D. Thibault-Botha Name


D. Thibault-Botha Name
D. Thibault-Botha
Name :
Address :
Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Biogéochimique
Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée
Campus de Luminy, case 901
Marseille 13288, FRANCE
Tel : 33-4-91-82-93-96
Fax : 33-4-91-82-65-48
Email : [email protected]
Web page : http://www.com.univ-mrs.fr/~botha
Date of Birth: April 29, 1967
Place of Birth: Guérande, France
Nationality: France
Ph.D. Centre Oceanology Marseilles, University of Aix-Marseilles II, France 1994
MSc Centre Oceanology Marseilles, University of Aix-Marseilles II, France 1990
B.A. Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France 1988
Professional experiences:
June 2005- now Associate Professor
Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Biogéochimique
Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Marseilles, France
March 2004- June 2005: Assistant Professor
Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Biogéochimique
Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Marseilles, France
March 2003 – now: Affiliate faculty, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA
August, 2001- March 2004: Assistant Researcher, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA
June 1999-August 2001: Post-Doctoral Investigator, Zoology Department
University of the Western Cape, South Africa
June-October 1998: Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Oregon State University, Oregon, USA.
August 1995- March 1998: Post-Doctoral Fellow
INRS-Oceanology, CANADA
June 1994- March 1995: Post-Doctoral Research assistant
Oregon State University and Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada.
Research Cruises
Since 2004 N.O. Armandia, Time series Program “SOMLIT” in the Bay of Marseilles
2002 July-August RV Wecoma, GLOBEC – North East Pacific
D. Thibault-Botha
2002 May-June RV Wecoma, GLOBEC – North East Pacific
2000 February-March SA Agulhas, Pre-recruit program, Benguela upwelling, West coast
of South Africa
1999 May-June CCGS Hudson Program Northern Oceans Dimethylsulphide (DMS)
Emissions Model program (NODEM II) in the North Atlantic Ocean
1998 June-October NGCC Des Groseilliers, Program SHEBA-JOIS, ice camp in the
Arctic Ocean
1996-1997 December-January N.O. L’Atalante, Program ALMOFRONT II (JGOFSFrance), in the region of the Almeria Oran geostrophic front, Mediterranean Sea
1996 May and August CCGS John P. Tully, Program JGOFS-Canada North-East
Pacific Ocean
1995 August September CCGS John P. Tully, Program JGOFS-Canada North-East
Pacific Ocean
1994 July-August UCGC Polar Sea, Program AOS’94 (Arctic Ocean Section) in the
Arctic Ocean
1992 September-october CCGS Hudson, Program JGOFS – Canada in the North
Atlantique Ocean
1991 Mai-June N.O. L’Atalante, Program ALMOFRONT I (JGOFS-France) in the
region of the Almeria Oran geostrophic front, Mediterranean Sea
1991-1993 N.O. Armandia and N.O. Antedon, bi-monthly and monthly sampling in the
Bay of Marseilles and in the Rhone River plume.
Teaching experiences
2006 August-September lecturer during the Arctic Expedition for K-12 Teachers
Summer School aboard the i/b Kapitan Dranitsyn.
2004-now University of the Mediterranean Sea, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles, France
Bachelor in Marine Sciences:
Geochemistry (55h)
Introduction to Biogeochemistry (20h)
History of Marine Sciences (52.5h)
Scientific English (10h)
Master in Oceanography:
Structure of pelagic ecosystems (54h)
Organization of marine pelagic ecosystems and biogeochemical modeling (25h)
Microorganisms and biogeochemical cycles (14h)
Role of living organisms in the perturbation and rehabilitation of coastal
ecosystems (25h)
2003-2004 University of the Mediterranean Sea, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles, France
Bachelor in Biology of marine organisms
Biology and physiology of marine organisms- Zooplankton (10h)
D. Thibault-Botha
Master in Sciences of the Environment
Eco-physiology of Phytoplankton (10h)
1999 Cape Technicon, Cape Town, South Africa.
Undergraduate Marine Biology II: Biology and physiology of marine organisms
1991 University of Aix-Marseilles II, Centre Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles, France.
Master in Biological Oceanography.
Initiation to Oceanography
Students Supervision
a) Undergraduate students :
2006 Delphine Barraco (B.Sc in Sciences of the Environment and the Sea, Centre
Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France). Study of the zooplankton
of the Bay of Marseilles (SOMLIT-Time series); analysis of zooplankton
using an OPC
Sebastien Sollberger (B.Sc in Sciences of the Environment and the Sea, Centre
Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France). Study of the zooplankton
of the Berre Lagoon; Impact of freshwater input.
Mathieu Petit (B.Sc in Sciences of the Environment and the Sea, Centre
Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France). Impact of UV and temperature
increases on the structure of a lagoon ecosystem (UVTEMP). Mini-Thesis
2005 Remi Favier (B.Sc in Sciences of the Environment and the Sea, Centre
Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France). Study of the zooplankton
of the Bay of Marseilles (SOMLIT-Time series). Set-up of automatic
zooplankton recognition system and application to BIOSOPE . Mini-thesis
1999 S. Josias, L. Fanayo, L. Kasibe (University of the Western Cape, South Africa)
and S. Peeha (University of Harare, South Africa). Laboratory studies on
metabolic rates of common West Coast jellyfishes. Co-supervisor E.
b) Graduate students
1)- PhD. Students
2006- now
Antoine Nowaczyk (PhD in Oceanography, Centre Oceanology
Marseilles, Marseilles France). Zooplankton (copepods and ctenophores)
functional response. Application to the Mediterranean Sea and the Arctic
2)- M.Sc. Students
D. Thibault-Botha
2006 Antoine Nowaczyk (M Sc. in Oceanography, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles France). Study of the population dynamic of zooplankton during
KEOPS from OPC measurements and taxonomic description. Impact of
natural Iron Enrichment on the ecosystem functioning. Co-Supervisor: F.
Carlotti. Master thesis, 37pp.
Bruno Lopez (M Sc. in Oceanography, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles France). Size structure of the arctic zooplankton community
from OPC measurements and taxonomic description. Vertical distribution
through a transect across the Arctic Ocean. Master thesis, 42pp.
2006 Anne-Laure Clément (M Sc. in Oceanography, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles France). Trophic ecology of jellyfish (Catostylus
mosaicus and Phyllorhiza punctata) using stable isotopes technique.
Supervisor (Kylie Pitt Griffith University, Australia). Master thesis, 35pp.
2005 Frédéric Contino (M Sc. in Oceanography, Centre Oceanology Marseilles,
Marseilles, France), Dynamic of marine zooplankton based on the analysis
of size spectrum obtained by OPC. Master Thesis, 40pp. Supervisor: F.
2)- Summer Internship
2006 Ivia Closset (M Sc., Centre Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles, France),
Distribution along a transect and with depth of small copepods species
(Oithona sp. and Oncea sp.) in the Arctic Ocean in summer.
2005 Anne-Laure Clément (M Sc, Centre Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France),
Taxonomical study of the gelatinous zooplankton population during
Antoine Nowaczyk (M Sc, Centre Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France),
Study of the population dynamic of zooplankton during KEOPS from OPC
Elodie Maison (M Sc, Centre Oceanology Marseilles, Marseilles France), Turtle
behavior (diving, feeding) and humane leisure activities in the Aegean Sea.
Publications – Presentation -Conference
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
1. Gaudy, R. and D. Thibault-Botha, in press. Metabolism of Centropages species in
the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography
2. Pradal M.A., Millet and D. Thibault-Botha, in press. Hétérogénéité spatiale du
forçage du vent : fonctionnement des récifs artificiels et circulation des eaux dans la
baie sud de Marseille. Comptes rendus de l’académie des Sciences, Paris
3. Thibault-Botha D. and M.J. Gibbons, submitted. Biology of Abylidae (Cnidarians,
Siphonophores) in the Agulhas current (South East Coast of South Africa). African
D. Thibault-Botha
Journal of Marine Science
4. Riandey V, G. Champalbert, F. Carlotti, I. Taupier-Letage and D. Thibault-Botha,
2005. Mesoscale variability of the zooplankton distribution related to the
hydrodynamic features in the Algerian Basin (western Mediterranean Sea). Deep-Sea
Research I, 52:2029-2048
5. Thibault-Botha D., J. R. E. Lutjeharms and M. J. Gibbons. 2004. Siphonophore
assemblages along the East Coast of South Africa. Mesoscale distribution and
seasonal variations. Journal of Plankton Research, 26(9), 1115-1128
6. Thibault-Botha D. and M. J. Gibbons. 2004. Epipelagic siphonophores off the East
Coast of South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 27(1): 129-139
7. Thibault-Botha D. and T. Bowen. 2003. Impact of formalin preservation on
Pleurobrachia bachei (Ctenophora). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology, 303:11-17
8. Gibbons, M.J., E. Buecher and D. Thibault-Botha, 2003. Observations on the
ecology of Pleurobrachia pileus (Ctenophora) in the southern Benguela ecosystem.
African Journal of Marine Science, 25, 253-261
9. Gibbons, M.J. and D. Thibault-Botha, 2002. Zoogeography and diversity of
epipelagic siphonophores around southern Africa. Journal of Marine Biological
Association, U.K., 82 (5): 801-810
10. Thibault D., S. Roy, C.S. Wong and J.K. Bishop, 1999. The downward flux of
biogenic material in the NE Subarctic Pacific: Importance of algal sinking and
mesozooplankton herbivory. Deep-Sea Research II, 46, (11-12): 2669-2697
11. Boyd P.W., N.D. Sherry, J.A. Berges, J.K. Bishop, S.E. Calvert, M.A. Charette, S.J.
Giovanni, R. Goldblatt, P.J. Harrison, S.B. Moran, S. Roy, M. Soon, S. Strom, D.
Thibault, K.L. Vergin, F.A. Whitney and C.S. Wong, 1999. Transformation of
biogenic particulates from the pelagic to the deep ocean realm. Deep-Sea Research II,
46, (11-12): 2761-2791
12. Thibault D., E.J.H. Head and P.A. Wheeler, 1999. Mesozooplankton in the Arctic
Ocean in summer. Deep-Sea Research, 46: 1391-1415
13. Pelletier E., B. Mostajir, S. Roy, M. Gosselin, Y. Gratton, J-P. Chanut, C. Belzile, S.
Demers et D. Thibault. 1999. Crue éclaire de juillet 1996 dans la région du Saguenay
(Québec) 1. Impacts sur la colonne d’eau de la baie des Ha! Ha! Et du fjord du
Saguenay. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(11): 2120-2135
14. Wheeler P., M. Gosselin, E. Sherr, D. Thibault, R.H. Benner and T.E. Whitledge,
1996. Active cycling of organic carbon in the central Arctic Ocean?: New
measurements of biomass, primary production and dissolved organic carbon. Nature,
380: 697-699
15. Thibault D., 1996. Mesozooplankton community structure in the Arctic Ocean in
summer. In The 1994 Arctic Ocean Section. The first major scientific crossing of the
Arctic Ocean. Walter Tucker and David Cate (eds), US Army Cold Regions Research
and Engineering Laboratory (Publisher), 37-39
16. Thibault D., R. Gaudy and J. Le Fèvre, 1994. Zooplankton biomass, feeding and
metabolism in a geostrophic frontal area (Almeria-Oran, Western Mediterranean).
Significance to pelagic food webs. Journal of Marine Systems, 5: 297-311
D. Thibault-Botha
17. Seguin G., R Gaudy, A. Errhiff and D. Thibault, 1993. Observations sur l'abondance,
la composition taxonomique et les affinités écologiques des copépodes pélagiques
récoltés dans la région du front Alméria-Oran. Marine Life, 3 (1-2): 19-29
18. Pagano M., R. Gaudy, D. Thibault. and F. Lochet, 1993. Vertical migrations and
feeding rhythms of mesozooplanktonic organisms in the Rhone River plume area
(North-West Mediterranean Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 37 (3) : 251269
Articles in preparation
19. Clément A-L., Pitt K., Thibault-Botha D. and Connoly R., Contribution of nocturnal
migratory zooplankton to the diet of the jellyfish, Catostylus mosaicus in an
Australian coastal lagoon, gut contents and isotopic techniques. Marine Biology
20. Carlotti F., Thibault-Botha D., and Nowaczyk A., Mesozooplankton size structure
and biomass above the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean) during KEOPS. DeepSea Research II
21. Thibault-Botha D., Closset I. and Lopes B., Large versus small, copepods
contribution to the arctic pelagic ecosystem in summer. Marine Ecology Progress
22. Riandey V., Carlotti F., Thibault-Botha D. Zooplankton size structure and biomass
distribution in the tropical Atlantic (Gulf of Guinea).
23. Thibault-Botha D. Vertical distribution of gelatinous zooplankton across the Arctic
Ocean along a transect from Alaska to Iceland. Marine Biology
24. Thibault-Botha D. and T. Bowen. Importance of the gelatinous zooplankton
(ctenophores, siphonophores) in the North East Pacific Ocean in summer. Potential
impact on the pelagic food web. Journal of Plankton ResearchI
25. Thibault-Botha D. and M.E. Huntley. Feeding rates of main copepods in the North
East Pacific Ocean in spring and summer 2000 and 2002. Deep-Sea Research
Published Conference Proceedings
26. Carlotti F., Thibault-Botha D., Lefèvre D., Nowaczyk A., Clément A.-L., Vincent D,
2006. Mesozooplankton size structure and biomass above the Kerguelen Plateau
(Southern Ocean) during KEOPS: first results on two contrasted areas. Ocean Science
Meeting, 20-24 February 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
27. Pradal M-A., B. Millet et Thibault-Botha D., 2005. Hydrodynamics modeling
applied to reaching optimal functioning of the largest French articial reef site.
Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference New Orleans, Louisiana
July 17 to 21
28. Thibault-Botha D., T. Bowen and M.E. Huntley, 2003. Importance of gelatinous
zooplankton in the NEP Ocean in August 2002. 3rd International Zooplankton
Production Symposium, May 20-23, 2003, Gijon, Spain
29. Thibault-Botha D. and M.E Huntley, 2002. Mesoscale zooplankton productivity in
the NEP region in May and August 2000. Ocean Science Meeting, 11-15 February
2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
30. Thibault-Botha, D. and Gibbons M.J., 2001. Siphonophore assemblages along the
D. Thibault-Botha
east coast of South Africa: mesoscale distribution and potential impact on the local
production. Zoological Society of Southern Africa Symposium, Port Elizabeth, 9-12
July 2001
31. Thibault D., Parker F. and Gibbons M.J., 1999. The distribution, abundance and
diversity of siphonophores along the East Coast of South Africa. SAMMS, 23-26
November 1999, Wilderness, South Africa
32. Charette M.A., Moran S B, Bishop J K B, Thibault D and Roy S, 1997. 234Th as a
Tracer of Particulate Organic Carbon Export in the Subarctic NE Pacific Ocean
during the Canadian JGOFS Program (Phase II). ASLO, 10-14 February 1998, San
Diego, California, USA
33. Thibault D., S. Roy, J. Bishop and C.S. Wong, 1997. Pigment composition of
phytoplankton and its fate in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean (CJGOFS) using 3
different sampling techniques. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 10-14 February 1997, Santa
Fé, New Mexico, USA
34. Wheeler P., M. Gosselin, E. Sherr, D. Thibault, R.H. Benner and T.E. Whitledge,
1996. Biological production in the Central Arctic Ocean: An overview of results from
the 1994 Arctic Ocean Section. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, 10-14 February
1996. EOS, 17(3), pp. OS59
35. Thibault D., 1996. Distribution of Mesozooplankton in the Arctic Basin during the
AOS'94 Expedition (24 July-3 September 1994). Ocean Sciences Meeting, San
Diego, 10-14 February 1996. Eos, 17(3), pp. OS59
36. Gaudy R., D. Thibault and J. Le Fèvre, 1992. Nutrition, métabolisme et production
du mésozooplancton (Almofront-1, 2ème leg). In : Processus et bilans dans les fronts
géostrophiques, Atelier FRONTAL, France JGOFs, Rapp 13, frontal, Marseille
Luminy : 46-53
37. Gaudy R., M. Pagano and D. Thibault, 1991. Distribution, feeding and metabolic
activities of zooplankton in the Rhone River front (NW Mediterranean Sea).
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen (Denmark).
Biological Oceanography commission ICES-CM-1991/L:56 3pp
Popular article, Presentations or poster without peer review
38. Thibault-Botha D., 2006. Les vertes années du pôle Nord. L’express,
39. Thibault-Botha D., 2005. Caractéristiques et rôles du zooplancton gélatineux.
Alcazar, Septembre en mer, Marseille, France
40. Thibault-Botha D., T. Bowen and M.E. Huntley, 2002. And what about the
gelatinous zooplankton? A preliminary look at what was going on in August 2002.
Poster, NEP-GLOBEC meeting, Corvallis, 19-21 November 2002
41. Thibault-Botha D., T. Bowen and M.E. Huntley. Zooplankton grazing pressure in
the NEP Ocean, NEP-GLOBEC meeting, Corvallis, 19-21 November 2002
42. Thibault-Botha D., 2002. What you always wanted to know on gelatinous
zooplankton. Brown Bag Seminar, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, April 1 2002
43. Thibault-Botha D. and M.E. Huntley, 2001. Mesoscale zooplankton productivity,
GLOBEC meeting, Seattle, 13-16 November 2001
D. Thibault-Botha
44. Thibault D., 2001. The most efficient predators on Earth. Earthyear, 2: 52-54
45. Thibault D., 2001. Siphonophores assemblages along the East Coast of South Africa.
SANCOR (South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic research), University of
the Western Cape, Bellville, South-Africa
46. Thibault D. and M.J. Gibbons, 2000. Agulhas Current impact on the siphonophore
population. Annual Research Day, Zoology Department, University of the Western
Cape, South Africa
47. Thibault D., 2000. North American research in the Arctic Ocean at the turn of the
century. New findings and perspectives. SANCOR (South African Network for
Coastal and Oceanic research), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
48. Thibault D., 2000. Zooplancton gélatineux: Biologie, écologie et impacts sur
l'écosystème. ISMER, Rimouski, Québec, Canada
49. Buecher E, D. Thibault, L. Kasibe, S. Josias, L. Fanayo, S. Peeha and M. Gibbons,
1999. Feeding rates of common pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores from along the
west coast of South Africa. SAMMS, 23-26 November 1999, Wilderness, South
50. Thibault D. and S. Roy, 1997. La pompe biologique dans le nord-est de l'Océan
Pacifique: sédimentation algale et broutage du zooplancton. Poster. Forum québécois
des sciences de la mer, 19-20 Novembre, Rimouski, Québec, Canada
51. Thibault D., 1997. Les pigments comme traceurs dans le Pacifique Nord-Est .
Conférence de l'Institut Maurice Lamontagne, 9 Octobre 1997, Mont-Joli, Québec,
52. Thibault D., 1997. Le programme JGOFS. Implications au niveau du Pacifique
Nord-Est. Conférence de l'UQAR (Université du Québec à Rimouski), 8 Octobre
1997, Rimouski, Québec, Canada
53. Thibault D. and S. Roy, 1997. Pigment tracers in the NE Pacific. Oral presentation,
CJGOFS workshop, 6-8 September 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada
54. Gosselin M., S. Roy, J.-P. Chanut, S. Demers, J. Fauchot, L. Zudaire, C. Belzile and
D. Thibault, 1997. Impacts des inondations de juillet 1996 sur les caractéristiques
physiques, chimiques et biologiques de la colonne d'eau dans la baie des Ha! Ha!.
Mini-colloque sur le fjord du Saguenay post-déluge, Centre océanographique de
Rimouski, Québec, 14 février
55. Thibault D. and S. Roy, 1997. Fate of pigment in the water column and estimation of
grazing by the mesozooplankton in the North Eastern Pacific Ocean. Oral
Presentation, CJGOFS meeting, 4-8 February 1997, Victoria, BC, Canada
56. Thibault D., 1995. L'Océan Arctique: Un peu d'eau, beaucoup de glace et du
zooplancton Conférence de l'UQAR (Université du Québec à Rimouski), Québec,
57. Thibault D., 1995. By boat to the North Pole. Fish Talk, Dalhousie University, Nova
Scotia, Canada
Thibault D., 1994. Nutrition et métabolisme du mésozooplancton dans des zones
frontales méditerranéennes (front Alméria-Oran, panache du Rhône). Thèse de
D. Thibault-Botha
doctorat (Ph.D.), Université d'Aix Marseille II, Centre d'Océanologie de
Marseille, 251pp
Thibault D., 1990. Etude des structures océaniques de surface dans l’Atlantique tropical
Est observables par imagerie satellitaire. Le cas de l’upwelling équatorial.
Rapport de D.E.A, Université d'Aix Marseille II, Centre d'Océanologie de
Marseille, 40pp
Participation to workshop
2005 - Impact of climate changes on the zooplankton of the Mediterranean Sea,
Villefranche sur mer, France, Octobre
- GLOBEC/SPACC Workshop Image analysis, San Sebastian, Spain, November
Research Projects
Thibault-Botha. Project development grant, Sea Grant Hawaii, $9 999.
Preliminary study of the population of Carybdea alata in Hawaiian
H. Claustre. BIogeochemistry & Optics SOuth Pacific Experiment
S. Blain. KErguelen :compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in
Surface water (KEOPS).
2004-2006 : F. Vidussi. Changements globaux et répercussions sur les réseaux
trophiques pélagiques marins côtiers UVTEMPS
T. Moutin: Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultra
oligotrophic Mediterranean sea (BOUM)
C. Pinazo (ANR: 4 474 333 €): Oligotrophic to Eutrophic status of
temperate and tropical coastal ecosysteMs: PHYsical versus
BIogeochemical forcing (EMPHYBI)
Thibault-Botha (Partnership with EDF: 97745 €) Time-series of
zooplankton in the Berre Lagoon
Thibault-Botha (Partnership with the city of Marseilles: 31657 €)
Phytoplankton and zooplankton seasonal variation in the Arctic Ocean
from the frozen vessel Tara
1999 Post-doctoral Fellowship from NRF (National Research Fundation) South Africa)
1995 Post-doctoral fellowship from INRS-Oceanology (National Institute of Scientific
D. Thibault-Botha
Research), Quebec, CANADA
1990 Ph.D. Scholarship from the Research and Technology Department, FRANCE
1989 Master fellowship from IRD (Institute in Research and development), SENEGAL
1989 Master scholarship from University Aix-Marseille II, FRANCE
Technical Knowledge
Zooplankton: - sampling techniques (simple net i.e. WP2, Bongo, closing opening,
Multiple nets i.e. Mocness, BIONESS),
- Stock and taxonomic composition assessment: dry weight, CN contents,
lipids, dissecting microscope recognition, OPC (Optical Plankton Counter), PVA
(Plankton Visual Analyzer), ZOOSCAN
- Processes analysis: gut fluorescence, grazing on phytoplankton (HPLC),
microzooplankton, respiration, excretion and egg production rates, feces production,
isotopic fractioning, based on different functional groups (small, medium, large size
copepods, gelatinous zooplankton)
Phytoplankton : - Sampling techniques (NISKIN, slurp gun, plankton net), biomass
(fluorimeter, HPLC), primary production (O2 production, 14C, 15N).
Handling of CTD, fluorimeter, spectrophotometer, HPLC, gas chromatography, flux
Statistical analysis and modeling:
Analyzis of data with parametric and non-parametric statistics
Measures of association
Cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling
Multivariate techniques (MANOVA, PCA, Mean Similarity, and ANOSIM).
Time-series analysis
Ecological/ecosystem modeling software suite Ecopath with Ecosym
Individual based Model
Membership: AGU
Reviewer: Deep-Sea Research, Journal of Plankton Research, Marine Ecology Progress
Series, Progress in Oceanography, NSF proposals, NOAA proposals, Brazilian Journal of