Curriculum Vitae - Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative


Curriculum Vitae - Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative
Research director at the CNRS
Mini Biography
Daniel Choquet obtained an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale (Paris, France) in 1984. He then got
attracted to neuroscience and completed his PhD in the lab of Henri Korn at the Pasteur Institute (Paris),
studying ion channels in lymphocytes. He got appointed tenure Research officer at the CNRS in 1988. He
then performed a post¬doctoral/sabbatical at the Duke University (North Carolina, USA) in the laboratory of
Michael Sheetz where he studied the regulation of integrin-cytoskeletal linkage by force, and demonstrated
that cells can sense and respond to extracellular traction. He then setup his group in Bordeaux (France) at the
Institute for Neuroscience where he got a directorship position at the CNRS. He launched an interdisciplinary
program on the use of high resolution imaging to study the trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors in
neural cells. He is now heading the Institute for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience and the Bordeaux Imaging
Center core facility. He is also the director of the center of excellence BRAIN, Bordeaux Region Aquitaine
Initiative for Neuroscience.
He has been the recipient of several awards including the 1990 Bronze Medal from the CNRS, the Research
prize from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM), 1997, the Grand Prix from the French Academy of
Sciences, Prix du CEA and the 2009 Silver Medal from the CNRS. He is a Member of the Institut de France, the
French Science Academy since November 2010. He has been awarded two ERC advanced grants in 2008 and
The team develops several research topics, combining neuroscience, physics and chemistry in order to
unravel the dynamics of multimolecular complexes and their role in synaptic transmission.
Date of birth :
April 23rd 1962, Paris, France
Marital status:
married, 3 children
Home address: 22 Av. des Fauvettes , 33700 Mérignac, Tél.: 33 5 56 34 99 86
Exceptional class Research director at the Centre National pour la Recherche
Institute for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience, UMR 5297 CNRS-Université
Bordeaux Segalen. 33077 Bordeaux.
Tel: 33 5 57 57 40 90, Fax : 33 5 57 57 40 82
email: [email protected]. Web:
Imaging center :
Diploma from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris, Option Bioengineering.
Master degree from the Paris VI University. Option Neurobiology.
PhD: Paris VI University. Option Pharmacology. Supervisor Dr. H. Korn, Institut
Pasteur. “Control of potassium channels in lymphocytes by hormones and second
Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Bordeaux University.
Professional Experience
1984-1988: PhD-engineer fellowship from the French ministry of research.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Fellowship from the Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer.
Research officer at the CNRS.
Research director at the CNRS.
Part time teacher at the Paris VI University.
Post-doctoral stay at Irvine University (CA, USA) Supervisor Pr. M. Cahalan.
Post-doctoral stay at Duke University (N.C., USA) Supervisor Pr. M.P. Sheetz.
Fellowship from EMBO.
Junior group leader at the CNRS/ Bordeaux University laboratory “Neuronal
interactions” UMR 5541. Recipient of an ATIP Grant.
Group leader at the CNRS, UMR 5091, laboratory “Cellular Physiology of Synapses”,
Bordeaux University. Group of around 10 people.
Adjunct director of the laboratory UMR 5091.
Director of the Bordeaux Imaging Center core facility, UMS CNRS-INSERMUniversité de Bordeaux. labeled Ibisa.
Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience. UMR 5297 CNRSUniversité Bordeaux Segalen
Director of the LabEx BRAIN "Bordeaux Région Aquitaine Initiative for
Neuroscience ».
Member of EMBO
Advanced ERC grant from the European commission
Chevalier de l'ordre national des Palmes Académiques
Laureate of the "Victoire de la medecine" prize.
Member of the French Academy of Sciences
Prix de la découverte science, Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres
et Arts de Bordeaux
Silver Medal from the CNRS
Nominated article of the year 2008 by the French society for Neuroscience
Recipient of an ERC advanced research grant from the European
2004 :
1997 :
1994 :
1994 :
1990 :
Bauer Lectureship award, Brandeis University
Labeled team by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale
Grand prix from the French Academy of Sciences, prix du CEA.
Research prize from the « Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale »
Prize from the «société de secours des amis de la science »
Petit-Dormoy prize from the French Academy of Sciences
Bronze medal from the CNRS
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Research activities
Lab rotations and visits abroad:
Modelisation of the vestibulo-occular reflex, under the supervision of Dr. Jean
Mariani, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie Moléculaire, headed byPr. Jean-Pierre
Changeux, Institut Pasteur.
Electrophysiological properties of the crayfish septate junction under the supervision
of Dr. Christian Giaume, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie Cellulaire, headed by Dr.
Henri Korn, Institut Pasteur.
01 et 06/1990: Control of the mechanisms of intracellular calcium release, collaboration with Dr.
Michael Cahalan, Abteilung Membrannbiofisik, dirigé par le Pr. Erwin Neher, MaxPlanck Institute, Göttingen, Germany.
Control of the mechanisms of intracellular calcium release, collaboration with Dr.
Michael Cahalan, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, UCI, Irvine, CA, USA.
Cooperation between T and B lymphocytes, collaboration with Dr. Michael Cahalan,
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, UCI, Irvine, CA, USA.
Regulation of integrin anchoring to the cytoskeleton. Pr. M. Sheetz, Department of
Cell biology, Duke University, N.C. USA.
Main research subjects
Chloride conductances activated by GABA, glycine and ß-alanine in spinal cultured
neurons: study of cross desensitization responses.
Characterisation and functional roles of ion channels in B lymphocytes.
Collaboration with 1) Daniele Primi & Pierre Sarthou, laboratoire d'Immunochimie
Analytique, headed by Pr. Pierre-André Cazenave, Institut Pasteur, 2) Sebastiàn
Amigoréna, laboratoire d'Immunologie Cellulaire et Clinique, headed by Pr. W.H.
Fridman, Institut Curie. First patch-clamp recording of ion channels in B
lymphocytes (Science, 1987 – 100 citations).
Inhibition mechanism by the FcII receptor of calcium influx triggered by antigen
receptor cross-linking in B. Collaboration with Sebastiàn Amigoréna & Christian
Bonnerot, laboratoire d'Immunologie Cellulaire et Clinique, headed byvPr. W.H.
Fridman, Institut Curie. First identification of the molecular mechanisms of FcgRII
action (Science 1992 – 366 citations; J Cell Biol 1992 – 106 citations).
Measure and physiological role of calcium influx through the neuronal nicotinic
receptor.. Collaboration with Christophe Mulle, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie
Moléculaire, headed by Pr. Jean-Pierre Changeux, Institut Pasteur. First recording
of nicotinic receptor calcium permeability (Neuron, 1992 - 262 citations).
Analysis of calcium signaling in lymphocytes from primary immune-depressed
patients. Collaboration with Alain Fisher, Laboratoire INSERM U132, Hôpital
Necker Enfants Malade, Paris, France. First evidence of the genetic alteration of
TRP channels (JBC, 1994 – 185 citations).
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Regulation of integrin anchoring to the cytoskeleton. Control by ligand binding and
substrate rigidity. Pr. M. Sheetz, Department of Cell biology, Duke University, N.C.
USA. First demonstration that migrating cells can sense the rigidity of their
environment (Cell, 1997 – 736 citations; Nature 1996 – 177 citations)
Regulation of cadherin and NCAMs interactions with the cytoskeleton. (J Cell Biol.
2002 – 84 citations)
2000-present: Development of single molecule and super resolution imaging techniques
Collaboration with Brahim Lounis, Centre de Physique Moléculaire Optique et
Hertziennes, Bordeaux. Invention of the U-PAINT technique (Biophys J, 2010 – 48
citations; PNAS 2003 - 163 citations)
1996-present: Traffic of neurotransmitter receptors: role in synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity.
Dynamic imaging of movements of receptors in living neurons. Regulation by
neuronal activity and scaffolding proteins. First discovery that neurotransmitter
receptors diffuse at the neuronal cell surface (Nature 2002 – 248 citations; EMBO
2003 – 188 citations; Nature Neuroscience 2004 – 212 citations; Neuron 2007 –
203 citations).
1999-present: Role of adhesion proteins in the organization of glutamate receptors. (Neuron 2007
– 146 citations; PNAS, 2008 – 45 citations)
2007-present: Functional impact of AMPA receptor dynamic organization in synaptic transmission.
First demonstration that AMPAR surface trafficking regulates short term plasticity.
(Science 2008 – 173 citations; Neuron 2010 – 79 citations; Nature Neuroscience
2009 – 108 citations).
2007-present: Interaction between AMPA receptor trafficking and synapse dysfunction. First
identification of Stress as a regulator of AMPAR surface traffic. (Nature
Neuroscience 2008 – 87 citations; Molecular Psychiatry 2013)
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Invitations to meetings as a speaker 1997-2014
International meetings
1. Philippe Laudat conference on the cytoskeleton, Strasbourg, France, 1997.
2. European Research Conferences : Molecular Biology of Cellular Interactions Il Ciocco, Italy,
3. Atelier INSERM numéro 112 : Molécules d’adhérence et matrice extracellulaire, Arcachon,
France, 1999.
4. Atelier INSERM numéro 116 : Imagerie en temps réel des signaux cellulaires, Montpelier,
France, 2000.
5. Gordon conference on excitarory amino acid. Il Ciocco, Italy, 2001.
6. Cell to Cell communication in the nervous system. Berlin, Germany, 2001.
7. European Neuroscience meeting FENS. Paris, France, 2002.
8. Jacques-Monod conference: Glutamate receptors and transporters. Biarritz, France, 2002.
9. Colloquium of the Royal Deutch academy on Nanophotonics. Amsterdam, The Netherland,
10. Institut Curie, Colloque « imaging the cell », Paris, France, 2003.
11. Gordon conference on excitatory amino acid, Mount Holyoke, USA, 2003.
12. International Brain Research Organisation. Vienna, Austria, 2003.
13. IBRO Satellite symposium on synaptogenesis, Prague, Czeckland, 2003.
14. Atelier INSERM pinces optiques. Montpelier, France, 2003.
15. Philippe Laudat conference on neuronal imaging, Roscoff, France, 2003.
16. Bioscience 2004. From molecules to organisms. Glasgow, England, 2004.
17. Society for neuroscience. San Diego, USA, 2004.
18. 1st European meeting on spinogenesis. Westerbourg, Germany, 2004.
19. Selected as speaker for Conférence Pierre-Bois cycle, McGill University, University of
Montreal, Université Laval, Canada 2004.
20. VII annual Linz winter workshop, 2005.
21. Molecular Pharmacology Gordon Conference, Il Ciocco, Italie 2005
22. Excitatory amino acid Gordon Conference, Aussois, France 2005
23. Conférence Jacques Monod, Roscoff, France, 2005
24. 58ème congrès de la société Japonaise de biologie cellulaire, Saitama, Japon, 2005
25. Workshop on neural imaging, Riken, Tokyo, Japon, 2005.
26. Synapse 2006, Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Synapse, Paris, 2006
27. 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Japan 2006
28. FENS international forum for Neurosciences, Vienna, 2006.
29. European Synapse Summer School, Bordeaux 2006
30. Coppenhagen symposium on imaging 2007
31. Gordon Research conference on synapse function, Colby Sawyer College, USA, 2007
32. Synapse Structure and function, Iowa city, USA, 2007
33. Oberman seminar, Iowa city, USA, 2007
34. HFSP meeting, Brisbane, Australia 2007
35. Spanish Neuroscience Society, Plenary speaker, Valencia, Spain 2007
36. European Synapse Summer School, Bordeaux 2007
37. Japanese society for neuroscience, Osaka, 2007
38. Janelia Farm, HHMI, Washington, USA, 2008
39. European Synapse meeting, Bordeaux, 2008
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40. NIPS symposium, Okazaki, 2008
41. Selected as speaker for the Bauer distinguished lectureship, Brandeis University, 2008.
42. European Synapse Summer School, Bordeaux 2008
43. Imaging Brain function, Jacques Monod Conference, Roscoff, 2008
44. Synaptic basis of desease, FENS satellite, Geneve, Suisse, 2008
45. ERA-NET, Geneve, Suisse, 2008
46. 65th Harden conference, Chester, UK, 2008
47. Neuropharmacology IUPHAR meeting- satellite to SFN 2008, Washington, 2008
48. 11th Neuroscience Winter Conference, Sölden, Austria, 2009. “The interplay between
AMPAR recycling and surface mobility”.
49. EMBO Course Singapore, 2009. “Nanoscale dynamic organization of glutamatergic
50. 29th Blankenese Conference, Protein Processing Meets Synaptic Transmission, HamburgBlankenese, Germany, 2009“.
51. Neurizon meeting, Goettingen, 2009.
52. Gordon Research conference on excitatory amino acids, Les Diablerets, Suisse, 2009
53. iCeMS workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 2009
54. Syllabus workshop, society for Neuroscience, Chicago, 2009.
55. Conference on Neuroimaging and Neurodynamics , Nijni Novgorod, Russia, 2009.
56. 12th International Neuroscience Winter Conference, Soelden, 2010
57. Freiburg, 2009
58. National Center of Competence in Research „Neural Plasticity and Repair“ Symposium,
2010, Berlingen (Lake Constance/CH)
59. Utah Brain Institute's Imaging Neurons symposium, Salt Lake city, 2010
60. Conférence Jacques Monod "Imagerie des circuits neuronaux en conditions physiologiques
et pathologiques", Roscoff, 2010
61. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, 2010
62. Gordon Research conference, on Cell Biology Of The Neuron, Waterville Valley, NH, USA,
63. Gordon Research conference, on Synaptic Transmission, Biddeford, ME, USA 2010
64. Conférence Jacques Monod "Mental retardation", Roscoff, 2010
65. Workshop "Ion channels and diseases of the nervous system. Baeza, Spain, 2010
66. 1er. Symposium Franco-Argentin de Neurosciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
67. Gordon Research conference, on Excitatory Synapses & Brain Function, Excitatory
Synapses & Brain Function, USA 2011
68. EMBO workshop: “Cell Biology of the Neuron: Polarity, Plasticity and Regeneration",
Heraklion, Crete, April 2011.
69. FASEB summer conference. "Ion Channel Regulation" Steamboat Springs, Colorado, June
70. Heidelberg-Kyoto joint symposium, Heidelberg, July 2011.
71. Keynote Speaker at the Meeting of the Polish Society for Neuroscience, Poland,
October 2011
72. Eurosynapse meeting, Lake Balaton, Hungary, October 2011
73. Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, San Francisco, January 2012
74. European Light Microscopy Initiative, KULeuven, Belgium, June 2012
75. CNRS - Jacques Monod Conference “Imaging neuronal functions: from molecules to circuits"
- Roscoff, June 2012 (Organizer)
76. FENS meeting, Barcelona, July 2012. Plenary speaker.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
77. FENS-IBRO Summer Imaging School Lausanne, September 2012
78. De Gennes Days on Physics of Cells - from soft to living matter, Hyères September 2012
79. 5th Conference dendritic spine in health and disease, Buenos Aires, September 2012
80. FOCUS workshop on new photonic tools and light-sensitive molecules at the Venetian
Institute of Sciences, Literature and Art in Venice, October, 2012.
81. The 48th winter seminar, biophysical chemistry, molecular biology and cybernetics of cell
functions, Klosters, Switzerland, January 2013
82. Jupiter Brain Sunposium, Florida, February 2013
83. Bi-annual symposium “Neuronal differentiation, synapses and neural circuits”,
Göttingen, Germany March, 2013, Keynote lecture
84. International Society for Neurochemistry meeting, Cancun, Mexico, April, 2013
85. International Society of Neurochemistry meeting on Synapse Biology and Disease,
Riviera Maya, Mexico April, 2013. Plenary Lecture.
86. Molecular Pharmacology Gordon Research Conference, Il Ciocco, Italy, April 2013.
87. European Society for Neurochemistry: Biochemical Society meeting, Bath June 2013
88. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS), Birmingham, United Kingdom July
89. Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function Gordon Research Conference, Les Diablerets,
Switzerland, June 2013
90. The Alfred Benzon Symposia: "Membrane proteins: Structure, Function and Dynamics",
Copenhagen, August 2013
91. Imaging in Health and disease, Dublin, August 2013
92. International Symposium on Cellular Microcompartments, University of Osnabrück,
Germany, September 2013
93. Doing Biology with Light, Teneriffe, Spain, IMBRAIN meeting October 2013
94. The Neurobiology of Synapses and their Dysfunction, October 2013, Stresa, Italy
95. Frontiers in Neurophotonics, Bordeaux, France, October, 2013
96. NOBLESSE lecture at Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland, October 2013
97. The 14th Hunter Meeting, Queensland, Australia, April 2014. Keynote lecture
98. Super-Resolution Symposium. Queensland, Australia, April 2014.
99. The Jacques Monod Conference “Optical imaging of brain structure and function on multiple
spatial scales”, Roscoff, France, June 2014.
100. Super-Resolution Microscopy EMBL/Leica Course 21st - 25th July 2014. Keynote lecture.
101. 7th INCF Congress, Neuroinformatics August 2014, Leiden, The Netherlands. Plenary
102. 4th Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium. King’s College, London. August
2014. Keynote Lecture.
103. Opening Symposium, “Circuits in Neuroscience“ Max Planck Institute for Brain Research,
Franckfurt. September 2014.
104. Symposium “New frontiers in synaptic transmission” KIST, Seoul, Korea. October 2014.
105. Workshop “Advancing Applications of Super-Resolution Imaging”, London, November 2014
106. Colloque chimie et cerveau, Paris, novembre 2014
French meetings
1. Réunion Physique-Biologie-Chimie de la montagne Sainte Geneviève, Paris, 1997.
2. 3ème colloque de la société française des neurosciences. Strasbourg, 1997.
3. Congrés de cytométrie, Marseille, 1997.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
4. Colloque de la société française de microscopie : Nouvelles Microscopies pour Analyse de
Macromolécules Isolées et dans la Cellule, Université Paris VI, 1998.
5. Société Française de Biologie Cellulaire. Arcachon, 2001.
6. Société Française de Physique. Strasbourg, 2001.
7. Colloque sur les Nanobiotechnologies, maison de la chimie, Paris, 2001.
8. Colloque d'imagerie cellulaire, Bordeaux, 2002.
9. Institut Cochin , "colloque sur l'imagerie". Paris, 2003.
10. Institut Curie, Jubilé en l’honneur de Mme Tixier-Vidal. Paris 2003.
11. Association Française de Cytométrie. Strasbourg, 2003.
12. Société Française de Biophysique, Anglet, 2004.
13. Association Francaise de cytometrie, Clermond-ferrand 2007
14. Congrés fédération Réaumure des sciences du vivant, Grenoble 2007
15. 11èmes Journées de la matière condensée, Strasbourg, 2008
16. Colloque canaux ioniques, Giens 2008
17. Les découvertes Françaises par leurs auteurs, Académie des Sciences 2009
18. Journée SFR Santé - Juin 2012
Organization of meetings and workshops 1997-2014
• Workshop on microscopy and image analysis – Bordeaux University, functional genomics
program, 17 – 18 avril 2000 (A. Hémar co-organizer).
• Symposium at the French Neuroscience Society meeting 2001.
• Colloquium on "new cellular and molecular imaging techniques ", Bordeaux 2002.
• INSERM workshop on "Cell mechanics and optical tweezers " 2003. (F. Gallet co-organizer).
• New Frontiers in Neurophotonics, Bordeaux, 2008 (Main organizer)
• Conférence Jacques Monod "Imagerie des circuits neuronaux en conditions physiologiques et
pathologiques", Roscoff, 2010 (Vice- chair)
• New Frontiers in Neurophotonics, Quebec City, 2010 (Co- organizer)
• Conférence Jacques Monod "Imagerie neuronale: des molécules à la fonction ", Roscoff, 2012
• Gordon conference "Excitatory amino acids", Les Diablerets, Switzerland 2013 (Vice chair)
• European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting - ELMI 2013, Arcachon (Chair)
• Gordon conference "Excitatory amino acids", Salve Regina, USA 2015 (Co-chair with Suzanne
Main supervisor of people awarded doctorates
Michel Partiseti, 1994, Research Sanofi-Synthelabo
Arnaud Sergé, 2001, Assistant professor, Marseille University
Catherine Tardin, 2003, Assistant professor, Toulouse University
Cecile Bats, 2007, Post-doctoral fellow, UCL London
Caroline Dequidt, 2009, Olympus, France.
Anne-Sophie Hafner 2013, Post-doc Franckfort
Kalina Haas 2013, Post-doc, Cambridge
Professional outcome of past post-doctoral fellows
• Aren Borgdorff, 2000-2002. Pelvipharm Laboratories
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Martin Heine, 2003-2007. Young group leader, Magedburg,
Matthieu Sainlos. 2007-2009. Research officer at the CNRS
Laurent Groc. 2003-2004. Research director at the CNRS
Olivier Thoumine. 2001-2004. Research director at the CNRS
Enrica Petrini, 2005-2008. Senior post-doc, Trieste
Marianne Renner, 2004-2006. Senior Post-doc, Ecole Normale, Paris
Cezar Tigaret, 2006-2009: Senior Post-doc, Bristol
Helge Ewers 2007-2009: young group leader, ETH, Zurich
Leandro Royer, private sector
Jary Delgado, Post-doc Brandeiss, USA
Current post-doctoral fellows
Emilie Hangen
Jennifer Petersen
Andrew Penn
Anne Beghin
Dolors Grillo
Sara Crespillo
Nog van thui
Estelle Toulme
Administrative functions
Junior group leader ATIP at the CNRS.
Group leader at the CNRS unit 5091. “Dynamic organization of membrane
Nominated member of the 25th study section of the Comity for National Research
(“cellular interactions”). Nominated member of the board.
2002-2004 :
Elected member of the 43rd interdisciplinary study section of the Comity for National
Research (“Physic and chemistry for the study of biological assemblies”).
Member of the specialist commission 69 (“neurosciences”) of the National
University Comity.
Member of the steering comity of the interdisciplinary program “Dynamics and
Reactivity of Biological Assemblies” of the CNRS and ministry of research.
Member of the steering comity of the interdisciplinary program “Individual Nano
Objects” of the CNRS and ministry of research.
Scientific director of the cellular imaging core facility, “PICIN”, Bordeaux
Member of the scientific selection comity of the Human Frontier Science Program.
Adjunct director of the laboratory “Physiologie Cellulaire de la Synapse”, UMR
CNRS – Université de Bordeaux 5091.
Member of the ANR comity "retour post-doctorants"
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Member of the steering comity for the ANR - biologie santé
Member of the Strategic Scientific Council, Institut du Cerveau et de la Möelle,
President of the FRM committee "grand équipement"
President of the AERES committee AERES of IPMC
President of the AERES committee of the laboratory "nouvelles microscopies"
Member of the Scientific advisory board of the Curie Institute
Member of the HFSP council of scientists
Member of the steering comity of the Neurocampus project in Bordeaux.
Nominated member of the scientific advisory board of the ICMS, Kyoto, Japan
Scientific director of the "Bordeaux Imaging Center" core facility, Bordeaux
Group leader at the CNRS unit 5297. “Dynamic of synapse organization and
Director for the Cluster of Excellence in Neuroscience, BRAIN, Bordeaux
Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, UMR CNRS-Université
Bordeaux Segalen
Director of the Bordeaux Imaging Center, UMS CNRS-Université BordeauxINSERM
Member of the steering committee of the ESFRI project EuroBioImaging representing CNRS.
Teaching activities
Teacher module "ionic channels" Master degree Université de PARIS VI.
Teacher module Endocrinology University Paris XI
1999 :
Master Biology Bordeaux (2 hours)
2000 :
Master Biology Bordeaux (2 heures)
2000 :
Master Biology Institut Jacques Monod (2 h)
2001 :
Master Biology Neurosciences Montpelier ( 1h) and Marseille (3 h).
Editorial activity
• Editorial Board member of Optical Nanoscopy
• Editorial Board member of Frontiers in Neuroscience
Referee activity
• Referee for journals : Nature, Science, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, PNAS, Biophysical J., J.
Cell Science, J. Neuroscience, EMBO Journal.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
• Referee for the institutions: National Science Foundation, Human Frontier Science Program,
MRC, INSERM. External expert for the University of Rehovot, Israel, the University of Leyden,
the Netherland.
• English fluent
• Spanish
Patch-clamp, live cell video-microscopy, dynamic fluorescence imaging, optical tweezers, single
molecule detection, multiphoton and confocal imaging, cell culture, visual basic programming
Economical activities 2001-2014
Industrial Contracts
• Development Contract: Leica microsystems, development and study of superresolution
• Research contract Servier, Studying the effects of tianeptine on AMPA receptor mobility
• Service Contract : Leica microsystems, use of STED microscopy
• Joint partnership with Amplitude Systèmes, Development of the use of a new femtosecond laser
for la multiphoton microscopy.
Valorization contracts
• Development Contract: SATT Aquitaine, development and study of a new antidepressant agent
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Dynascreen: developing high throughput single molecule
imaging. Collab JB Sibarita
• Aquitaine-Valo: Development of a new method for ultra-fast multiphoton imaging. Collab JB
Consulting activity
• Advising activities with Ropert scientific, Nikon, Leica Microsystems, Explora Nova activit
• Advising activities for Amplitude systems: impact of multiphoton microscopy in biology.
Major grant awarded 2001-2014
• ERC Advanced grant “ADOS - AMPA Receptor Dynamic Organization and Synaptic
transmission in health and disease” 2013-2017: D. Choquet (coord).
• ANR Blanche "CheMoPPI " 2013-2015: M. Sainlos (Coord). Chemical tools for the modulation
and monitoring of protein-protein interactions at the synapse
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
• ANR Blanche "SynAdh" 2013-2015: O. Thoumine (Coord). Molecular and cellular mechanisms
underlying neural synapse formation and specialization based on the cell adhesion molecules
neurexins, neuroligins, and LRRTMs
• ANR Blanche "Nanodom" 2012-2015 : D. Choquet (Coord) Spatial and functional organization
of excitatory synapses at the nanoscale.
• ANR Blanche " CaPeBlE" 2012-2015 : D. Perrais (D Perrais) Caged Peptides to Block
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine "NanoMacroImage" 2012-2014. D. Choquet (Coord).
Développement et mise à disposition des utilisateurs de technologies d'imagerie multimodales:
De la haute résolution en molécule unique à l'imagerie du cerveau entier.
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine 2012-2015 M. Sainlos (Coord) Développement d’outils
biomoléculaires pour la modulation et l’observation interactions entre domaines PDZ et leurs
protéines partenaires - Application à l’étude de la dynamique des récepteurs synaptiques au
• France Bio-Imaging, "investissement d'Avenir", call for infrastructure Santé-Biotechnologie. :
2011-2020. Development of a distributed infrastrucutre in cellular imaging. D. Choquet
(Coordinator of the Bordeaux node). 26 M€.
• BRAIN, Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neurosciences. 2011-2020. Excellence cluster
for Bordeaux Neuroscience (Labex). D. Choquet (Coordinator ). 20 M€.
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Dynascreen: developing high throughput single molecule
• ERA-NET NEURON FP7: 2009-2012 : Development of new chemical and optical tools to study
and modulate glutamate receptor surface trafficking in synaptic transmission in different models
of neurodegenerative diseases. D. Choquet (Coordinator)/ B Bioulac/R Tampé/E Gundelfinger/L
• Projet International de Coopération Scientifique (PICS): Probing Nanoscale Architecture and
Dynamics at Synapses. Daniel Choquet, Coordinator. Co-investigators: Brahim Lounis,
CPMOH, France; Michael D. Ehlers, Duke University, USA, Richard Weinberg, Chappel Hill,
• ANR Blanche “Chem-Traffic” 2009-2012 : D. Choquet. Development and exploitation of new
chemical tools to investigate synaptic plasticity
• Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale: program grant for equipment of core facilities
• Advanced Research Grant ERC: “Nano-Dyn-Syn” 2009-2013. D. Choquet Coordinateur. NanoScale Organization Dynamics and Functions of Synapses: from single molecule tracking to the
physiopathology of excitatory synaptic transmission
• ANR Neuroscience “Stim-Traf-Park” 2008-2010 : B. Bioulac/ D. Choquet. Properties and impact
of AMPAR surface diffusion in deep brain stimulation response of STN-SNr synapses in normal
and Parkinson models
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Micro-Cor: correlative microscopy of synaptic function
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
• French National Research Agency Neuroscience : Dynamics and function of neurexin/neuroligin
adhesive contacts as a trigger of synaptogenesis
• Human Frontier Science Program Grant : Spatiotemporal dynamics and macromolecular
organization of synaptic proteins.
• Labeled Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale team : Dynamic imaging of glutamate
receptors, control of neuronal excitotoxicity by the regulation of receptor-scaffold protein
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Equipement de la plateforme d’imagerie
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Nano-Neuro-Imagerie
• European Community Grant GRIPANT, Glutamate Receptor Interacting Proteins as Novel
Neuroprotective Targets
• Association Française contre les Myopathies : Dynamic imaging of glutamate receptor-scaffold
protein interactions in glutamate induced neuronal death
• French National Research Agency Nano-science : New nanoprobes and imaging methods for
single receptor tracking in neurons.
• French National Research Agency Neuroscience : Spatiotemporal dynamics and
macromolecular organization of proteins at excitatory and inhibitory synapses
• French ministry of research program grant NOI : Etude de l’organisation et de la dynamique de
nano-contacts membranaires par
de nouvelles approches d’imagerie de nano-objets
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Nouvelles approches d’imagerie pour l’étude de l'organisation et
de la dynamique des membranes biologiques
• French ministry of research program grant DRAB : Architecture macromoléculaire des
récepteurs NMDA. Etude par trois méthodes fluorométriques : fluorescence de molécules
uniques, transfert d'energie et BiFC (Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation).
• French ministry of research program grant DRAB : Apports de méthodes physiques à l’étude de
l’assemblage dynamique des complexes macromoléculaires d’adhésion et de signalisation
• French ministry of research program grant ACI BCMS : Trafic juxtamembranaire des protéines
synaptiques : dynamique et interactions moléculaires
• Fédération des recherche sur le Cerveau : Dynamique du contrôle du trafic des récepteurs au
glutamate par la dopamine : une étude en temps réel par imagerie sur tissus et cellules
• European community Grant KAR-TRAP : Kainate and AMPA receptor trafficking.
• Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine : Diffusion de biomolécules uniques marquées dans des
membranes modèles et dans des neurones vivants
Major fellowship awarded under Daniel choquet supervision: 2001-2014
• Aren Borgdorff, mobility fellowship CEE 1999-2001
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Matthieu Sainlos, OIF Marie Curie 2007-2009
Enrica Petrini, fellowship EMBO 2006-2007
Andrew Penn, fellowship EMBO 2010-2011
Andrew Penn, fellowship EIF Marie-Curie 2011-2013
Deepak Nair, fellowship EIF Marie-Curie 2009-2011
Patricio Opazo, fellowship IIF Marie-Curie 2010-2012
Dolors Grillo, fellowship EIF Marie-Curie 2011-2013
Jary Delgado, fellowship IIF Marie-Curie 2011-2013
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Bibliometric Analysis (WOS April 2014)
108 articles in peer reviewed journals
Top 1% most cited researchers, all disciplines and neuroscience (Web of Science)
H Factor H: 49
13 articles cited in « faculty of 1000 », with 3 classified exceptional
Over 90 invitations in international meetings
Number of citations > 6600 (W/O self citations)
Mean number of citations per article: 49
65 articles in reviews with impact factor > 7.5 ( = J Neurosci)
52 articles (50%) en premier ou dernier auteur.
12 best publications
1. Zhang, H., Etherington, L.A., Hafner, A.S., Belelli, D., Coussen, F., Delagrange, P., Chaouloff,
F., Spedding, M., Lambert, J.J., Choquet*, D., and Groc*, L. (2012). Regulation of AMPA
receptor surface trafficking and synaptic plasticity by the memory enhancer and
antidepressant molecule tianeptine. Molecular psychiatry 18, 471-484. *Co-last-authors.
2. Sainlos, M., Tigaret, C., Poujol, C., Olivier, N.B., Bard, L., Breillat, C., Thiolon, K., Choquet,
D.*, and Imperiali, B*. (2011). Biomimetic divalent ligands for the acute disruption of synaptic
AMPAR stabilization. Nature Chemical Biology 7, 81-91. *Co-last authors.
3. Opazo, P., Labrecque, S., Tigaret, C.M., Frouin, A., Wiseman, P.W., De Koninck, P., and
Choquet, D. (2010). CaMKII Triggers the Diffusional Trapping of Surface AMPARs through
Phosphorylation of Stargazin. Neuron 67, 239-252.
4. Frischknecht+, R., Heine+, M., Perrais, D., Seidenbecher, C.I., Choquet*, D..
Gundelfinger*, E.D., *equal contribution, (2009). The brain extracellular matrix limits lateral
diffusion of AMPA receptors and modulates short-term synaptic plasticity. Nature
Neuroscience 12 897-904. *Co-last-authors.
5. Petrini, E.M., Lu, J., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., Ehlers, M.D., and Choquet, D. (2009). Endocytic
trafficking and recycling maintain a pool of mobile surface AMPA receptors required for
synaptic potentiation. Neuron 63, 92-105.
6. Heine, M., Groc, L., Frischknecht, R., Beique, J.C., Lounis, B., Rumbaugh, G., Huganir, R.L.,
Cognet, L., and Choquet, D. (2008). Surface mobility of postsynaptic AMPARs tunes synaptic
transmission. Science 320, 201-205.
7. Bats, C., Groc, L., and Choquet, D. (2007). The interaction between Stargazin and PSD-95
regulates AMPA receptor surface trafficking. Neuron 53, 719-734.
8. Ehlers, M.D., Heine, M., Groc, L., Lee, M.C., and Choquet, D. (2007). Diffusional Trapping of
GluR1 AMPA Receptors by Input-Specific Synaptic Activity. Neuron 54, 447-460.
9. Borgdorff, A. & Choquet, D. Regulation of AMPA receptor lateral movement. Nature 417, 649–
653 (2002).
10. Choquet, D., Felsenfeld, D. P. & Sheetz, M. P. Extracellular matrix rigidity causes
strengthening of integrin- cytoskeleton linkages. Cell 88, 39-48 (1997).
11. Le Deist, F., Hivroz, C., Partiseti, M., Thomas, C., Buc, H. A., Oleastro, M., Belohradsky, B.,
Choquet, D. & Fischer, A. A primary T-cell immunodeficiency associated with defective
transmembrane calcium influx. Blood 85, 1053-62 (1995).
12. Choquet, D., Sarthou, P., Primi, D., Cazenave, P. A. & Korn, H. Cyclic AMP-modulated
potassium channels in murine B cells and their precursors. Science 235, 1211-4 (1987).
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Original articles in peer reviewed journals
1. Carta, M., Opazo, P., Veran, J., Athane, A., Choquet, D., Coussen, F., and Mulle, C. (2013).
CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation of GluK5 mediates plasticity of kainate receptors. EMBO
J 32, 496-510.
De Rubeis, S., Pasciuto, E., Li, K.W., Fernandez, E., Di Marino, D., Buzzi, A., Ostroff, L.E.,
Klann, E., Zwartkruis, F.J., Komiyama, N.H., et al. (2013). CYFIP1 coordinates mRNA
translation and cytoskeleton remodeling to ensure proper dendritic spine formation. Neuron
79, 1169-1182.
Dupuis, J.P., Feyder, M., Miguelez, C., Garcia, L., Morin, S., Choquet, D., Hosy, E., Bezard,
E., Fisone, G., Bioulac, B.H., and Baufreton, J. (2013). Dopamine-dependent long-term
depression at subthalamo-nigral synapses is lost in experimental parkinsonism. J Neurosci
33, 14331-14341.
Giannone, G., Mondin, M., Grillo-Bosch, D., Tessier, B., Saint-Michel, E., Czondor, K.,
Sainlos, M., Choquet, D., and Thoumine, O. (2013). Neurexin-1beta Binding to Neuroligin-1
Triggers the Preferential Recruitment of PSD-95 versus Gephyrin through Tyrosine
Phosphorylation of Neuroligin-1. Cell Rep 3, 1996-2007.
Hoze, N., Nair, D., Hosy, E., Sieben, C., Manley, S., Herrmann, A., Sibarita, J.B., Choquet,
D., and Holcman, D. (2012). Heterogeneity of AMPA receptor trafficking and molecular
interactions revealed by superresolution analysis of live cell imaging. PNAS 109, 1705217057.
Kechkar, A., Nair, D., Heilemann, M., Choquet, D., and Sibarita, J.B. (2013). Real-time
analysis and visualization for single-molecule based super-resolution microscopy. PloS one 8,
Nair, D., Hosy, E., Petersen, J.D., Constals, A., Giannone, G., Choquet, D., and Sibarita, J.B.
(2013). Super-Resolution Imaging Reveals That AMPA Receptors Inside Synapses Are
Dynamically Organized in Nanodomains Regulated by PSD95. J Neurosci 33, 13204-13224.
Rossier, O., Octeau, V., Sibarita, J.B., Leduc, C., Tessier, B., Nair, D., Gatterdam, V.,
Destaing, O., Albiges-Rizo, C., Tampé, R., et al. (2012). Integrins β1 and β3 display distinct
dynamic nanoscale organizations inside focal adhesions. Nature Cell Biology 14, 1057-1067.
Sainlos, M., Iskenderian-Epps, W.S., Olivier, N.B., Choquet, D., and Imperiali, B. (2013).
Caged mono- and divalent ligands for light-assisted disruption of PDZ domain-mediated
interactions. JACS 135, 4580-4583.
10. Szklarczyk, O.M., Gonzalez-Segredo, N., Kukura, P., Oppenheim, A., Choquet, D.,
Sandoghdar, V., Helenius, A., Sbalzarini, I.F., and Ewers, H. (2013). Receptor concentration
and diffusivity control multivalent binding of Sv40 to membrane bilayers. PLoS Comput Biol
9, e1003310.
11. Thurner, P., Gsandtner, I., Kudlacek, O., Choquet, D., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M., and
Zezula, J. (2014). A Two-state Model for the Diffusion of the A2A Adenosine Receptor in
BY SYNAPSE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 102 (SAP102). J Biol Chem 289, 9263-9274.
12. Zhang, H., Etherington, L.A., Hafner, A.S., Belelli, D., Coussen, F., Delagrange, P., Chaouloff,
F., Spedding, M., Lambert, J.J., Choquet, D., and Groc, L. (2013). Regulation of AMPA
receptor surface trafficking and synaptic plasticity by a cognitive enhancer and antidepressant
molecule. Molecular psychiatry 18, 471-484. *Co-last-authors.
13. Porras, G., Berthet, A., Dehay, B., Li, Q., Ladepeche, L., Normand, E., Dovero, S., Martinez,
A., Doudnikoff, E., Martin-Négrier, M.L., Chuan, Q., Bloch, B., Choquet, D., Boué-Grabot, E.,
Groc, L. and Bezard, E. (2012) PSD-95 expression controls L-dopa dyskinesia through
Dopamine D1 receptor trafficking. J. Clin. Invest. 122, 3977-3989.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
14. Czondor, K., Mondin, M., Garcia, M., Heine, M., Frischknecht, R., Choquet, D., Sibarita, J.B.,
and Thoumine, O.R. (2012). Unified quantitative model of AMPA receptor trafficking at
synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 3522-3527.
15. Heidbreder, M., Zander, C., Malkusch, S., Widera, D., Kaltschmidt, B., Kaltschmidt, C., Nair,
D., Choquet, D., Sibarita, J.B., and Heilemann, M. (2012). TNF-alpha influences the lateral
dynamics of TNF receptor I in living cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. in press.
16. Izeddin, I., Boulanger, J., Racine, V., Specht, C.G., Kechkar, A., Nair, D., Triller, A., Choquet,
D., Dahan, M., and Sibarita, J.B. (2012). Wavelet analysis for single molecule localization
microscopy. Opt Express 20, 2081-2095.
17. Mondin, M., Labrousse, V., Hosy, E., Heine, M., Tessier, B., Levet, F., Poujol, C., Blanchet,
C., Choquet, D., and Thoumine, O. (2011). Neurexin-Neuroligin Adhesions Capture SurfaceDiffusing AMPA Receptors through PSD-95 Scaffolds. J Neurosci 31, 13500-13515.
18. Grunwald, C., Schulze, K., Giannone, G., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., Choquet, D., and Tampe, R.
(2011). Quantum-yield-optimized fluorophores for site-specific labeling and super-resolution
imaging. J Am Chem Soc 133, 8090-8093.
19. Sainlos, M., Tigaret, C., Poujol, C., Breillat, C., Thiolon, K., Choquet, D.* and Imperiali, B.*
(2011). Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Biomimetic Divalent Ligands that disrupt
TARP-PDZ interactions and AMPAR Stabilization at synapses. Nat Chem Biol 7, 81-91.*Colast-authors.
20. Bard, L., Sainlos, M., Bouchet, D., Cousins, S., Mikasova, L., Breillat, C., Stephenson, F.A.,
Imperiali, B., Choquet, D., and Groc, L. (2010). Dynamic and specific interaction between
synaptic NR2-NMDA receptor and PDZ proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107, 1956119566.
21. Brachet, A., Leterrier, C., Irondelle, M., Fache, M.P., Racine, V., Sibarita, J.B., Choquet, D.,
and Dargent, B. (2010). Ankyrin G restricts ion channel diffusion at the axonal initial segment
before the establishment of the diffusion barrier. J Cell Biol 191, 383-395.
22. Giannone, G., Hosy, E., Levet, F., Constals, A., Schulze, K., Sobolevsky, A., Rosconi, M.P.,
Gouaux, E., Tampé, R., Choquet, D., and Cognet, L. (2010). Dynamic super-resolution
imaging of endogenous proteins on living cells at ultra-high density. Biophysical journal 99,
23. Opazo, P., Labrecque, S., Tigaret, C.M., Frouin, A., Wiseman, P.W., De Koninck, P., and
Choquet, D. (2010). CaMKII Triggers the Diffusional Trapping of Surface AMPARs through
Phosphorylation of Stargazin. Neuron 67, 239-252.
24. Rust, M.B., Gurniak, C.B., Renner, M., Vara, H., Morando, L., Gorlich, A., Sassoe-Pognetto,
M., Banchaabouchi, M.A., Giustetto, M., Triller, A., Choquet, D. Witke, W. (2010). Learning,
AMPA receptor mobility and synaptic plasticity depend on n-cofilin-mediated actin dynamics.
Embo J 29, 1889-1902.
25. Groc, L., Bard, L., and Choquet, D. (2009). Surface trafficking of N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptors: physiological and pathological perspectives. Neuroscience 158, 4-18.
26. Petrini, E.M., Lu, J., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., Ehlers, M.D., and Choquet, D. (2009). Endocytic
trafficking and recycling maintain a pool of mobile surface AMPA receptors required for
synaptic potentiation. Neuron 63, 92-105.
27. Saint-Michel, E., Giannone, G., Choquet, D., and Thoumine, O. (2009). Neurexin/neuroligin
interaction kinetics characterized by counting single cell-surface attached quantum dots.
Biophysical journal 97, 480-489.
28. Tigaret, C., and Choquet, D. (2009). Neuroscience. More AMPAR garnish. Science 323,
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
29. Frischknecht+, R., Heine+, M., Perrais, D., Seidenbecher, C.I., Choquet*, D., and
Gundelfinger*, E.D. (2009). The brain extracellular matrix limits lateral diffusion of AMPA
receptors and modulates short-term synaptic plasticity. Nature Neuroscience 12 897-904.
30. Michaluk, P., Groc, L., Frischknecht, R., Choquet, D., and Kaczmarek, L. (2009). Matrix
metalloproteinase-9 controls NMDA receptor surface diffusion through integrin β1 signaling. J.
Neuroscience 29, 6007-6012..
31. Renner, M., Choquet, D., and Triller, A. (2009). Control of the postsynaptic membrane
viscosity. J. Neuroscience 29, 2926-2937.
32. Renner, M.L., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., Triller, A., and Choquet, D. (2009). The excitatory
postsynaptic density is a size exclusion diffusion environment. Neuropharmacology 56, 3036.
33. Bard, L., Boscher, C., Lambert, M., Mege, R.M., Choquet, D., and Thoumine, O. (2008). A
molecular clutch between the actin flow and N-cadherin adhesions drives growth cone
migration. J. Neuroscience ci 28, 5879-5890.
34. Cognet, L., Tardin, C., Negrier, M.L., Breillat, C., Coussen, F., Choquet, D., and Lounis, B.
(2008). Robust single-molecule approach for counting autofluorescent proteins. J Biomed
Opt 13, 031216.
35. Groc, L., Choquet, D., and Chaouloff, F. (2008). The stress hormone corticosterone
conditions AMPAR surface trafficking and synaptic potentiation. Nat Neurosci 11, 868-870.
36. Heine, M., Groc, L., Frischknecht, R., Beique, J.C., Lounis, B., Rumbaugh, G., Huganir, R.L.,
Cognet, L., and Choquet, D. (2008). Surface mobility of postsynaptic AMPARs tunes synaptic
transmission. Science 320, 201-205.
37. Heine, M., Thoumine, O., Mondin, M., Tessier, B., Giannone, G., and Choquet, D. (2008).
Activity-independent and subunit-specific recruitment of functional AMPA receptors at
neurexin/neuroligin contacts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 20947-20952.
38. Mikasova, L., Groc, L., Choquet, D., and Manzoni, O.J. (2008). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Altered surface trafficking of presynaptic cannabinoid type 1 receptor in and out synaptic
terminals parallels receptor desensitization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 18596-18601.
39. Thoumine, O., Ewers, H., Heine, M., Groc, L., Frischknecht, R., Giannone, G., Poujol, C.,
Legros, P., Lounis, B., Cognet, L., and Choquet, D. (2008). Probing the dynamics of proteinprotein interactions at neuronal contacts by optical imaging. Chem Rev 108, 1565-1587.
40. Triller, A., and Choquet, D. (2008). New concepts in synaptic biology derived from singlemolecule imaging. Neuron 59, 359-374.
41. Lambert, M., Thoumine, O., Brevier, J., Choquet, D., Riveline, D., and Mege, R.M. (2007).
Nucleation and growth of cadherin adhesions. Experimental cell research 313, 4025-4040.
42. Bats, C., Groc, L., and Choquet, D. (2007). The interaction between Stargazin and PSD-95
regulates AMPA receptor surface trafficking. Neuron 53, 719-734.
43. Breillat, C., Thoumine, O., and Choquet, D. (2007). Characterization of SynCAM surface
trafficking using a SynCAM derived ligand with high homophilic binding affinity. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun 359, 655-659.
44. Dequidt, C., Danglot, L., Alberts, P., Galli, T., Choquet, D., and Thoumine, O. (2007). Fast
turnover of L1 adhesions in neuronal growth cones involving both surface diffusion and
exo/endocytosis of L1 molecules. Molecular biology of the cell 18, 3131-3143.
45. Ehlers, M.D., Heine, M., Groc, L., Lee, M.C., and Choquet, D. (2007). Diffusional Trapping of
GluR1 AMPA Receptors by Input-Specific Synaptic Activity. Neuron 54, 447-460.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
46. Groc, L., Choquet, D., Stephenson, F.A., Verrier, D., Manzoni, O.J., and Chavis, P. (2007).
NMDA receptor surface trafficking and synaptic subunit composition are developmentally
regulated by the extracellular matrix protein Reelin. J Neuroscience 27, 10165-10175.
47. Groc, L., Lafourcade, M., Heine, M., Renner, M., Racine, V., Sibarita, J., Lounis, B., Choquet,
D., and Cognet, L. (2007). Surface Trafficking of Neurotransmitter Receptor: Comparison
between Single-Molecule/Quantum Dot Strategies. J Neuroscience 27, 12433-12437.
48. Saglietti, L., Dequidt, C., Kamieniarz, K., Rousset, M.C., Valnegri, P., Thoumine, O., Beretta,
F., Fagni, L., Choquet, D., Sala, C., et al. (2007). Extracellular Interactions between GluR2
and N-Cadherin in Spine Regulation. Neuron 54, 461-477.
49. Thoumine, O., Lambert, M., Mege, R. M., and Choquet, D. (2006). Regulation of N-cadherin
dynamics at neuronal contacts by ligand binding and cytoskeletal coupling. Mol Biol Cell 17,
50. Thoumine, O., Saint-Michel, E., Dequidt, C., Falk, J., Rudge, R., Galli, T., Faivre-Sarrailh, C.,
and Choquet, D. (2005). Weak effect of membrane diffusion on the rate of receptor
accumulation at adhesive contacts. Biophys J 89, L40-42.
51. Triller, A., and Choquet, D. (2005). Surface trafficking of receptors between synaptic and
extrasynaptic membranes: and yet they do move! Trends Neurosci 28, 133-139.
52. Falk, J., Thoumine, O., Dequidt, C., Choquet, D., and Faivre-Sarrailh, C. (2004). NrCAM
coupling to the cytoskeleton depends on multiple protein domains and partitioning into lipid
rafts. Mol Biol Cell 15, 4695-4709.
53. Groc, L., Heine, M., Cognet, L., Brickley, K., Stephenson, F. A., Lounis, B., and Choquet, D.
(2004). Differential activity-dependent regulation of the lateral mobilities of AMPA and NMDA
receptors. Nat Neurosci 7, 695-696.
54. Deguil, N., Mottay, E., Salin, F., Legros, P. & Choquet, D. Novel diode-pumped infrared
tunable laser system for multi-photon microscopy. Microsc Res Tech 63, 23-6 (2004).
55. Adami, R., Cintio, O., Trombetta, G., Choquet, D. & Grazi, E. On the stiffness of the natural
actin filament decorated with alexa fluor tropomyosin. Biophys Chem 104, 469-76 (2003).
56. Tardin, C., Cognet, L., Bats, C., Lounis, B. & Choquet, D. Direct imaging of lateral movements
of AMPA receptors inside synapses. EMBO Journal 22, 4656-4665 (2003).
57. Serge, A., Fourgeaud, L., Hemar, A. & Choquet, D. Active surface transport of metabotropic
glutamate receptors through binding to microtubules and actin flow. J Cell Sci 116, 5015-22
58. Cognet, L., Tardin, C., Boyer, D., Choquet, D., Tamarat, P. & Lounis, B. Single metallic
nanoparticle imaging for protein detection in cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100, 11350-5
59. Sergé, A., Fourgeaud, L., Hémar, A. & Choquet, D. Receptor activation and homer
differentially control the lateral mobility of mGluR5 in the neuronal membrane. J.
Neuroscience 22, 3910-3920 (2002).
60. Borgdorff, A. & Choquet, D. Regulation of AMPA receptor lateral movement. Nature 417,
649–653 (2002).
61. Lambert, M., Choquet, D. & Mege, R. M. Ligand-induced mobilization of cadherins triggers
their anchoring to the actin cytoskeleton through a Rac1-dependent process. J. Cell Biol. 157,
469-479 (2002).
62. Adami, R., Cintio, O., Trombetta, G., Choquet, D. & Grazi, E. Effects of Chemical
Modification, Tropomyosin, and Myosin Subfragment 1 on the Yield Strength and Critical
Concentration of F-Actin. Biochemistry 41, 5907-5912 (2002).
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
63. Coussen, F., Normand, E., Marchal, C., Costet, P., Choquet, D., Lambert, M., Mege, R. M. &
Mulle, C. Recruitment of the kainate receptor subunit glutamate receptor 6 by cadherin/catenin
complexes. J Neurosci 22, 6426-36. (2002).
64. Coussen, F., Choquet, D., Sheetz, M. P. & Erickson, H. P. Trimers of the fibronectin cell
adhesion domain localize to actin filament bundles and undergo rearward translocation. J Cell
Sci 115, 2581-90. (2002).
65. Meier, J., Vannier, C., Sergé, A., Triller, A. & Choquet, D. Fast and reversible trapping of
surface glycine receptors by gephyrin. Nature Neuroscience 4, 253-260 (2001).
66. Cintio, O., Adami, R., Choquet, D. & Grazi, E. On the elastic properties of
tetramethylrhodamine F-actin. Biophys Chem 92, 201-7. (2001).
67. Adami, R., Choquet, D. & Grazi, E. Rhodamine phalloidin F-actin: critical concentration
versus tensile strength. Eur J Biochem 263, 270-5. (1999).
68. Choquet, D., Felsenfeld, D. P. & Sheetz, M. P. Extracellular matrix rigidity causes
strengthening of integrin- cytoskeleton linkages. Cell 88, 39-48 (1997).
69. Cassard, S., Choquet, D., Fridman, W. H. & Bonnerot, C. Regulation of ITAM signaling by
specific sequences in Ig-β BCR subunit. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 23786-23791
70. Felsenfeld, D. P., Choquet, D. P. & Sheetz, M. P. Ligand binding regulates the directed
movement of b1 integrins on fibroblasts. Nature 383, 438-440 (1996).
71. Drakopoulou, E., Cotton, J., Virelizier, H., Bernardi, E., Schoofs, A. R., Partiseti, M., Choquet,
D., Gurrola, G., Possani, L. D. & Vita, C. Chemical Synthesis, Structural and Functional
Characterisation Of Noxiustoxin, a Powerful Blocker Of Lymphocyte Voltage-Dependent K+
Channels. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 213, 901-907 (1995).
72. Le Deist, F., Hivroz, C., Partiseti, M., Rieux-Laucat, F., Debatin, K. M., Choquet, D., De
Villartay, J. P. & Fischer, A. T cell activation deficiencies. Clinical Immunology &
Immunopathology 76, S163-4 (1995).
73. Le Deist, F., Hivroz, C., Partiseti, M., Thomas, C., Buc, H. A., Oleastro, M., Belohradsky, B.,
Choquet, D. & Fischer, A. A primary T-cell immunodeficiency associated with defective
transmembrane calcium influx. Blood 85, 1053-62 (1995).
74. Choquet, D., Ku, G., Cassard, S., Malissen, B., Korn, H., Fridman, W. H. & Bonnerot, C.
Different patterns of calcium signaling triggered through two components of the B lymphocyte
antigen receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 6491-7 (1994).
75. Partiseti, M., Le Deist, F., Hivroz, C., Fischer, A., Korn, H. & Choquet, D. The calcium current
activated by T cell receptor and store depletion in human lymphocytes is absent in a primary
immunodeficiency. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 32327-35 (1994).
76. Partiseti, M., Le Deist, F., Hivroz, C., Fischer, A., Korn, H. & Choquet, D. Defective
transmembrane calcium influx demonstrated in a primary immunodeficiency by video-imaging.
Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences - Serie Iii, Sciences de la Vie 317, 167-73
77. Beaufils, P., Choquet, D., Mamoun, R. Z. & Malissen, B. The (YXXL/I)2 signalling motif found
in the cytoplasmic segments of the bovine leukaemia virus envelope protein and Epstein-Barr
virus latent membrane protein 2A can elicit early and late lymphocyte activation events.
EMBO Journal 12, 5105-12 (1993).
78. Choquet, D., Partiseti, M., Amigorena, S., Bonnerot, C., Fridman, W. H. & Korn, H. Crosslinking of IgG receptors inhibits membrane immunoglobulin-stimulated calcium influx in B
lymphocytes. Journal of Cell Biology 121, 355-63 (1993).
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
79. Partiseti, M., Korn, H. & Choquet, D. Pattern of potassium channel expression in proliferating
B lymphocytes depends upon the mode of activation. Journal of Immunology 151, 2462-70
80. Amigorena, S., Bonnerot, C., Drake, J. R., Choquet, D., Hunziker, W., Guillet, J. G., Webster,
P., Sautes, C., Mellman, I. & Fridman, W. H. Cytoplasmic domain heterogeneity and functions
of IgG Fc receptors in B lymphocytes. Science 256, 1808-12 (1992).
81. Bonnerot, C., Amigorena, S., Choquet, D., Pavlovich, R., Choukroun, V. & Fridman, W. H.
Role of associated gamma-chain in tyrosine kinase activation via murine Fc gamma RIII.
EMBO Journal 11, 2747-57 (1992).
82. Choquet, D. & Korn, H. Mechanism of 4-aminopyridine action on voltage-gated potassium
channels in lymphocytes. Journal of General Physiology 99, 217-40 (1992).
83. Mulle, C., Choquet, D., Korn, H. & Changeux, J. P. Calcium influx through nicotinic receptor in
rat central neurons: its relevance to cellular regulation. Neuron 8, 135-43 (1992).
84. Partiseti, M., Choquet, D., Diu, A. & Korn, H. Differential regulation of voltage- and calciumactivated potassium channels in human B lymphocytes. Journal of Immunology 148, 3361-8
85. Amigorena, S., Choquet, D., Teillaud, J. L., Korn, H. & Fridman, W. H. Ion channel blockers
inhibit B cell activation at a precise stage of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Possible
involvement of K+ channels. Journal of Immunology 144, 2038-45 (1990).
86. Aussel, C., Pelassy, C., Mary, D., Choquet, D. & Rossi, B. Regulation of interleukin-2
production and phosphatidylserine synthesis in Jurkat T lymphocytes by K+ channel
antagonists [published erratum appears in Immunopharmacology 1991 Mar-Apr;21(2):145].
Immunopharmacology 20, 97-103 (1990).
87. Amigorena, S., Bonnerot, C., Choquet, D., Fridman, W. H. & Teillaud, J. L. Fc gamma RII
expression in resting and activated B lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology 19,
1379-85 (1989).
88. Choquet, D. & Korn, H. Does beta-alanine activate more than one chloride channel
associated receptor? Neuroscience Letters 84, 329-34 (1988).
89. Choquet, D. & Korn, H. Dual effects of serotonin on a voltage-gated conductance in
lymphocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 85, 4557-61 (1988).
90. Choquet, D., Sarthou, P., Primi, D., Cazenave, P. A. & Korn, H. Cyclic AMP-modulated
potassium channels in murine B cells and their precursors. Science 235, 1211-4 (1987).
91. Choquet, D. & Korn, H. [Development of sensitivity to glycine, GABA and beta-alanine in
cultured spinal neurons]. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences - Serie Iii,
Sciences de la Vie 303, 127-30 (1986).
Review articles
1. Choquet, D., and Triller, A. (2013). The dynamic synapse. Neuron 80, 691-703.
Grillo-Bosch, D., Choquet, D., and Sainlos, M. (2013). Inhibition of PDZ domain-mediated
interactions. Drug discovery today. Technologies 10, e531-540.
Opazo, P., Sainlos, M., and Choquet, D. (2012). Regulation of AMPA receptor surface
diffusion by PSD-95 slots. Curr Opin Neurobiol 22, 453-460.
Opazo, P., and Choquet, D. (2011). A three-step model for the synaptic recruitment of AMPA
receptors. Mol Cell Neurosci 46, 1-8.
Choquet, D. (2010). Fast AMPAR trafficking for a high-frequency synaptic transmission. The
European journal of neuroscience. 31, 2156-2165.
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Gundelfinger, E.D., Frischknecht, R., Choquet, D., and Heine, M. (2010). Converting juvenile
into adult plasticity: a role for the brain's extracellular matrix. The European journal of
neuroscience. 31, 2156-2165.
Groc, L., Bard, L., and Choquet, D. (2009). Surface trafficking of N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptors: physiological and pathological perspectives. Neuroscience 158, 4-18.
Groc, L., and Choquet, D. (2008). Measurement and characteristics of neurotransmitter
receptor surface trafficking (Review). Molecular membrane biology 25, 344-352.
Choquet, D., and Lounis, B. (2008). [Surface mobility of postsynaptic AMPARs tunes synaptic
transmission.]. Med Sci (Paris) 24, 548-550.
Cognet, L., Groc, L., Lounis, B., and Choquet, D. (2006). Multiple routes for glutamate
receptor trafficking: surface diffusion and membrane traffic cooperate to bring receptors to
synapses. Sci STKE 2006, pe13.
Groc, L., Choquet, D., Lounis, B., and Cognet, L. (2005a). single-molecule detection:
unravelling receptor diffusion in live neurons. The Biochemist 27, 5-8.
Choquet, D. & Triller, A. The role of receptor diffusion in the organization of the postsynaptic
membrane. Nat Rev Neurosci 4, 251-65 (2003).
Triller, A. & Choquet, D. Synaptic structure and diffusion dynamics of synaptic receptors. Biol
Cell 95, 465-76 (2003).
Choquet, D. & Hémar, A. Homer : le produit d'un gène précoce intervient dans le
fonctionnement et la structure des synapses glutamatergiques. Médecine Science 16, 440443 (2000).
Choquet, D. & Partiseti, M. Ion channels in B lymphocytes (editorial). Pathologie Biologie
42, 279-85 (1994).
Amigorena, S., Choquet, D., Teillaud, J. L., Korn, H. & Fridman, W. H. Ion channels and B
cell mitogenesis. Molecular Immunology 27, 1259-68 (1990).
Choquet, D. & Korn, H. Modulation of voltage-dependent potassium channels in B
lymphocytes. Biochemical Pharmacology 37, 3797-802 (1988).
Editorial Material
1. Tigaret, C., and Choquet, D. (2009). Neuroscience. More AMPAR garnish. Science 323,
2. Coussen, F., and Choquet, D. (2007). Neuroscience: wrestling with SUMO. Nature 447, 271272.
Book chapters
1. Giannone, G., Hosy, E., Sibarita, J.B., Choquet, D., and Cognet, L. (2013). High-content
super-resolution imaging of live cell by uPAINT. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J
950, 95-110.
Cognet, L., Lounis, B., and Choquet, D. (2014). Tracking receptors using individual
fluorescent and nonfluorescent nanolabels. Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2014, 207-213.
Choquet, D., and Triller, A. (2008). Surface Trafficking of Membrane Proteins at Excitatory
and Inhibitory Synapses. In Synapse structure and function, M. Ehlers, and J. Hell, eds.
Cognet, L., Lounis, B., and Choquet, D. (2005). Tracking receptors by optical imaging of
single molecules, In Imaging In Neuroscience and Development, R. Yuste, and A. Konnerth,
eds. (CSHL Press).
Groc, L., Heine, M., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., and Choquet, D. (2005b). Lateral diffusion of
excitatory neurotransmitter receptors during synaptogenesis, In Molecular Mechanisms of
Synaptogenesis, A. Dityatev, and A. El-Husseini, eds. (New York: Springer U.S.A.), pp. In
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014
Choquet, D. Cognet, L., Lounis, B. Single molecule tracking of receptors. In Imaging
Neurons CSHL Press R. Yuste and A. Konnerth eds. In press (2004).
Cognet, L., Coussen, F., Choquet, D. & Lounis, B. Fluorescence microscopy of single
autofluorescent proteins for cellular biology. Compte Rendus Physique 3, 645-656 (2002).
Sheetz, M. P., Felsenfeld, D., Galbraith, C. G. & Choquet, D. Cell migration as a five-step
cycle. Biochem Soc Symp 65, 233-43 (1999).
Curriculum vitae, Daniel Choquet June, 2nd 2014