spreading theword schools program spreading theword schools
spreading theword schools program spreading theword schools
STUDY GUIDES! Spreading the Word events connect to BC curriculum. There will be a study guide for each event available on the Festival website (www.writersfest.bc.ca) in September. Guides d’études! Les activités « Spreading the Word » ont des liens directs avec les programmes d’études de la C.-B. Pour permettre aux enseignants de tirer plein parti du Festival, un guide d’études a été élaboré pour chacune des activités. Ces guides seront disponibles sur le site Web du festival en septembre. WRITE TO THE POINT A writing contest for secondary school students (Grade 8–12). The winner of each grade level will spend one day at CBC radio studios to produce their story, which will air on North By Northwest. The top prizewinner also gets a set of tickets for their class to attend a Festival event. For more information contact [email protected] or call Ilona Beiks 604.215.9726. H O W T O B U Y F E S T I VA L EVENT TICKETS Each year the Reading with Writers program sends authors to visit inner city school classrooms (K–12). It’s a great opportunity for students to meet an author and ask questions. If you are interested in booking a writer for a classroom visit in October, please contact Ilona Beiks at [email protected]. CYNTHIA WOODWARD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 21 ANNUAL Check our website in mid-August for event and program details and the school event ticket order form: www.writersfest.bc.ca. > Festival school events will sell out quickly, so be sure to book early. > Tickets go on sale September 16, 2008. > School Group tickets: $7 per ticket for each Festival school event (includes GST). TO ORDER: On-line: www.writersfest.bc.ca By phone: 604.681.6330 ext. 107 By fax: 604.681.8400 (call ahead for order form) A limited number of subsidies, based on financial need are available through the Cynthia Woodward Development Fund. Call 604.681.6330, ext. 103. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T S P R E A D I N G THE WORD PROGRAMS MORE READING WITH WRITERS! st Contact: Ilona Beiks, Education Co-ordinator, [email protected] or 604.681.6330 To receive a Spreading the Word brochure by mail: email your mailing address to our Distribution Co-ordinator [email protected]. For more information about La Joie de Lire, contact: Brenda Berck, Responsable de la programmation française, [email protected] or 604.681.6330. This program provides free Writers Festival event tickets to inner city schools. For more information please contact Aletha Humphreys at [email protected]. G N I D A E R P S D R O THE W S L O O H SC M A R PROG o 12 s K t e d a r for g 2 0 2 - 1 3 9 8 C A RT W R I G H T ST R E E T, VA N C O U V E R , B C , C A N A D A V 6 H 3 R 8 TEL 604.681.6330 FA X 604.681.8400 October 21–24, 2008 EMAIL INTERNET A World of Words on Granville Island [email protected] www.writersfest.bc.ca www.writersfest.bc.ca SPREADING THE WORD A N I N N O VAT I V E E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FOR K-12 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ✑ It’s eclectic, entertaining and challenging! ✑ A rare opportunity for students and teachers to engage with Canadian and international writers. ✑ Inspiring students to read and write. THE FESTIVAL EXPERIENCE 4 D AY S , 3 3 E V E N T S ✑ Step out of the classroom and onto Granville Island. ✑ Some of the hottest authors on the planet converge with students and teachers in intimate, interactive and informal settings. ✑ Writers of all genres perform, read from their work, talk about their craft and answer students’ questions. ✑ Events for all levels—Kindergarten to Grade 12. ✑ In response to the overwhelming popularity of Words on the Fly, the spoken word event at the 2007 Festival, we will feature two spoken word events for secondary schools this year and a workshop with Australian wordsmith Miles Merrill. Also look for details about events shining a spotlight on graphic novels. Check our website for details in September. LA JOIE DE LIRE Chaque année, le Vancouver International Writers Festival présente une programmation de jour en français destinée aux élèves des programmes de français langue maternelle et d’immersion en français des niveaux primaire et secondaire. Nous invitons des auteurs francophones du Québec et des autres provinces du Canada, ainsi que de la France. Les auteurs de cette année comprennent les écrivains Évelyne Daigle et Sylvain Meunier du Québec et Faïsa Guène de la France. Les livres des auteurs qui participent au festival sont en vente chez Vancouver Kidsbooks, à www.kidsbooks.ca <http://www.kidsbooks.ca>. Comme toujours, nous avons élaboré un programme mettant en vedette des auteurs possédant une vaste expérience dans la présentation de leur œuvre au public scolaire. Et pour les enseignants : les guides d’études (voir ci-dessous). Ces activités auront lieu du mardi 21 octobre jusqu’au jeudi 23 octobre. T H E F E S T IT EVR SAOlR – ENTS N O T R A T TELL YOUR STUD S Y L D WRI ADING THE WOR THORS G E T A N E AK R E U R A P S L 8 0 VA I 0 T 2 S E E H F T Y OUT SOME OF ORDER BOOKS B HEC BOOKS. YOU CAN THIS SUMMER C AND THEIR NEW T O D AT E A R E : CITING AUTHORS X E .CA. CONFIRMED S ABOUT THESE K O O B IDS K W. W W AT S K O ER KIDSBO F R O M VA N C O U V est né en Geoffroy de Pennart de l'Ecole award1951, à Paris. Diplômé Hazel Hutchins is an hiques en e than 30 une supérieure d'arts grap winning novelist of mor Sylvie Desrosiers est travailleur young te 1974, il s'inscrit comme books for children and écrivaine et une journalis iers Magic vingt indépendant. Ses prem adults. Sarah and the québécoise. Auteure de cartes de hanting dizaine travaux payés sont des Science Project is an enc romans publiés dans une ent des science, and auteure très géographies, puis il obti tale about magic and de pays, elle est une s a gentle, nt pour les commandes de différent Beneath the Bridge is versatile. Elle écrit auta sa vie ne very ltes, des journaux, et enfin il gag humorous story for the jeunes que pour les adu r les d, tlan pou e book, Mat graphism n, elle a st du visio late et télé Her ons la r ng. trati pou you illus es text en faisant des on s of play. Croc, et formation, communicati the infectious pleasure collaboré au magazine entreprises (publicité, ité is a stirring story about urd'hui encore son activ tival Juste pour e) Fes aujo diat du rme s eure Inte gala dem s ary/ ieur Cela . Prim : plus interne) (Elementary sa ella a participé à Pennart vit à Paris avec esse: L'Audition de de jeun ffroy The la k r Geo boo pou le. s new cipa titre s prin rire. Quelque Melanie Little’s de liberté, . is a la pirate, Quatre jours femme. Il a deux filles Thomas, L'Héritage de Apprentice's Masterpiece ntorecent, La Perruche qui 14th plus in le et set , el es nov Lieu lt adu Mariko Tamaki is a Toro Les Trois young author of the story based performer and miaulait (avril, 2008) century Spain and tells k of time Boo a et, at Walters, Cover Me, True Lies: A of a family with a secr Deborah Ellis and Eric n brings Fake ID, and Emiko in their own isitio ice, ors Adv Inqu auth the Bad YA n ing whe -sell best indie Written in e Bifocal, Superstar, illustrated by intolerance and torture. right, joined forces to writ Rolston. Her atic story boy arrested comics legend Steve free verse, this is a dram a story about a Muslim hic novel. . activity and new book Skim is a grap set in a troubling time on suspicion of terrorist polarized (Secondary) an trali how his school becomes Aus an is rill Miles Mer growing aimed tours his amid an atmosphere of Shaun Tan is the accl spoken word artist who ry: awardracial tension. (Elementa illustrator and author of monologues and poems ) t diate t Thing, Interme ws Nigh winning books The Los internationally. His sho Arrival. In House rd-winning The Red Tree and The Words (Sydney Opera Cary Fagan is an awa hic novel won readers and 2007, his wordless grap 2008) and Slamming have writer for both young dren’s acclaim. ral The Arrival won the Chil him outstanding critical adults. In addition to seve a Picture and in te the Book Council of Australi He publishes on CD, DVD picture books, he wro rd. His nced live. y of Chan Book of the Year Awa print but is best experie award-winning biograph d Tales Dance: A forthcoming book is calle (Secondary) Hon Goh, Beyond the Mr. a ary) won ond and (Sec Life a. rd a's ini Awa Ballerin from Outer Suburbi Susin Nielsen is a Gem naas enwriter Christie Silver Medal for Michael Nicoll Yahgula winning author and scre Zandini. of s Daughter of the Great episode es native stereotypes 16 leng ned chal pen who ing g-Th y telling. of the Karp’s Last Glass, Thin through illustrative stor New this year are Mr. Degrassi for TV and four a stories par Snit. (Elementary: series. She He takes traditional Haid and Ten Lessons for Kas books in the Degrassi ga son Arms and turns them into man Primary/Intermediate) is the co-creator of Rob e children's Marie(Japanese-style comics). and has published thre Husband and wife team de A us, (winner Homel Yahgulanaas's books inclu books: Hank and Ferg Louise Gay and David s, The Last r Medal ing man Silve writ 's Sha in stie Two nts Chri of tale r Mr. Tale thei the of combine and ds. els With my Voyage of the Black Ship es In and The Magic Bea and illustration in Trav t of Award), Mormor Mov d Again!, n. His new book, Fligh Japa in ler e) tsel diat bes rme a Family and On the Roa Hachidori, (Elementary: Inte who has trated telling of a native illus an is ld, Noë gbir two books that anyone min tine the Hum Née au Québec, Mar tion can rmediate; Secondary) been on a family vaca legend. (Elementary: Inte Maw s’est établie en : e ômé Shanghai in Dipl relate to. (Elementary 3. 199 en an Ting-xing Ye, born in Saskatchew interpreter Primary/Intermediate) de 1952, was an English en Études françaises ent l, elle a Mariefor the Chinese governm l’Université de Montréa Depuis plus de vingt ans, 1987. Her s des u illustré before leaving China in œuvré dans les domaine Louise Gay a écrit et/o r Bitte s pour memoir, A Leaf in the communications et des une cinquantaine de livre d in nine avant de se jour de Wind, has been publishe ressources humaines les enfants : Magie d’un the author et de rlie Chou, countries. She is also consacrer à sa passion pluie, Le cirque de Cha ltes. Throwaway série of the award-winning r les jeunes et les adu pou , iture Mademoiselle Lune, la l’écr s dan plonger Her porté mba pour Daughter and White Lily. lia et les papillons, a rem Stella et Sacha et Cara Son deuxième livre, Amé s-uns. français des River Girl, follows two rs, dont le Prix du livre nt novel, Mountain Girl en nommer que quelque neu rece t hon s mos ieur plus ondary) e de pays et s apart in rural China. (Sec rds 2006. liés dans une vingtain teenage girls born mile Saskatchewan Book Awa Ses livres ont été pub x livres deu t écri a Elle . prix de ont remporté beaucoup enfants: Homel, aussi pour les avec son mari, David bave et Saucisson d'âne et nts Voyages avec mes Pare d'escargot.