Département LOR Publications 2006


Département LOR Publications 2006
Département LOR – Publications 2006
Département LOR
Publications 2006
Articles scientifiques publiés dans les revues internationales à comité de
lecture (ISI)
CHAOUCHI, H., SMIRNOV, M., "Autonomic communication: Business driven revolution", IEEE Intelligent
system, ", ISSN 1541-1672 ,March-April 2006, pp 57-58 ( ISI - IEEE Xplore).
Articles scientifiques publiés dans les revues nationales à comité de lecture
GARDIE, M., "L'annuaire LDAP"Article publié dans" Techniques de l'ingénieur", Octobre 2006 Vol.SI1
H5-370, pp.1-12.
Livres scientifiques à diffusion internationale
CARLE, G.,SLOMAN, M., PAUL, O., (Editeurs) Proceedings of first IEEE/IST Workshop on Monitoring,
Attack Detection and Mitigation, ISBN 3-937201-02-5, ISSN 1862-7803, September, 2006.
Chapitres de livres scientifiques à diffusion internationale
PAUL, O., "Les pare-feux", Chapitre du livre « Sécurité des systèmes d’information » (Traité IC2 série
Réseaux et télécommmunications) auteurs : Yves Deswartes, Ludovic Me, Edition Hermès Science,
ISBN 2 7462-1259-5, - ISBN-13 9782746212596, Mars 2006, pp.129-185.
LALLET, E., RAFFY, J-L., " ESTELLE" chapitre 11 du livre «Software Specification methods » édité par H
Habrias et M. Frappier. ISBN 1905209347, Avril 2006, pp.197-212.
CHAOUCHI, H., "La mobilité et l'autonomie dans les réseaux", Chapitre 9 du livre « L'autonomie dans
les réseaux » (Traité IC2 série Réseaux et télécommunications), sous la direction de F.Krief, M Salaun.
Edition Hermes Science, ISBN 2 7462-1367-2, Septembre 2006.
Articles publiés dans les actes de colloques scientifiques internationaux à comité
de lecture : (ISI)
JELASSI, O., PAUL, O., "Markers-based Space Decomposition Algorithm : A new algorithm for multifields packet classification."Proceeding of 2006 IEEE Worshop on High Performance Switching and
Routing Poznam, Pologne June 2006, pp. 43-47 (ISI - IEEE Xplore).
Département LOR – Publications 2006
CAVALLI, A., MAAG, S., MALLOULI, W., MARCHE, M., and QUEMENER, M-Y.,"Application of two test
generation tools to an industrial case study", Proceeding of the 18th IFIP International Conference on
Testing Communicating Systems –(TESTCOM 2006), New-York City USA, May 16-18, 2006, LECTURE
Articles publiés dans les actes de colloques scientifiques internationaux à comité
de lecture
Architectures evaluation ", Work in Progress Track, 22nd Annual Computer Security Applications
Conference ACSAC'06, Miami Beach, Florida, December 2006, pp 27-28.
Architectures ", 1st Mexican Conference on Informatics Security 2006 MCIS’2006, International
Conference approved by IEEE Computer Society, Oaxaca, Mexico, November 2006, 7p.
ALI YAHIY,A T., CHAOUCHI, H., KASSLER, A., PUJOLLE, G., " Seamless Interworking of WLAN and
WMAN Wireless Networks" (MSPE'06), 1st international Workshop on Mobile Services and Personalized
Environments. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. November 16-17, 2006, 9p.
MAAG, S.,ZAIDI, F., " A Step-Wise Validation Approach for a Wireless Routing Protocol."First
International Conference on Communication and Electronics HUT-ICCE '2006, Hanoi University of
Technology, Vietnam, 10-11 Octobre 2006.
MAAG, S.,ZAIDI, F., "Testing Methodology for an Ad Hoc Routing Protocol"International workshop on
Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile System, proceeding of the ACM international
workshop on performance monitoring, measurement and evaluation of Heterogeneous wireless ans
wired networks. ISBN: 1-59593-502-9, Octobre 2006, pp 48-55.
ALI YAHIYA, T., CHAOUCHI,,H., PUJOLLE, G., BEYLOT, A-L., : "Threshold Based WiMax Resource
Reservation", IEE Mobility conference, Bankok, October 2006, 4p.
d'authentification EAP-E Hash ", 12ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles CFIP'2006,
Tozeur, Tunisie, Octobre 2006,12p, CD (ACM).
CAVALLI, A., and VIEIRA, D.,"Vérification et analyse de Performance d'un Protocole de Gestion de
Session" Colloque Francophone sur l’Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), Tozeur, Tunisie, Octobre 2006,
JELASSI, O.,PAUL, O., "A two-level packet classification", In proceedings of first IEEE/IST Workshop on
Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation, ISBN 3-937201-02-5, ISSN 1862-7803, Tuebingen,
Germany, September, 2006, pp 69-72.
PAUL, O., "Improving web servers focused DDoS attacks Detection", In proceedings of first IEEE/IST
Workshop on Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation, ISBN 3-937201-02-5, ISSN 1862-7803,
Tuebingen, Germany,September,2006, pp 123-126.
CAVALLI, A.,GRIFFIN, TG., and VIEIRA, D., "MSP: A Novel Session Maintenance Protocol", 14th IEEE
International Conference on Networks (ICON2006), Singapore, September 14-15, 2006. Vol 1, pp. 1-6
Département LOR – Publications 2006
A.F., "Improved EAP keying framework for a secure mobility access service" International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, (IWCMC 2006), published in ACM Digital library,
Conference Vancouver, Canada, July 2006, pp 183-188.
BENAYOUNE, F., LANCIERI, L., AG RHISSA, A., "P2PEACE: a P2P-based simulation Environment for
Autonomic Content Exchange Networks" (ICAS'06), IEEE International Conference on Networking and
Services, Silicon Valley, USA, July 2006, pp. 50-50 (IEEE Xplore).
CAVALLI, A., and VIEIRA, D., "Working Around BGP: An Improvement of BGP Session Maintenance,"
(ICAS'06), IEEE International Conference on Networking and Services, Silicon Valley, USA, July 2006.
6p (INSPEC).
CHEIKHROUHOU, O., MAKNAVICIUS, M., CHAOUCHI, H., "Security architecture in a multi hop mesh
network", 5ème conference sur la Sécurité et Architectures Réseaux (SAR'06), Seignosse, Landes,
France. Juin 2006, pp. 327-339.
GREPET, C., MAAG, S.,"Conformance and Interoperability Testing of an Ad hoc Routing Protocol"
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06), Nara, Japon,
ISSN: 1551-6245 ISBN: 0-7695-2526-1- 10-12 May 2006, pp.127-131 (ACM/Digital library, IEEE
JELASSI, O., PAUL, O., "Besoins des nouvelles technologies en dynamicité dans le classement de
paquets", (JTEA 2006), Tunis 12-14 mai 2006, CD.
ALCALDE, B.,CAVALLI, A., "Test passif de protocoles en temps-réel grâce au parallélisme", (NOTERE
2006), Toulouse, France, juin 06-09, 2006.
JELASSI O., PAUL, O., "Un algorithme optimisé pour le filtrage de paquets", 5ème conference sur la
Sécurité et Architectures Réseaux, 3ème conference on Security of information Systems (SAR/SSI'06),
Seignosse, Landes, France. Juin 2006, pp. 137-147.
GREPET, C.,MAAG, S.,"Conformance and Interoperability Testing of an Ad hoc Routing Protocol"
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06), Nara, Japon,
ISSN: 1551-6245 ISBN: 0-7695-2526-1- 10-12 May 2006, pp 127-131- (ACM/digital library, IEEE
Xplore ).
ORSET, J-M., CAVALLI, A., "A security for OLSR MANET protocol" Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06), Nara, Japon, ISSN: 1551-6245 ISBN: 0-76952526-1- 10-12 May 2006, pp. 122-126 (INSPEC).
WEHBI, B.,MALLOULI, W.,CAVALLI, A., "Light Client Management Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks
"2006 International Workshop on Future Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Technologies (FMUIT'06),
Nara, Japan, Mai 9-12 2006, pp. 123-123 (INSPEC).
ORSET, J-M., and CAVALLI, A., "A Security Model for OLSR Manet Protocol", Workshop on Future Mobile
and Ubiquitous Information Technologies (FMUIT), May 2006, Nara, Japan. CD.
CAVALLI, A., GRIFFIN TG., and VIEIRA, D., "Implementation Analysis of MSP", IEEE ICN 2006,
Networking International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile
Communications and Learning Technologies ( ICN/MCL 2006), Mauritius, 23-29 April 2006.pp. 17-17
Département LOR – Publications 2006
ALCALDE, B., CAVALLI, A., "Parallel Passive Testing of System Protocols - Towards a Real-time
Exhaustive Approach", IEEE ICN 2006, Networking International Conference on Systems and
International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies. (ICN/MCL 2006),
Mauritius 23-29 April 2006, pp. 42-42 (INSPEC- DBLP).
CAVALLI, A., and VIEIRA, D., "An Enhanced Passive Testing Approach for Network Protocols", IEEE
Networking International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile
Communications and Learning Technologies 2006. (ICN/MCL 2006), International Conference ,
Mauritius, 23-29 April 2006, pp. 169-169 (INSPEC- DBLP).
CAVALLI, A., and VIEIRA, D., "A Reliable Approach for Transport Session Management", (IEEE
AICTICIW '06), International Conference on Internet and Web Applications ans Services/Advanced
International Conference on Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, 19-25 February 2006, pp. 63-63 (INSPECDBLP).
considerations within several NEMO deployment scenarios" first WONEMO Workshop, Sendai, Japan,
January 2006,10 p.
Articles publiés dans les actes de colloques scientifiques nationaux à comité de
CHAOUCHI, H., "Wireless and Mobile Internet: Reality or Fantasy", Tutorial, (UBIMOB 2006), Paris
ALI YAHIA, T., CHAOUCHI, H.,.PUJOLLE, G., " On WLAN and WMAN integration ", (JDIR'06).
Contributions à un groupe de travail de normalisation
Bournelle, J.,(ed), Laurent-Maknavicius, M., Tschofenig, H., El Mghazli, Y.,Giaretta, G., Lopez, R., Ohba,
Y., "Use of Context Transfer Protocol (CxTP) for PANA", draft-ietf-pana-cxtp-01,txt, mars 2006.
Bournelle, J., (ed), Giaretta, G., Tschofenig, H.,"Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping using Diameter in the Split
Scenario" draft-ietf-dime-mip6-split-00.txt, June 2006
Co -editeur :
" SNMP usage for PAA-EP interface ", El Mghazli, Y.,Ohba, Y., Bournelle, J.,, draft-ietf-pana snmp-04.txt
" Diameter MIPv6 Bootstrapping for the Integrated Scenario " Korhonen, J., Bournelle, J., Tschofenig H.,
Perkins C., draft-ietf-dime-mip6-integrated-00.txt, June 2006
" Goals for AAA-HA interface " Giaretta, G.,Guardini, I., Demaria, E., Bournelle, J., Marin Lopez, R.,draftietf- mipury (Ed) 6-aaa-ha-goals-02, txt, june 2006
Département LOR – Publications 2006
Thèses de doctorat
ALCALDE, B., : « Advanced Techniques for Passive Testing of Communication Protocols"2006,Thèse de
doctorat en informatique de l’Institut national des télécommuications et de l’université Pierre et Marie
Curie, pp 3-243
VIEIRA, D., "Design, Validation and Implementation of a Novel Session Maintenance Protocol", 2006,
Thèse de doctorat en informatique de l’Institut national des télécommuications et de l’Université d’Evry
Val d’Essonne, pp. 13-189
BAYSE, E., "Méthodologie de test passif par invariants. Application au protocole WAP." 2006 Thèse de
doctorat en informatique de l’Institut national des télécommunications et de l’Université d’Evry Val
d’Essonne, pp 3-211