
Août 2014
Oral Comprehension
video 1 – QCM
Video 1 : Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking during Pride Month (speech dates from 2011):
1. The speech opens with a mention of “fundamental freedoms that all human beings deserve”,
which introduces the speaker’s view that:
a. All human beings should be freedom fighters.
b. LGBT issues are human rights issues.
c. All human beings already fully enjoy fundamental freedoms.
d. All human beings are LGBT at a fundamental level.
2. The speaker is most likely addressing:
a. members of her local City Council
b. members of the LGBT community in the USA
c. members of the LGBT community around the world
d. staff at NASA
3. The speaker talks of the tireless advocacy of generations bending the arc of history. Which of the
following statements best reflects the meaning of this image?
a. Societal change needs to be accelerated.
b. Continued efforts to reduce long-standing discrimination are finally paying off.
c. Many family law firms have been working on the problem.
d. History needs to be rewritten from the perspective of the LGBT community.
4. The speaker offers two examples of progress that is being made both in the USA and around the
world. She states that barriers are being torn down; what is happening to discriminatory laws?
a. They are being espoused.
b. They are being reinstated.
c. They are being appealed.
d. They are being rescinded.
5. The speaker mentions that LGBT people are victims of persecution, attack and even execution. She
raises this point in her speech to illustrate which of the following ideas?
a. Achievements thus far in advancing LGBT rights are insufficient.
b. Not everyone likes LGBT people.
c. Pride Month is not officially recognised in some countries.
d. Ensuring full enjoyment of LGBT rights is an unrealistic dream.
6. Through which channels is the USA working to defend these people’s rights, irrespective of race,
religion and nationality?
a. Embassies and Missions
b. Embassies and Missionaries
c. Embassies and Missives
d. Embassies and Michigan
7. Where, according to the speaker, did US diplomats join in the Baltic Pride march?
a. In Tallinn
b. In Vilnius
c. In Riga
d. In Pristina
8. Where, according to the speaker, was a film about LGBT issues in Caribbean societies recently
b. Massat
c. Nassau
d. Jamaica
9. What is the name of the fund that the speaker established in the month of December prior to her
a. Global Education Fund
b. Global Equity Fund
c. Global LGBT Fund
d. Global Equality Fund
10. Which of the following statements best summarises the speaker’s degree of optimism with
regard to ensuring LGBT rights?
a. If we all work together, we can achieve equality and justice swiftly.
b. It is likely to take a long time, but equal rights will eventually be achieved.
c. Given our history, intolerance and discrimination are likely to prevail.
d. Our work in this regard will never be done.
Answer key:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. d
10. b