To resist is to create. To create is to resist.
To resist is to create. To create is to resist.
“To resist is to create. To create is to resist.” SLIVER, from France/Belgium/Luxembourg, were formed in 1999 and have played more than 200 shows in 11 countries all across Europe (Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the United Kingdom). Their concept: using art and creation as a form of resistance, music as a weapon. “Their riot cry floating like a flag,” 1 SLIVER share their ideas and messages through rocking hardcore (as well as in paper “communiqués” that they distribute for free during shows). After several selfproduced demos, the band joined the Belgian label we are all liars records for kamikaze EP, and the Luxembourgian label winged skull records for music is a weapon LP and generation A EP. As for the lyrics and ideas of the band, they even crossed the Atlantic since they were noticed by American writer Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club : “I’ve enjoyed kamikaze, especially the lyrics”) who participated to the album music is a weapon and by various collectives such as the one responsible for the Antiwar Songs website. SLIVER are often compared to politically engaged bands or committed artists such as Refused or hellisforheroes and to bands whose attitude is moiré artistic than profit-driven (At the Drive-In, Thursday). Their influences come from literature (Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Murakami Ryu, Douglas Coupland), art (Banksy, Eduardo Recife, Harmony Korine, Larry Clark) and essayists (Naomi Klein, William Morris, Peter Watkins). SLIVER even released a split-single with French author Alain Damasio who wrote a communiqué for the record. Contact : +33 (0)6 30 29 05 80 (Ben) [email protected] 1 Review of kamikaze EP in Metalorgie ( by Turtle. MEMBERS Danny Sliver: drums Nick Sliver: bass + back. vocals Orel Sliver: sampling+keyboards+screams Ben Sliver: vocals+guitars+piano+megaphone generation A - 2010 (WAAL records / Winged Skull Records) 01. we are the ones / 02. the invisible committee / 03. break the screens Enregistré et mixé par Charles Stolz au HOLTZ Sound studio (Tuntange, Lu). “Sliver tient toujours le haut du pavé et si toutes ces références (At the Drive-In, Refused, Snapcase, Thursday, Defeater) figurent à ton background musical, ce groupe semble toujours être une alternative classieuse avec un grand A.” W-FENEC “Les paroles gardent, elles, toujours une grande éthique et délivrent un message intéressant sur notre génération et la question de responsabilité.” FUNK YOU DEAR music is a weapon - 2009 (WAAL records / Winged Skull Records) 01. intro by Chuck / 02. music is a weapon / 03. social determinism and the anthill 04. memento mori / 05. we are not dead / 06. cash/crash / 07. the edge of the world 08. monkey / 09. H.O.S.T.A.G.E.S. / 10. Kamikaze (hidden track: Rorschach [blood is blood]) Enregistré et mixé par Quentin Demko au 11 Ways Studio (Suxy, Be). Masterisé par Magnus Lindberg au Tonteknik Studio (Umea, Sweden) : Refused, hellisforheroes… Avec la participation de Chuck Palahniuk (“Intro by Chuck”), auteur et journaliste freelance américain : auteur de Fight Club ; et Manu Gillard (“H.O.S.T.A.G.E.S.), chanteur de Poison Heart : we are all liars records. “Music is a weapon est en effet de ces albums qui sont pétris d'excellents moments. De plus, Sliver ne se contente pas d'être une belle coquille vide et adjoint à la forme une conscience revendicative qui agrémente la musique d'une plus-value bien conséquente pour ceux que ça intéresse.” W-FENEC “Musicalement, la référence à Refused n'est pas innocente, car on peut sentir cette urgence, ce sens du here and now qu'on pouvait percevoir chez les Suédois.” SHOOT ME AGAIN “Au final, dans le genre, en France, peu (aucun ?) n’ont fait mieux.” METALORGIE memento mori - 2009 01. memento mori / 02. kamikaze (acoustic version) 03. social determinism and the anthill (acoustic version) Single gratuit (1,000 ex + téléchargement). Contient le texte inédit d’Alain Damasio : La Rage du Sage. kamikaze - 2007 (WAAL records) 01. the edge of the world / 02. general programming / 03. needles and retinas 04. kyoseichu [parasites] / 05. living dead rubber doll / 06. thursday / 07. kamikaze “Sliver démontre une nouvelle fois, avec kamikaze, l’étendue de ses qualités” ROCK SOUND “Puissance et qualité pour ce sixième effort plus que transformé” ABUS DANGEREUX “kamikaze pose la question de l’essence et de l’existence sur fond d’emocore volontaire. Le cri de révolte flottant comme un étendard” METALORGIE “I’ve enjoyed kamikaze, especially the lyrics” CHUCK PALAHNIUK (auteur de FIGHT CLUB) VA / Compilations: Tout pour Tous (association La Chaise Musicale) 2009 – titres : memento mori, cash/crash et kamikaze (live). Monte Le Son 2 (association Diffu’Son) 2008 - titre : kamikaze. FrenchGate (association ProMouv’) 2004 - titre: Amnesty International.
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le groupe sliver - SLIVER`s website
Enregistré et mixé par Charles Stolz au HOLTZ Sound studio (Tuntange, Lu).
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