraman, S. Heinz,
University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Laramie, WY
J. Howison, K. Ekici, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
T. Takatani, K. Suzuki, University of
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
1100 hrs
Local Finite Volume Method
for Calculation of Compressible
Flow on Arbitrary Scattered
1000 hrs
Numerical Investigations and
Modal Analysis of the Coherent
Structures in a Generic Swirl
C. Niedermeier, Technical University
of Munich, Garching, Germany;
M. Jarczyk, ; S. Hickel, N. Adams,
Technical University of Munich,
Garching, Germany; M. Pfitzner,
1000 hrs
Large-Eddy Simulation
of Turbulent Trans- and
Supercritical Mixing
M. Biester, Leibniz University of
Hannover, Hannover, Germany;
Y. Guendogdu, MTU Aero Engines
GmbH, Munich, Germany; J. Seume,
Leibniz University of Hannover,
Hannover, Germany
1100 hrs
Clocking Effects on SurfacePressure Fluctuations for
Variable Axial-Gaps
Unsteady Flows II
1030 hrs
Parametric Study of Low
Reynolds Number Flapping
Wing Aerodynamics
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods II
J. Moore, J. Peraire, M. Drela,
Massachusetts Institute of
M. Parmar, University of Florida,
Technology, Cambridge, MA
Gainesville, Gainesville, FL; S. Thakur,
Streamline Numerics, Inc., Gainesville, FL
1030 hrs
Progress Towards an Arbitrarily
High-Order, Unstructured,
Free-Wake Panel Solver
Numerical Algorithms for Inviscid and Viscous Flows IV
S. Leguizamon, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Z. Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical O. Krüger, Technical University of
Switzerland; O. Lopez, University of
University, Xi’an, China
Berlin, Berlin, Germany; C. Duwig,
the Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Lund University, Lund, Sweden; S.
Terhaar, C. Paschereit, Technical
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Chaired by: M. BIESTER, Lebniz Universität Hannover
0930 hrs
0900 hrs
Wind Turbine Dynamic Stall
Numerical Investigation of
Shock Oscillation over Airfoils
Analysis Using Harmonic
Balance and Correlation-based at Transonic Speeds Influenced
by Trailing Edge Jet
Transition Models
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
T. Shih, Ohio Aerospace Institute,
Cleveland, OH; N. Liu, NASA Glenn
Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Chaired by: T. SHIH, Ohio Aerospace Institute
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Very large eddy simulations
Simulation of Attached
of a spray reacting flow in a and Separated Flows using
single element LDI injector
Realizable Linear and Nonwith and without invoking the Linear Hybrid RANS-LES
Eulerian scalar DWFDF method Models
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Drela, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
Chaired by: M. DRELA, Massachusettes Institute of Technology and D. MORO
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Development of a LowAdvances in the development Advances in Homotopy
of a High Order, ViscousContinuation Methods in
Dissipation Algorithm in a RuleInviscid Interaction Solver
Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Framework for Unsteady
D. Moro, C. Nguyen, J. Peraire, M. D. Brown, D. Zingg, University of
Flows in Complex Geometries
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Spinaker I
Seabreeze I
Nautilus 4
H. Frenander, J. Nordstrom,
Linköping University, Linköping,
M. McDevitt, D. Hitt, University of
Vermont, Burlington, Burlington, VT
University of Florida, Gainesville,
Gainesville, FL
W. yao, M. Liou, NASA Glenn
Research Center, Cleveland, OH
1030 hrs
Droplet impact time histories
for a range of Weber numbers
and liquid film thicknesses for
spray cooling application
N. Rai, A. Kapahi, U. Kumar,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
City, IA
1130 hrs
Frictionless contact algorithm
for Eulerian high speed
multimaterial dynamic
1100 hrs
Nonlinear Model Reduction via
Piecewise Balance Truncation
Micro/Nano Scale Fluid Dynamics and Spray Cooling
G. Bidan, D. Nikitopoulos, Louisiana
State University, Baton Rouge, LA
1030 hrs
Film-Cooling Jets Analyzed
with Proper Orthogonal
Decomposition and Dynamic
Mode Decomposition
Reduced-Order Modeling
1100 hrs
Computational Analysis of
a Diffuser Using USM3D for
Diffuser Augmented Wind
Y. Liu, J. Xiong, F. Liu, S. Luo, University D. Jedamski, K. Visser, Clarkson
of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
University, Potsdam, NY
1030 hrs
Non-unique Numerical Solutions
and Their Stability of the Euler
Equations for Transonic Flow over
M. Dinc, D. Gray, N. Hillen, J. Taylor, N. Hillen, J. Taylor, C. Menchini,
J. Kuhlman, West Virginia University, G. Morris, M. Dinc, D. Gray, J.
Morgantown, WV
Kuhlman, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV
1000 hrs
Spray Simulations to Support
the Development of a Monte
Carlo-Based Spray Cooling
D. Patel, Orbital Sciences
Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL; L. Corporation, Dulles, VA
Cattafesta, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL; J. Tu, C. Rowley,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Chaired by: D. HITT, University of Vermont
0930 hrs
0900 hrs
Slip at the triple contact
Enhanced Laminar Mixing
point in two phase flow in
in Multifluid Droplets
via Multiphase Flow in a
J. Thalakkottor, K. Mohseni,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
L. Peng, K. Mohseni, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
1000 hrs
Launch Vehicle Cavity Venting:
Modeling Concepts & Validatio
1000 hrs
A Multivariate Interpolation
and Regression Enhanced
Kriging Surrogate Model
S. Eriksson, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden; J. Nordstrom,
Linköping University, Linköping,
1100 hrs
Well-posedness and Stability of
Exact Non-reflecting Boundary
Other Topics in CFD II
1030 hrs
Duality based boundary
treatment for the Euler and
Navier-Stokes equations
Numerical Treatment of Boundary Conditions II
J. Berg, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
F. Mohaghegh, J. Mousel, U. Kumar, Sweden; J. Nordstrom, Linköping
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa University, Linköping, Sweden
City, IA
1000 hrs
Effect of Interface Thickness on
Smoothed Profile Modeling of
Flow Over a Stationary Sphere
in 1<Re<300
M. Moessner, R. Radespiel, Technical K. Boopathy, M. Rumpfkeil,
University of Braunschweig,
University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Braunschweig, Germany
Chaired by: L. CATTAFESTA, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Nonlinear Dimensionality
Control of a canonical
Reduction for Parameterized separated flow
J. Griffin, M. Oyarzun, University of
Partial Differential Equation
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
D. Caraeni, J. Weiss, W. Smith, D.
Snyder, N. Halliday, J. Clement,
CD-adapco, Lebanon, NH
Chaired by: D. CARAENI, CD-Adapco and J. WEISS
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Continuity Convergence
Numerical Simulations of
Acceleration of a DensityTurbulent Flow over Porous
Based Coupled Algorithm
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
P. Eliasson, Swedish Defense
Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm,
Sweden; J. Nordstrom, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
Chaired by: J. NORDSTROM, Linköping University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Increasing the convergence
The Influence of Viscous
Operator and Wall Boundary rate to steady-state by using
Conditions on the Accuracy of multiple penalty terms applied
the Navier-Stokes Equations
in a domain
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Room 518
Room 511
Room 514
Marina 5
Hu, University of Southampton,
Southampton, United Kingdom
Center, Hampton, VA
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Yamada, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Kakuda, Japan
U. Kaul, NASA Ames Research Center, F. Gomez Carrasco, J. Quesada, G.
A. Ahmed, H. Moore, Auburn
Moffett Field, CA
Raquel, National Institute of Aerospace University, Auburn, AL
Technology INTA, Madrid, Spain;
V. Theofilis, School of Aeronautics,
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain; B. Carmo, J. Meneghini,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
NDF-POLI, University of Sao Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil
Chaired by: D. WILLIAMS, Illinois Institute of Technology and U. KAUL, NASA-Ames
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
An Efficient CFD-based PID
Stability analysis of the flow
On the Cylinder Wake
Control of Free Shear Layer
around a cylinder fitted with
Subjected to In-Phase and outFlow
helical strakes
of-Phase Periodic Forcing
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
C. Mortensen, X. Zhong, University of
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Chaired by: M. BORG, Booz Allen Hamilton and M. CHOUDHARI, NASA-Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Real Gas and Surface Ablation
Stability and Unsteadiness in High-Order Simulation of
Effects on Hypersonic Boundary a 2D Laminar Shock-Induced Induced Disturbance in a Mach
Layer Instability over a Blunt
Separation Bubble
6 Boundary Layer
A. Sansica, N. Sandham, Z.
H. Atkins, NASA Langley Research
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
S. Matsuyama, H. Takayanagi, K.
Fujita, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan
V. Theofilis, M. Hermanns, Technical
University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
K. Fong, X. Wang, X. Zhong,
University of California, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA
1100 hrs
Stabilization of hypersonic
boundary layer waves using
2-D surface roughness
N. Findanis, Pentair Environmental
Systems, Milperra, Australia; N.
Ahmed, University of New South
Wales, Sydney, Australia
1030 hrs
A computational analysis of
the flow over a side-supported
sphere with localised synthetic
M. Nakamura, University of Tokyo,
Sagamihara, Japan; T. Nonomura, Y.
Inatani, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan
1100 hrs
Multi objective optimization
of a synthetic jet acting on a
separated flow over a hump
Bluff Body and Shear Layer Control
L. Salemi, H. Fasel, University of
Arizona, Tucson, Tucson, AZ
1030 hrs
Linearized Navier-Stokes
Simulation of the Spatial Stability
of a Hypersonic Boundary Layer
in Chemical Equilibrium
High-Speed Transition II
Hypersonic and Chemically-Reacting Flows I
1030 hrs
On Global Linear Instability
Analysis of Hypersonic Flow
Around a Model Re-Entry
N. Cymbalist, P. Dimotakis, California H. Tanno, T. Komuro, K. Sato, K. Itoh, T. Vehicle
Chaired by: A. DORD, GE Aviation and R. BOWERSOX, Texas A&M University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
A parametric study of
Free-flight tests of reentry
Numerical Investigation on
RCS Jet Interactions for a Mars ethylene-fueled scramjet
capsule models in free-piston
Entry Vehicle
shock tunnel
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Nautilus 3
Nautilus 2
Nautilus 1
H. Yu, L. Bernal, University of Michigan, United Kingdom
Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; M. Ol, Air
Force Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
N. Ulbrich, Jacobs, Moffett Field, CA
Y. Nagata, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan;
Y. Satofuka, Y. Watanabe, A. Tezuka,
Waseda University, Shinjuku, Japan;
K. Yamada, T. Abe, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Sagamihara,
M. Hattori, A. Tezuka, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan; Y. Takahashi,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan;
Y. Nagata, K. Yamada, T. Abe, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Tokyo, Japan
H. Otsu, Ryukoku University, Otsu,
Japan; D. Konigorski, EADS, Bremen,
Germany; T. Abe, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
1030 hrs
Effect of the Shape Variation
on the Electrodynamic Heat
Shield System under the Strong
Magnetic Field
H. Katsurayama, Yamaguchi
University, Ube, Japan; T. Abe,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Sagamihara, Japan
1100 hrs
Numerical Investigation
of a Critical Altitude on
Electrodynamic Aerobraking
in a Hypersonic ContinuumRarefied Transitional Regime
MHD for Re-Entry
N. Ulbrich, Jacobs, Moffett Field, CA
Ground Testing Measurement Analysis
A. Magstadt, J. Strike, P.
Nikoueeyan, M. Hind, J. Naughton,
University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Laramie, WY
1030 hrs
Compliance Effects in
Dynamically Pitching Wind
Turbine Airfoils
Pitch and Plunge Wing Aerodynamics
1030 hrs
Calibration Variable
Selection and Natural Zero
R. DeLoach, NASA Langley Research Determination for Semispan
Center, Hampton, VA
and Canard Balances
1000 hrs
Bayesian Revision of Residual
Detection Power
Chaired by: N. HARADA, Nagaoka University of Technology and D. KONIGORSKI
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Experimental Study on the
Numerical Simulation of MHD Expansion Tube Experiment on
Magneto-aerodynamic Force
Flow Control along Super
Aerodynamic Force Enhancement
Deflected by Magnetic Field
Orbital Reentry Trajectory
due to the Electrodynamic
Interaction in a Weakly-ionized T. Fujino, M. Ishikawa, University of Interaction of a Magnetized Body
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Plasma Flow
in a Weakly-ionized Flow
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Jacobs, Moffett Field, CA
Chaired by: J. VAN AKEN, Jacobs Technology and B. MILLS
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
A Statistical Theory of
Analysis of Multivariate
Experimental Data Using A
R. DeLoach, NASA Langley Research Simplified Regression Model
Center, Hampton, VA; N. Ulbrich,
Search Algorithm
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Brussels, Belgium; D. Lefeber,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels,
Chaired by: J. ELDREDGE, UCLA and K. GRANLUND, Air Force Reseach Laboratory
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Wake Structure of Plunging
Performance of heaving and Effects of Planform Geometry
passively pitching hydrofoils and Pivot Axis Location on the
Finite Wings
J. Mattheijssens, J. Marcel, W.
D. Calderon, D. Cleaver, Z. Wang,
Aerodynamics of Pitching Low
Bosschaerts, Royal Military Academy, Aspect Ratio Wings
I. Gursul, University of Bath, Bath,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Marina 6
Seabreeze II
Spinaker II
D. Markus, T. Langer, Federal Institute
of Physical and Technical Affairs,
Braunschweig, Germany; U. Maas,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Karlsruhe, Germany
T. Okabe, T. Miyazaki, University
of Electro-communications, Chofu,
Japan; K. Saitoh, H. Sakaue, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Chofu, Japan
Châtenay-Malabry, France
M. Pachuilo, L. Raja, F. Stefani, R.
Bengtson, University of Texas, Austin,
Austin, TX; C. Tas, University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
L. Tran, A. Pham, Z. Little, J. Kapat,
CATER, Orlando, FL
1100 hrs
A Multi-Color Thermochromic
Liquid Crystals Technique
for Transient Heat Transfer
1030 hrs
Perspective on ReEntry Breakup
Recorder Derived Concepts for
Small Payload Flight Experiments
A. Nawaz, Sierra Lobo, Inc., Moffett
Field, CA; S. Loehle, G. Herdrich,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
Germany; E. Martinez, NASA Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
1100 hrs
Comparison of Calorimetric
Sensors - NASA Ames and IRS
Testing and Diagnostics
L. Tran, A. Pham, Z. Little, J. Kapat,
CATER, Orlando, FL
1030 hrs
Characterization of
Thermochromic Liquid Crystals
for Multi-Color Transient Heat
Transfer Experiments
1100 hrs
Development of a Gas-Fed
Capillary Source for Pulsed HighDensity Plasma Applications
Plumes, Propulsion, and Turbomachinery
N. Wongsuryrat, T. Takeichi,
T. Yamaguchi, K. Komurasaki,
University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan;
H. Koizumi, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo, Japan
1030 hrs
Numerical Studies of
Filamentary Plasma Structure
in Microwave Rocket
Plasma and Laser Physics
I. Cozmuta, Science and Technology
Corporation, Moffett Field, CA; D.
Rasky, NASA Ames Research Center,
M. Winter, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Lexington, KY; D. Prabhu, Moffett Field, CA; M. Weaver, W.
Ailor, The Aerospace Corporation, El
ERC, Inc., Mountain View, CA; W.
Segundo, CA; M. Newfield, NASA Ames
Williams, University of Kentucky,
Research Center, Moffett Field, CA; P.
Lexington, Lexington, KY
Subrahmanyam, Science and Technology
Corporation, Moffett Field, CA
1000 hrs
Determination of Temperature
Profiles in the Plenum Region
of the NASA IHF Arc Jet Facility
C. Jacobs, U. Sheikh, M. MacDonald, from Emission Spectroscopic
C. Laux, École Centrale de Paris,
Chaired by: E. SHORT, Raytheon Company
0930 hrs
0900 hrs
Unsteady Pressure Distribution Vacuum ultraviolet radiation
studies in a plasma torch
on a Fluttering Airfoil using
Motion-Capturing PSP System facility
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
R. Seleznev, S. Surzhikov, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
K. Naitoh, M. Marui, K. Ishida,
Waseda University, Shinjuku, Japan
1000 hrs
Simultaneous attainment of
light-weight, high-efficiency,
and low noise: by the
S. Rebrov, Keldysh Research Center, supermultijet-twister engine
Moscow, Russia; A. Molchanov, G.
working from startup to
Yakhina, Moscow Aviation Institute,
hypersonic scram mode
Moscow, Russia
Chaired by: P. YEE, The Aerospace Corporation
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Generalized Newton Method Numerical Simulation of Laser
For Solving Differential
Ignition of Rocket Fuels in
Equations of Chemical Kinetics Igniters
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy; University of Tennessee Space
G. Colonna, National Research Council Institute, Tullahoma, TN; C. Merkle,
(CNR), Bari, Italy; R. Paciorri, University Purdue University, West LaFayette, IN
of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Chaired by: T. MADDEN, Air Force Reseach Laboratory and A. YALIN, Colorado State University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
An unstructured solver for argon An AUSM-based Algorithm for Temperature measurements
plasma flows with reduced state- Solving the Coupled Navierinside repetitive streamer
to-state kinetics
Stokes and Maxwell Equations discharges and comparison with
R. Pepe, A. Bonfiglioli, A. D’Angola,
R. Thompson, A. Wilson, T. Moeller, numerical simulations
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Executive Conference 3A
Executive Conference 3B
Executive Conference 4
Y. Wu, Z. Zhang, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
R. Vieira, Technological Institute of
E. Kwak, S. Lee, Inha University,
Aeronautics (ITA), São José dos Campos, Incheon, South Korea
Brazil; J. Azevedo, Aeronautics and
Space Institute (IAE), São José dos
Campos, Brazil
Agency (JAXA), Tokyo, Japan; K. Ohira, D. Keller, German Aerospace Center
Ryoyu Systems Company, Ltd., Nagoya, (DLR), Brunswick, Germany
Japan; M. Gaffuri, J. Brezillon, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig,
Chaired by: D. LACY, Boeing Commercial Airplanes and S. MORRIS, Engineering Systems, Inc.
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1330 hrs
Analysis of Low-Speed Stall
CFD Validation for the Supersonic Numerical Investigation
Aerodynamics of a Swept Wing
Transport Configuration at Low- of Engine Effects on the
Stability and Controllability
with Laminar-Flow Glove
Speed and High Alpha Flight
T. Bui, NASA Dryden Flight Research
of a Transport Aircraft with
Center, Edwards, CA
D. Kwak, Japan Aerospace Exploration Circulation Control
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Narayanarao, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, India
Chaired by: K. BREKKE, Sandia National Labs and R. WAHLS, NASA-Langley Research Center
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1330 hrs
Turbulence Model Assessment
Numerical Study of the Effect
CFD Simulation of grid fin
for Simulation of Shock Waveof Exit Configurations on
R. Krishnamurthy, N. Shende, B.
Boundary Layer Interaction Flows Supersonic Inlet Buzz
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
O. Wysocki, E. Schuelein, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen,
1500 hrs
Experimental Investigations on
the Phantom Yaw Effect on a
maneuvering slender body
1600 hrs
Impact of Alternating TrailingEdge Noise on Buffet Flows
German Aerospace Center (DLR),
Göttingen, Germany
1600 hrs
Experimental Analysis of
Separation and Transition
Phenomena for the DLR-F11
C. Schnepf, O. Wysocki, E. Schuelein, High Lift Configuration
1530 hrs
Numerical investigation on the
Phantom Yaw Effect due to
small nose deflections
1630 hrs
Experimental Investigation of
Reverse Flow over Sharp and
Blunt Trailing Edge Airfoils
H. Schwartz, C. Lee, D. Mavris,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA
Marina 3
Marina 2
Session Rooms
Harbor Ballroom III
1700 hrs
Wall-Modelled Implicit
Large-Eddy Simulation
of the RA16SC1 Highlift
1630 hrs
Multifidelity Aerodynamics
with Second Order Augmented
Kriging Adaptive Sampling
Executive Conference 2B
A. Lind, J. Lefebvre’s, A. Jones,
R. Rudnik, German Aerospace Center University of Maryland, College Park, M. Meyer, EADS, Munich,
College Park, MD
(DLR), Braunschweig, Germany
Germany; S. Hickel, C.
Breitsamter, N. Adams, Technical
University of Munich, Munich,
C. Marongiu, Italian Aerospace Research A. Feldhusen, A. Hartmann, M.
Center (CIRA), Capua, Italy; F. Tarfeld, Klaas, W. Schröeder, RWTH Aachen
German Aerospace Center (DLR),
University, Aachen, Germany
Cologne, Germany; H. Adirim, N. Pilz,
Aerospace Innovation GmbH, Berlin,
1530 hrs
Dynamic Derivative Computation
of a Sub-orbital Vehicle
High Angle-of-Attack and High lLft Aerodynamics
J. Xiong, Y. Liu, F. Liu, S. Luo,
University of California, Irvine,
Irvine, CA; Z. Zhao, X. Ren, C.
Gao, Northwestern Polytechnical
University, Xi’an, China
1500 hrs
Multiple Solutions and Buffet
of Transonic Flow over the
NACA0012 Airfoil
Transonic and Supersonic Aerodynamics
Wednesday Afternoon Speakers’ Briefing
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
1300 - 1330 hrs
H. Matharoo, D. Makkar, A. Gupta,
Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi,
New Delhi, India; S. Hari, M. Ramadoss,
CD-adapco, Bangalore, India; R. Kumar,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
1030 hrs
Effect of Geometry on Droplet
Formation in a Microfluidic FlowFocusing Device
Exhibitor Lunch Reception
H. Fulge, S. Loehle, S. Fasoulas,
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
1000 hrs
Investigation of TDLAS
with VCSEL at 950 nm and
1993 nm for Water Vapour
Detection in High Temperature
Heat Transfer II
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
1200 - 1300 hrs
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA), Tokyo, Japan
Chaired by: E. SILK, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Two-Dimensional Methyl
Aerodynamic Characteristics
Evaluation Under Hypersonic Radical Concentration
Rarefied Flow Conditions
Measurements in Flames using
T. Suzuki, T. Ozawa, K. Fujita,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
D. Otter, German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Göttingen, Germany
of New South Wales at the Australian Nashville, TN; T. Hedrick, University D. Garmann, M. Visbal, Air Force
Defence Force Academy, Canberra, of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Research Laboratory, WrightAustralia
Hill, NC
Patterson AFB, OH
R. Pain, W. Pierre-Elie, S. Deck,
ONERA, Meudon, France
1530 hrs
Three-dimensional Analysis of
the Fluctuating Pressure Field
of a Space Launcher Afterbody
with Boosters using ZDES
Z. Lego, A. Altman, University of
Dayton, Dayton, OH
1500 hrs
Analysis of a Variable Camber
Wing during Highly Unsteady
V. Naidu, J. Young, J. Lai, University
of New South Wales at the Australian
Defence Force Academy, Canberra,
1530 hrs
Effect of wing flexibility on
phasing of tandem wings
during hover flight
Bio-Inspired Aerodynamics II
1500 hrs
Development of the Circulation
Control Flow Scheme used in the
NTF Semi-Span FAST-MAC Model
Unmanned and VSTOL Vehicle Designs/tests
G. Jones, W. Milholen, D. Chan, B. Allan,
M. Atesoglu, G. Guzel, Aselsan, Inc., S. Goodliff, L. Pack Melton, S. Anders,
M. Carter, F. Capone, NASA Langley
Ankara, Turkey
Research Center, Hampton, VA
1430 hrs
Implementation and Validation
of an Actuator Disk Model
for Aerodynamic Analysis of
Propelled UAVs
Chaired by: H. HU, Iowa State University and M. PLESNIAK, George Washington University
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1330 hrs
A Numerical Analysis of
Lift characteristics of a
Investigation of vortex
hovering rufous hummingbird formation on a hoving wing
Bumblebee Propulsion
S. Tobing, J. Young, J. Lai, University J. Song, H. Luo, Vanderbilt University, using high-fidelity simulation
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
C. Chaney, P. Adam, J. Leachman,
K. Matveev, Washington State
University, Pullman, WA
The Measurement and
Comparison of the Unsteady
Aerodynamic Characteristics
of a Delta Wing in the Lateral
1500 hrs
Unsteady Aerodynamics II
M. Raffel, German Aerospace Center T. Nakashima, Hiroshima University,
(DLR), Göttingen, Germany
Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan; Y. Okada, T. X. Geng, Z. Shi, K. Cheng, Nanjing
Nouzawa, Mazda Motor Corporation,
University of Aeronautics and
Aki Gun, Japan; M. Tsubokura, Hokkaido Astronautics, Nanjing, China
University, Sapporo, Japan
Chaired by: L. AUMAN, US Army ARMDEC and W. FRITZ, Cassidian
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Development of the Genii-UAS Flow Field Investigations on a
Demonstrator: a Small-Class UCAV with a Ducted Engine Air
Vehicle with Low Wing Loading Intake at Transonic Conditions
E. Roosenboom, R. Konrath, J. Agocs,
and Fuel Cell Propulsion
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
State University, Dayton, OH
Chaired by: J. DEBONIS, NASA Glenn Research Center and J. DESPIRITO, US Army Research Laboratory
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Aerodynamic Performance of Analysis of Dynamic Stall using Unsteady Aerodynamics
Flapping Wings under Acoustic Dynamic Mode Decomposition Simulation of A Road Vehicle
Running with Cyclic Yaw and
Z. Yang, G. Huang, S. Huang, Wright S. Mariappan, A. Gardner, K. Richter, Side-slip Motions
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
R. Bartels, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
1600 hrs
Developing an Accurate CFD
Based Gust Model for the Truss
Braced Wing Aircraft
Executive Conference 1
Executive Conference 2A
Marina 4
University, Ames, IA
A. Rothmayer, H. Hu, Iowa State
University, Ames, IA
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, H. Luo, North Carolina State
NC; R. Nourgaliev, Idaho National
University, Raleigh, NC
Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
C. Chang, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA
S. Chang, NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, OH; C. Chang, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA; C. Yen,
Jacobs, Tullahoma, TN
C. Chang, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA; B. Venkatachari,
G. Cheng, University of Alabama,
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Chaired by: X. WANG, NASA Glenn Research Center and C. CHANG, NASA-Langeley Research Center
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1330 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
The CESE Method as a
Recent CESE Developments for Time-Accurate Local Time
the Solution of the Navier-Stokes Stepping and High-Order
Consistent Numerical
Framework for Accurate
Equations Using Unstructured
Space Time CESE Methods for
Computations of Conservation Triangular or Tetrahedral Meshes Multi-Dimensional Flows Using
Laws -- A Review
With High Aspect Ratio
Unstructured Meshes
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
Chaired by: H. LUO, North Carolina State University and E. JOHNSEN, University of Michigan
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Shock Capturing for HighA Parallel, Implicit Reconstructed A Reconstructed Discontinuous
Order Discontinuous Galerkin Discontinuous Galerkin Method Galerkin Method Based
Simulation of Transient Flow for the Compressible Flows on 3D on a Hierarchical WENO
Arbitrary Grids
Reconstruction for Computing
P. Persson, University of California, Y. Xia, H. Luo, S. Spiegel, M. Frisbey,
Shock Waves on Hybrid Grids
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Center, Cleveland, OH; S. Sor, A.
García Magariño, National Institute
of Aerospace Technology (INTA),
Madrid, Spain
Chaired by: M. POTAPCZUK, NASA Glenn Research Center and C. TAN, GE
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Linearized Solutions of Three- The Effect of Temperature and
Drag Coefficient of Water
Droplets approaching the
Dimensional Condensed Layer Water Film Thickness on the
Leading Edge of an Airfoil
Linear Instability of an Ice
M. Vargas, NASA Glenn Research
A. Rothmayer, H. Hu, Iowa State
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
C. Yen, Jacobs, Tullahoma, TN
1500 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Demonstration of a TimeAccurate Local-Time-Stepping
CESE Method for an Acoustic
Resonance Study with an
Open-Jet Wind Tunnel
B. Venkatachari, G. Cheng,
University of Alabama, Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL; C. Chang, NASA
Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA; S. Chang, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH
1530 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
Impact of Grid Quality on
Accuracy of CESE Simulations
Recent Development of CE/SE Methods (Invited)
T. Haga, S. Kawai, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
1530 hrs
Toward Accurate Simulation
of Shockwave-Turbulence
Interaction on Unstructured
M. Brazell, D. Mavriplis, University of Meshes: A Coupling of HighWyoming, Laramie, Laramie, WY
Order FR and LAD Schemes
1500 hrs
3D Mixed Element
Discontinuous Galerkin with
Shock Capturing
1600 hrs
Modeling of Realistic
Ice Roughness Element
Distributions to Characterize
Convective Heat Transfer
D. Bilyeu, S. Yu, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH
Y. Lv, M. Ihme, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Software Technology Corporation,
Livermore, CA
J. Murphy, The Aerospace
Corporation, El Segundo, CA
Nautilus 4
Nautilus 5
Room 515
1700 hrs
Simulation of a Stationary
Plasma Thruster using the
Space-Time Conservation
1630 hrs
Discontinuous Galerkin Method
for Compressible Viscous
Reacting Flow
L. Tecson, S. McClain, Baylor
University, Waco, TX
1630 hrs
Convective Enhancement of
Surfaces with Realistic Ice
Roughness Distributions
1630 hrs
A 3D Unstructured-Mesh Euler
Solver Based on the FourthG. Cook, Z. Zhang, K. Im, Livermore Order CESE Method
1600 hrs
Applications of the CESE
method in LS-DYNA
E. Johnsen, A. Nair, S. Varadan,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Ann Arbor, MI
1600 hrs
Recovery Discontinuous
Galerkin Method for
Compressible Turbulence
D. Bilodeau, W. Habashi, McGill
University, Montréal, Canada; G. Baruzzi, L. Tecson, S. McClain, Baylor
Newmerical Technologies International, University, Waco, TX
Montréal, Canada; M. Fossati, McGill
University, Montréal, Canada
1530 hrs
An Eulerian Re-impingement
Model of Splashing and Bouncing
Supercooled Large Droplets
High-Order Methods VI
V. Abdollahi, W. Habashi, M. Fossati,
McGill University, Montréal, Canada;
G. Baruzzi, Newmerical Technologies
International, Montréal, Canada
1500 hrs
Quasi-molecular Modeling of
Supercooled Large Droplets
Dynamics for In-flight Icing
Supercooled Large Drop and Icing Physics
Missile Research Development and
W. Chan, S. Pandya, S. Rogers,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Engineering Center, Moffett Field,
CA; A. Katz, Utah State University,
Field, CA
Logan, UT; J. Sitaraman, University
of Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie, WY;
R. Haimes, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
H. Sun, D. Darmofal, R. Haimes,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA
Chaired by: B. KOREN
1330 hrs
A robust simplex cut-cell method
for high-order discontinuous
Galerkin discretizations of
three-dimensional aerodynamic
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
J. Van Muijden, O. Boelens, J.
van der Vorst, J. Gooden, National
Aerospace Laboratory (NLR),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO
J. Krakos, The Boeing Company,
St. Louis, MO; D. Darmofal,
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA
1400 hrs
Anisotropic Output-Based Mesh
Optimization for Unsteady
Chaired by: K. DURAISAMY, University of Glasgow
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
Computational ship airwake
Refinement of a Two-Equation
determination to support
Hybrid RANS/LES Model in
helicopter-ship dynamic
C. Winkler, A. Dorgan, M. Mani, The
interface assessment
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
R. Haimes, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA; J.
Dannenhoffer, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY
G. Wang, H. Hameed, Z. Ye,
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
Xi’an, China; J. Lee, Beijing Aeronautical
Science and Technology Research
Institute, Beijing, China
1500 hrs
An Improved Point Selection
Method for Hybrid-Unstructured
Mesh Deformation Using Radial
Basis Functions
D. Marshall, California Polytechnic
State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
1530 hrs
Creating Exact Bezier
Representations of CST Shapes
Grid Generation and Effects of Grid Quality II
1600 hrs
Numerical Modeling and
Validation of the Flow in a
Fluidic Oscillator
of the Netherlands, Petten, The
Netherlands; B. Koren, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie, WY
C. Paschereit, Technical University of N. Eskov, Y. Pronin, Russian Federal
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Nuclear Centre, Snezhinsk, Russia
1630 hrs
Oral Presentation (Invited)
A completely conservative
difference scheme for
P. Miron, J. Vétel, A. Garon, École
modeling elastoplastic flows in
N. Mundis, D. Mavriplis, University of B. Sanderse, Energy Research Center Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, O. Krüger, B. Bobusch, R. Woszidlo, Lagrangian variables
1500 hrs
Runge-Kutta methods for the
incompressible Navier-Stokes
1430 hrs
GMRES applied to the Time
Spectral and Quasi-periodic
Time Spectral Methods
1530 hrs
Efficient computation of the
finite-time Lyapunov exponent
Other Methods for CFD/Unsteady Flows III
University, Lund, Sweden; O. Krüger, S. Medida, J. Baeder, University
Hermann-Föttinger-Institut, TU-Berlin, of Maryland, College Park, College
Germany; L. Fuchs, Lund University, Park, MD
Lund, Sweden
1500 hrs
A New Crossflow Transition
Onset Criterion for RANS
E. Hodizc, C. Duwig, R. Szasz, Lund Turbulence Models
1430 hrs
Large Eddy Simulation of lean
blow off
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES), Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods III
Chaired by: R. DAVIS, University of California Davis and D. THOMPSON, Mississippi State University
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
The Engineering Sketch Pad: A Efficient Creation of Overset Progress in Automatic Viscous
Solid-Modeling, Feature-Based, Grid Hole Boundaries and
Meshing from CAD Using
Web-Enabled System for
Effects of Their Locations on
Strand/Cartesian Meshes
A. Wissink, Army Aviation and
Building Parametric Geometry Aerodynamic Loads
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Marina 5
Spinaker I
Seabreeze I
M. Sharbatdar, C. Ollivier Gooch,
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Z. Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, CA
University, Xi’an, China
Calgary, Canada
R. Heinze, S. Beckers, T. Wahl,
F. Kameier, University of Applied
Sciences, Düsseldorf, Germany; C.
Paschereit, Technical University of
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
University, Daytona Beach, FL; K.
Kurbatskii, ANSYS, Inc., Lebanon,
NH; E. Osman, United Launch
Alliance, Centennial, CO
Chaired by: A. ELMILIGUI, NASA Langley Research Center and J. KUHLMAN, West Virginia University
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Numerical investigation of the Enforcement of Flow-Induced Detached Eddy Simulations of
flow prediction around a wall- Oscillations of a Circular
Supersonic Jets Impinging on
mounted rectangular cylinder Cylinder due to Interference
Flat Plates
Z. Chen, M. El Hassan, Z. Hosseini, Effects -Numerical Simulations Y. Dewan, V. Golubev, A. Lyrintzis, R.
R. Martinuzzi, University of Calgary, and Experimental StudiesMankbadi, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; B.
Sekar, V. Belovich, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
K. Akhtar, S. Ragab, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA
1500 hrs
Direct Numerical Simulation of
a Rectangular Supersonic Jet
Impinging on a Solid Wall
1600 hrs
Numerical investigation of
scalar mixing in the turbulent
wake of a square cylinder
S. Arunajatesan, M. McWherterPayne, Sandia National Laboratories, G. Lodato, INSA Rouen, Rouen,
Albuquerque, NM
France; R. Rossi, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy
1530 hrs
Unsteady Modeling of Jet-inCrossflow Problems
Turbulent Flows: Jets and Wakes
Other Topics in CFD III
T. Phillips, J. Derlaga, C. Roy, J.
D. Papadimitriou, C. Papadimitriou,
Borggaard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
and State University, Blacksburg, VA
1500 hrs
Optimal Sensor Location for
Model Parameter Estimation
in CFD
Numerical Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification in CFD
Chaired by: J. DANNENHOFFER, Syracuse University and C. RUSCHER, Syracuse University
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Modeling Flow Through a
Numerical Study of Fixed
Low-storage IMEX Runge-Kutta
Perforated Plate for a New
Artificial Transition and the
schemes for the simulation of
Combustion Rig
Minimum Height of Roughness Navier-Stokes systems
C. Ruscher, J. Dannenhoffer, M. Glauser, Strip for It
D. Cavaglieri, P. Beyhaghi, T. Bewley,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
A. Hay, S. Etienne, D. Pelletier,
A. Garon, École Polytechnique de
Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Chaired by: C. OLLIVIER GOOCH, University of British Columbia and C. ROY, Virginia Tech
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Eigenanalysis of Truncation
Finite Volume Solution
Code Verification of an
unsteady RANS finite-element and Discretization Error on
Reconstruction Methods For
Unstructured Meshes
Truncation Error Estimation
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Room 511
Room 514
Room 518
Hirabayashi, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
M. Mughal, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom; R. Ashworth,
EADS, Bristol, United Kingdom
S. Khurana, K. Suzuki, University of
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
1430 hrs
Plasma Control of SW
Configuration in M=2 Inlet at
Off-Design Mode
B. Plogmann, W. Wuerz, University
of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
1530 hrs
The Influence of a Cylindrical
Roughness Element on a
Perturbed Laminar Boundary
M. Ali, N. Arora, F. Alvi, Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL
1530 hrs
Three - dimensional Flowfield
of Microjets in Supersonic
A. Gissen, B. Vukasinovic, A. Glezer, Crossflow
1500 hrs
Active Shock Control in a
Transonic Flow
High-Speed Flow Control
D. Rizzetta, M. Visbal, Air Force
Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
1500 hrs
The Effect of Two-Dimensional
Geometric Disturbances on
Boundary-Layer Stability
Roughness Induced Transition
C. Arisman, C. Johansen, W. Galuppo,
A. McPhail, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Canada
1500 hrs
Nitric Oxide Chemistry Effects
in Hypersonic Boundary Layers
Hypersonic and Chemically-Reacting Flows II
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Y. Zheng, N. Ahmed, University of
S. Leonov, D. Yarantsev, A. Firsov,
Atlanta, GA; G. Sivaram, Spectral
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia; F. Falempin, MBDA, Energies, Dayton, OH
Le Plessis Robinson, France; M.
Goldfeld, P. George, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Chaired by: F. ALVI, Florida State University
1400 hrs
1330 hrs
Application of Aerospikes for A novel means of dissipation of
Lifting-Body Configuration in shock wave induced heat in a
Hypersonic Flow at Mach 7
high speed flow
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Chaired by: H. JOHNSON, University of Minnesota and R. KING, NASA-Langley Research Center
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Roughness Induced Transition Uncertainty Quantification
in a Supersonic Boundary
Based Receptivity Modelling of Transient Growth in a Flat Plate
Crossflow Instabilities Induced by Boundary Layer
P. Balakumar, M. Kegerise, NASA
Distributed Surface Roughness in M. Kuester, E. White, Texas A&M
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Swept Wing Boundary Layers
University, College Station, TX
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
B. Aghababian, B. Reymond, Military J. Geerts, K. Yu, University of
School of Air and Space, Salon Air, Maryland, College Park, College
France; R. Cummings, U.S. Air Force Park, MD
Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Chaired by: A. ALEXEENKO, Purdue University and T. DROZDA, NASA Langley Research Center
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Visualization of Shock Train- Oscillation of Bow-shock Waves
Numerical Simulation of the
Nozzle and Test Section of a
Boundary Layer Interaction in at Hypersonic Speeds
K. Fujii, S. Tsuda, T. Koyama, N.
Mach 6 Ludwieg Tube
Mach 2.5 Isolator Flow
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
A. Garzon, M. Roberts, Aerion
Corporation, Reno, NV
1600 hrs
Effect of a Small Surface Wave
on Boundary-Layer Transition
Z. Hua, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
1630 hrs
Simulation of Transitions
Induced by Roughness Using
Three-Equation Transition
Nautilus 3
Z. Duan, Z. Xiao, S. Fu, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China
Nautilus 2
1700 hrs
Transition Triggered by Isolated
Roughness Element Using
Improved Delayed Detached
Eddy Simulation Model
Nautilus 1
Park, MD
L. Castillo, A. Newman, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX
J. Crafton, S. Palluconi, R. Forlines,
Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc.,
Dayton, OH; J. Gregory, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH
K. Nakakita, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu,
A. Iwakawa, N. Hasegawa, T. Osuka, Research Association, Moffett Field,
CA; A. Nawaz, Sierra Lobo, Inc.,
R. Majima, T. Sakai, A. Sasoh,
Moffett Field, CA
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Palaiseau, France; V. Giovangigli,
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau,
Chaired by: D. LEVIN, Pennsylvania State University and C. SUCHOMEL, USAF
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
1330 hrs
Supersonic Drag Reduction
Radial Profiles of Plasma
Numerical Simulation of
Electron Characteristics in a 30 Ionized Rocket Plumes
Performance of Blunt-Body
D. Gueyffier, B. Fromentin-Denoziere,
with Conical Spike using with kW Arc Jet
J. Simon, A. Merlen, ONERA,
D. Codron, Universities Space
Energy Depositions
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
R. Castner, NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH; S. Shaw, E.
Adamson, The Boeing Company,
Seattle, WA; S. Simerly, NASA Glenn
Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Chaired by: S. LUMB, Boeing Defense, Space & Security and R. RHEW, NASA-Langley Research Center
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Background Pressure Profiles Dynamic Calibrations for Fast- Phase Delay and Correlation
for Sonic Boom Vehicle Testing Response Porous Polymer/
Area Detection of Unsteady
in the NASA Glenn 8-foot by Ceramic Pressure-Sensitive
Pressure Field Using Unsteady
6-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel Paint
PSP Measurement
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Sheffield, United Kingdom; B.
McKeon, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA
Chaired by: J. EDWARDS and R. MOARREF, California Institute of Technology
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Turbulence Structure and
Examination of the spatially
Closing the loop: an explicit
calculation of the nonlinearity its Signature in Hypersonic
developing wind turbine
in the resolvent formulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers
boundary layer: Low dimensional
Y. Kan, P. Martin, University of
wall turbulence
analysis, large scales of motion
A. Sharma, University of Sheffield, Maryland, College Park, College
and energy entrainment
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
T. Tani, H. Ishikawa, Tokyo University
of Science, Chiyoda, Japan; H.
Sakaue, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan
Y. Watanabe, K. Suzuki, University of
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
1500 hrs
Investigation of Arc Plasma
Discharge in Hypersonic
Flow over Compression and
Expansion Corner
Weakly Ionized Plasma Physics
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Chofu, Japan; H. Ishikawa, Tokyo
University of Science, Chiyoda, Japan;
H. Sakaue, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan
1530 hrs
Response Time
Characterization of PolymerCeramic Pressure-Sensitive
Paint for Short Duration
H. Kodama, Tokyo University of Science, Testing and Unsteady
Chiyoda, Japan; K. Morita, Japan
Aerodynamic Measurements
1500 hrs
Development of Spray-able
Superhydrophobic PressureSensitive Paint for Unsteady
Aerodynamic Applications
Ground Test Measurement Techniques II
P. Movahed, E. Johnsen, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
1500 hrs
Turbulence diffusion effects
at material interfaces, with
application to the RayleighTaylor instability
Marina 6
Seabreeze II
Spinaker II
University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN
University of Vermont, Burlington,
Burlington, VT
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
R. Wagnild, M. Gallis, Sandia
National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
A. Verhoff, I. Boyd, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
Chaired by: W. WOOD, Langley Research Center
1400 hrs
1330 hrs
Continuum Simulation of
Consistent Modeling of
Rotational Nonequilibrium in
Hypersonic Flows using the
Quantum-Kinetic Chemical
a Hybrid Particle-Continuum
Reaction Model
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Field, CA; D. Driver, I. TerrazasJ. Meyers, W. Owens, D. Fletcher,
Salinas, NASA Ames Research Center, University of Vermont, Burlington,
Moffett Field, CA; S. Sepka, ERC,
Burlington, VT
Inc., Moffett Field, CA
Y. Liu, NASA Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, CA; M. Panesi, University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,
IL; M. Vinokur, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA; P. Clarke,
University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
1430 hrs
Microscopic Simulation and
Macroscopic Modeling for
Thermal and Chemical NonEquilibrium Gases
Chaired by: J. BATSON, Lockheed Martin Space Systems and I. HSU, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
1430 hrs
Surface Catalysis and
Surface Catalyzed Reaction
Surface Catalyzed Reaction
Oxidation on Stagnation Point Efficiencies in Nitrogen
Efficiencies in Air Plasmas
Heat Flux Measurements in
and Oxygen Plasmas from
Using Laser Induced
High Enthalpy Arc Jets
Laser Induced Fluorescence
Fluorescence Measurements
A. Nawaz, Sierra Lobo, Inc., Moffett Measurements
J. Meyers, W. Owens, D. Fletcher,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
R. Kelly, A. Jemcov, M. Rennie, E.
Jumper, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN
1430 hrs
The Effects of Wall Cooling
on Aero-Optical Aberrations
Caused by Subsonic Turbulent
Boundary Layers
M. White, Ohio Aerospace Institute,
Dayton, OH; M. Visbal, Air Force
Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
J. Scoggins, T. Magin, von Kármán
Institute for Fluid Dynamics, RhodeSaint-Genèse, Belgium; A. Wray,
N. Mansour, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
1530 hrs
Multi-Group Reductions of LTE
Air Plasma Radiative Transfer
in Cylindrical Geometries
1600 hrs
Coupled Hydrodynamic/StateSpecific High-Temperature
Modeling of Nitrogen
Vibrational Excitation and
B. Chakravarthy, S. Venkateshan, S.
Chanda, Indian Institute of Technology
Madras, Chennai, India; A. Ambirajan,
Indian Space Research Organisation,
Bangalore, India
S. Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper,
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
IN; K. Hird, T. Juliano, J. Gregory, Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH; J.
Thordahl, D. Wittich, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM
1630 hrs
Modeling of Strong
Nonequilibrium in Nitrogen
Shock Waves
1600 hrs
Benchmarking a novel technique
for estimating principal thermal
conductivities of ananisotropic
composite medium
University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN; K. Hird, T. Juliano, J.
Gregory, Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH; J. Thordahl,
D. Wittich, Air Force Research
Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM
1630 hrs
The Comparison of Unsteady
Pressure Field over Flat- and
Conformal-Window Turrets using
N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, Pressure Sensitive Paint
1600 hrs
The Estimation of the Unsteady
Aerodynamic Force Applied to
a Turret in Flight
J. Kim, I. Boyd, University of
Champaign, Urbana, IL; R. Jaffe, D.
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
M. Kulakhmetov, A. Alexeenko,
Schwenke, NASA Ames Research Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN B. Lopez, M. Lino Da Silva, V. Guerra,
Moffett Field, CA; T. Magin, von Kármán
J. Loureiro, Technical University of
Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-SaintLisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Genèse, Belgium
1530 hrs
Generalized Polynomial Chaos
Sampling of Quasi-Classical
Trajectories for Nonequilibrium
M. Panesi, University of Illinois, Urbana- Reacting Flow Simulations
1500 hrs
Energy transfer study of N2-N2
interactions by using rovibrational
state-to-state model
Nonequlibrium Flows
W. Owens, J. Meyers, D. Fletcher,
University of Vermont, Burlington,
Burlington, VT
1500 hrs
Surface Catalyzed
Recombination Efficiencies for
Flexible Thermal Protection
Materials in Air Plasma
Thermophysical Properties and Surface Catalysis
K. Hird, T. Juliano, J. Gregory, Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH; S.
Gordeyev, N. De Lucca, E. Jumper,
University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN; J. Thordahl, D. Wittich, Air
Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland
1530 hrs
Study of Unsteady Surface
Pressure on a Turret via
Pressure-Sensitive Paint
1500 hrs
Computational investigation
of the influence of unsteady
shock motion on aberrating
structures in supersonic
N. De Lucca, S. Gordeyev, E. Jumper, A. Smith, S. Gordeyev, University of boundary layers
Chaired by: S. GORDEYEV, University of Notre Dame and M. RENNIE
1330 hrs
1400 hrs
The Aero-Optical Environment The Improvement of the
Around a Helicopter Computed Aero-Optical Environment of a
using the Compressible
Hemisphere-on-Cylinder Turret
Vorticity Confinement Method using Vortex Generators
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Executive Conference 2B
Executive Conference 3A
Executive Conference 4
D. Cappelli, École Nationale
Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et
de l’Espace, Toulouse, France; N.
Mansour, NASA Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, CA
Germany; J. Kirz, Technical University of
Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany;
E. Roosenboom, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
CA; L. Cicolani, San Jose State University
Foundation, Moffett Field, CA; B.
Gassaway, U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal,
AL; D. Mattle, Dynetics, Inc., Redstone
Arsenal, AL
Chaired by: N. HARIHARAN, CREATE-AV and K. ABDOL-HAMID, NASA Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Performance of Reynolds
Validation of the Flow Topology Aerodynamic Analysis and Flight
Averaged Navier-Stokes
Around Several Airdrop Cargo
Simulation of an Anemometer
Models in Predicting Separated Configurations at Static Conditions for Rotational Stabilization of a
Flows: Study of the Hump Flow S. Geisbauer, N. Bier, German
Helicopter Slung Load
Aerospace Center (DLR), Braunschweig, M. Potsdam, U.S. Army, Moffett Field,
Model Problem
Thursday, 27 June 2013
University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO A. Zanker, P. Ott, Swiss Federal Institute O. Stalnov, D. Angland, X. Zhang,
of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; P. University of Southampton,
Calza, Avio S.p.A., Rivalta di Torino, Italy Southampton, United Kingdom
Chaired by: J. FARNSWORTH, US Air Force Academy and M. YU, Iowa State University
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Accurate Computation of Flow Experimental Aeroelastic Analysis On the Contribution of
below the Rotor Disk by a
of Clustered Turbine Blades
Individual Landing Gear
Finite-State Method
Vibrating in Mixed Torsion/
Components to Landing Gear
Z. Fei, D. Peters, Washington
Bending Mode
Loads and Noise
Aerodynamics Award Lecture
Thursday, 27 June 2013
0800 - 0900 hrs
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Thursday Morning Speakers’ Briefing
Thursday, 27 June 2013
0730 - 0800 hrs
Applied CFD III
Unsteady Aerodynamics III
Neal T. Frink
NASA Langley Research Center
Thursday Morning Networking Breakfast
Thursday, 27 June 2013
0700 - 0800 hrs
Seabreeze II
Marina 3
Harbor Ballroom I and II
Session Rooms
Nautilus and Harbor
Island Foyers
1000 hrs
An Experimental Study of
Microburst-Wind Induced Loads
on a Wind Turbine Model
M. ali, National Center for Scientific A. Hövelmann, C. Breitsamter,
Research (CNRS), Marseille, France; Technical University of Munich,
M. Abid, Aix-Marseille University,
Garching, Germany
Marseille, France
University, Norfolk, VA
Chaired by: H. BABINSKY, University of Cambridge and W. FRITZ, Cassidian
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
0900 hrs
Characterization of a helical
Leading-Edge Geometry
A New Approach for Modeling
Effects on the Vortex System the Unsteady Behavior of
vortex, generated behind
a rotating blade, using the
Formation of a Diamond Wing Trailing Line Axial Vortices
M. Abuharaz, R. Ash, Old Dominion
Actuator Line Method
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China;
University of Technology, Delft, The
S. Benton, C. Bernardini, J. Bons,
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH L. Xiaobo, Shanghai Academy of
Spaceflight Technology, Shanghai, China;
Z. Jian, Northwestern Polytechnical
University, Xi’an, China
Chaired by: M. POST, USAF Academy and G. JONES, NASA-Langley Research Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Control of Three-dimensional Experimental Study on Unsteady Experimental Study on Airfoil
Flow Instabilities at the Side- Aerodynamic Loads of a Synthetic Circulation Control using
wall Junction of an Airfoil
Jet at Airfoil Trailing Edge
Plasma Actuators
C. Gao, W. Zhang, Northwestern
M. Kotsonis, R. Pul, L. Veldhuis, Delft
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Y. Zhang, P. Sarkar, H. Hu, Iowa
M. Amiraux, S. Thomas, J. Baeder, Center, Hampton, VA; A. Kreshock, State University, Ames, IA
University of Maryland, College Park, Army Research Laboratory, Hampton,
VA; M. Sekula, NASA Langley
College Park, MD
Research Center, Hampton, VA
Chaired by: E. ROOSENBOOM, DLR - German Aerospace Center
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Coupled CFD/CSD Analysis of
Fuselage modelization for
multi-fidelity coupled CFD/CSD Rotor Blade Structural Loads
simulation of rotorcrafts in BVI with Experimental Validation
S. Massey, NASA Langley Research
Thursday, 27 June 2013
J. Fernando, J. Kriegseis, D. Rival,
University of Calgary, Calgary,
1030 hrs
Vortex Formation in Confined
Rectangular-Cavity Flows
T. Quackenbush, A. Bilanin, A.
Boschitsch, Continuum Dynamics,
Inc., Ewing, NJ
1100 hrs
Computational and
Experimental Studies in
Multipair Wake Vortex
Vortical/Vortex Flow
1100 hrs
The Flow Over a Backward
Facing Step Subjected to
Multiple Synthetic Jet Actuators
J. Yen, N. Ahmed, University of New A. Sassoon, University of Maryland,
South Wales, Sydney, Australia
College Park, College Park, MD;
J. Hubbard, National Institute of
Aerospace, Hampton, VA; A. Flatau,
Z. Hasnain, University of Maryland,
College Park, College Park, MD
1030 hrs
Role of Synthetic Jet Frequency
& Orientation in Dynamic Stall
Vorticity Creation
Active and Passive Flow Control III
1100 hrs
Momentum Theory with
Slipstream Rotation Applied to
Wind Turbines
D. Hunsaker, W. Phillips, Utah State
University, Logan, UT
J. Ahmad, G. Yamauchi, D. Kao,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett
Field, CA
1030 hrs
Comparison of Computed and
Measured Vortex Evolution for
a UH-60A Rotor in Forward
Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics III
Marina 6
Marina 4
Seabreeze I
M. Garcia Sainz, Scientific Research
Committee of Buenos Aires, La Plata,
Argentina; J. Delnero, J. Marañon Di
Leo, National Scientific and Technical
Research Council (CONICET), Buenos
Aires, Argentina; J. Colman, S.
Algozino, National University of La
Plata, La Plata, Argentina
Chaired by: U. KAUL, NASA-Ames
0900 hrs
Flow Interaction Analysis Near
the Upstream Cavity Edge
under Turbulent Incident Flow
Thursday, 27 June 2013
P. Molton, D. Hue, R. Bur, ONERA,
Meudon, France
Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA; P. Danehy,
P. Tiemsin, C. Wohl, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA;
G. Byun, R. Simpson, AUR, Inc.,
Blacksburg, VA
1000 hrs
An Experimental Investigation
of Supersonic Cavity Flow
Control with Vertical Cylinders
S. Stanfield, Spectral Energies,
Dayton, OH; R. Kimmel, Air Force
Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
1000 hrs
Compensation Method for the
Estimation of the Autospectral
Density Function of the
Unevenly Spaced HIFiRE-1
Flight Data
J. Wagner, S. Beresh, K. Casper, J. G. Milne, C. Thieman, A. Vakili,
Henfling, R. Spillers, P. Hunter, R.
University of Tennessee, Tullahoma,
Mayes, Sandia National Laboratories, Tullahoma, TN
Albuquerque, NM
0930 hrs
Experimental Investigation of
Fluid-Structure Interactions in
Compressible Cavity Flows
Chaired by: K. LOWE, Virginia Tech and J. KEGELMAN, NASA
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of fluorescent
Investigations on Drag induced polystyrene microspheres for
by Flat Plate Imperfections in advanced flow diagnostics
P. Maisto, K. Lowe, Virginia
Compressible Flow Regimes
Thursday, 27 June 2013
C. Meckstroth, University of Dayton M. Shields, K. Mohseni, University of G. Ananda Krishnan, R. Deters, M.
Research Institute, Dayton, OH; G.
Florida, Gainesville, FL
Selig, University of Illinois, UrbanaReich, Air Force Research Laboratory,
Champaign, Urbana, IL
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Chaired by: K. GRANLUND, Air Force Reseach Laboratory and J. MURRAY, Sandia National Laboratories
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Aerodynamic damping
Propeller Slipstream Effects
Aerodynamic Modeling of
Small UAV for Perching
derivatives of low aspect ratio on Wings at Low Reynolds
wings at low Reynolds numbers Numbers
Thursday, 27 June 2013
M. Clement, D. Sipp, ONERA,
Meudon, France
1030 hrs
Sensitivity analysis and passive
control of a compressible
turbulent flow in a deep cavity
Cavity Flows:Physics and Control
J. Lorenzi, National Atomic Energy
Commission, Buenos Aires, Argentina; C.
Rinaldi, National Autonomous University
of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; C.
Toro Salazar, National Atomic Energy
Commission, Buenos Aires, Argentina; M.
Villagran Muñiz, National Scientific and
Technical Research Council (CONICET),
Buenos Aires, Argentina; S. Ortiz,
National Atomic Energy Commission,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1030 hrs
Thermodynamic Characterization
of Supersonic Expansions Using
Shadowgraphy and Numerical
Experimental Methods
1100 hrs
Experimental Investigation of
Non-Body of Revolution Model
during Combined Roll-Yaw
K. Ramesh, A. Gopalarathnam, J.
Edwards, North Carolina State University, C. Jagadeesh, M. Balthazar, A. Gross,
Raleigh, NC; K. Granlund, M. Ol, Air
H. Fasel, University of Arizona,
Force Research Laboratory, WrightTucson, Tucson, AZ
Patterson AFB, OH
1030 hrs
Theoretical Analysis of Perching
and Hovering Maneuvers
Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics III
Spinaker I
Nautilus 3
Executive Conference 4
T. Wray, R. Agarwal, Washington
H. Fayed, S. Ragab, Virginia
University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, VA
1000 hrs
Spectral Characteristics of
Separation Shock Unsteadiness
J. Poggie, N. Bisek, R. Kimmel, Air
Force Research Laboratory, WrightPruett, Sandia National Laboratories, V. Patil, D. Levin, Pennsylvania State Patterson AFB, OH; S. Stanfield,
Spectral Energies, Dayton, OH
Albuquerque, NM
University, University Park, PA; S.
Gimelshein, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA; J.
Austin, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL
0930 hrs
Study of shock-shock
interactions for the HET facility
double wedge configuration
S. Beresh, J. Henfling, R. Spillers, B. using the DSMC approach
Chaired by: J. BOLES
0900 hrs
Unsteady Shock Motion in a
Transonic Flow over a WallMounted Hemisphere
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Institute, Moscow, Russia
Force Research Laboratory, WrightPatterson AFB, OH
1100 hrs
Numerical Simulation of
Transonic Buffet on Swept
Wing of Supercritical Airfoils
Z. Vane, S. Lele, Stanford University, J. Xiong, F. Liu, University of
Stanford, CA
California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
1030 hrs
Simulations of a Normal Shock
Train in a Constant Area Duct
Using Wall-Modeled LES
P. Ferrero, A. Kartha, P. Subbareddy,
G. Candler, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN; P.
Dimotakis, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA
Y. Ohmichi, K. Suzuki, University of
Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
1130 hrs
Fundamental Study on
Numerical Methods of Global
Instability Analysis for
Compressible Flows with Shock
1100 hrs
LES of a high-Reynolds number,
chemically reacting mixing layer
Turbulent Flows II
NM; C. DeVore, Naval Research
Laboratory, Washington, DC
M. Anyoji, T. Liu, T. Nonomura, A.
Oyama, K. Fujii, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA),
Sagamihara, Japan
1130 hrs
Effect of Wing Planform on
Aerodynamic Characteristics at
Low Reynolds Numbers using a
C. Barnes, M. Visbal, R. Gordnier, Air Low Density Wind Tunnel
1100 hrs
High-Fidelity Simulations of a
Flexible Heaving Finite-AspectRatio Wing
Transition Open Forum
D. Cleaver, D. Calderon, Z. Wang,
I. Gursul, University of Bath, Bath,
United Kingdom
1030 hrs
Low Aspect Ratio Oscillating
Flexible Wings at Low Reynolds
Wing Aerodynamics
Chaired by: M. LUHAR, California Institute of Technology and R. AGARWAL, Washington University in St Louis
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
1030 hrs
Three-Equation K-ε-Vn
Application of a New OneLarge-Eddy Simulation of
Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation
Equation Turbulence Model to Particles and Bubbles Collisions of Isotropic Turbulent Mixing
Turbulence Model for HighF. Grinstein, A. Wachtor, Los Alamos
Computations of Separated
in Homogeneous Isotropic
Speed Flows
National Laboratory, Los Alamos,
A. Molchanov, Moscow Aviation
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
0900 - 1100 hrs
Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; N. Ahmed, Y. Zheng, University of
R. Waldman, K. Breuer, Brown
K. Wawrzinek, T. Lutz, University
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia University, Providence, RI
of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; T.
Auerswald, J. Bange, University of
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; C.
Knigge, Leibniz University of Hannover,
Hannover, Germany; P. Kelleners, R.
Heinrich, German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Braunschweig, Germany; S.
Reuss, A. Probst, T. Knopp, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen,
Chaired by: N. AHMED, The University of New South Wales and S. ANDERS
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Non-planarity to improve
Shape, lift, and vibrations of
Simulation of Wing Stall
R. Radespiel, D. Francois, D. Hoppmann, subsonic performance of delta highly compliant membrane
S. Klein, P. Scholz, Technical University of wing at low angles of attack
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Nautilus 4
Nautilus 2
Nautilus 1
Spinaker II
Mukhopadhyay, S. Sen, Jadavpur
University, Kolkata, India
C. Scalo, J. Lin, S. Lele, L. Hesselink, Atomic Energy and Alternative
Energies Commission, Arpajon,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Chaired by: W. LOUISOS, University of Vermont and S. SPEER, Northrop Grumman Corporation
0900 hrs
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Towards full-scale numerical
Range-dependent propagation
Numerical Simulation of
Hydrodynamics of an Annular simulations of a travelingmodeling of infrasound in
Hybrid Injector
wave thermoacoustic Stirling complex atmospheres
S. Chatterjee, S. Mahapatra, A.
G. Dergham, C. Millet, M. Bertin,
heat engine
Thursday, 27 June 2013
F. Palacios, J. Alonso, A. Jameson,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1030 hrs
Design of free-surface
interfaces using RANS
L. Bergamo, E. Gennaro, M.
Medeiros, University of São Paulo,
São Carlos, Brazil
1100 hrs
Effect of Mach number on
linear stability of lid-driven
cavity flows
Modeling and Simulation of Fluids
G. Campitelli, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV; V.
Krastev, University of Rome, Rome,
Italy; W. Huebsch, M. Gautam, West
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
1130 hrs
Two Dimensional Numerical
Study of the Flow over a
Bridge Deck with the Open
Source CFD Tool OpenFOAM
Marina 2
Abdol-Hamid, K., 34-APA-10, 165-APA-35
Abdollahi, V., 143-ASE-9
Abdulrahaman, M., 18-FD-2
Abe, T., 131-PDL-8
Abe, Y., 40-CFD-10, 75-FD-20
Abgrall, R., 39-CFD-9, 44-CFD-14
Abid, M., 168-APA-38
Abney, A., 73-FD-18
Abuharaz, M., 168-APA-38
Adam, P., 141-APA-32
Adamczuk, R., 24-GT-1
Adamovich, I., 46-FD-11
Adams, N., 32-APA-8, 120-CFD-32, 139-APA-30
Adamson, E., 156-GT-5
Adden, S., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Addy, H., 117-ASE-8
Adirim, H., 138-APA-29
Agarwal, R., 112-APA-24, 115-APA-27/FD-26, 174-FD-45
Agelastos, A., 114-APA-26
Aghababian, B., 152-FD-35
Agocs, J., 34-APA-10, 141-APA-32
Agostinelli, C., 8-APA-5
Agrawal, P., 107-TP-11
Ahmad, J., 166-APA-36
Ahmad, N., 9-ASE-1, 37-ASE-3
Ahmed, A., 89-APA-22/FD-22, 128-FD-31
Ahmed, N., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 128-FD-31, 154-FD-37, 167-APA-37/FD-40, 172-FD-43
Ahn, J., 58-APA-13
Ahn, S., 32-APA-8
Aigner, M., 12-CFD-3
Ailor, W., 134-TP-13
Akdag, V., 44-CFD-14
Akhtar, K., 151-FD-34
Alauzet, F., 68-CFD-19
Alexeenko, A., 27-TP-2, 80-TP-8, 106-TP-10,
152-FD-35, 160-TP-17
Algozino, S., 171-FD-42
ali, M., 168-APA-38
Ali, M., 154-FD-37
Alizard, F., 47-FD-12
Alkandry, H., 51-TP-3, 87-APA-20
Allan, B., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Allen, C., 8-APA-5, 61-APA-16, 67-CFD-18, 84-APA-17
Allmaras, S., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Alonso, J., 15-CFD-6, 42-CFD-12, 57-APA-12,
76-PDL-4, 100-CFD-29/FD-23, 176-FD-49
Alter, S., 38-CFD-8
Altman, A., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Alvi, F., 21-FD-5, 154-FD-37
Ambirajan, A., 159-TP-16
Amiraux, M., 166-APA-36
Amitay, M., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Amsallem, D., 15-CFD-6, 43-CFD-13, 96-CFD-25
Ananda Krishnan, G., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Anders, S., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32, 172-FD-43
Anderson, W., 40-CFD-10
Andrews, M., 23-FD-7
Andrienko, D., 43-CFD-13
Angel Blasco, E., 113-APA-25
Angland, D., 34-APA-10, 164-APA-34
Angulo, J., 97-CFD-26
Ansell, P., 58-APA-13, 61-APA-16, 114-APA-26
Anyoji, M., 172-FD-43
Aono, H., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 75-FD-20
Arisman, C., 152-FD-35
Armstrong, C., 96-CFD-25
Arnal, D., 88-APA-21
Arnold, D., 25-PDL-1
Arnoldus, Q., 36-ASE-2
Arora, N., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 154-FD-37
Arslan, A., 57-APA-12, 112-APA-24
Arunajatesan, S., 14-CFD-5, 151-FD-34
Asada, K., 75-FD-20
Ash, R., 168-APA-38
Ashpis, D., 74-FD-19/PDL-3, 103-PDL-6
Ashworth, R., 153-FD-36
Atesoglu, M., 141-APA-32
Atinault, O., 5-APA-2
Atkins, H., 10-CFD-1, 127-FD-30
Auerswald, T., 172-FD-43
Auman, L., 141-APA-32
Austin, J., 175-FD-48
Avelar, A., 9-ASE-1
Ayyaswamy, V., 80-TP-8, 106-TP-10
Azevedo, J., 6-APA-3, 84-APA-17, 113-APA-25,
Aziz, M., 18-FD-2
Babinsky, H., 168-APA-38
Bachchan, N., 44-CFD-14
Badcock, K., 97-CFD-26
Baeder, J., 10-CFD-1, 35-APA-11, 97-CFD-26,
147-CFD-39, 166-APA-36
Balakumar, P., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 153-FD-36
Balan, A., 118-CFD-30
Balthazar, M., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Bange, J., 172-FD-43
Barad, M., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10
Barata, J., 44-CFD-14
Bardy, D., 32-APA-8
Barnes, C., 172-FD-43
Bartels, R., 140-APA-31
Bartram, S., 49-GT-2
Baruzzi, G., 143-ASE-9
Bas, O., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Batson, J., 159-TP-16
Baum, J., 97-CFD-26
Bauman, P., 38-CFD-8
Becker, L., 49-GT-2
Beckers, S., 151-FD-34
Behrendt, F., 103-PDL-6
Belovich, V., 150-CFD-42
Belter, D., 49-GT-2
Bencic, T., 36-ASE-2, 62-ASE-4
Benek, J., 11-CFD-2
Bengtson, R., 132-PDL-9
Bennani, L., 117-ASE-8
Bensassi, K., 22-FD-6, 43-CFD-13, 65-CFD-16/GT-3
Benton, S., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Beresh, S., 73-FD-18, 171-FD-42, 175-FD-48
Berg, J., 122-CFD-34
Bergamo, L., 176-FD-49
Bernal, L., 129-FD-32
Bernardini, C., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Berridge, D., 73-FD-18
Bertin, M., 176-FD-49
Beuth, J., 45-FD-10
Bewley, T., 67-CFD-18, 150-CFD-42
Beyhaghi, P., 67-CFD-18, 150-CFD-42
Bidan, G., 124-FD-27
Bidwell, C., 36-ASE-2, 71-FD-16
Bier, N., 116-APA-28, 165-APA-35
Biester, M., 121-CFD-33
Bijl, H., 20-FD-4
Bilanin, A., 168-APA-38
Bilodeau, D., 143-ASE-9
Bilyeu, D., 59-APA-14, 145-CFD-37
Bin Azry Seet, A., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Bisek, N., 175-FD-48
Bisson, F., 112-APA-24
Bobusch, B., 67-CFD-18, 148-CFD-40
Bockhorn, H., 18-FD-2
Bodart, J., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Bodony, D., 48-FD-47, 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Boelens, O., 147-CFD-39
Boles, J., 94-CFD-23, 175-FD-48
Bonfiglioli, A., 132-PDL-9
Bons, J., 23-FD-7, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Boom, P., 30-APA-6, 93-CFD-22
Boopathy, K., 123-CFD-35
Borg, M., 73-FD-18, 127-FD-30
Borggaard, J., 149-CFD-41
Borner, A., 50-PDL-2, 80-TP-8
Boschitsch, A., 168-APA-38
Bose, D., 79-TP-7
Author/Session Chair Index
Bosschaerts, W., 129-FD-32
Boswell, R., 50-PDL-2
Bosworth, R., 50-PDL-2
Boucher, M., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Bouremel, Y., 5-APA-2
Bousquet, A., 39-CFD-9
Bowersox, R., 46-FD-11, 126-FD-29
Boyd, I., 38-CFD-8, 46-FD-11, 51-TP-3, 53-TP-5, 63-ASE-5, 79-TP-7, 87-APA-20, 160-TP-17
Brackbill, J., 50-PDL-2
Bragg, M., 58-APA-13, 61-APA-16, 91-ASE-6
Bramesfeld, G., 84-APA-17
Brandis, A., 27-TP-2, 79-TP-7
Braun, R., 79-TP-7
Brazell, M., 144-CFD-36
Breden, D., 77-PDL-5
Brehm, C., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10, 73-FD-18
Breitsamter, C., 139-APA-30, 168-APA-38
Brekke, K., 90-APA-23, 138-APA-29
Brenguier, J., 62-ASE-4
Brenner, P., 13-CFD-4
Bretl, T., 87-APA-20
Breuer, K., 172-FD-43
Breviglieri, C., 113-APA-25
Brezillon, J., 113-APA-25, 139-APA-30
Bright, M., 75-FD-20
Brodersen, O., 30-APA-6
Broeren, A., 91-ASE-6, 117-ASE-8
Brooks, T., 49-GT-2
Brown, D., 119-CFD-31
Bruce, W., 49-GT-2
Buchner, A., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Budiman, A., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Bui, T., 139-APA-30
Buitrago, W., 35-APA-11
Bur, R., 72-FD-17, 170-FD-41/GT-6
Burgess, N., 13-CFD-4
Burnside, N., 88-APA-21
Burt, J., 63-ASE-5, 80-TP-8
Byun, G., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Byun, J., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Cain, A., 24-GT-1
Cakmakcioglu, S., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Calderon, D., 129-FD-32, 172-FD-43
Calvert, N., 77-PDL-5
Calza, P., 164-APA-34
Cambier, J., 50-PDL-2
Campitelli, G., 176-FD-49
Campos, A., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Candler, G., 14-CFD-5, 38-CFD-8, 46-FD-11, 174-FD-45
Cannat, F., 50-PDL-2
Cao, D., 26-TP-1
Capizzano, F., 69-CFD-20
Capone, F., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Cappelli, D., 165-APA-35
Caraeni, D., 123-CFD-35
Carmo, B., 128-FD-31
Carnarius, A., 42-CFD-12
Carneiro Brasileiro, F., 9-ASE-1
Carpenter, M., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Carrier, G., 5-APA-2, 57-APA-12, 113-APA-25
Carson, C., 16-CFD-7
Carter, C., 22-FD-6, 94-CFD-23
Carter, M., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Carvalho, V., 26-TP-1
Casper, K., 21-FD-5, 73-FD-18, 171-FD-42
Casper, M., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Cassel, K., 19-FD-3
Castano Sanchez, A., 113-APA-25
Castillo, L., 155-FD-38
Castner, R., 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 156-GT-5
Catalano, P., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 75-FD-20
Cattafesta, L., 124-FD-27
Cavaglieri, D., 67-CFD-18, 150-CFD-42
Cetiner, O., 20-FD-4
Ceze, M., 64-CFD-15
Chacon, B., 66-CFD-17
Chakravarthy, B., 159-TP-16
Chan, D., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Chan, W., 146-CFD-38
Chanda, S., 159-TP-16
Chandar, D., 97-CFD-26
Chaney, C., 141-APA-32
Chang, C., 59-APA-14, 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 145-CFD-37
Chang, L., 77-PDL-5
Chang, S., 145-CFD-37
Chaplin, R., 113-APA-25
Charest, M., 40-CFD-10
Charles, C., 50-PDL-2
Chatelain, P., 16-CFD-7
Chatterjee, S., 176-FD-49
Chaurasia, H., 98-CFD-27
Chazot, O., 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 78-TP-6
Chen, P., 96-CFD-25
Chen, W., 88-APA-21
Chen, X., 112-APA-24
Chen, Y., 51-TP-3
Chen, Z., 74-FD-19/PDL-3, 151-FD-34
Cheng, B., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Cheng, G., 59-APA-14, 145-CFD-37
Cheng, K., 140-APA-31
Chennakeshava, J., 49-GT-2
Chigullapalli, S., 106-TP-10
Chitale, K., 14-CFD-5
Chng, T., 77-PDL-5
Choi, B., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Choi, S., 32-APA-8
Choudhari, M., 47-FD-12, 70-CFD-21/FD-15,
95-CFD-24, 127-FD-30
Choudhary, A., 14-CFD-5
Chow, R., 86-APA-19
Christopher, P., 34-APA-10
Cicolani, L., 165-APA-35
Cinnella, P., 10-CFD-1, 13-CFD-4
Ciobaca, V., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Clark, C., 117-ASE-8
Clark, J., 71-FD-16
Clarke, P., 160-TP-17
Claude, J., 32-APA-8
Cleaver, D., 129-FD-32, 172-FD-43
Clemens, N., 45-FD-10
Clement, J., 123-CFD-35
Clement, M., 72-FD-17, 171-FD-42
Coates, T., 95-CFD-24
Coder, J., 5-APA-2
Codoni, J., 87-APA-20
Codron, D., 157-PDL-10
Collins, E., 36-ASE-2
Colman, J., 171-FD-42
Colonius, T., 17-FD-1, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Colonna, G., 132-PDL-9
Colonno, M., 57-APA-12
Combes, T., 84-APA-17
Congedo, P., 44-CFD-14
Content, C., 10-CFD-1, 13-CFD-4
Cook, G., 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 145-CFD-37
Cori, J., 48-FD-47
Corral, R., 41-CFD-11, 99-CFD-28
Corrigan, A., 97-CFD-26
Cozmuta, I., 134-TP-13
Crafton, J., 48-FD-47, 156-GT-5
Crawford, B., 7-APA-4, 116-APA-28
Cruden, B., 27-TP-2, 79-TP-7
Cummings, R., 4-APA-1, 34-APA-10, 38-CFD-8,
Currie, T., 62-ASE-4
Cybyk, B., 4-APA-1
Cymbalist, N., 126-FD-29
D’Angola, A., 132-PDL-9
Dala, L., 90-APA-23
Dandois, J., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Danehy, P., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Danforth, C., 52-TP-4
Danforth, R., 24-GT-1
Dannenhoffer, J., 146-CFD-38, 150-CFD-42
Dantsker, O., 87-APA-20
Darmofal, D., 4-APA-1, 14-CFD-5, 100-CFD-29/FD-23, 148-CFD-40
Dasque, N., 98-CFD-27
Davidson, L., 95-CFD-24
Davis, R., 16-CFD-7, 71-FD-16, 146-CFD-38
Davis, S., 12-CFD-3
Dawson, R., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
De Lucca, N., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
De Pauw, D., 23-FD-7
De Stefano Fumo, M., 59-APA-14
Debiasi, M., 5-APA-2
DeBonis, J., 35-APA-11, 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 140-APA-31
Dechamps, X., 76-PDL-4
Deck, S., 140-APA-31
Decker, R., 72-FD-17
Deconinck, H., 39-CFD-9, 65-CFD-16/GT-3
Dedesh, V., 37-ASE-3
Degani, D., 43-CFD-13
Degrez, G., 76-PDL-4
DeJong, A., 16-CFD-7
Del Rey Fernández, D., 40-CFD-10
Delnero, J., 171-FD-42
DeLoach, R., 24-GT-1, 130-GT-4
Deng, X., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Denissen, N., 23-FD-7
Dennison, J., 92-ASE-7
Deolalikar, S., 43-CFD-13
Dergham, G., 176-FD-49
Derlaga, J., 15-CFD-6, 99-CFD-28, 149-CFD-41
Desideri, J., 57-APA-12
DesJardin, P., 53-TP-5
DeSpirito, J., 90-APA-23, 140-APA-31
Deters, R., 169-APA-39/FD-46
DeVore, C., 174-FD-45
Dewan, Y., 151-FD-34
Dezitter, F., 62-ASE-4
Dhanasar, M., 98-CFD-27
Dianics, J., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Diebold, J., 91-ASE-6, 114-APA-26
Dikalyuk, A., 27-TP-2
Dimotakis, P., 126-FD-29, 174-FD-45
Dinc, M., 125-FD-28
Ding, E., 35-APA-11
Ding, K., 118-CFD-30
Diosady, L., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Diskin, B., 13-CFD-4
Djidjeli, K., 99-CFD-28
Dogariu, A., 77-PDL-5
Dolatabadi, A., 16-CFD-7, 23-FD-7
Don, W., 12-CFD-3
Donbar, J., 94-CFD-23
Donelli, R., 75-FD-20
Dong, H., 48-FD-47
Dong, M., 19-FD-3
Donzis, D., 22-FD-6
Dord, A., 126-FD-29
Dorgan, A., 95-CFD-24, 147-CFD-39
Doty, M., 49-GT-2
Dougherty, N., 51-TP-3
Drakes, J., 103-PDL-6
Drela, M., 4-APA-1, 13-CFD-4, 119-CFD-31
Driver, D., 77-PDL-5, 159-TP-16
Drolen, B., 26-TP-1
Drozda, T., 152-FD-35
Duan, L., 47-FD-12, 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 95-CFD-24
Duan, Z., 153-FD-36
Duarte Santos, P., 105-TP-9
Dudley, J., 47-FD-12, 72-FD-17, 90-APA-23
Dufrene, A., 94-CFD-23
Dumitrache, C., 50-PDL-2
Duncan, G., 7-APA-4
Duraisamy, K., 15-CFD-6, 70-CFD-21/FD-15,
Durscher, R., 25-PDL-1
Duvigneau, R., 96-CFD-25
Duwig, C., 121-CFD-33, 147-CFD-39
Ebersohn, F., 76-PDL-4
Ebi, D., 45-FD-10
Economon, T., 42-CFD-12, 57-APA-12
Edquist, K., 79-TP-7, 87-APA-20
Edwards, J., 18-FD-2, 155-FD-38, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Ehrmann, R., 86-APA-19
Ekaterinaris, J., 15-CFD-6
Eken, A., 48-FD-47
Ekici, K., 121-CFD-33
El Hassan, M., 151-FD-34
El-Sayed, Y., 88-APA-21
Elbanna, H., 18-FD-2
Eldredge, J., 17-FD-1, 129-FD-32
Elhadidi, B., 8-APA-5, 86-APA-19
Elias, P., 50-PDL-2
Eliasson, P., 122-CFD-34
Elmiligui, A., 151-FD-34
Elqatary, I., 8-APA-5, 86-APA-19
Ely, R., 75-FD-20
Emre, ., 42-CFD-12
Engfer, C., 95-CFD-24
Erfani, R., 10-CFD-1, 32-APA-8, 103-PDL-6
Erfani, T., 32-APA-8, 103-PDL-6
Eriksson, S., 122-CFD-34
Erwin, J., 40-CFD-10
Escobar, J., 35-APA-11
Eskov, N., 148-CFD-40
Esser, B., 107-TP-11
Author/Session Chair Index
Estivalezes, J., 44-CFD-14
Estruch-Samper, D., 72-FD-17
Etienne, S., 48-FD-47, 149-CFD-41
Everhart, J., 24-GT-1
Evstigneev, A., 37-ASE-3
Eyi, S., 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 66-CFD-17, 96-CFD-25
Eymann, T., 118-CFD-30
Fagan, A., 62-ASE-4
Fagley, C., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Fairlie, T., 9-ASE-1
Falempin, F., 154-FD-37
Farhat, C., 13-CFD-4, 15-CFD-6, 43-CFD-13, 96-CFD-25
Faria, A., 9-ASE-1
Farnell, C., 63-ASE-5
Farnsworth, J., 72-FD-17, 84-APA-17,
115-APA-27/FD-26, 164-APA-34
Fasel, H., 18-FD-2, 31-APA-7/FD-8, 47-FD-12, 73-FD-18, 75-FD-20, 127-FD-30, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Fasoulas, S., 52-TP-4, 135-TP-14
Fast, T., 78-TP-6
Fayed, H., 174-FD-45
Federov, A., 102-FD-25
Fedorov, A., 102-FD-25
Fei, Z., 164-APA-34
Feldhusen, A., 138-APA-29
Feng, L., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Ferguson, D., 92-ASE-7
Ferguson, F., 98-CFD-27
Ferguson, S., 88-APA-21, 112-APA-24
Fernando, J., 168-APA-38
Ferraro, G., 8-APA-5
Ferrero, P., 174-FD-45
Feuchtwang, J., 86-APA-19
Fidkowski, K., 64-CFD-15, 96-CFD-25, 118-CFD-30
Findanis, N., 128-FD-31
Fingskes, C., 30-APA-6
Firsov, A., 77-PDL-5, 154-FD-37
Fisch, G., 9-ASE-1
Fisher, T., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Flatau, A., 21-FD-5, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Fletcher, D., 159-TP-16
Fletcher, J., 25-PDL-1
Florez Mera, J., 26-TP-1
Fong, E., 52-TP-4
Fong, K., 127-FD-30
Forlines, R., 156-GT-5
Fossati, M., 143-ASE-9
Francois, D., 172-FD-43
Franka, I., 77-PDL-5
Frayssinet, O., 32-APA-8
Frenander, H., 122-CFD-34
Frink, N., 35-APA-11, 114-APA-26
Frisbey, M., 144-CFD-36
Friss, A., 77-PDL-5
Fritz, W., 141-APA-32, 168-APA-38
Froehle, B., 64-CFD-15
Fromentin-Denoziere, B., 157-PDL-10
Fu, S., 19-FD-3, 153-FD-36
Fuchs, L., 71-FD-16, 147-CFD-39
Fuchs, U., 52-TP-4
Fujii, K., 40-CFD-10, 75-FD-20, 105-TP-9, 152-FD-35, 172-FD-43
Fujino, T., 104-PDL-7, 131-PDL-8
Fujita, K., 27-TP-2, 63-ASE-5, 105-TP-9, 126-FD-29, 135-TP-14
Fujiwara, G., 91-ASE-6
Fukagata, K., 16-CFD-7, 67-CFD-18
Fuleki, D., 62-ASE-4, 117-ASE-8
Fulge, H., 135-TP-14
Gaffuri, M., 113-APA-25, 139-APA-30
Gagnon, H., 96-CFD-25
Gagula, S., 49-GT-2
Gaitonde, D., 46-FD-11, 72-FD-17, 95-CFD-24
Galbraith, M., 11-CFD-2
Gallard, F., 42-CFD-12
Gallis, M., 160-TP-17
Galuppo, W., 152-FD-35
Ganapathisubramani, B., 72-FD-17
Ganapuram, V., 49-GT-2
Gao, C., 74-FD-19/PDL-3, 138-APA-29,
Gao, H., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Garbeff, T., 88-APA-21
García Magariño, A., 143-ASE-9
Garcia Sainz, M., 171-FD-42
Gardner, A., 140-APA-31
Gariepy, M., 30-APA-6
Garmann, D., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Garnier, E., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Garon, A., 48-FD-47, 148-CFD-40, 149-CFD-41
Garrett, S., 101-FD-24
Garzon, A., 153-FD-36
Gassaway, B., 165-APA-35
Gatlin, G., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 116-APA-28
Gaudlitz, D., 41-CFD-11
Gauger, N., 42-CFD-12
Gautam, M., 176-FD-49
Geerts, J., 152-FD-35
Geisbauer, S., 165-APA-35
Geisler, R., 34-APA-10
Gendel, S., 43-CFD-13
Geng, X., 140-APA-31
Gennaro, E., 47-FD-12, 176-FD-49
George, P., 154-FD-37
Georgiadis, N., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Gerolymos, G., 10-CFD-1
Geubelle, P., 48-FD-47
Ghasemi K., A., 67-CFD-18
Ghoreyshi, M., 34-APA-10
Gildfind, D., 27-TP-2
Gimelshein, N., 50-PDL-2
Gimelshein, S., 50-PDL-2, 175-FD-48
Giovangigli, V., 157-PDL-10
Giraldo, A., 35-APA-11
Gisbert, F., 41-CFD-11, 99-CFD-28
Gissen, A., 154-FD-37
Glaab, L., 107-TP-11
Glauser, M., 150-CFD-42
Glezer, A., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 154-FD-37
Gmelin, C., 75-FD-20
Gnoffo, P., 38-CFD-8
Goekce, S., 103-PDL-6
Goeksel, B., 103-PDL-6
Gohari, S., 67-CFD-18
Gohari Darabkhani, H., 10-CFD-1, 45-FD-10
Gokcen, T., 51-TP-3
Goldfeld, M., 154-FD-37
Golubev, V., 16-CFD-7, 47-FD-12, 151-FD-34
Gomez Carrasco, F., 128-FD-31
Gooden, J., 147-CFD-39
Goodliff, S., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Gopalan, H., 120-CFD-32
Gopalarathnam, A., 114-APA-26, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Gordeyev, S., 48-FD-47, 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Gordnier, R., 172-FD-43
Gordon, S., 25-PDL-1
Gostelow, J., 101-FD-24
Gottlieb, O., 43-CFD-13
Govindarajan, R., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Govindarjan, R., 19-FD-3
Grandin, A., 62-ASE-4
Granlund, K., 129-FD-32, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Gray, D., 125-FD-28
Green, M., 20-FD-4
Green, N., 63-ASE-5
Greenwood, R., 73-FD-18
Gregory, J., 21-FD-5, 156-GT-5, 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Gregory, S., 92-ASE-7
Greig, A., 50-PDL-2
Grenon, R., 5-APA-2
Griffin, J., 124-FD-27
Grignon, C., 43-CFD-13
Grigorev, M., 37-ASE-3
Grinstein, F., 174-FD-45
Gropp, W., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Gross, A., 18-FD-2, 31-APA-7/FD-8, 75-FD-20,
Grossir, G., 22-FD-6
Groth, C., 12-CFD-3, 14-CFD-5, 40-CFD-10
Grube, N., 72-FD-17
Guelhan, A., 107-TP-11
Guendogdu, Y., 121-CFD-33
Guerra, V., 160-TP-17
Gueyffier, D., 157-PDL-10
Guglielmo, J., 5-APA-2, 57-APA-12
Guiho, F., 47-FD-12
Guilmineau, E., 96-CFD-25
Gupta, A., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 135-TP-14
Gurrola, F., 43-CFD-13
Gursul, I., 129-FD-32, 172-FD-43
Gustavsson, J., 21-FD-5
Guzel, G., 141-APA-32
Haas, A., 47-FD-12
Habashi, W., 16-CFD-7, 117-ASE-8, 143-ASE-9
Habisreuther, P., 18-FD-2
Hackett, M., 84-APA-17
Hader, C., 73-FD-18
Hafez, M., 4-APA-1, 39-CFD-9, 45-FD-10, 66-CFD-17
Haga, T., 144-CFD-36
Hagenmaier, M., 22-FD-6, 94-CFD-23
Hahn, D., 101-FD-24
Haimes, R., 146-CFD-38, 148-CFD-40
Halcomb, N., 88-APA-21
Hall, J., 84-APA-17
Halliday, N., 123-CFD-35
Hameed, H., 146-CFD-38
Hannemann, K., 38-CFD-8, 105-TP-9
Hanson, R., 77-PDL-5
Hao, L., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Harada, N., 131-PDL-8
Hari, S., 135-TP-14
Hariharan, N., 32-APA-8, 165-APA-35
Harris, R., 90-APA-23, 99-CFD-28
Hartmann, A., 138-APA-29
Hartmann, U., 24-GT-1
Hasanzadeh Lashkajani, K., 61-APA-16
Hasegawa, N., 157-PDL-10
Haskin, H., 49-GT-2
Hasnain, Z., 21-FD-5, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Hatakeyama, Y., 63-ASE-5
Hattori, M., 131-PDL-8
Haucke, F., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 85-APA-18/FD-21
Haupt, M., 84-APA-17
Hay, A., 48-FD-47, 149-CFD-41
Haynes, J., 9-ASE-1
He, G., 26-TP-1
Heath, S., 49-GT-2
Hedrick, T., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Heft, A., 32-APA-8
Heineck, J., 88-APA-21
Heinrich, R., 172-FD-43
Heinz, S., 120-CFD-32
Heinze, R., 151-FD-34
Heinze, W., 32-APA-8
Helber, B., 78-TP-6
Henfling, J., 73-FD-18, 171-FD-42, 175-FD-48
Henry de Frahan, M., 44-CFD-14
Herdrich, G., 134-TP-13
Hereth, L., 8-APA-5
Hermanns, M., 126-FD-29
Hervy, F., 62-ASE-4
Hesselink, L., 176-FD-49
Hickel, S., 120-CFD-32, 139-APA-30
Hilbert, C., 8-APA-5
Hill, K., 24-GT-1
Hillen, N., 125-FD-28
Hillewaert, K., 16-CFD-7
Hillier, R., 72-FD-17
Hind, M., 129-FD-32
Hirabayashi, N., 152-FD-35
Hiraki, K., 87-APA-20
Hird, K., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Hitt, D., 17-FD-1, 52-TP-4, 101-FD-24, 125-FD-28
Hitzel, S., 35-APA-11
Hoad, D., 49-GT-2
Hodizc, E., 147-CFD-39
Holden, M., 94-CFD-23
Hollands, M., 32-APA-8
Hollenstein, C., 75-FD-20, 103-PDL-6
Hollis, B., 79-TP-7
Hooker, J., 114-APA-26
Hoppmann, D., 172-FD-43
Hornung, M., 36-ASE-2, 112-APA-24
Horst, P., 32-APA-8, 84-APA-17
Hosseini, Z., 151-FD-34
Hosseinverdi, S., 47-FD-12
Hou, A., 6-APA-3
Housman, J., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10
Hövelmann, A., 168-APA-38
Hovsapian, R., 8-APA-5
Howison, J., 121-CFD-33
Hsu, I., 159-TP-16
Hsu, K., 94-CFD-23
Hu, H., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 86-APA-19, 88-APA-21, 142-APA-33/FD-33, 143-ASE-9, 166-APA-36
Hu, X., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Hu, Z., 127-FD-30
Hua, Z., 153-FD-36
Huang, G., 43-CFD-13, 140-APA-31
Huang, S., 140-APA-31
Author/Session Chair Index
Hubbard, J., 21-FD-5, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Hubin, A., 78-TP-6
Hue, D., 30-APA-6, 170-FD-41/GT-6
Huebsch, W., 176-FD-49
Huehne, C., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Humphreys, W., 49-GT-2
Hunsaker, D., 114-APA-26, 166-APA-36
Hunter, P., 171-FD-42
Huo, W., 79-TP-7
Hutcheson, F., 49-GT-2
Huynh, D., 98-CFD-27
Huynh, H., 11-CFD-2, 39-CFD-9
Iaccarino, G., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Ickes, J., 84-APA-17
Ihme, M., 94-CFD-23, 144-CFD-36
Illi, S., 30-APA-6
Im, K., 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 145-CFD-37
Imaizumi, T., 59-APA-14
Imamura, T., 98-CFD-27
Imperatore, B., 88-APA-21
Inamdar, A., 37-ASE-3
Inatani, Y., 128-FD-31
Indinger, T., 32-APA-8
Irannejad, A., 45-FD-10
Ishida, K., 133-TP-12
Ishida, T., 15-CFD-6
Ishii, M., 106-TP-10
Ishikawa, H., 156-GT-5
Ishikawa, M., 104-PDL-7, 131-PDL-8
Ito, Y., 68-CFD-19
Itoh, K., 126-FD-29
Ivanco, T., 49-GT-2
Iwakawa, A., 157-PDL-10
Iyengar, V., 49-GT-2
Izen, S., 62-ASE-4
Jaberi, F., 45-FD-10
Jacobs, C., 78-TP-6, 134-TP-13
Jacobs, G., 12-CFD-3, 44-CFD-14
Jacobson, M., 37-ASE-3
Jacquin, L., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Jaffe, R., 160-TP-17
Jagadeesh, C., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Jalali, A., 40-CFD-10
James, C., 27-TP-2
Jameson, A., 93-CFD-22, 176-FD-49
Jansen, K., 14-CFD-5, 76-PDL-4
Janus, J., 58-APA-13
Jarczyk, M., 120-CFD-32
Jarrige, J., 50-PDL-2
Jasak, H., 68-CFD-19
Javed, A., 99-CFD-28
Jedamski, D., 123-CFD-35
Jedrzejowski, P., 16-CFD-7
Jeffries, J., 77-PDL-5
Jemcov, A., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Jian, Z., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Jin, J., 58-APA-13
Jingeleski, D., 5-APA-2
Jirasek, A., 34-APA-10
Jo, Y., 32-APA-8
Johansen, C., 152-FD-35
Johnsen, E., 11-CFD-2, 44-CFD-14, 144-CFD-36, 155-FD-38
Johnson, E., 8-APA-5
Johnson, H., 153-FD-36
Johnson, M., 87-APA-20
Johnston, C., 79-TP-7
Jones, A., 59-APA-14, 86-APA-19, 139-APA-30
Jones, G., 61-APA-16, 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Jones, M., 20-FD-4
Jorgenson, P., 62-ASE-4
Josyula, E., 63-ASE-5, 80-TP-8
Jotkar, M., 19-FD-3
Jovanovic, M., 17-FD-1
Juliano, T., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Jumper, E., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Jung, K., 41-CFD-11, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Jung, S., 41-CFD-11
Juniper, M., 47-FD-12
Jyothishkumar, V., 71-FD-16
Kaario, O., 68-CFD-19
Kaiser, B., 8-APA-5
Kalra, T., 35-APA-11
Kameier, F., 151-FD-34
Kan, Y., 155-FD-38
Kanazaki, M., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Kang, C., 20-FD-4
Kang, K., 47-FD-12
Kao, D., 166-APA-36
Kapadia, S., 40-CFD-10
Kapahi, A., 122-CFD-34
Kapania, R., 5-APA-2
Kapat, J., 133-TP-12
Kara, K., 86-APA-19, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Karampelas, S., 20-FD-4
Karl, S., 38-CFD-8, 105-TP-9
Kartha, A., 174-FD-45
Kaseman, T., 25-PDL-1
Katsurayama, H., 131-PDL-8
Katta, V., 101-FD-24
Katz, A., 40-CFD-10, 146-CFD-38
Katz, J., 58-APA-13
Kaul, U., 128-FD-31, 171-FD-42
Kawai, S., 76-PDL-4, 144-CFD-36
Kawazoe, H., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Kaynak, U., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Kearney, J., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Kegelman, J., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Kegerise, M., 47-FD-12, 153-FD-36
Kelleners, P., 172-FD-43
Keller, D., 139-APA-30
Keller, M., 106-TP-10
Kelly, R., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Kennett, D., 97-CFD-26
Kenway, G., 42-CFD-12
Kerho, M., 58-APA-13
Keshmiri, A., 10-CFD-1, 45-FD-10
Keskinen, J., 68-CFD-19
Kessler, M., 11-CFD-2, 32-APA-8
Ketsdever, A., 50-PDL-2, 63-ASE-5
Keye, S., 30-APA-6, 116-APA-28
Khan, J., 71-FD-16
Khan, O., 71-FD-16
Khieu, L., 64-CFD-15
Khodadoust, A., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Khurana, S., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 106-TP-10, 154-FD-37
Kim, B., 58-APA-13
Kim, C., 44-CFD-14, 60-APA-15/FD-14,
Kim, H., 7-APA-4, 44-CFD-14, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Kim, I., 26-TP-1
Kim, J., 41-CFD-11, 160-TP-17
Kim, K., 32-APA-8
Kim, M., 104-PDL-7, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Kim, S., 67-CFD-18
Kimmel, R., 73-FD-18, 170-FD-41/GT-6, 175-FD-48
Kimura, S., 36-ASE-2
King, R., 153-FD-36
Kiris, C., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10
Kirk, B., 38-CFD-8
Kirk, T., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Kirkegaard, J., 62-ASE-4
Kirz, J., 165-APA-35
Kitamura, K., 66-CFD-17
Klaas, M., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 48-FD-47, 138-APA-29
Kleb, B., 38-CFD-8
Klein, S., 101-FD-24, 172-FD-43
Kleine, H., 87-APA-20
Klentzman, J., 102-FD-25
Kloker, M., 106-TP-10
Knezevici, D., 62-ASE-4
Knigge, C., 172-FD-43
Knopp, T., 172-FD-43
Koch, S., 113-APA-25
Kocian, T., 102-FD-25
Kodama, H., 156-GT-5
Koivisto, P., 117-ASE-8
Koizumi, H., 132-PDL-9
Kojima, T., 59-APA-14
Koklu, M., 21-FD-5
Kollasch, J., 112-APA-24
Kolmogorov, D., 41-CFD-11
Kolobov, V., 99-CFD-28
Koloszar, L., 43-CFD-13
Komatsu, F., 104-PDL-7
Komurasaki, K., 132-PDL-9
Komuro, T., 126-FD-29
Konigorski, D., 131-PDL-8
Konrath, R., 141-APA-32
Kontis, K., 103-PDL-6
Koren, B., 148-CFD-40
Korzun, A., 87-APA-20
Kotov, D., 12-CFD-3
Kotov, M., 116-APA-28
Kotsonis, M., 25-PDL-1, 86-APA-19, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Koyama, T., 152-FD-35
Kozlov, P., 27-TP-2
Kraemer, E., 11-CFD-2, 30-APA-6, 32-APA-8, 95-CFD-24
Krakos, J., 148-CFD-40
Kramer, F., 42-CFD-12
Krastev, V., 176-FD-49
Kratzke, J., 41-CFD-11
Krause, M., 41-CFD-11
Kreeger, R., 36-ASE-2
Kremeyer, K., 103-PDL-6
Kreshock, A., 166-APA-36
Kress, J., 105-TP-9
Kriegseis, J., 168-APA-38
Krishnamurthy, R., 138-APA-29
Krotkov, N., 9-ASE-1
Krüger, O., 67-CFD-18, 121-CFD-33, 147-CFD-39, 148-CFD-40
Kryukov, I., 116-APA-28
Ku, J., 26-TP-1
Kuckenburg, S., 113-APA-25
Kuehl, J., 102-FD-25
Kuester, M., 153-FD-36
Kuhlman, J., 125-FD-28, 151-FD-34
Kulakhmetov, M., 160-TP-17
Kumar, P., 49-GT-2
Kumar, R., 135-TP-14
Kumar, U., 69-CFD-20, 122-CFD-34
Kumarasamy, S., 49-GT-2
Kuntz, D., 52-TP-4
Kurbatskii, K., 35-APA-11, 151-FD-34
Kurosawa, K., 63-ASE-5
Kushner, L., 88-APA-21
Kwak, D., 113-APA-25, 139-APA-30
Kwak, E., 138-APA-29
Kwon, H., 32-APA-8
Kwon, J., 32-APA-8
Labroquère, J., 96-CFD-25
Lachaud, J., 78-TP-6
Lacy, D., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 139-APA-30
Laflin, K., 30-APA-6
Lai, J., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Lakshminarayan, V., 13-CFD-4, 35-APA-11
Lam, T., 52-TP-4, 107-TP-11
Lambert, M., 38-CFD-8, 105-TP-9
Langel, C., 86-APA-19
Langer, T., 132-PDL-9
Lani, A., 43-CFD-13, 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 105-TP-9
Lanshin, A., 37-ASE-3
Larmi, M., 68-CFD-19
Larsson, J., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Laun, M., 103-PDL-6
Laurendeau, E., 30-APA-6, 61-APA-16
Laux, C., 53-TP-5, 78-TP-6, 134-TP-13
Leachman, J., 141-APA-32
lee, D., 67-CFD-18
Lee, B., 57-APA-12, 77-PDL-5, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Lee, C., 138-APA-29
Lee, D., 58-APA-13
Lee, H., 32-APA-8, 58-APA-13
Lee, J., 53-TP-5, 67-CFD-18, 146-CFD-38
Lee, K., 60-APA-15/FD-14
Lee, S., 58-APA-13, 117-ASE-8, 138-APA-29
Lefeber, D., 129-FD-32
Lefebvre, A., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Lefebvre’s, J., 139-APA-30
Lego, Z., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Leguizamon, S., 121-CFD-33
Lei, J., 73-FD-18
Leite, P., 80-TP-8
Leithead, W., 86-APA-19
Lele, S., 37-ASE-3, 175-FD-48, 176-FD-49
Lempert, W., 46-FD-11
Leonov, S., 77-PDL-5, 154-FD-37
Leslie, B., 24-GT-1
Lestari, A., 35-APA-11
Levin, D., 50-PDL-2, 80-TP-8, 157-PDL-10, 175-FD-48
Lewis, M., 46-FD-11
Leyland, P., 103-PDL-6
Li, F., 47-FD-12, 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Li, H., 88-APA-21
Li, J., 72-FD-17
Li, W., 59-APA-14
Li, Y., 64-CFD-15, 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Li, Z., 50-PDL-2, 80-TP-8, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Author/Session Chair Index
Liang, C., 11-CFD-2, 16-CFD-7
Liang, H., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Liechty, D., 106-TP-10
Liesner, K., 75-FD-20
Liever, P., 90-APA-23
Likhanskii, A., 25-PDL-1, 103-PDL-6
Lillard, R., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Lim, T., 20-FD-4
Lima, S., 88-APA-21
Lin, C., 63-ASE-5
Lin, J., 176-FD-49
Lind, A., 139-APA-30
Lindsay, F., 9-ASE-1
Lino Da Silva, M., 160-TP-17
Liou, M., 7-APA-4, 39-CFD-9, 57-APA-12, 66-CFD-17, 124-FD-27
Lipinski, D., 101-FD-24
Little, J., 74-FD-19/PDL-3, 75-FD-20
Little, Z., 133-TP-12
Liu, C., 8-APA-5
Liu, F., 71-FD-16, 123-CFD-35, 138-APA-29, 175-FD-48
Liu, N., 120-CFD-32
Liu, T., 172-FD-43
Liu, Y., 79-TP-7, 89-APA-22/FD-22, 123-CFD-35, 138-APA-29, 160-TP-17
Lo, M., 64-CFD-15
Lodato, G., 151-FD-34
Loehle, S., 52-TP-4, 134-TP-13, 135-TP-14
Lohle, S., 52-TP-4
Lohner, R., 97-CFD-26
Lohry, M., 112-APA-24
Long, K., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Lonkar, A., 57-APA-12, 76-PDL-4
Lopez, B., 160-TP-17
Lopez, O., 121-CFD-33
Lorenzi, J., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Loth, E., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 36-ASE-2
Louisos, W., 52-TP-4, 101-FD-24, 176-FD-49
Loureiro, J., 160-TP-17
Low, H., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Lowe, K., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Lu, Z., 5-APA-2
Lua, K., 20-FD-4
Lucas, J., 88-APA-21
Luhar, M., 22-FD-6, 174-FD-45
Luke, E., 36-ASE-2, 90-APA-23
Lumb, S., 156-GT-5
Lundquist, T., 93-CFD-22
Lunsford, C., 49-GT-2
Luo, H., 16-CFD-7, 142-APA-33/FD-33, 144-CFD-36
Luo, J., 71-FD-16
Luo, S., 123-CFD-35, 138-APA-29
Lurie, E., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Lutz, T., 30-APA-6, 95-CFD-24, 172-FD-43
Luu, V., 43-CFD-13
Lv, Y., 144-CFD-36
Lv, Z., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Lyrintzis, A., 151-FD-34
Lyu, Z., 42-CFD-12
Ma, Y., 107-TP-11
Maas, U., 132-PDL-9
MacDonald, M., 78-TP-6, 134-TP-13
MacDowell, A., 78-TP-6
MacLean, M., 53-TP-5, 94-CFD-23
MaCleod, J., 62-ASE-4, 117-ASE-8
Madden, T., 132-PDL-9
Maeda, K., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Magin, T., 16-CFD-7, 78-TP-6, 102-FD-25, 159-TP-16, 160-TP-17
Magstadt, A., 129-FD-32
Mahapatra, S., 176-FD-49
Mahmood, S., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 85-APA-18/FD-21
Mahzari, M., 79-TP-7
Maire, P., 32-APA-8
Maisto, P., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Majamaki, A., 35-APA-11, 113-APA-25
Majima, R., 157-PDL-10
Makkar, D., 135-TP-14
Maldonado, C., 63-ASE-5
Malik, A., 84-APA-17
Malik, M., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Malouin, B., 30-APA-6
Mani, K., 112-APA-24
Mani, M., 95-CFD-24, 147-CFD-39
Maniyedath, A., 62-ASE-4
Mankbadi, R., 47-FD-12, 151-FD-34
Mansour, N., 78-TP-6, 105-TP-9, 159-TP-16, 65-APA-35
Mantelli, M., 26-TP-1
Marañon Di Leo, J., 171-FD-42
Marcel, J., 129-FD-32
Marcotte, D., 91-ASE-6
Marcum, D., 68-CFD-19
Mariappan, S., 140-APA-31
Marino, A., 75-FD-20, 88-APA-21
Marion, M., 39-CFD-9
Markus, D., 132-PDL-9
Marongiu, C., 75-FD-20, 138-APA-29
Marshall, D., 146-CFD-38
Martin, A., 51-TP-3, 78-TP-6
Martin, M., 106-TP-10
Martin, P., 72-FD-17, 155-FD-38
Martinelli, L., 112-APA-24
Martinez, E., 134-TP-13
Martins, J., 42-CFD-12
Martinuzzi, R., 151-FD-34
Maru, Y., 59-APA-14
Marui, M., 133-TP-12
Marynowski, T., 52-TP-4
Massey, S., 166-APA-36
Mateescu, D., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Matharoo, H., 135-TP-14
Matsumura, S., 73-FD-18
Matsuno, T., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Matsunuma, T., 71-FD-16
Matsuo, Y., 98-CFD-27
Matsuyama, S., 126-FD-29
Mattheijssens, J., 129-FD-32
Mattle, D., 165-APA-35
Matveev, K., 5-APA-2, 141-APA-32
Maughmer, M., 5-APA-2
Mavriplis, D., 97-CFD-26, 100-CFD-29/FD-23,
112-APA-24, 144-CFD-36, 148-CFD-40
Mavris, D., 138-APA-29
May, G., 118-CFD-30
Mayes, R., 171-FD-42
Mazaheri, A., 49-GT-2
McClain, S., 36-ASE-2, 143-ASE-9
McComas, A., 58-APA-13, 114-APA-26
McCormick, B., 4-APA-1
McDaniel, J., 87-APA-20
McDevitt, M., 125-FD-28
McGrath, B., 88-APA-21, 116-APA-28
McGuire, S., 77-PDL-5
McGuirk, J., 95-CFD-24
Mcintyre, T., 27-TP-2, 53-TP-5
McKeon, B., 17-FD-1, 22-FD-6, 155-FD-38
McLaughlin, T., 72-FD-17, 115-APA-27/FD-26
McMullan, W., 101-FD-24
McPhail, A., 152-FD-35
McWherter-Payne, M., 151-FD-34
Meaux, M., 42-CFD-12
Meckstroth, C., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Medeiros, M., 176-FD-49
Medida, S., 10-CFD-1, 147-CFD-39
Meheut, M., 86-APA-19
Meinke, M., 69-CFD-20
Mele, B., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Menchini, C., 125-FD-28
Meneghini, J., 128-FD-31
Meng, F., 18-FD-2
Merkle, C., 132-PDL-9
Merlen, A., 157-PDL-10
Mesick, N., 49-GT-2
Meyer, M., 139-APA-30
Meyer, R., 75-FD-20
Meyers, J., 159-TP-16
Michail, S., 77-PDL-5
Michel, B., 13-CFD-4
Miesch, M., 11-CFD-2
Mihaescu, M., 71-FD-16
Mikouchi, T., 63-ASE-5
Milanese, F., 26-TP-1
Miles, R., 25-PDL-1, 46-FD-11, 77-PDL-5
Milholen, W., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 141-APA-32
Miller, D., 72-FD-17
Miller, R., 114-APA-26
Millet, C., 176-FD-49
Milligan, R., 94-CFD-23
Mills, B., 130-GT-4
Milne, G., 171-FD-42
Min, D., 44-CFD-14
Minelli, A., 57-APA-12
Miron, P., 148-CFD-40
Mishra, A., 112-APA-24
Mistry, V., 95-CFD-24
Mitsudharmadi, H., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Mittal, A., 8-APA-5
Miyazaki, T., 106-TP-10, 134-TP-13
Mizokami, T., 16-CFD-7
Moarref, R., 22-FD-6, 155-FD-38
Moeller, T., 50-PDL-2, 132-PDL-9
Moens, F., 91-ASE-6
Moessner, M., 123-CFD-35
Mohaghegh, F., 122-CFD-34
Mohammadi, B., 42-CFD-12
Mohammadi, M., 23-FD-7
Mohseni, K., 22-FD-6, 89-APA-22/FD-22, 101-FD-24,
124-FD-27, 125-FD-28, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Moin, P., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Moini-Yekta, S., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10
Molchanov, A., 44-CFD-14, 133-TP-12, 174-FD-45
Molton, P., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Montagnac, M., 42-CFD-12
Moore, H., 128-FD-31
Moore, J., 119-CFD-31
Morgan, P., 7-APA-4, 33-APA-9/FD-9, 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Morgan, R., 27-TP-2, 53-TP-5
Moriarty, K., 45-FD-10
Morita, K., 36-ASE-2, 156-GT-5
Moro, D., 119-CFD-31
Morris, G., 125-FD-28
Morris, S., 139-APA-30
Mortensen, C., 127-FD-30
Mortonson, A., 91-ASE-6
Mousel, J., 69-CFD-20, 122-CFD-34
Movahed, P., 155-FD-38
Mughal, M., 153-FD-36
Mukhopadhyay, A., 176-FD-49
Mundis, N., 148-CFD-40
Mundt, C., 10-CFD-1
Munk, M., 107-TP-11
Murakami, T., 104-PDL-7
Murayama, M., 30-APA-6, 68-CFD-19
Murman, S., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Murphy, J., 145-CFD-37
Murphy, K., 87-APA-20
Murray, J., 9-ASE-1, 37-ASE-3, 89-APA-22/FD-22, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Murray-Krezan, J., 92-ASE-7
Muzychka, Y., 52-TP-4
Myong, R., 41-CFD-11
Nadarajah, S., 57-APA-12, 64-CFD-15, 112-APA-24
Nagappan, N., 16-CFD-7
Nagata, Y., 131-PDL-8
Naidu, V., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Nair, A., 144-CFD-36
Naito, H., 67-CFD-18
Naitoh, K., 19-FD-3, 133-TP-12
Najafi Marzbali, S., 16-CFD-7
Nakahashi, K., 15-CFD-6, 69-CFD-20, 98-CFD-27
Nakakita, K., 156-GT-5
Nakamura, M., 128-FD-31
Nakashima, T., 140-APA-31
Nakayama, K., 67-CFD-18
Narayanarao, B., 138-APA-29
Narayanaswamy, V., 45-FD-10
Nastasia, R., 14-CFD-5
Natarajan, H., 22-FD-6
Nathen, P., 41-CFD-11
Nations Martin, M., 77-PDL-5
Naughton, J., 129-FD-32
Nawaz, A., 77-PDL-5, 134-TP-13, 157-PDL-10, 159-TP-16
Nawroth, H., 18-FD-2, 45-FD-10
Nebenfuhr, B., 95-CFD-24
Neitzel, K., 79-TP-7
Nejat, A., 93-CFD-22
Nemili, A., 42-CFD-12
Newfield, M., 134-TP-13
Newman, A., 155-FD-38
Nguyen, C., 98-CFD-27, 118-CFD-30, 119-CFD-31
Nguyen, L., 47-FD-12
Nguyen, N., 67-CFD-18
Niedermeier, C., 120-CFD-32
Nikitopoulos, D., 124-FD-27
Nikkar, S., 41-CFD-11
Nikoueeyan, P., 129-FD-32
Nishikawa, H., 40-CFD-10
Nitsche, W., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 85-APA-18/FD-21,
Author/Session Chair Index
Niwa, N., 104-PDL-7
Nogami, T., 19-FD-3
Noguchi, D., 16-CFD-7
Noll, B., 12-CFD-3
Nompelis, I., 14-CFD-5
Nonomura, T., 40-CFD-10, 75-FD-20, 128-FD-31, 172-FD-43
Nordstrom, J., 41-CFD-11, 93-CFD-22, 122-CFD-34
Northrup, S., 12-CFD-3
Nourgaliev, R., 144-CFD-36
Nouzawa, T., 140-APA-31
Noyes, M., 63-ASE-5
O’Byrne, S., 25-PDL-1
O’Connor, K., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Oakey, J., 45-FD-10
Obayashi S., 69-CFD-20, 98-CFD-27
Oberleithner, K., 45-FD-10
Oh, S., 58-APA-13
Ohira, K., 113-APA-25, 139-APA-30
Ohmichi, Y., 175-FD-48
Okabe, T., 134-TP-13
Okada, K., 75-FD-20
Okada, Y., 140-APA-31
Okudaira, K., 63-ASE-5
Okuno, Y., 104-PDL-7
Ol, M., 20-FD-4, 129-FD-32, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Oleskiw, M., 117-ASE-8
Oliveira, P., 50-PDL-2
Oliver, M., 62-ASE-4
Oliver, T., 38-CFD-8
Oliviero, N., 102-FD-25
Ollivier Gooch, C., 40-CFD-10, 68-CFD-19, 149-CFD-41
Olsen, M., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Onishi, K., 69-CFD-20
Orchard, D., 117-ASE-8
Ordaz, I., 59-APA-14
Orkwis, P., 11-CFD-2
Ortiz, S., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Osman, E., 151-FD-34
Ostoich, C., 48-FD-47
Osuka, T., 157-PDL-10
Osusky, L., 42-CFD-12
Osusky, M., 30-APA-6
Otsu, H., 131-PDL-8
Ott, P., 103-PDL-6, 164-APA-34
Otta, S., 23-FD-7
Ottenstein, L., 26-TP-1
Otter, D., 141-APA-32
Outtier, P., 10-CFD-1, 13-CFD-4
Owens, W., 159-TP-16
Oyama, A., 172-FD-43
Oyarzun, M., 124-FD-27
Ozawa, T., 63-ASE-5, 135-TP-14
Ozbay, A., 86-APA-19
Pachuilo, M., 132-PDL-9
Paciorri, R., 132-PDL-9
Pack Melton, L., 21-FD-5, 85-APA-18/FD-21,
Packan, D., 50-PDL-2
Padilla, J., 38-CFD-8
Pafford, B., 103-PDL-6
Page, G., 95-CFD-24
Paige, C., 42-CFD-12
Pain, R., 140-APA-31
Palacios, F., 15-CFD-6, 42-CFD-12, 57-APA-12,
67-CFD-18, 76-PDL-4, 176-FD-49
Palluconi, S., 48-FD-47, 156-GT-5
Palmer, G., 79-TP-7
Pan, H., 26-TP-1
Panahi, A., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Pandya, M., 35-APA-11
Pandya, S., 146-CFD-38
Panerai, F., 78-TP-6
Panesi, M., 12-CFD-3, 43-CFD-13, 160-TP-17
Paniagua, G., 71-FD-16
Panourgias, K., 15-CFD-6
Pantano, C., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Paolicchi, L., 80-TP-8
Papadakis, M., 117-ASE-8
Papadimitriou, C., 149-CFD-41
Papadimitriou, D., 149-CFD-41
Paraschivoiu, I., 61-APA-16
Paredes, P., 89-APA-22/FD-22, 102-FD-25
Park, C., 78-TP-6
Park, D., 73-FD-18
Park, J., 67-CFD-18
Park, S., 73-FD-18
Parker, R., 53-TP-5
Parkinson, D., 78-TP-6
Parlette, E., 35-APA-11
Parmar, M., 119-CFD-31
Parsons, N., 80-TP-8
Paschereit, C., 18-FD-2, 45-FD-10, 67-CFD-18,
103-PDL-6, 121-CFD-33, 148-CFD-40, 151-FD-34
Páscoa, J., 50-PDL-2
Pasquale, V., 88-APA-21
Patel, D., 26-TP-1, 124-FD-27
Patil, V., 175-FD-48
Paul, R., 114-APA-26
Paul-Dubois-Taine, A., 57-APA-12
Paula, L., 113-APA-25
Paulus, D., 112-APA-24
Pavolonis, M., 9-ASE-1
Pekardan, C., 106-TP-10
Pelletier, D., 48-FD-47, 149-CFD-41
Peng, L., 124-FD-27
Peng, S., 95-CFD-24, 113-APA-25
Pepe, R., 132-PDL-9
Peraire, J., 39-CFD-9, 98-CFD-27, 118-CFD-30, 119-CFD-31
Percin, M., 20-FD-4
Perez, E., 102-FD-25
Perez, J., 19-FD-3
Peroomian, O., 26-TP-1, 44-CFD-14
Persson, P., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 64-CFD-15, 93-CFD-22, 144-CFD-36
Peschke, P., 75-FD-20, 103-PDL-6
Petcu, M., 39-CFD-9
Peters, D., 164-APA-34
Peterson, D., 22-FD-6
Petrilli, J., 114-APA-26
Petrosino, F., 59-APA-14
Petzold, R., 19-FD-3
Pezzella, G., 59-APA-14, 79-TP-7
Pfitzner, M., 120-CFD-32
Pham, A., 133-TP-12
Phillips, T., 15-CFD-6, 149-CFD-41
Phillips, W., 114-APA-26, 166-APA-36
Phu, T., 69-CFD-20
Pielhop, K., 48-FD-47
Pierre-Elie, W., 140-APA-31
Pierson, K., 8-APA-5, 41-CFD-11
Pilz, N., 138-APA-29
Pincock, B., 40-CFD-10
Pinier, J., 5-APA-2, 87-APA-20
Pinna, F., 47-FD-12, 102-FD-25
Plante, F., 48-FD-47
Plesniak, M., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 142-APA-33/FD-33
Plogmann, B., 153-FD-36
Plotkin, A., 4-APA-1
Plourde, F., 43-CFD-13, 69-CFD-20
Poggie, J., 25-PDL-1, 175-FD-48
Polansky, J., 92-ASE-7
Politovich, M., 9-ASE-1
Pomeroy, B., 114-APA-26
Pont, G., 13-CFD-4
Poole, D., 67-CFD-18
Porat, H., 53-TP-5
Poroseva, S., 8-APA-5
Porter, C., 72-FD-17, 115-APA-27/FD-26
Post, M., 58-APA-13, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Potapczuk, M., 91-ASE-6, 143-ASE-9
Potsdam, M., 165-APA-35
Potter, D., 38-CFD-8, 105-TP-9
Potturi, A., 18-FD-2
Pourbagian, M., 117-ASE-8
Povitsky, A., 8-APA-5, 41-CFD-11
Prabhu, D., 12-CFD-3, 27-TP-2, 79-TP-7, 134-TP-13
Priebe, S., 72-FD-17
Probst, A., 172-FD-43
Pronin, Y., 148-CFD-40
Pruett, B., 73-FD-18, 175-FD-48
Pueblas, J., 41-CFD-11, 99-CFD-28
Pul, R., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Pulumathi, M., 49-GT-2
Pytel, D., 51-TP-3
Qin, F., 26-TP-1
Quackenbush, T., 168-APA-38
Quan, J., 6-APA-3
Quaranta, V., 88-APA-21
Quesada, J., 128-FD-31
Radespiel, R., 19-FD-3, 101-FD-24, 123-CFD-35, 172-FD-43
Raffel, M., 140-APA-31
Ragab, S., 22-FD-6, 151-FD-34, 174-FD-45
Ragheb, A., 87-APA-20
Rai, N., 122-CFD-34
Raiche, G., 77-PDL-5
Raja, L., 76-PDL-4, 77-PDL-5, 103-PDL-6, 132-PDL-9
Rallabhandi, S., 59-APA-14
Ramadoss, M., 135-TP-14
Rambaud, P., 22-FD-6, 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 102-FD-25
Ramesh, K., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Rampurawala, A., 8-APA-5
Rand, L., 63-ASE-5
Raps, D., 36-ASE-2
Raquel, G., 128-FD-31
Rashad, R., 42-CFD-12
Rasky, D., 134-TP-13
Rasquin, M., 76-PDL-4
Rathay, N., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Ravichandran, V., 5-APA-2
Rebrov, S., 133-TP-12
Rechenberg, I., 103-PDL-6
Reed, E., 87-APA-20
Reed, H., 7-APA-4, 38-CFD-8, 46-FD-11, 102-FD-25
Reich, G., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Reichel, T., 45-FD-10
Reichling, G., 12-CFD-3
Reilly, D., 23-FD-7
Reimer, T., 107-TP-11
Rein, M., 113-APA-25
Reisner, J., 23-FD-7
Reist, T., 7-APA-4
Ren, J., 19-FD-3
Ren, X., 138-APA-29
Rendall, T., 61-APA-16, 67-CFD-18, 84-APA-17
Rennie, M., 24-GT-1, 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Reuss, S., 172-FD-43
Reymond, B., 152-FD-35
Rhew, R., 156-GT-5
Rich, J., 46-FD-11
Richter, K., 140-APA-31
Riley, J., 91-ASE-6
Rinaldi, C., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Rival, D., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 168-APA-38
Rivers, M., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Rivir, R., 52-TP-4
Rizzetta, D., 153-FD-36
Roberto, C., 88-APA-21
Roberts, M., 153-FD-36
Robinet, J., 13-CFD-4, 47-FD-12
Robinson, F., 26-TP-1
Robinson, T., 96-CFD-25
Roca, X., 118-CFD-30
Rodio, M., 44-CFD-14
Rodrigues, C., 44-CFD-14
Rodriguez, D., 47-FD-12
Rodriguez, E., 79-TP-7
Rodriguez Cisneros, E., 113-APA-25
Roe, P., 66-CFD-17, 118-CFD-30
Rogers, M., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Rogers, S., 146-CFD-38
Rohler, D., 62-ASE-4
Rohlmann, D., 116-APA-28
Rollin, B., 23-FD-7
Romanenko, Y., 27-TP-2
Rona, A., 101-FD-24
Roosenboom, E., 34-APA-10, 87-APA-20, 141-APA-32, 165-APA-35, 166-APA-36
Roquemore, W., 101-FD-24
Rosli, M., 59-APA-14
Ross, J., 70-CFD-21/FD-15, 88-APA-21
Rossi, R., 151-FD-34
Rothmayer, A., 23-FD-7, 143-ASE-9
Roura Sués, M., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Rowley, C., 124-FD-27
Roy, C., 14-CFD-5, 15-CFD-6, 99-CFD-28, 149-CFD-41
Roy, S., 25-PDL-1
Rubinstein, R., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Rudnik, R., 85-APA-18/FD-21, 139-APA-30
Ruetten, M., 113-APA-25
Ruffin, S., 53-TP-5
Rukes, L., 45-FD-10
Ruleva, L., 116-APA-28
Rumpfkeil, M., 123-CFD-35
Rumsey, C., 10-CFD-1, 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Rumsey, M., 86-APA-19
Ruscher, C., 150-CFD-42
Ryzhov, A., 102-FD-25
Author/Session Chair Index
Saegeler, S., 10-CFD-1
Sahin, M., 48-FD-47
Sahni, O., 14-CFD-5
Saitoh, K., 134-TP-13
Sakai, R., 98-CFD-27
Sakai, T., 105-TP-9, 157-PDL-10
Sakaue, H., 36-ASE-2, 106-TP-10, 134-TP-13, 156-GT-5
Salah el Din, I., 57-APA-12
Salaun, M., 117-ASE-8
Salemi, L., 127-FD-30
Samami, H., 32-APA-8
Sanderse, B., 148-CFD-40
Sandham, N., 127-FD-30
Sanghi, S., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Sanna, A., 105-TP-9
Sansica, A., 127-FD-30
Santos, J., 79-TP-7
Santos, W., 80-TP-8
Saric, W., 7-APA-4, 46-FD-11, 116-APA-28
Sarkar, P., 166-APA-36
Sarthou, A., 44-CFD-14
Sartor, F., 72-FD-17
Sasoh, A., 59-APA-14, 157-PDL-10
Sassoon, A., 21-FD-5, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Sato, K., 126-FD-29
Sato, M., 75-FD-20
Sato, T., 59-APA-14
Satofuka, Y., 131-PDL-8
Scalo, C., 176-FD-49
Schetz, J., 5-APA-2, 24-GT-1
Schlager, H., 62-ASE-4
Schluter, J., 60-APA-15/FD-14
Schmisseur, J., 46-FD-11
Schneider, G., 52-TP-4
Schneider, S., 46-FD-11, 73-FD-18
Schneiders, L., 69-CFD-20
Schnepf, C., 139-APA-30
Scholz, P., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 85-APA-18/FD-21,
88-APA-21, 101-FD-24, 172-FD-43
Schröder, A., 34-APA-10
Schrodinger, C., 45-FD-10
Schröeder, W., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 48-FD-47,
69-CFD-20, 138-APA-29
Schrooyen, P., 16-CFD-7
Schuelein, E., 139-APA-30
Schwane, R., 38-CFD-8
Schwartz, H., 138-APA-29
Schwartzentruber, T., 46-FD-11
Schwenke, D., 79-TP-7, 160-TP-17
Schwing, A., 14-CFD-5
Scoggins, J., 159-TP-16
Segawa, T., 71-FD-16
Seidel, J., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Sekar, B., 150-CFD-42
Sekhar, S., 53-TP-5
Sekula, M., 166-APA-36
Seleznev, R., 133-TP-12
Selig, M., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 87-APA-20, 114-APA-26, 169-APA-39/FD-46
Sellers, M., 88-APA-21
Semaan, R., 88-APA-21
Semlitsch, B., 71-FD-16
Sen, S., 176-FD-49
Sepka, S., 78-TP-6, 159-TP-16
Serino, G., 102-FD-25
Seume, J., 24-GT-1, 57-APA-12, 121-CFD-33
Shaler, K., 95-CFD-24
Shang, J., 43-CFD-13, 52-TP-4
Sharan, N., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Sharbatdar, M., 149-CFD-41
Sharma, A., 22-FD-6, 155-FD-38
Shatalov, O., 27-TP-2
Shaw, S., 156-GT-5
Shebalin, J., 76-PDL-4
Sheikh, U., 53-TP-5, 78-TP-6, 134-TP-13
Shen, W., 41-CFD-11
Shende, N., 138-APA-29
Sheng, C., 8-APA-5, 61-APA-16, 84-APA-17
Shephard, M., 14-CFD-5
Shi, L., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Shi, Z., 140-APA-31
Shields, M., 169-APA-39/FD-46
Shih, T., 120-CFD-32
Shima, E., 66-CFD-17
Shmilovich, A., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Shneider, M., 50-PDL-2, 103-PDL-6
Short, E., 134-TP-13
Shyy, W., 20-FD-4, 33-APA-9/FD-9
Silk, E., 135-TP-14
Silva, A., 44-CFD-14
Sim, A., 92-ASE-7
Simerly, S., 156-GT-5
Simon, J., 157-PDL-10
Simpson, R., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Singh, S., 71-FD-16
Sipp, D., 72-FD-17, 171-FD-42
Sirohi, J., 103-PDL-6
Sitaraman, H., 76-PDL-4
Sitaraman, J., 97-CFD-26, 112-APA-24, 120-CFD-32, 146-CFD-38
Sivaram, G., 154-FD-37
Skoogh, D., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Slotnick, J., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
Smith, A., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Smith, W., 123-CFD-35
Snyder, D., 123-CFD-35
Solodovnikov, S., 116-APA-28
Somers, D., 5-APA-2
Sommerwerk, K., 84-APA-17
Song, J., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Sor, S., 143-ASE-9
Soraghan, C., 86-APA-19
Soria, J., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Soudakov, V., 102-FD-25
Sozer, E., 15-CFD-6, 34-APA-10
Sørensen, J., 41-CFD-11
Sørensen, N., 41-CFD-11
Spalt, T., 49-GT-2
Spedding, G., 75-FD-20
Speer, S., 176-FD-49
Spiegel, S., 144-CFD-36
Spillers, R., 73-FD-18, 171-FD-42, 175-FD-48
Sreenivas, K., 8-APA-5, 105-TP-9
Stalnov, O., 164-APA-34
Stanfield, S., 73-FD-18, 170-FD-41/GT-6, 175-FD-48
Starikovskiy, A., 25-PDL-1
Stead, D., 49-GT-2
Stefani, F., 132-PDL-9
Stephani, K., 63-ASE-5
Stephen, E., 72-FD-17
Stogner, R., 38-CFD-8
Streett, C., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Strike, J., 129-FD-32
Strobl, T., 36-ASE-2
Struk, P., 62-ASE-4
Subbareddy, P., 174-FD-45
Subrahmanyam, P., 134-TP-13
Suchomel, C., 157-PDL-10
Sun, H., 14-CFD-5, 148-CFD-40
Suresh, A., 105-TP-9
Surzhikov, S., 27-TP-2, 43-CFD-13, 52-TP-4,
116-APA-28, 133-TP-12
Sutcliffe, P., 24-GT-1
Sutton, E., 63-ASE-5
Suzen, Y., 27-TP-2
Suzuki, K., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 78-TP-6, 106-TP-10, 119-CFD-31, 154-FD-37, 157-PDL-10, 175-FD-48
Suzuki, T., 63-ASE-5, 105-TP-9, 135-TP-14
Swetky, Z., 36-ASE-2
Sytsma, M., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Szasz, R., 147-CFD-39
Taguchi, H., 59-APA-14
Takahashi, M., 59-APA-14
Takahashi, T., 104-PDL-7
Takahashi, Y., 98-CFD-27, 131-PDL-8
Takatani, T., 119-CFD-31
Takayanagi, H., 27-TP-2, 63-ASE-5, 105-TP-9,
Takeichi, T., 132-PDL-9
Tamada, Y., 104-PDL-7
Tan, C., 143-ASE-9
Tanaka, M., 36-ASE-2, 104-PDL-7
Tang, H., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Tani, T., 156-GT-5
Tanno, H., 126-FD-29
Tarfeld, F., 138-APA-29
Tas, C., 132-PDL-9
Taunk, J., 77-PDL-5
Tavernetti, W., 45-FD-10
Tay, W., 20-FD-4
Taylor, J., 125-FD-28
Taylor, L., 8-APA-5, 105-TP-9
Taylor, T., 15-CFD-6
Tecson, L., 143-ASE-9
Teichel, S., 57-APA-12
Temam, R., 39-CFD-9
Tembely, M., 23-FD-7
Tendero Ventanas, J., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Tendulkar, S., 14-CFD-5
Terhaar, S., 45-FD-10, 121-CFD-33
Terrazas-Salinas, I., 159-TP-16
Tezuka, A., 131-PDL-8
Thakur, S., 94-CFD-23, 119-CFD-31
Thalakkottor, J., 125-FD-28
Theofilis, V., 19-FD-3, 89-APA-22/FD-22, 102-FD-25, 126-FD-29, 128-FD-31
Thiele, F., 42-CFD-12, 75-FD-20
Thieman, C., 171-FD-42
Thomas, S., 97-CFD-26, 166-APA-36
Thompson, D., 36-ASE-2, 146-CFD-38
Thompson, P., 96-CFD-25
Thompson, R., 132-PDL-9
Thordahl, J., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Thurow, B., 17-FD-1
Tian, W., 86-APA-19
Tiemsin, P., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Timme, S., 97-CFD-26
Timothee, C., 115-APA-27/FD-26
Titov, E., 63-ASE-5
Tiziano, P., 88-APA-21
Tobe, T., 19-FD-3
Tobing, S., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Tognaccini, R., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Tomac, M., 21-FD-5
Tong, X., 36-ASE-2
Toomer, C., 90-APA-23
Toro Salazar, C., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Toyoda, A., 59-APA-14
Tran, L., 133-TP-12
Trepanier, J., 30-APA-6
Tretyakov, P., 77-PDL-5
Triphahn, C., 36-ASE-2
Tropp, J., 22-FD-6
Tsai, M., 37-ASE-3
Tsao, J., 62-ASE-4, 91-ASE-6
Tsubokura, M., 69-CFD-20, 140-APA-31
Tsuda, S., 152-FD-35
Tu, J., 124-FD-27
Tu, S., 76-PDL-4
Tucker, A., 116-APA-28
Tufts, M., 7-APA-4
Tuling, S., 90-APA-23
Tumin, A., 102-FD-25
Tuo, W., 6-APA-3
Tupikin, A., 77-PDL-5
Tupper, A., 9-ASE-1
Tuttle, S., 22-FD-6
Tyan, M., 67-CFD-18
Ukeiley, L., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Ulbrich, N., 130-GT-4
Unal, M., 20-FD-4
Upadhyay, P., 21-FD-5
Ushakov, N., 44-CFD-14
Vachon, N., 101-FD-24
Vakili, A., 171-FD-42
Vallet, I., 10-CFD-1
Van Aken, J., 130-GT-4
van Berkel, E., 86-APA-19
Van Dam, C., 86-APA-19
van der Vorst, J., 147-CFD-39
Van Leer, B., 64-CFD-15
Van Muijden, J., 147-CFD-39
van Oudheusden, B., 20-FD-4
van Schrojenstein Lantman, M., 96-CFD-25
Van Zante, J., 62-ASE-4
Vanden, K., 34-APA-10, 113-APA-25
Vane, Z., 175-FD-48
Vanstone, L., 72-FD-17
Varadan, S., 144-CFD-36
Vargas, M., 143-ASE-9
Veldhuis, L., 86-APA-19, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Venkatachari, B., 59-APA-14, 145-CFD-37
Venkataramani, K., 62-ASE-4
Venkateshan, S., 159-TP-16
Verbecke, C., 5-APA-2
Verdieri Nuernberg, G., 26-TP-1
Veres, J., 62-ASE-4
Verhoff, A., 160-TP-17
Vermeersch, O., 88-APA-21
Author/Session Chair Index
Vermeire, B., 64-CFD-15
Vernier, J., 9-ASE-1
Verstraete, T., 57-APA-12
Vétel, J., 148-CFD-40
Vieira, R., 138-APA-29
Vignoles, G., 78-TP-6
Villafañe, L., 71-FD-16
Villagran Muñiz, M., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Villedie, N., 43-CFD-13
Villedieu, P., 62-ASE-4, 91-ASE-6, 117-ASE-8
Vincent, P., 39-CFD-9
Vinokur, M., 160-TP-17
Visbal, M., 47-FD-12, 74-FD-19/PDL-3, 118-CFD-30, 42-APA-33/FD-33, 153-FD-36, 158-PDL-11/FD-39, 172-FD-43
Visser, K., 123-CFD-35
Viviani, A., 79-TP-7
von Deetzen, S., 116-APA-28
Vorobiev, A., 24-GT-1
Vu, B., 34-APA-10, 44-CFD-14
Vukasinovic, B., 154-FD-37
Vuorinen, V., 68-CFD-19
Vymazal, M., 43-CFD-13
Wachtor, A., 174-FD-45
Wadhams, T., 94-CFD-23
Wagner, J., 171-FD-42
Wagnild, R., 73-FD-18, 160-TP-17
Wahl, T., 151-FD-34
Wahls, R., 7-APA-4, 138-APA-29
Waitz, T., 116-APA-28
Waldman, R., 172-FD-43
Wall, W., 97-CFD-26
Wallin, S., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Wang, C., 33-APA-9/FD-9, 60-APA-15/FD-14
Wang, G., 146-CFD-38
Wang, J., 11-CFD-2, 84-APA-17, 92-ASE-7
Wang, L., 40-CFD-10, 93-CFD-22
Wang, P., 50-PDL-2
Wang, Q., 96-CFD-25
Wang, S., 11-CFD-2
Wang, X., 98-CFD-27, 127-FD-30, 145-CFD-37
Wang, Y., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Wang, Z., 39-CFD-9, 60-APA-15/FD-14, 64-CFD-15, 96-CFD-25, 100-CFD-29/FD-23, 118-CFD-30, 129-FD-32, 172-FD-43
Ward, C., 73-FD-18
Watanabe, H., 104-PDL-7
Watanabe, Y., 78-TP-6, 131-PDL-8, 157-PDL-10
Watkins, N., 87-APA-20
Wawrzinek, K., 172-FD-43
Weaver, A., 80-TP-8
Weaver, M., 134-TP-13
Webster, R., 105-TP-9
Weisberger, J., 53-TP-5
Weiss, J., 123-CFD-35
Weiss, T., 32-APA-8
Weng, H., 51-TP-3
West, D., 116-APA-28
Whalen, E., 75-FD-20, 85-APA-18/FD-21
Whitaker, S., 23-FD-7
White, E., 19-FD-3, 86-APA-19, 153-FD-36
White, J., 38-CFD-8
White, M., 104-PDL-7, 158-PDL-11/FD-39
White, T., 79-TP-7
Wiberg, B., 91-ASE-6
Wichmann, K., 97-CFD-26
Wick, A., 114-APA-26
Wiebenga, J., 53-TP-5
Williams, B., 99-CFD-28
Williams, D., 93-CFD-22, 128-FD-31
Williams, G., 50-PDL-2
Williams, J., 63-ASE-5
Williams, W., 134-TP-13
Williamschen, M., 14-CFD-5
Willis, D., 57-APA-12, 60-APA-15/FD-14
Wilson, A., 132-PDL-9
Windiate, S., 34-APA-10
Winkler, C., 95-CFD-24, 147-CFD-39
Winoto, S., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Winter, M., 134-TP-13
Winzen, A., 33-APA-9/FD-9
Wirth, C., 112-APA-24
Wissink, A., 13-CFD-4, 146-CFD-38
Wittich, D., 158-PDL-11/FD-39
Wohl, C., 170-FD-41/GT-6
Wolf, W., 113-APA-25
Wong, J., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 117-ASE-8
Wongsuryrat, N., 132-PDL-9
Woo, G., 71-FD-16
Wood, W., 38-CFD-8, 160-TP-17
Woodard, B., 91-ASE-6
Woodruff, S., 47-FD-12, 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Woopen, M., 118-CFD-30
Woszidlo, R., 67-CFD-18, 148-CFD-40
Wray, A., 12-CFD-3, 79-TP-7, 159-TP-16
Wray, T., 174-FD-45
Wrenn, M., 49-GT-2
Wright, J., 94-CFD-23
Wu, C., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Wu, M., 47-FD-12
Wu, S., 76-PDL-4
Wu, X., 19-FD-3
Wu, Y., 135-TP-14
Wuerz, W., 153-FD-36
Wurst, M., 11-CFD-2
Wysocki, O., 139-APA-30
Xia, A., 6-APA-3
Xia, X., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Xia, Y., 144-CFD-36
Xiao, Z., 153-FD-36
Xiaobo, L., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Xie, K., 63-ASE-5
Xiong, J., 123-CFD-35, 138-APA-29, 175-FD-48
Xisto, C., 50-PDL-2
Yadlin, Y., 85-APA-18/FD-21
Yakeno, A., 75-FD-20
Yakhina, G., 133-TP-12
Yalim, S., 43-CFD-13
Yalin, A., 50-PDL-2, 77-PDL-5, 132-PDL-9
Yamada, G., 31-APA-7/FD-8
Yamada, H., 20-FD-4
Yamada, K., 131-PDL-8
Yamada, T., 126-FD-29
Yamada, Y., 106-TP-10
Yamaguchi, T., 132-PDL-9
Yamaleev, N., 20-FD-4
Yamamoto, K., 68-CFD-19
Yamauchi, G., 88-APA-21, 166-APA-36
Yamazaki, W., 20-FD-4
Yan, W., 25-PDL-1
Yang, S., 75-FD-20, 96-CFD-25
Yang, X., 26-TP-1
Yang, Z., 6-APA-3, 8-APA-5, 140-APA-31
Yano, M., 100-CFD-29/FD-23
yao, W., 124-FD-27
Yarantsev, D., 77-PDL-5, 154-FD-37
Yarusevych, S., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Yasuoka, K., 87-APA-20
Ye, Z., 6-APA-3, 146-CFD-38
Yee, H., 12-CFD-3
Yee, K., 58-APA-13
Yee, P., 133-TP-12
Yen, C., 145-CFD-37
Yen, J., 167-APA-37/FD-40
Yeo, K., 20-FD-4, 47-FD-12
Yi, S., 32-APA-8
Yin, B., 16-CFD-7
Yoder, D., 70-CFD-21/FD-15
Young, J., 142-APA-33/FD-33
Yu, H., 129-FD-32
Yu, K., 152-FD-35
Yu, M., 60-APA-15/FD-14, 164-APA-34
Yu, S., 145-CFD-37
Yu Ching Man, S., 89-APA-22/FD-22
Yuan, W., 86-APA-19
Yue, H., 86-APA-19
Yumusak, M., 41-CFD-11, 65-CFD-16/GT-3,
66-CFD-17, 96-CFD-25
Zahr, M., 15-CFD-6, 64-CFD-15, 96-CFD-25
Zaide, D., 66-CFD-17
Zalamansky, G., 62-ASE-4
Zamyatin, A., 37-ASE-3
Zanker, A., 164-APA-34
Zare-behtash, H., 103-PDL-6
Zavelevich, F., 44-CFD-14
Zeng, X., 41-CFD-11
Zerbinati, A., 57-APA-12
Zeune, C., 114-APA-26
Zha, G., 31-APA-7/FD-8, 32-APA-8, 59-APA-14
Zhang, B., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Zhang, F., 18-FD-2, 84-APA-17
Zhang, W., 6-APA-3, 167-APA-37/FD-40
Zhang, X., 20-FD-4, 34-APA-10, 164-APA-34
Zhang, Y., 45-FD-10, 166-APA-36
Zhang, Z., 6-APA-3, 65-CFD-16/GT-3, 96-CFD-25, 121-CFD-33, 135-TP-14, 145-CFD-37, 150-CFD-42
Zhao, Q., 84-APA-17
Zhao, X., 116-APA-28
Zhao, Z., 138-APA-29
Zhelannikov, A., 37-ASE-3
Zheng, B., 74-FD-19/PDL-3
Zheng, Y., 154-FD-37, 172-FD-43
Zheng, Z., 37-ASE-3
Zhong, X., 73-FD-18, 127-FD-30
Zhou, C., 64-CFD-15
Zhou, S., 6-APA-3, 103-PDL-6
Zhu, T., 80-TP-8
Zhuang, Y., 104-PDL-7
Zichettello, B., 59-APA-14
Zimmerman, B., 64-CFD-15, 118-CFD-30
Zingg, D., 7-APA-4, 30-APA-6, 39-CFD-9, 40-CFD-10, 42-CFD-12, 93-CFD-22, 96-CFD-25, 119-CFD-31
Zito, J., 25-PDL-1, 78-TP-6
Zope, A., 58-APA-13
Zudov, V., 77-PDL-5
Zuev, S., 37-ASE-3
Zuzio, D., 44-CFD-14
Author/Session Chair Index
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The complete list of conferences
featured at AIAA AVIATION 2014:
• 6th AIAA Atmospheric and Space
Environments Conference
• 21st AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems
Technology Conference
• 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics
• 14th AIAA Aviation Technology,
Integration, and Operations
• 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization
• AIAA Balloon Systems Conference
• AIAA Modeling and Simulation
Technologies Conference
• 30th AIAA Aerodynamic
Measurement Technology
• AIAA Flight Testing Conference
• AIAA/3AF Aircraft Noise and
Emissions Reduction Symposium
• 7th AIAA Flow Control Conference
• 32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics
• AIAA Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics Conference
Premier Sponsor
• 44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics
• AIAA Ground Testing Conference
• 20th AIAA International Space
Planes and Hypersonic Systems and
Technologies Conference
• 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and
Lasers Conference
• 7th AIAA Theoretical Fluid
Mechanics Conference
• 45th AIAA Thermophysics
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