ANVER - Anver is a global provider of Vacuum Material


ANVER - Anver is a global provider of Vacuum Material
Liste des catalogues de composants mécatroniques 3D disponibles sur le portail CAO
ANVER - Anver is a global provider of Vacuum Material Handling Equipment, Vacuum Lifters and Vacuum System Components. Anver designs and
builds its equipment in Hudson, MA, USA
Air Powered Vacuum Pumps
JV - Series
JV Series Mini Vacuum Generators are ideal for use as vacuum pumps where space is limited
VR - Series
VR series Mini-Vacuum Pumps, for connecting compressed air directly at the vacuum cup
JB - Series
JB series vacuum generators for when where vacuum is required on an intermittent basis
MSP Series Multi-Stage Pumps
MSP Multi-Stage Air Powered Vacuum Pumps are light-weight and compact making them ideal for automation applications.
Vacuum Generators
Battery Powered
BAE1 Series Vac-Pack Vacuum Generator designed for use with a wide assortment of vacuum pad attachments and lifter assemblies
Vacuum Cups
High Temperature
High heat suction cups are ideal for handling extremely hot materials including glass
An extensive line of small vacuum cups and suction cups for end-of-arm-tooling
An extensive line of medium vacuum cups and suction cups for end-of-arm-tooling
An extensive line of large vacuum cups and suction cups for end-of-arm-tooling
Slip-on, Oval, Rectangular
Small Oval Cups with Snap-On Reusable Fittings
These small OC Series vacuum suction cups are best suited for handling small round or cylindrical oblong surfaces such as pens, tubing, or bottles., Bibliothèque gratuite de catalogues de composants mécaniques et électromécaniques avec plans 2D et modèles 3D CAO pour les logiciels et applications CAO
ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey | Cadra | CATIA | Cimatron | CoCreate | Helix | HiCAD | Ideas | IntelliCAD | Inventor | IronCAD |
KeyCreator | KOMPAS | LogoCAD | Mastercam | Mechanical Desktop | Medusa | MegaCAD | MicroStation | NX | One Space Designer | Pro/ENGINEER | Solid Designer | Solid Edge | SolidThinking |
SolidWorks | SpaceClaim | thinkdesign | TopSolid | TurboCAD | Unigraphics | Vectorworks | VISI | VX …
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Liste des catalogues de composants mécatroniques 3D disponibles sur le portail CAO
OC55 Series Medium Oval Cups
These OC55 Series vacuum cups are commonly used for handling paper, cardboard cartons and wood, but are suitable for almost any vacuum handling application such as
Medium Oval Vacuum Cups
These oval or rectangular vacuum cups with soft, long lips and deep profile are specifically designed for handling flat, rigid materials such as sheet and plate.
Medium Side-Port Cups with Slip-On Seals
The VP Series flat vacuum cups are also available for use with our ball swivel suspensions.
Large Capacity Rectangular Vacuum Pads
Rectangular vacuum seal pad attachments are ideal for lifting heavy, compact loads in situations where the available load surface precludes the use of lifters with multiple
For Univeral Vacuum Cups
Group 1
Group 1 fittings are simple barbed fittings that push in from the top of the cup
Group 2
Group 2 fittings push in from the bottom, exposing a male thread at the top of the cup.
Group 3
Group 3 fittings push in from the bottom, exposing a male thread at the top of the cup.
For Oval Vacuum Cups
Fittings for small oval vacuum suction cups with snap-on reusable cup fittings and non-rotating suspensions
BF - Series Vacuum Cup Fittings
BF Series Fittings for Small Suction Cups and Vacuum Cups
Air Transfer Tubes
FT - Series Flow Tubes
Flow Tubes produce high vacuum flow and high exhaust flow using a minimal amount of compressed air
TT - Series Transfer Tubes
Transfer Tubes provide a compact, low cost and effective method for the in-line conveyance of small components, odd shapes, powders or continuously fed material, Bibliothèque gratuite de catalogues de composants mécaniques et électromécaniques avec plans 2D et modèles 3D CAO pour les logiciels et applications CAO
ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey | Cadra | CATIA | Cimatron | CoCreate | Helix | HiCAD | Ideas | IntelliCAD | Inventor | IronCAD |
KeyCreator | KOMPAS | LogoCAD | Mastercam | Mechanical Desktop | Medusa | MegaCAD | MicroStation | NX | One Space Designer | Pro/ENGINEER | Solid Designer | Solid Edge | SolidThinking |
SolidWorks | SpaceClaim | thinkdesign | TopSolid | TurboCAD | Unigraphics | Vectorworks | VISI | VX …
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Liste des catalogues de composants mécatroniques 3D disponibles sur le portail CAO
Vacuum System Accessories
Aluminum Vacuum Manifolds
Manifolds have been designed to provide efficient distribution connections for vacuum or medium pressure systems.
Vacuum Gauges
Vacuum gauges are excellent for any vacuum application in which vacuum levels need to be accurately monitored
Pressure Gauges
Pressure gauges are excellent for any vacuum application in which pressure levels need to be accurately monitored
Vacuum Reservoir
Vacuum Reservoirs can be used inline or as a single-ported auxiliary tank for fast attachment, Bibliothèque gratuite de catalogues de composants mécaniques et électromécaniques avec plans 2D et modèles 3D CAO pour les logiciels et applications CAO
ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey | Cadra | CATIA | Cimatron | CoCreate | Helix | HiCAD | Ideas | IntelliCAD | Inventor | IronCAD |
KeyCreator | KOMPAS | LogoCAD | Mastercam | Mechanical Desktop | Medusa | MegaCAD | MicroStation | NX | One Space Designer | Pro/ENGINEER | Solid Designer | Solid Edge | SolidThinking |
SolidWorks | SpaceClaim | thinkdesign | TopSolid | TurboCAD | Unigraphics | Vectorworks | VISI | VX …
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