Friday 26 February 2016 OIV in the news Language Media Country
Friday 26 February 2016 OIV in the news Language Media Country
News Friday 26 February 2016 OIV in the news Language Media Country FR Gilbert Gaillard FR Les pays viticoles dans le monde Webeconomia IT Classeeditori IT CZ Investire nel vino, bene rifugio più dell’oro Vino: export cresce del 23%, in 2015 Italia torna in 1* posizione Naši vinaři si z Moldávie přivezli 9 medailí CS Article Other articles EN ES FR Decanter UK French wine regions to watch: Who’s on the rise? The Atlantic US How Millennials (Almost) Killed the Wine Cork Wine Folly US Loire Valley Wine Guide WineFolly US How The Glass Bottle is Wrecking Your Wine Food Navigator US Change needed to ensure EU has safe food in 2050 The drinks business UK Yunnan wine ‘has a real sense of place’ Lo mejor del vino rioja ES A ritmo de barrica Vinetur ES Vitisphere FR Terre de Vins FR Coordination Rurale FR WineNews IT Canale Energia IT El origen del vino en Australia « L’INRA ne mettra sur le marché que des cépages durablement résistants » La Géorgie, premier Vignoble Invité de la Cité du Vin Flavescence dorée de la vigne, organisation des prospections en 2016 I vini della california contengono arsenico in quantità significativamente superiore ai limiti previsti per l’acqua potabile, eppure, per la salute dei consumatori, non c’è alcun pericolo Impronta di carbonio, una chance in più per l’industria italiana Erarbeitung von Lösungsansätze von Zielkonflikten bei Pacht – und Bewirtschaftungsverträgen in der deutschen Weinwirtschaft IT DE EDP Sciences You subscribed the OIV daily News. To unsubscribe click here Daniela Costa Chargée de presse et communication Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin 18 rue d'Aguesseau 75008 Paris, France Tél: +33 1 44 94 80 92 Fax: +33 1 42 66 90 63 [email protected] ||