2 pm / 12h30 - casbc/acéhl


2 pm / 12h30 - casbc/acéhl
Books and the Making of Knowledge
Le livre et la construction du savoir
29-30 May / 29-30 mai, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Room / salle 212, Arts Building
Program / Programme
Third annual conference of the
Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture/
Troisième colloque annuel de
l’Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’histoire du livre
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities / Congrès des sciences humaines du Canada
Tuesday 29 May / Mardi 29 mai
9-10.30 am / 9h-10h30
Book and print in twentieth century intellectual cultures
Livre, imprimé et milieux intellectuels au XXe siècle
Dominique MARQUIS (histoire, UQÀM) “Savoir dominicain: Savoir populaire? La
Revue dominicaine, 1930-1960”
Paul STORTZ (Canadian Studies, Calgary) “Professors and Brain-Trusters. Redefining
Scholarly Cultures and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Toronto 1930-1945”
Evelyn ELLERMAN (Communication Studies, Athabasca) “Forget Beowulf to Virginia
Woolf: Learning to be a Writer in Papua New Guinea”
10.30-11 am / 10h30-11h : Pause / break
11 am-12.30 pm / 11h-12h30
Print Culture in Modern Britain
L’Angleterre et la culture de l’imprimé
Leith DAVIS (English, Simon Fraser) “The Printer as Patriot: James Watson’s Choice
Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems and Eighteenth-century Miscellanies
Caroline LEITCH (PhD student, English, Victoria) “Under the Covers: The Hidden
History of Women in Nineteenth Century Book Production”
Vanessa WARNE (English, Manitoba) “Books for Blind Readers: Print Culture and
Visual Disability in Victorian Britain”
12.30 – 2 pm / 12h30-14h lunch (on your own) / Déjeuner (à vos frais)
2-6 pm / 14h-18h Interdisciplinary Symposium / Séance conjointe
Biology Building, room / salle 106
Reassembling the Disassembled Book / Reconstruction et déconstruction du livre
In collaboration with the Society for Digital Humanities and the Canadian Society
of Medievalists / En collaboration avec la Société pour l’étude des médias
interactifs et la Société canadienne des médiévistes
The keynote address is followed by a joint panel of papers from both societies and then a
reception at the Snelgrove Gallery where an exhibit of the Ege manuscripts will be held.
2-3 pm / 14h-15h : Plenary address by Prof Peter Stoicheff (Associate Dean of
Humanities and Fine Arts, University of Saskatchewan)
"Putting Humpty Together Again: Otto Ege's Scattered Leaves"
The early 20th century Cleveland book collector Otto Ege removed leaves from
50 medieval books, divided them among 40 boxes and sold them throughout
North America and Europe. The Special Collections department of the University
of Saskatchewan library purchased box #25 in 1957. This talk describes how a
group of researchers is locating the boxes, creating images of their contents, and
digitally remaking at least one of the original books.
3.15-4.45 pm / 15h15-16h45
Symposium Panel, with papers organized by the participating organizations.
Eric KWAKKEL (History, Victoria)
“Hidden Knowledge: New Fragments of Medieval Manuscripts at the University of
Richard Cunningham (English, Acadia)
“Dis-covering the Early Modern Book.”
Daniel O’Donnell (English & Digital Medieval Project, Lethbridge)
“’Murder to dissect’?: Digitisation as a Theory of the Text”
5 – 6 pm / 17h-18h
Reception in the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
(Room 191, Murray Building)
Wednesday 30 May / Mercredi 30 mai
Room / Salle 212, Arts Building
11am-12.30 pm / 10h30-11h30
The culture of the book / Livre et savoirs
Richard CUNNINGHAM (English, Acadia) “Using the Art of Navigation to Make
Knowledge: Then and Now”
Éric WAUTERS (histoire, Université du Havre) “Le livre et la géographie (1747-1830):
une sédimentation du savoir”
Anna LEVENTHAL (MA student, Communications Studies, McGill) “Imperfect Bound:
Zines, Materiality, and Question of Preserving Ephemera”
12.30-2 pm / 12h30-14h Lunch provided to registered participants / Déjeuner offert
par l’ACÉHL aux participants
Annual General Meeting/ Assemblée générale annuelle
2-3.30 pm / 14h-15h30
Print Culture in Twentieth Century Canada / L’imprimé au Canada au XXe siècle
Nancy EARLE (English, Simon Fraser) “Making the Public Author: The Canada Council
Writer-in-Residence Program and Canadian Authorship, 1965-2000”
E. Lisa PANAYOTIDIS (Education, Calgary) “Contestation and Conflict: The Yearbook
‘Torontonesis’ as an ‘Appalling Sahara’ 1890-1915”
Eli MACLAREN (English, doctoral candidate, Toronto) “William Briggs: Printer,
Binder, Distributor”
3.30 – 4 pm / 15h30-16h : Pause / break
OF STUDIES IN BOOK CULTURE / Conférence spéciale: Histoire du livre et de
l’imprimé. De la théorie à la pratique
Len Findlay (English, Saskatchewan) :
"Resounding Readings: Oral Culture and Book Historians"
Canadian Association for the Study of Book culture/
l’Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’histoire du livre
Founded 2004
Leslie Howsam (University of Windsor) 2004-2006; 2006-2008.
Josée Vincent (Université de Sherbrooke) 2004-2006; 2007.
Jane McLeod (Brock University) standing for election 2007-9
Mary Lu MacDonald (independent researcher, Halifax) 2004-2006; 2007.
Janice Cavell (independent researcher, Ottawa) standing for election 2007-2009
Council Members/Conseillers:
Yannick Portebois (University of Toronto) 2004-2006; 2007-2009.
Yuri Cowan (Doctoral candidate, University of Toronto) 2006-2008.
Fanie St-Laurent (étudiante au doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke) 2006-2008.
Isabelle Léhuu (Université de Québec à Montréal) 2006-2008.