LESSON PLAN Subject: Core French Unit: Grade: 6/7 Topic of Lesson: Les passé-temps (Passtimes) Total time: 40 min. Lesson Objectives SWBAT: How will students • Participate by acting out pastimes demonstrate • Ask and respond to questions about their pastime preferences learning? • Record the pastime preferences of other students Links to Addtl •Share info about oneself including name, age, family members, pets, and hobbies. Langs Curriculum Prior Knowledge Time • • Some experience expressing likes and dislikes (J’aime, Je n’aime pas) Some prior familiarity expressing actions (various verbs) What the teacher says/does What the students do Materials Hook/Opening • Answer/pose questions about the calendar and weather Calendar 5 mins Hook/Opening • Ask students questions about the calendar and the weather 15 mins Pre-activity Modéliser • Show students pictures of pastimes on cards and display • Students repeat how to say each one: • Practise: J’aime.../Je n’aime pas... - regarder la télévision, ecouter la musique, danser, nager, manger, lire, dormir, peindre, jouer des sports, jouer des jeux vidéo Pratiquer • Introduce gestures to express likes and dislikes for each activity. • Establish j’aime and je n’aime pas using gestures. • Establish gestures for each activity with the class. • Go through all the gestures with j’aime and je n’aime pas together a few times. • Once students have a good grasp, play “Simon aime” with the gestures • If I say Simon aime, everyone does the action • If I say Simon n’aime pas, students should not do the action • If students are comfortable, students can lead Modéliser/Partager • Model: Moi, j’aime lire. • Ask student: Est-ce que tu aimes lire? • Repeat with a few different pastimes Guider • Guide the student to ask “Est-ce que tu aimes…” & answer Oui, j’aime… or Non, je n’aime pas … with another student Pre-activity • Students repeat each verb paired with j’aime or je n’aime pas • Students practise gestures for j’aime and je n’aime pas each verb. • Students play “Simon aime” • Students respond o Oui, j’aime lire. o Non, je n’aime pas lire. • Students ask and respond to each others questions about particular pastimes. Visual aids: cards with images of 9 pastimes on one side and words on the other. 15 mins Activity Assimiler • Teacher models survey activity • Teacher circulates to assess language use and to help students Activity • • • 5 mins Post-activity • Teacher asks students to share what they learned in their survey • Teacher models how to talk about someone else “Angela aime lire les livres”. • Time providing, teacher could keep a tally of the most popular pastimes on the board. Students do survey activity Students ask 5 people which pastimes they like and they record the information in full sentences Students can also begin to illustrate the pastimes in the space provided Pastime survey worksheet Post-activity • Students share what they found out by speaking about other students in the class and what they like Assessment for / of Learning • • • Extensions/ • Extra challenge • Adaptations • Extra support • • Plan B • Back-up Plan • Participation in activities (speaking and doing actions) Use of target language while completing the survey Completion of survey List other pastimes that are of interest (translate other vocabulary into French) Explain why they like or do not like specific pastimes. Students who need more help can rely more on images and word prompts provided. Students can only ask 2 or 3 students the survey question, rather than 5. Students could also work in pairs, with stronger students helping weaker students. Students have a list of pastimes. In partners, one student can read the pastime and the other can act out. Then they can switch. Students can ask the person beside them: “Est-ce que tu aimes...” rather than completing the survey.
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