Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat Marquis de Condorcet - No


Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat Marquis de Condorcet - No
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Biography of Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat
Hébert Marquis de Condorcet
Name and Name Modifications:
His real name was Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, he took the title
of the Marquis from the city of Condorcet in Dauphiné
Dates of Birth and Death:
(∗) 17 September 1743 in Ribemont, Picardie, France
(†) 29 March 1794 in Bourg-la-Reine, nearby Paris, France
Family Data:
Condorcet’s father originated from a family from Dauphiné and was in the
military, he died soon after the birth of his son, so that Marie-Jean grew up
with his mother’s family in the Picardie.
On 23 December 1787, Condorcet married Marie Louise Sophie de Grouchy
(1764-1822), the niece of the president of the Parliament in Bordeaux.
Condorcet received his education at the College of the Jesuits in Reims and
at the Collège de Navarre in Paris, where he dedicated his life to Pure Mathematics. Then he studied at the Collège Mazarin in Paris.
Condorcet’s first articles were praised and reproached by Fontaine and Jean
le Rond D’Alembert (1717-1783), because his writing style was often very
Professional Career:
After the publication of his paper on the integral calculus Essai sur le calcul
intégral of 1765, versatile Condorcet was admitted to the Académie des Sciences in 1769. During his times there he published several important articles,
one about the integral calculus of 1772.
In 1772, Condorcet met the French Economist Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727-1781), who became Controller General of Finance in 1774 under
Louis XVI, appointed Condorcet Inspector General of the Mint. During this
time Condorcet published several articles about commerce. 1774 appeared
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Condorcet’s anonymous article “Lettres d’un théologien” against the ecclesiastical doctrine, and Concorcet often dealt with the liberty of religion. In
1776 Turgot was suspended and Condorcet wanted to resign, but his resignation was refused and he had his office till 1791. In 1777 Condorcet was
appointed as Secretary of the Académie des Sciences. Voltaire (1694-1778)
and D’Alembert advised him to write obituaries instead of mathematical articles to improve his chances to get the job. It was a good advice, but took
much of his time.
Condorcet, at first follower of a constitutional Monarchy, joined the liberals
after the French Revolution and became the representative in the legislative
assembly of Paris and a secretary there. He made successful plans for the
French schooling system. In 1792 Condorcet became one of the leaders of
the republicans and joined the moderate Girondists and fought against the
death penalty for Louis XVI. When the Jakobines came to power Condorcet
argued against the new constitution and should be imprisoned. He hide and
wrote Esquisse d’un tableau historique des progrès de l’esprit human (1795).
In March 1794 he fled from his hiding-place in Paris, but was captured and
imprisoned. Two days later he was found dead in his prison in Bourg-Egalité
(Bourg-la-Reine). It is unknown if he committed suicide or died of a stroke.
During his lifetime Condorcet was much admired, but till the middle of the
20th century he was considered as an average mathematician. Then his work
was rediscovered and he was considered as mathematician-philosopher. His
mathematical opus was rediscovered only in 1980.
Condorcet published important writings about probability and Philosophy of
Mathematics. He became famous for the “Condorcet Paradoxon”. He used
Mathematics for humanistic and social problems. Before Laplace, Condorcet
found the principle of likelihood, tracing back from the result to the origin
within the bounds of probability.
From the last great encyclopedists, as D’Alembert, Turgot, and Voltaire
(1694-1778) Condorcet was the only one to live during the French Revolution. He wrote several papers on philosophical, religious, political and social
questions, projected a concept for education, fought for women’s rights and
against slavery, but had little influence in France. His political ideas quite
probably influenced the American presidents Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
and James Madison (1751-1836), whereas his philosophical ideas influenced
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831).
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Important Publications:
• Œuvres, 10 vols. (Paris 1847-1849), Facsimile (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
• Charles Henry (ed.), Correspondance inédite de Condorcet et de Turgot:
1770-1779 (Paris 1883; repr. Genève 1970).
• Elisabeth Badinter (ed.), Correspondance inédite de Condorcet et Mme
Suard, M. Suard et Garat (1771-1791) (Paris 1988).
• B. Bru, P. Crépel (eds.), Condorcet. Arithmétique politique. Textes
rares ou inédits (1767-1789) (Paris 1994).
• Éloges des Académiciens de l’Académie Royale des Sciences morts depuis
1666, jusqu’en 1699 (Paris 1773; Paris 1968).
• Essai sur l’application de l’analyse à la probabilité des décisions (Paris
1785), repr. (Chelsea, New York 1972) (became important for the
development of probability theory).
• Des conventions nationales (Paris 1791; Paris 1991).
• “Tableau général de la science qui a pour objet l’application du calcul
aux sciences politiques et morales”, Journal d’instruction sociale (Juin,
Juillet 1793) pp. 105-128; 166-184), repr. in: Condorcet, Elémens du
calcul... (Paris 1805).
• Esquisse d’un tableau historique des progrès de l’esprit human (Paris
1795, Paris 1998, 2001), Nachdr. (Hildesheim 1981), German: Entwurf einer historischen Darstellung der Fortschritte des menschlichen
Geistes (Frankfurt 1976).
• Elémens du caldul des probabilités, et son application aux jeux de hasard,
a la loterie, et aux jugemens des hommes. Avec un discours sur les
avantages des mathematiques sociales et une notice sur M. de Condorcet (Paris 1805; 1986).
• Bericht und Entwurf einer Verordnung über die allgemeine Organisation des öffentlichen Unterrichtswesens (Weinheim 1966).
• Condorcet: Almanach anti-superstitieux et autres textes (Saint-Étienne
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• Mémoires er discours sur les monnaies et les finances 1790-1792 (Paris
• Condorcet: foundations of social choise and political theory (Aldershot
1994; Cheltenham 2007).
• Cinq mémoires sur l’instruction publique (Paris 1996).
• Réflexions sur l’esclavage de nègres: et autres textes abolitionnistes
(Paris 2003).
• Condorcet also wrote biographies of Jacques Turgot: Vie de Monsieur
Turgot (Paris 1786), and of Voltaire Vie de Voltaire (Kehl 1789, Paris
Scientific Honors:
A lunar crater has his name. In Paris there is the Cité Condorcet and the
Rue Condorcet (9. Arrondissement).
In 1782 he was elected into the Académie Française gewählt.
References and Literature:
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Author(s) of this contribution:
Claudia von Collani
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