Subject and Text Books used Term 1 Term 2 English Wake Up


Subject and Text Books used Term 1 Term 2 English Wake Up
Syllabus 2016-17
Grade: 4 CBSE
Subject & Text Used
Subject and Text Books used
Term 1
Term 2
Wake Up,Neha's Alarm Clock,Noses,The Little Fir Tree,Run,
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark,Helen Keller,I Had a Little Pony,The Milk
Nasruddin's Aim,Why?,Alice In Wonderland.
man's Cow,Hiawatha,The Scholar's Mother Tongue,A Watering
Rhyme,The Giving Tree,Books,Going To Buy a Book,The Naughty
Hindi IIL
Maan ke bhole bhale baadal
Naav banao naav banao
Rimjhim -4 NCERT
Jaisa sawal vaisa javab
Daan ka hisab
kirmich ki gaind
Dost ki poshak
Swatantra ki oor
Kannante amma
Ghandijiyude sandhesham
Thurannu vitta tatha
Eliyum poochayum
Mannile Nidhi
Kannadi ampukal
Munpe nadannavar
Aakasa vaani
Fre (II)
Apprenons le français 0
1.Bienvenue en France
1.Vous êtes français
2.Didou apprend le Français
2.Didou à un crayon et une règle
3.Didou sait compter
3.La famille d'Eric
4.Didou à l'école
4.Vous-aimez les fruits et les légumes?
5.Didou aime les couleurs
6.Aujour'hui c'est dimanche!
7.L'anniversaire d'Eric
Hindi III L
Workbook&Rimjhim-2 NCERT
Ow,ang,aha,Hri ki matra
vyanjan ba,,sa, na, la,,gha,ra,ka,ma,ta,ha,cha,da,va,ga,tha,ra
Aa,E,ee ki matra
Do Bakriya
vyanjan-kha,da,ja,dha, ya,sha,,pha,cha,,dha
Uth chala
A,ai,o ki matra
Adhik Balwan kown
Bahut hua
Mal (III)
Basic Alphabets and two letter blends
Swarakshangal (cont)
Basic Alphabets Lesson-1(pg 10,11) Lesson-2 (pg13-14)
Swarakshangal (cont) Symbols pg 25-27
Lesson 3 (pg17,19)
Lesson 4 Swaraksharangal
Vyanjanaksharangal(PA vargam),Days of the week,Numbers 1to15
Fre (III)
Je parle français
1.Introduction to French
1.Le Verbe - "Avoir"
2.Comment Saluer -I
2.Les Nombres
3.Comment Saluer -II
3.Qu'est-ce que c'est?
4.Le Verbe -" Etre"
4.Qui est-ce?
5.Les Couleurs
5digit and 6 digit number,3D shapes,Patterns,
Capacity,Money,Circle-radius and centre,Fraction,
12hr and 24hr clock,Add and Subract,Multiplication,
Area and Perimeter,patterns,Pie chart& Bar graph
Division, Shapes
1.Ear to ear
1. Abdul inthe garden
NCERT Text book
2.A day with Nandu
2. A Busy Month
3.Anita and honey bees
3. Too much water, too little water
4. Valley of flowers
4. Food and Fun
5. Basva's Farm
5. Spicy Riddles
Social Science
1.Going to school
1.Hu tu tu, hu tu tu
NCERT Text book
2.The story of Amrita
2. A river's tale
3.Omana's Journey
3. Changing times
4. From the window
4. Nandita in mumbai
5. Reaching Grandmother's house
5. The world in my home
6. Changing Families
6. Pochampally
7. Eating together
7. Defence Officer- Wahida
8. Chuskit goes to school