THE YUKON GAZETTE Printed by Authority of the Queen's Printer PARTS I AND II LA GAZETTE DU YUKON Imprimée sous l'autorité de l'Imprimeur de la Reine PARTIES I ET II Volume 24 Whitehorse, October 15, 2005 Number 10 Volume 24 Whitehorse, le 15 octobre 2005 Numéro 10 The Yukon Gazette PART I La Gazette du Yukon PARTIE I CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT / CERTIFICATS DE MODIFICATION A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following extraterritorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Quest Mortgage Corp. Corporate Access Number: 31406 Previous Name: Viceroy Minerals Corporation Previous Access Number: 26442 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date Registered in Yukon: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following extraterritorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Liberty Tax Service Inc. Corporate Access Number: 27237 Previous Name: Liberty Tax Services Inc. Previous Access Number: 27237 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring c/o 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Name Change: December 2, 1998 Date Registered in Yukon: May 7, 1999 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following extraterritorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Whirlpool Canada Co. Corporate Access Number: 31383 Previous Name: Whirlpool Canada Inc. Previous Access Number: 29315 Attorney for Service: R. Grant Macdonald Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Name Change: October 12, 2004 Date Registered in Yukon: September 2, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following extraterritorial corporation: Name of Corporation: 2937531 Canada Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31396 Previous Name: CIBC Equipment Finance Limited / Financement D'Equipment CIBC Limitee Previous Access Number: 23734 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Name Change: July 28, 2005 Date Registered in Yukon: September 13, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following corporation: Name of Corporation: TEAL Exploration & Mining Incorporated Corporate Access Number: 31403 Registered Office: Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Previous Name: TEAL Exploration And Mining Inc. Previous Access Number: 31225 Date of Name Change: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following extraterritorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Blackmont Capital Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31407 Previous Name: First Associates Investments Inc. /Investissements Premiers Associes Inc. Previous Access Number: 30968 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Name Change: September 16, 2005 Date Registered in Yukon: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 1 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Trendwest Resorts Canada, Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31412 Registered Office: Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300-204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Previous Name: 31674 Yukon Inc. Previous Access Number: 28090 Date of Name Change: September 21, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Amendment has been issued under the Business Corporations Act to change the name of the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Tadepalli Professional Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31424 Registered Office: Austring, Fendrick, Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Previous Name: Tadepalli & Gudapati Professional Corporation Previous Access Number: 30406 Date of Name Change: September 30, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 2 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CERTIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE / CERTIFICATS DE CHANGEMENT DE RÉGIME A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Richard B. Fast Professional Corporation Corporate Access Number: 24917 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: July 15, 2004 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Fossil Bay Resources Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 29583 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Continuing to Jurisdiction: Alberta Date of Discontinuance: December 30, 2004 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: St. Joe Minerals Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 30874 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: May 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Rome Resources Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 29013 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: August 25, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 3 A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Goldencross Investments Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 28489 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300-204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Continuing to Jurisdiction: Ontario Date of Discontinuance: September 7, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Mundoro Mining Inc. Corporate Access Number: 25593 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Lariat Energy Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 30847 Registered Office in Home C/O Lackowicz Shier & Jurisdiction: Hoffman 200 - 304 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: September 23, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Discontinuance has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Canadian Art Prints Inc. Corporate Access Number: 26454 Registered Office in Home Jurisdiction: Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Continuing to Jurisdiction: British Columbia Date of Discontinuance: September 28, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION / CERTIFICATS DE DISSOLUTION A Certificate of Dissolution has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Engine Machine Services Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 25080 Registered Office: #202, 97B Lewes Boulevard Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3J4 Date of Dissolution: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Dissolution has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 32180 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 28322 Registered Office: Davis & Company 200 - 304 Jarvis Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2H2 Date of Dissolution: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Dissolution has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Kennard Exploration Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 28762 Registered Office: Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Dissolution: September 15, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Dissolution has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Winberg Investments Inc. Corporate Access Number: 24040 Registered Office: Pitzel & Company 101-2131 Second Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 1C3 Date of Dissolution: September 19, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Dissolution has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Geraldine J. Hutchings Professional Corporation Corporate Access Number: 23924 Registered Office: Geraldine J. Hutchings 202-407 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2N2 Date of Dissolution: September 29, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 4 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION / CERTIFICATS DE CONSTITUTION A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 38769 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31381 Registered Office: 38A Tay Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4M6 Date of Certificate: September 1, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Alcan Railink Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31390 Registered Office: Suite 210 212 Main Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2A9 Date of Certificate: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 38780 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31397 Registered Office: 38 Dieppe Drive Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3A9 Date of Certificate: September 14, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 38802 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31400 Registered Office: Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Certificate: September 15, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Great River Journey Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31401 Registered Office: 7221 - 7th Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 1R8 Date of Certificate: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Muktuk Adventures Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 31405 Registered Office: Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Certificate: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Societies Act for the following society: Name of Society: Junior World Weightlifting Championships Host Society Corporate Access Number: 10652 Registered Office: 4061 - 4th Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 1H1 Mailing Address: Sport Yukon Building 4061 4th Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 1H1 Date of Certificate: September 19, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Societies A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 14888 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31411 Registered Office: 110 Industrial Road Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2T9 Date of Certificate: September 21, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Lakefront Capital Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 31414 Registered Office: Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Certificate: September 22, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 38835 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31417 Registered Office: Mile 996 Alaska Highway Haines Junction , YT Y0B 1L0 Date of Certificate: September 23, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 5 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 38516 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31418 Registered Office: 135 Dalton Trail Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3G1 Date of Certificate: September 27, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Societies Act for the following society: Name of Society: Carmacks Library Association Corporate Access Number: 10653 Registered Office: Carmacks Public Library Lot 12 Tantalus Crescent Carmacks , YT Y0B 1C0 Mailing Address: Box 131 Carmacks , YT Y0B 1C0 Date of Certificate: September 27, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Societies A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Gudapati Professional Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31423 Registered Office: Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Certificate: September 30, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Incorporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Najakhel Arts Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31425 Registered Office: 27 Southwick Street Burwash Landing , YT Y0B 1V0 Date of Certificate: September 30, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 6 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION / CERTIFICATS D'ENREGISTREMENT A Certificate of Registration of an amalgamated extra-territorial corporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act Name of Amalgamating Corporations: Trimac Corporation Trimac Transportation Services Inc. Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Trimac Transportation Services Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31391 Jurisdiction: Alberta Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Amalgamation: February 25, 2005 Date of Certificate: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration of an amalgamated extra-territorial corporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act Name of Amalgamating Corporations: 1663979 Ontario Inc. CIT Financial Ltd. / Services Financiers CIT Ltee Name of Amalgamated Corporation: CIT Financial Ltd. / Services Financiers CIT Ltee Corporate Access Number: 31394 Jurisdiction: Ontario Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Amalgamation: July 5, 2005 Date of Certificate: September 13, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration of an amalgamated extra-territorial corporation has been issued under the Business Corporations Act Name of Amalgamating Hewlett-Packard Canada Corporations: Investments Co., Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. / Hewlett-Parkard (Canada) Cie Name of Amalgamated Corporation: Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. / Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Cie Corporate Access Number: 31404 Jurisdiction: Nova Scotia Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Date of Amalgamation: August 24, 2005 Date of Certificate: September 19, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Molson Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31380 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, Q.C. C/O Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: August 31, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Aim Mutual Fund Dealer Inc. / Courtier En Fonds Mutuels Aim Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31382 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 1, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 7 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Questrade, Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31384 Attorney for Service: Rodney A. Snow C/O Davis & Company 304 Jarvis Street Suite 200 Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2H2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 6, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations La Gazette du Yukon A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Walker Credit Canada Limited Corporate Access Number: 31388 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 8, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Hatch Acres Incorporated / Hatch Acres Incorporée Corporate Access Number: 31385 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 7, 2005 A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: NCE Diversified Management (05-2) Corp. Corporate Access Number: 31389 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: CB Richard Ellis Holdings Limited Corporate Access Number: 31386 Attorney for Service: Paul W. Lackowicz C/O Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 7, 2005 A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Trans Global Warranty Corp. Corporate Access Number: 31392 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 9, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Norfolk Financial Group Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31387 Attorney for Service: Paul W. Lackowicz C/O Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 7, 2005 A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Canada Dominion Resources 2005 II Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31393 Attorney for Service: Paul W. Lackowicz C/O Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 13, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 8 The Yukon Gazette A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Open Access Limited Corporate Access Number: 31395 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 13, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: CMC Metals Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 31398 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 14, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: IPC Investment Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31399 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 15, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: McNeill Risk Management Services Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31402 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 16, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Educational Testing Service Canada Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31408 Attorney for Service: R. Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 19, 2005 La Gazette du Yukon A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: 3095603 Nova Scotia Company Corporate Access Number: 31409 Attorney for Service: Paul W. Lackowicz C/O Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 20, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: 3095602 Nova Scotia Company Corporate Access Number: 31410 Attorney for Service: Paul W. Lackowicz C/O Lackowicz Shier & Hoffman 300 - 204 Black Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2M9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 20, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: 6218997 Canada Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31413 Attorney for Service: Rod Snow C/O Davis & Company 200 - 304 Jarvis Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2H2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 21, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Toronto Star Newspapers Limited Corporate Access Number: 31415 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 22, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 9 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Richardson Partners Financial Limited / Finances Richardson Partenaires Limitee Corporate Access Number: 31416 Attorney for Service: Owen D. Pawson C/O Miller Thomson LLP 202 - 208 Main Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 2A9 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 23, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations La Gazette du Yukon A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Colliers International Mortgage Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31422 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 29, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Dowland Contracting Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 31419 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Alternate Attorney: Keith D. Parkkari Date of Certificate: September 27, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: J.M. Mullin Enterprises Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 31420 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 28, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Registration has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following extra-territorial corporation: Name of Corporation: Cantest Solutions Inc. Corporate Access Number: 31421 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald, QC C/O Campion Macdonald 200 - 204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Alternate Attorney: Date of Certificate: September 28, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 10 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CERTIFICATES OF REVIVAL / CERTIFICATS DE RECONSTITUTION A Certificate of Revival has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: Consolidated AGX Resources Corp. Corporate Access Number: 27555 Registered Office: 36 Boswell Crescent Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4T3 Date of Certificate: June 22, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations A Certificate of Revival has been issued under the Business Corporations Act for the following corporation: Name of Corporation: 16307 Yukon Inc. Corporate Access Number: 26242 Registered Office: 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Date of Certificate: September 26, 2005 M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 11 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon WITHDRAWALS / RADIATIONS The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: United Furniture Warehouse (2004) Corporation Corporate Access Number: 30579 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: August 18, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 9, 2005 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring, Fendrick, Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:Canada M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Global Futures Corporation Corporate Access Number: 31112 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: August 18, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 9, 2005 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:British Columbia M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Creative Memories Canada Company Corporate Access Number: 27196 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: December 3, 2004 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 16, 2005 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200 -204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:Nova Scotia The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Quest Mortgage Corp. Corporate Access Number: 31406 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: September 16, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 16, 2005 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald C/O Campion Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:British Columbia M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Menlo Worldwide Forwarding, Inc. Corporate Access Number: 30149 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 20, 2005 Attorney for Service: Grant Macdonald 200-204 Lambert Street Whitehorse , YT Y1A 3T2 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:Delaware M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Shiraldo Holdings Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 24425 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: September 20, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 21, 2005 Attorney for Service: Shirley C. Klein Box 1289 2 Gold Run Road Dawson City , YT Y0B 1G0 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:British Columbia M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations Part I, October 15, 2005 12 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Bennett & Emmott (1986) Ltd. Corporate Access Number: 27610 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: September 14, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 26, 2005 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring C/O Austring Fendrick Fairman & Parkkari 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:Alberta M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations The following extra-territorial corporation has indicated its intention to cease carrying on business in the Yukon and has requested withdrawal from the Corporate Register: Name of Corporation: Hartco Corporation / Corporation Hartco Corporate Access Number: 28662 Date of Ceasing to Carry on Business: August 28, 2005 Date Cessation Filed in Yukon: September 27, 2005 Attorney for Service: Lorne N. Austring 3081 Third Avenue Whitehorse , YT Y1A 4Z7 Jurisdiction of Incorporation:Canada M. Richard Roberts, Registrar of Corporations 13 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon CHANGE OF NAME NOTICES / AVIS DE CHANGEMENT DE NOMS Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Brady Michael MacCannell GREEN Previous Name: Brady Michael MacCANNELL Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 30 day of August, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Darren Michael Joseph JOHNNY Previous Name: Darren Michael Joseph EPHROM Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 8 day of September, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Lacey Crystal Lynn JOHNNY Previous Name: Lacey Crystal Lynn EPHROM Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 8 day of September, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Ari Paige SHERIDAN Previous Name: Ari Paige WESTBERG Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 15 day of September, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Devon James Westberg SHERIDAN Previous Name: Devon James WESTBERG Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 15 day of September, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Brady Joseph FORD Previous Name: Brady Joseph FORDTREMBLAY Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 19 day of September, 2005 Pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Change of Name Act the following change of legal name had been registered with the Registrar of Vital Statistics: New Name: Amy D Jasper HANNONBEATTIE Previous Name: Amy D Jasper HANNON Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon, this 26 day of September, 2005 Part I, October 15, 2005 14 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon NOTICES / AVIS MEDICAL PROFESSION ACT Pursuant to Section 14(3) of the Medical Profession Act of the Yukon Territory, please be advised that the following are registered in the Yukon Medical Registers as of April 1, 2005. 2005 Medical Professional Corporations Corp. Name Allon Reddoch Professional Corporation B.A. Beaton Professional Corporation Dr. David B. Skinner Professional Corporation Parhelion Medical Services Inc. P.J. Anderson Professional Corporation R.K. Zimmerman Professional Corporation R.N. Koltun Professional Corporation S.E. MacDonald Professional Corporation J.W.G. Parsons M.D. Professional Corporation R. Bamford Professional Corporation R.E. Bousquet Professional Corporation Jenco Services Ltd. B.L.S. Todd Professional Corporation Ikeji Professional Corporation Crawford De La Mare Professional Corporation Sharon R. Lazeo Professional Corporation Graham S. Henderson Professional Corporation Wayne M. MacNicol Professional Corporation David L. Storey Professional Corporation Ross Phillips Professional Corporation Brad Avery Professional Corporation Susan H. Alton Professional Corporation Laurie Itcush Professional Corporation Tadepalli & Gudapapti Professional Corporation Andrew Kaegi Professional Corporation Dr. Mike Saba Professional Corporation City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Watson Lake Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Dawson City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Faro Province Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon YT Incorp. Date 800025 830023 810022 800026 840027 970031 840027 970031 880022 890007 930025 790031 930021 930021 940018 940016 940015 940012 960030 980030 980017 000007 030031 030029 040030 040001 Director Allon Reddoch B. A. Beaton David Skinner Said Secerbegovic P.J. Anderson R. K. Zimmerman Ronald Koltun Sally MacDonald J.W.G. Parsons R. Bamford R. Bousquet Lis Densmore Bruce Todd Ngozi Ikeji Drs. Crawford/de la Mare Sharon Lazeo Graham S. Henderson Wayne M. MacNicol D. L. Storey Ross Phillips Brad Avery Susan H. Alton Laurie Itcush Rao Tadepalli Andrew Kaegi Dr. Mike Saba Dale Kozmen A/Registrar, Medical Practitioners Medical 2005 Medical Register First Name Mohamed Tullio Susan Peter J. Hani Bradley Majid J. Russell Bruce A. Wendy Robert Cindy Kathryn Stephanie Daniel A. Marjorie C. Suzanne Kathleen A. Eric A. Lis Joanne Maud Samuil Wadie Isabelle Sumathi Brendan E. Graham S. Sherillynne Ngozi Laurie Mohamed S. A. Danusia Ronald N. Bryce Sharon Rose Sara E. Wayne M. Last Name ADROS Albertini Alton Anderson Attalla Avery Bakri Bamford Beaton Boothroyd Bousquet Breitkreutz Brown Buchanan Carew Crawford Crocker Dalinghaus de la Mare Densmore Devenish Fidal Gagnon Gudapati Hanley Henderson Himmelsbach Ikeji Itcush Izzeldin Kanachowski Koltun Larke Lazeo MacDonald MacNicol City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Mayo Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Dawson City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Dawson City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Province Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon AB 1987 BC 1982 Egypt 1979 AB 1994 USSR 1978 Irel 1979 Cali 1973 BC 1982 QU 1969 AB 1984 AUST 1998 BC 2000 SASK 1991 Scot 1970 ON 1989 BC 1987 Scot 1970 AB 1975 S.Afr 1988 Egypt 1980 QU 1997 India 1993 AB 1982 AB 1972 BC 1984 Nigeria 1978 BC 1989 Sudan 1986 ON 1990 SASK 1977 ON 1960 ON 1991 ON 1976 AB 1977 Diaa Michael J.W. Gerard Mansy Mulherin Parsons Whitehorse Marsh Lake Dawson City Yukon Yukon Yukon Egypt 1986 NB 97 NFLD 1982 15 Medical Degree Egypt 1979 FRCPC RCPSC CCFP Specialty 1 Specialty 2 89 08 04 96 06 06 85 07 01 1982 86 07 01 Paediatric 93 06 08 91 06 20 1993 Anaesthesia 99 12 07 96 06 04 86 07 01 92 06 01 80 07 01 93 06 08 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology 97 07 01 84 07 01 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette Ross E. Marc J. Kenneth Allon Sarah Mike Said R. David B. Stephanie A. David L. Lucille Srinivasa Rao Bruce Shadia Katrina Anne F. Robert Robert Phillips Pronovost Quong Reddoch Rizk Saba Secerbegovic Skinner Starks Storey Stuart Tadepalli Todd Wassef White Williams Wintonyk Zimmerman La Gazette du Yukon Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Faro Watson Lake Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Dawson City Whitehorse Whitehorse Whitehorse Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon AB 1994 QU 1994 BC 1987 ON 1973 Egypt 1968 RUS 2000 Irel 1975 ON 1972 SASK 1981 ON 1972 NS 1989 India 1992 QU 1976 Egypt, 1979 AB 1998 ON 1984 96 96 91 88 1987 06 10 06 07 28 24 20 01 84 07 01 General Surgery 01 11 01 86 07 01 ON 1976 Dale Kozmen A/Registrar, Medical Practitioners Medical 2005 Limited Register First Name Thomas M. Oluwafemi Geoffrey George C. Andre R. Michael Last Name Ackerman Agbayewa Ainsworth Andrew Anzarut Bendall City Edmonton Burnaby Vancouver Edmonton Vancouver Whitehorse Province AB BC BC AB BC Yukon Medical Degree MB 1987 Nigeria 19 UK 1970 Scot 1969 France '63 Africa 1971 FRCPC 1992 1981 Iain Patricia Teodor Robert Stanley Patrick Anthony Sherri-Anne William Herbert Joseph Cheryl Birchall Blakley Bojanowski Bousquet Chan Chiasson Chilton Chisholm Cleland Cohen Connors Conrod Edmonton Saskatoon Burnaby Whitehorse Edmonton Tucson Courtenay Vancouver Kamloops Calgary Vancouver Sydney AB SK BC Yukon Alberta Arizona BC BC BC AB BC NS UK 1979 Sask 1993 ON 1981 QU 1969 ON 1998 QU 1987 SAfrica 1981 AB 1981 SASK 1982 QU 1968 US 1973 Dalhousie 1987 Kathleen A. Enid Allison Diane James Jose. L. Dalinghaus Edwards Fast Ferguson Goncalves Whitehorse Vancouver Vancouver Port Alberni Penticton Yukon BC BC BC BC BC 1987 Sask 1981 ON 1982 ON 1976 BC 1992 1993 1988 1987 Barbara John Gabriel Martin Felicia Andrew Grant A. Richard L. Wayne M. Grueger Hay Hirsch Hosking Huang Kaegi Larsen Loomer MacNicol Whitehorse Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Pembroke Whitehorse Comox New Westminster Whitehorse Yukon BC BC BC ON Yukon BC BC Yukon ON 1998 Eng 1974 Germany 83 AB 1980 Ottawa/95 NZ 1966 Sask US 1965 AB 1977 2002 1987 1989 William A. Kevin Clarence George R. C. Nevin Michael L. Eric Graham C. Murray Bertrand Alexander Angus Graham William Hilary Barbara Robin Richard David L. Charles Robert Jose McLeod McLeod Moisey Murray O'Reilly Paetkau Pate Penner Perey Poole Rae Reid Ritchie Robinson Romanowski Routledge Sherlock Storey Tai Warshawski Zanbilowicz Vancouver Vancouver Smithers Vancouver Comox Sechelt New Westminster Vancouver Port Moody Nelson Vancouver Vancouver Edmonton Ottawa Edmonton Duncan Edmonton Whitehorse Vancouver Edmonton Comox BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC AB ON AB BC AB Yukon BC AB BC AB 1958 BC 2001 AB 1973 SASK 1973 SASK 1983 SASK. 1957 NS 1982 Calgary 1992 ON 1986 AB 1995 UK 1955 Scot 1973 MB 1974 Eng 1985 AB 1973 AB 1976 AB 1980 ON 1972 Alberta 95 AB 1975 QU 1970 1977 1970 1980 1988 1982 2003 1991 1974 1982 1993 1995 2002 1977 1991 1968 1981 1990 1985 1981 1974 RCPSC 1993 1994 1997 1996 1991 1987 1993 1987 1981 1998 2002 1985/90 1974 2002 1975 1981 1966 2005 1981 1971 1988 1998 1996 2000 1980 1978 1980 1987 1999 CCFP Specialty 1 Specialty 2 Diagnostic Radiology Psychiatry Psychiatry Diagnostic Radiology Pediatric Neurology Obstetrics & Gynecology Diagnostic Radiology Pediatrics Otolaryngology Paediatric ophthalmology General Surgery Diagnostic Radiology Internal Medicine Otolaryngology Psychiatry Internal Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Anaesthesia General Pathology Psychiatry General Surgery Obstetrics & Gynaecology Pediatrics Radiation Oncology Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Pediatrics Pediatric Cardiology General Surgery Internal Medicine Haematology Diagnostic Radiology Orthopedic Surgery Obstetrics & Gynecology Dermatology Internal Medicine Paediatrics Internal medicine Diagnostic Radiology General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopedics General Surgery Internal Medicine Rheumatology Internal Medicine Diagnostic Radiology Community Medicine Internal Medicine Psychiatry Diagnostic Radiology General Surgery Internal Medicine Neurology Diagnostic Radiology Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Radiology Dale Kozmen A/Registrar, Medical Practitioners Part I, October 15, 2005 16 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon Medical 2005 Temporary Register First Name Ghanim Ali Harith Amal A. Amany Elham Marion G. Hany Y. Edward Rohan Daniel J. Patricia Ian C. Anreas Enass Maged Richard B. Adam Ehab Amira Husein Emad James Emad Amal William David Roderick D. James Mary Ellen Paul Ashraf Last Name Abdelsalam Al-Hellawi Al-Ward Asham-Youssef Attalla Attia Baechler Beshay Bishop Bissoondath Case DeMaio Elder Enyvari Faheim Fahim Fast Gavsie Girgis Gouda Hamandi Hanna Heilman Iskander Yakoub Iskandir Kalmanovitch Kason Leighton Lindsay McColl Michal Mikhail Seana Minnett Homayoun Modarresifar Tanis G.W. Morris Richard N. Nuttall BRIAN PAGE Tracey Parnell Michal Princ Amel Sadek Gail Saiger Haithem Salem H Sarsam Elisabeth Sawyer Helga SchaferMacdonald Alicia Schreader Catherine Scrimshaw Tarun Shaha Nagi Sobhi Shams Nancy Shenouda Vivian Skovsbo Brian P. Spencer James E. Stempien John Stonehocker Graham Sutcliffe Ma Khin Thida Kevin Walsh Bryn Watson Zeph Wiesenthal Sian E. Wong Samy Younan City Toronto St. John's Yellowknife Mississauga Cambridge Dartmouth Mindemoya Mississauga Prince George Calgary Kingston Pond Inlet Ashfield, NSW Port Moody Mississauga Edmonton Atlin Montreal Ponoka Leduc Oakville Hanna Whitehorse Cambridge Brampton SW Calgary Delta Smithers Nanaimo Saanichton Fernie Barringotn Passage Edmonton Birmingham Whitehorse Victoria Victoria Cranbrook Devon Thorold Port Alberni Burlington Nelson North Vancouver Province ON NL NWT ON ON NS ON ON BC AB NB Nunavut Australia BC ON AB BC Quebec AB AB ON AB Yukon Ontario ON AB BC BC BC BC BC NS Medical Degree Sudan 1981 Egypt 1988 Iraq 1990 Egypt 1996 Cairo 1985 Egypt 1994 ON 1991 Egypt 1986 Africa 1988 W/Indies 1997 Boston 1984 ON 1989 AUST 1968 BC 1994 Egypt 1985 Egypt 1990 BC 1966 QC 1996 Egypt 1990 Egypt 1985 Iraq 1986 Egypt 1976 Sask 03 Egypt 1985 Egypt 1987 AB 1977 BC 1971 BC 1984 BC 1985 ON 1968 ON 1993 Egypt 1983 AB Alabama USA Yukon BC BC BC AB ON BC ON BC BC ON 1998 Iran 1991 BC 2003 Eng 19'74 Alberta 76 ON 1994 Czech 1975 Eygpt ON 1976 Iraq 1982 ON 2002 Germany 80 Deep River Pincher Creek Inuvik Brampton Edmonton Calgary Victoria Victoria Stony Plain Port Alberni Fort Smith NW Calgary NW Calgary Gimil Toronto Whitehorse ON AB NT ON Alberta AB BC BC Alberta BC NT AB Alberta Manitoba ON Yukon ON 1989 AB 1987 Bangladesh 1994 Cairo 1975 Egypt 1989 AB 1997 AB 1975 ON 1984 AB 1980 Wales 1974 Dhaka 1994 AB 1994 AB 1999 Manitoba 1984 ON 2000 Egypt, 1965 FRCPC RCPSC CCFP Specialty 1 Specialty 2 03 10 01 03 12 01 01 11 27 05 06 15 02 11 29 00 06 01 05 06 15 81 04 24 90 07 01 04 06 16 99 12 01 00 12 01 99 06 09 83 06 01 02 06 01 Dale Kozmen A/Registrar, Medical Practitioners Medical 2005 Special Register First Name Last Name City A. Liabi Al Shahabi Laftah Watson Lake Emil T. Bekhit Whitehorse Nada Bodruzic Watson Lake Armando Heredia Whitehorse Danielle Sergeeva Watson Lake Ayman Emil Tadros Whitehorse Dr. Inas Attia Atti Wahba Whitehorse Samia Wadie Wasfy Whitehorse Province Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Yukon Medical Degree FRCPC Baghdad, 1969 Egypt, 1974 Sarajevo/78 MEXICO/92 Ukraine 1983 Egypt 98 Egypt/1986 Alexandria Unv. RCPSC CCFP Specialty 1 Specialty 2 General Practioner Psychiatry Dale Kozmen A/Registrar, Medical Practitioners 17 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette APPOINTMENTS La Gazette du Yukon NOMINATIONS REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/147 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/147 6 septembre 2005 FOREST PROTECTION ACT LOI SUR LA PROTECTION DES FORÊTS Pursuant to section 3 of the Forest Protection Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 3 de la Loi sur la protection des forêts, décrète : 1. The appointment of Ken Fleet as a forest officer is revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. 1. La nomination de Ken Fleet à titre d’agent forestier est révoquée. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/148 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/148 6 septembre 2005 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ACT LOI SUR L’IMMATRICULATION DES INFIRMIÈRES ET INFIRMIERS AUXILIAIRES Pursuant to section 2 of the Licensed Practical Nurses Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. Patricia Howatt is appointed as a member of the Licensed Practical Nurses Advisory Committee for a three-year term. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 2 de la Loi sur l’immatriculation des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires, décrète : 1. Patricia Howatt est nommée membre du Comité consultatif des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires immatriculés pour un mandat de trois ans. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/149 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/149 6 septembre 2005 MARRIAGE ACT LOI SUR LE MARIAGE Pursuant to subsection 5(1)of the Marriage Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément au paragraphe 5(1) de la Loi sur le mariage, décrète : 1. The appointments of Mary Anne Steyn and Daniel Steyn as marriage commissioners are revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. Part I, October 15, 2005 1. Les nominations de Mary Anne Steyn et de Daniel Steyn à titre de commissaires aux mariages sont révoquées. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 18 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/150 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/150 6 septembre 2005 STUDENTS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ACT LOI SUR L’AIDE FINANCIÈRE DESTINÉE AUX ÉTUDIANTS Pursuant to section 4 of the Students Financial Assistance Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. Leisel Briggs is appointed as the chair of the Students Financial Assistance Committee for a term ending October 23, 2006. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 4 de la Loi sur l’aide financière destinée aux étudiants, décrète : 1. Leisel Briggs est nommée présidente du Comité d’aide financière aux étudiants pour un mandat se terminant le 23 octobre 2006. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/151 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/151 6 septembre 2005 STUDENTS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ACT LOI SUR L’AIDE FINANCIÈRE DESTINÉE AUX ÉTUDIANTS Pursuant to section 4 of the Students Financial Assistance Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. The appointment of Liesel Briggs as a member of the Student Financial Assistance Committee is revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 4 de la Loi sur l’aide financière destinée aux étudiants, décrète : 1. La nomination de Liesel Briggs à titre de membre du Comité d’aide financière aux étudiants est révoquée. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/152 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/152 6 septembre 2005 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT LOI SUR LES ACCIDENTS DU TRAVAIL Pursuant to paragraph 106(2)(b) of the Workers’ Compensation Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’alinéa 106(2)b) de la Loi sur les accidents du travail, décrète : 1. Barbara Evans is appointed as a member of the Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board representing workers for a three-year term effective September 19, 2005. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. 19 Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 1. Barbara Evans est nommée membre de la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité au travail à titre de représentante des employés pour un mandat de trois ans à compter du 19 septembre 2005. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/153 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/153 6 septembre 2005 CRIME PREVENTION AND VICTIM SERVICES TRUSTACT LOI SUR LE FONDS POUR LA PRÉVENTION DU CRIME ET LES SERVICES AUX VICTIMES Pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(a) and subsection 5(4) of the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’alinéa 5(1)a) et au paragraphe 5(4) de la Loi sur la prévention du crime et les services aux victimes, décrète : 1. Noreen McGowan is appointed as a member and designated to be the chair of the Crime Prevention and Victim Services Board of Trustees for a three-year term. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005. 1. Noreen McGowan est nommée membre du conseil d’administration du Fonds pour la prévention du crime et les services aux victimes pour un mandat de trois ans et elle en assume la présidence. Fait à le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi été publié dans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005 REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/161 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/161 19 septembre 2005 CARE CONSENT ACT LOI SUR LE CONSENTEMENT AUX SOINS Pursuant to section 53 of the Care Consent Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 53 de la Loi sur le consentement aux soins, décrète : 1. The appointments of the following persons as members and alternate members of the Mental Health Review Board are revoked Anne Marie Phillips Eileen Bird Dr. Ngozi Ikeji Dr. Ken Quong Dr. Bruce Beaton. 1. Les nominations des personnes suivantes à titre de membres ou de membres substituts du Conseil de révision en matière de santé mentale sont révoquées : Anne Marie Phillips Eileen Bird Dr. Ngozi Ikeji Dr. Ken Quong Dr. Bruce Beaton. 2. The appointment of Leslie McRae as a member and vice-chair of the Mental Health Review Board is revoked. 2. La nomination de Leslie McRae à titre de membre et de vice-présidente du Conseil de révision en matière de santé mentale est révoquée. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/162 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/162 19 septembre 2005 CHILD CARE ACT LOI SUR LA GARDE DES ENFANTS Pursuant to section 4 of the Child Care Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 4 de la Loi sur la garde des enfants, décrète : 1. The appointment of Inge Sumanik as a member and chair of the Yukon Child Care Board is revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Part I, October 15, 2005 1. La nomination d’Inge Sumanik à titre de membre de la Régie des services de garde d’enfants du Yukon est révoquée. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. 20 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/163 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/163 19 septembre 2005 ENVIRONMENT ACT LOI SUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT Pursuant to subsection 40(2) of the Environment Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément au paragraphe 40(2) de la Loi sur l’environnement, décrète : 1. Patt Delaney is appointed as a member of the Yukon Council on the Economy and the Environment for a three-year term. 1. Patt Delaney est nommée membre du Conseil de l’économie et de l’environnement du Yukon pour un mandat de trois ans. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/164 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/164 19 septembre 2005 HOSPITAL ACT LOI SUR LES HÔPITAUX Pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(b) of the Hospital Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’alinéa 5(1)b) de la Loi sur les hôpitaux, décrète : 1. Wes Wirth is appointed as a member of the Yukon Hospital Corporation board of trustees for a three-year term. 1. Wes Wirth est nommé membre du conseil d’administration de la Régie des hôpitaux du Yukon pour un mandat de trois ans. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/165 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/165 19 septembre 2005 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ACT LOI SUR L’IMMATRICULATION DES INFIRMIÈRES ET INFIRMIERS AUXILIAIRES Pursuant to section 2 of the Licensed Practical Nurses Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. Irene Brekke is appointed as a member of the Licensed Practical Nurses Advisory Committee for a three-year term. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 2 de la Loi sur l’immatriculation des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires, décrète : 1. Irene Brekke est nommée membre du Comité consultatif des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires immatriculés pour un mandat de trois ans. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/166 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/166 19 septembre 2005 MARRIAGE ACT LOI SUR LE MARIAGE Pursuant to subsection 5(1) of the Marriage Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément au paragraphe 5(1) de la Loi sur le mariage, décrète : 1. Linda Steinbach is appointed as marriage commissioner. 1. Linda Steinbach est nommée commissaire aux mariages. 2. David MacKinnon is appointed as a marriage commissioner for a one-day term effective September 29, 2005. 2. David MacKinnon est nommé commissaire aux mariages pour la journée du 29 septembre 2005. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. 21 Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. Partie I, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/167 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/167 19 septembre 2005 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT LOI SURLASANTÉETLASÉCURITÉPUBLIQUES Pursuant to subsection 4(4) of the Public Health and Safety Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément au paragraphe 4(4) de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité publiques, décrète : 1. The appointment of Robert Hanley as a health officer is revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Part I, October 15, 2005 1. La nomination de Robert Hanley à titre d’agent de la santé est révoquée. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. 22 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon PART II PARTIE II REGULATIONS RÈGLEMENTS REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/154 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/154 6 septembre 2005 ELECTIONS ACT LOI SUR LES ÉLECTIONS Pursuant to section 422 of the Elections Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 422 de la Loi sur les élections, décrète : 1. Order-in-Council 2000/76 is amended by revoking Forms 63 and 64 and replacing them with the attached Forms 63 and 64. 1. Le Décret 2000/76 est modifié par abrogation des formulaires 63 et 64 et leur remplacement par les formulaires 63 et 64. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/155 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/155 6 septembre 2005 FIRSTNATIONS (YUKON) SELF-GOVERNMENT ACT LOI SURL’AUTONOMIE GOUVERNEMENTALE DES PREMIÈRES NATIONS DU YUKON Pursuant to section 3 of the First Nations (Yukon) SelfGovernment Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 3 de la Loi sur l’autonomie gouvernementale des Premières nations du Yukon, décrète : 1. The amendments of the Self-Government Agreements for the Selkirk First Nation, Little Salmon/ Carmacks First Nation, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Teslin Tlingit Council, and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council set out in Schedule A attached hereto are hereby approved. 1. Sont approuvées les modifications apportées aux ententes sur l’autonomie gouvernementale de la Première nation de Selkirk, de la Première nation de Little Salmon/Carmacks, des Premières nations de Champagne et de Aishihik, des Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, du Conseil des Tlingits de Teslin et du Conseil des Ta’an Kwäch’än, paraissant en annexe. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. 23 Partie II, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/156 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/156 6 septembre 2005 TERRITORIAL COURT ACT LOI SUR LA COUR TERRITORIALE Whereas a Judicial Compensation Commission has made certain recommendations under Part 3 of the Territorial Court Act regarding remuneration of judges; Attendu que des recommandations concernant la rémunération des juges ont été faites par une commission établie à cette fin, conformément à la partie 3 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale; Pursuant to sections 17 and 28 of the Territorial Court Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. The annexed Judges Remuneration Implementation Order is hereby made. 2. Orders-in-Council 2003/12 and 2003/13 are hereby revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément aux articles 17 et 28 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale, décrète : 1. Est établi le Décret concernant la mise en œuvre des recommandations sur la rémunération des juges paraissant en annexe. 2. Les décrets 2003/12 et 2003/13 sont abrogés. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/157 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/157 6 septembre 2005 TERRITORIAL COURT ACT LOI SUR LA COUR TERRITORIALE Whereas a Judicial Compensation Commission has made certain recommendations under Part 3 of the Territorial Court Act regarding remuneration of the salaried presiding justice of the peace; Attendu que des recommandations concernant la rémunération du juge de paix salarié exerçant les fonctions de président ont été faites par une commission établie à cette fin, conformément à la partie 3 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale; Pursuant to sections 17, 28 and 58 of the Territorial Court Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. The annexed Salaried Presiding Justice of the Peace Remuneration Implementation Order is hereby made. 2. Ministerial Order 2003/03 is hereby revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Part II, October 15, 2005 Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément aux articles 17, 28 et 58 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale, décrète : 1. Est établi le Décret concernant la mise en œuvre les recommandations sur la rémunération du juge de paix exerçant des fonctions de président paraissant en annexe. 2. L’arrêté ministériel 2003/03 est abrogé. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. 24 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/158 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/158 6 septembre 2005 TERRITORIAL COURT ACT LOI SUR LA COUR TERRITORIALE Whereas a Judicial Compensation Commission has made certain recommendations under Part 3 of the Territorial Court Act regarding remuneration of justices of the peace; Attendu que des recommandations concernant la rémunération des juges de paix ont été faites par une commission établie à cette fin, conformément à la partie 3 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale; Pursuant to sections 14, 17 and 28 of the Territorial Court Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. The annexed Justices of the Peace Remuneration Implementation Order is hereby made. 2. Ministerial Order 1990/001 is hereby revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément aux articles 14, 17 et 28 de la Loi sur la Cour territoriale, décrète : 1. Est établi le Décret concernant la mise en œuvre des recommandations sur la rémunération des juges de paix paraissant en annexe. 2. L’arrêté ministériel 1990/001 est abrogé. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/159 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/159 6 septembre 2005 TERRITORIAL LANDS (YUKON) ACT LOI DU YUKON SUR LES TERRES TERRITORIALES Pursuant to section 11 of the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows 1. Any portions of land within Lot 1007, Quad 105C/14, Plans 88345 CLSR and 2003-0218 LTO, which are within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of the Ordinary High Water Mark of Quiet Lake in Yukon are to be included in the grant of Lot 1007, Quad 105C/14, Plans 88345 CLSR and 2003-0218 LTO. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 11 de la Loi du Yukon sur les terres territoriales, décrète : 1. Toute partie de terrain située à l’intérieur du lot 1007, quadrilatère 105C/14, plans 88345 AATC et 2003-0218 BTBF, se trouvant en deçà de 30,48 mètres (100 pieds) de la laisse de crue ordinaire des eaux du lac Quiet, au Yukon, doit être incluse dans la concession du lot 1007, quadrilatère 105C/14, plans 88345 AATC et 2003-0218 BTBF. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. 25 Partie II, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/160 7 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/160 7 septembre 2005 AREA DEVELOPMENT ACT LOI SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT RÉGIONAL Pursuant to section 3 of the Area Development Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 3 de la Loi sur l’aménagement régional, décrète : 1. The annexed Ibex Valley Development Area Regulation is hereby made. 1. Est établi le Règlement sur la région d’aménagement d’Ibex Valley paraissant en annexe. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 7 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 7 septembre 2005. This notice was published in the Yukon News on September 21, 2005 Cet avis a aussi ete publie cans le Yukon News du 21 septembre 2005. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/168 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/168 19 septembre 2005 HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICES ACT LOI SUR L'ASSURANCE-HOSPITALISATION Pursuant to section 9 of the Hospital Insurance Services Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows: Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 9 de la Loi sur l'assurance-hospitalisation, décrète : 1. The Standard Ward Rate Regulation, 2003 is revoked and the annexed Standard Ward Rate Regulation, 2004 is hereby made. 1. Le Règlement sur le taux normalisé pour un traitement en clinique (2003) est abrogé et le Règlement sur le taux normalisé pour un traitement en clinique (2004) est établi. 2. The rates established by the annexed Standard Ward Rate Regulation, 2004 shall be deemed to have come into force on July 1, 2004. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Part II, October 15, 2005 2. Les frais établis par le Règlement sur le taux normalisé pour un traitement en clinique (2004) s'appliquent exclusivement aux services dispensés à partir du 1er juillet 2004. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. 26 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/169 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/169 19 septembre 2005 HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICES ACT LOI SUR L'ASSURANCE-HOSPITALISATION Pursuant to section 9 of the Hospital Insurance Services Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 9 De la Loi sur l’assurance-hospitalisation, décrète : 1. The annexed Charges for Out-Patient Procedures Regulation is hereby established. 1. Est établi le Règlement sur la facturation des soins dispensés en consultation externe paraissant en annexe. 2. The rates established by the annexed Charges for OutPatient Procedures Regulation may be paid only for services performed after March 31, 2004. 3. This order shall be deemed to have come into force on April 1, 2004. 4. Order-in-Council 1998/86 is revoked. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. 2. Les frais établis dans le Règlement sur la facturation des soins dispensés en consultation externe paraissant en annexe sont remboursables à l’égard des services dispensés après le 31 mars 2004 seulement. 3. Le présent décret est réputé être entré en vigueur le 1er avril 2004. 4. Le décret 1998/86 est révoqué. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/170 19 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/170 19 septembre 2005 SECURITIES ACT LOI SUR LES VALEURS MOBILIÈRES Pursuant to section 45 of the Securities Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 45 de la Loi sur les valeurs mobilières, décrète : 1. The attached Principal Regulator System Regulation is hereby made. 1. Est établi le Règlement sur le Régime de l’autorité principale paraissant en annexe. 2. This order comes into force on September 19, 2005. 2. Le présent décret entre en vigueur le 19 septembre 2005. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 19 day of September, 2005. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. 27 Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 19 septembre 2005. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Partie II, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon REGISTRATION O.I.C. 2005/171 20 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT DÉCRET 2005/171 20 septembre 2005 WILDLIFE ACT LOI SUR LA FAUNE Pursuant to section 192 of the Wildlife Act, the Commissioner in Executive Council orders as follows Le commissaire en conseil exécutif, conformément à l’article 192 de la Loi sur la faune, décrète : 1. The attached Regulation to Amend the Wildlife Regulations is hereby made. 1. Est établi le Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la faune paraissant en annexe. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 20 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, au Yukon, ce 20 septembre 2005. Copies of these above mentioned materials are available for a nominal fee from the Inquiry Centre, Yukon Government Administration Building, Whitehorse, Yukon. Or in writing from Queen's Printer Subscriptions, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Des copies des documents mentionnés ci-dessus sont disponibles, moyennant des frais symboliques, au centre de renseignements de l’immeuble administratif du gouvernement du Yukon ou en écrivant au service des abonnements de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, C.P. 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Canada. Part II, October 15, 2005 28 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon WORKERS' ORDONNANCE DE LA COMPENSATION HEALTH COMMISION DE LA SANTÉ AND SAFETY BOARD ET DE LA SÉCURITÉ AU ORDER TRAVAIL REGISTRATION W.C.H.S.B.O. 2005/04 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT O.C.S.S.T. 2005/04 6 septembre 2005 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT LOI SUR LES ACCIDENTS DU TRAVAIL Pursuant to section 117 of the Workers’ Compensation Act, the Board orders as follows Conformément à l’article 117 de la Loi sur les accidents du travail, la Commission ordonne : 1. The members of the Training Policy Committee (established under the Umbrella Final Agreement, chapter 28), are deemed to be workers for the purposes of the Workers’ Compensation Act. 1. Les membres du Comité de la politique de formation (établi conformément au chapitre 28 de l’Accordcadre définitif), sont réputés être des travailleurs pour l’application de la Loi sur les accidents du travail. 2. This Order shall be deemed to be in force July 12, 2005 2. Cette ordonnance est réputée être entrée en vigueur le 12 juillet 2005. Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, dans le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. REGISTRATION W.C.H.S.B.O. 2005/05 6 September, 2005 No D'ENREGISTREMENT O.C.S.S.T. 2005/05 6 septembre 2005 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT LOI SUR LES ACCIDENTS DU TRAVAIL Pursuant to section 40 and subsection 41(4) of the Workers’ Compensation Act, the Board orders as follows Conformément à l’article 40 et au paragraphe 41(4) de la Loi sur les accidents du travail, la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité au travail ordonne : 1. Where a worker’s retirement income and the worker’s annuity payments are less than $16,000 per year, the Board may increase the annuity payments so that the worker’s retirement income, including the increased annuity payments, would equal $16,000 per year. 2. For the purposes of section 1 the worker’s retirement income includes Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplements, Canada Pension Plan benefits, retirement benefits, an employer sponsored pension plan, payments received under a registered retirement savings plan, and any other sources of income. 3. The worker must provide proof of his or her retirement income satisfactory to the Board, either through income tax receipts or source documentation. 4. This Order shall be deemed to be in force August 9, 2005 Dated at Whitehorse, Yukon this 6 day of September, 2005. 1. Si le revenu de retraite du travailleur, y compris les paiements de la rente, est inférieur à 16 000 $ par an, la Commission peut augmenter les paiements de la rente jusqu’à ce que le revenu de retraite, y compris les paiements de la rente, égale 16 000 $ par an. 2. Pour l’application de l’article 1, le revenu de retraite du travailleur comprend les revenus en provenance de toute autre source, notamment la pension de sécurité de la vieillesse, le supplément de revenu garanti, les prestations de retraite et les prestations reçues en vertu du Régime de pension du Canada, d’un régime de pension offert par l’employeur ou d’un régime enregistré d’épargne-retraite. 3. Le travailleur doit présenter à la Commission, au moyen de reçus aux fins de l’impôt ou de pièces justificatives, une preuve suffisante de son revenu de retraite. 4. La présente ordonnance est réputée être entrée en vigueur le 9 août 2005. Fait à Whitehorse, dans le territoire du Yukon, ce 6 septembre 2005. 29 Partie II, 15 octobre 2005 The Yukon Gazette October 15, 2005 La Gazette du Yukon 30 The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon The Yukon Gazette is published on the 15th day of each month. All notices intended for publication must reach the office of the Queen's Printer not later than 12 noon on the second working day of that month. The cost to the public for publishing any notice is $20.00 plus GST, and must be paid in advance. Subscription rates are asl follows: La Gazette du Yukon est publiée le 15 ème jour de chaque mois. Tous les avis destinés a être publiés doivent parvenir au bureau de l'Imprimeur de la Reine avant midi chaque deuxième jour ouvrable du mois. Le coût de publication d'un avis est 20,000$ (TPS en sus) et doit être payé à l'avance. Les prix pour un abonnement sont les suivants: Annual subscription to Parts I and II, excluding index ........................................................ $65.00 L'abonnement annuel aux Parties I et II, excluant l'index ........................................................ 65,00$ Single issues, Parts I and II ........................................... $6.00 Un fascicule, Parties I et II ........................................... 6,00$ Consolidating annual index to the 31st day of July ................................................ $12.00 Index annuael compilé au 31 juillet ............................................................... 12,00$ (Add 7% GST to all rates) (Veuillez ajouter 7% de TPS à tous les prix) In Part I, Corporate certificates and notices are published in the Yukon Gazette in the language in which they are issued. Les certificats et les avis concernant les sociétés diffusés dans la Partie I de la Gazette du Yukon sont publiés dans la lanbue d'oigine de ces textes. ISSN 0715-2213 31 15 octobre 2005