IN THE NEWS - la Chaine des Rotisseurs


IN THE NEWS - la Chaine des Rotisseurs
Claire-Marie Jadot, National Chargée de Missions Honoraire
It is with great sadness that we announce that Claire-Marie
Jadot, National Chargée de Missions Honoraire, passed
away peacefully at her home on January 21, 2015. ClaireMarie joined the Vancouver Bailliage in December 1994,
serving as National Chargée de Presse and Chargée de
Missions from 1997 to 2007.
Claire-Marie will be remembered as an extraordinary,
kind, generous and loving woman of strength and
compassion and will be forever loved and deeply missed.
She is survived by husband Bob Charlton, Vancouver
Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique; stepdaughters Lisa
Charlton and family and Laura Charlton; sister MarieFrance Minton and family in the USA; and brother
Bernard Jadot and family in France.
Born in Libourne (Gironde), France on August 31, 1942,
Claire-Marie lived a remarkable life. She married Bob
July 17, 1991. She loved to travel with Bob and they
shared an appreciation for good food and wine, especially
champagne and Chateau d’Yquem. One of her greatest
pleasures was watching the Seymour River flow past their
home while sitting on the couch holding hands with "her
Claire-Marie graduated in 1965 from the Ecole de Haut
Enseignement Commercial pour les Jeunes Filles (HECJF)
in Paris. After her graduation, she was awarded a
Fulbright Scholarship to study Transportation Economics
at Washington State University Pullman. Claire-Marie
immigrated to Canada in 1966 and began work at
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Vancouver, BC. She was
promoted to the position of Associate Corporate Secretary
in 1987, the first woman officer at the company. She
retired in 1992. In 1994, she was appointed to the Lower
Mainland Employment Insurance Board of Referees as
employer representative and was bilingual chair of the
board from 2007-2009. When Bob retired in 2004, ClaireMarie assumed an active role as secretary and treasurer for
their company Riverside Engineering Inc. She was elected
to the Assemblée des Français de l'étranger (AFE) from
2009-2014 to represent French nationals residing in
Western and Central Canada, Northwest Territories and
Yukon. Her honesty, frankness, righteousness, integrity
and timeless devotion to the service of the French
community in Western Canada is widely recognized and
appreciated. Claire-Marie was a life member and director
(1987-1990) of the Vancouver Board of Trade, was
appointed by the Federal government from 1989-1994 to
the Forest Products Sectoral Advisory Group for
International Trade (SAGIT) and was a long time member
of the Confrèrie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, serving at the
local and national level for many years.
Christophe Penalva, Vice-Chancelier Argentier; Claire-Marie Jadot,
Chargée de Presse; and Reinhold Maier, Chevalier, toasting “Vive la
Chaine.” (Fairmont Whistler Hotel, October 2004).
Claire-Marie and Bob at the Vancouver Chapître du Canada 2010
Gala Dinner (October 24, 2010)
(left to right) Susan Madden; Bob Charlton; Chef Manfred Wimmer; and
Claire-Marie (L’Emotion Restaurant, February 2005)
Bob; Christine Nicolas; and Claire-Marie at Cioppino’s Restaurant
(Front right) Claire-Marie and
Bob at The Bacchus Bistro,
Domaine de Chaberton
Winery, Langley, BC (June
25, 2006).