wednesday, april 26, 2006 - Funeral Services Association of Canada
wednesday, april 26, 2006 - Funeral Services Association of Canada
Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 ASFC – CONGRÈS ET EXPOSITION 2016 Du 30 mai au 2 juin 2016 • Montréal, QC PROGRAMME PRÉLIMINAIRE Lundi, le 30 mai 2016 0830 - 1100 1330 - 1700 FIAT RÉUNION DU CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION (Membres seulement) – Hôtel Bonaventure - Frontenac FIAT CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL 1 (Membres seulement) Hôtel Bonaventure - Verdun 1600 - 1700 RÉUNION DU COMITÉ DES FOURNISSEURS DE L’ASFC (Membres du comité seulement) - Hôtel Bonaventure -Jacques Cartier 1530 - 1630 LE GROUPE INDÉPENDANT DE MAISONS FUNÉRAIRES DU CANADA – ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE - Hôtel Bonaventure -Fontaine F Mardi, le 31 mai 2016 0800 - 0930 INSCRIPTION – Place Bonaventure - Foyer de la salle d’exposition, 400 est 0800 - 1400 MONTAGE DES KIOSQUES – Place Bonaventure, 400 est 0830 - 1700 RÉUNION DES AUTORITÉS CANADIENNE EN SERVICES FUNÉRAIRES - Place Bonaventure, Frontenac 0830 - 0900 DÉJEUNER DU PRÉSIDENT SORTANT - Place Bonaventure, Jacques Cartier 0900 - 1600 VISITE D’INSTALLATIONS (2 groupes) Heure Groupe - #1 Groupe - #2 0900 Départ de L’hôtel Bonaventure Départ de L’hôtel Bonaventure 0930 Cimetière Mont-Royal Collège Rosemont 1030 Départ 1100 Cimetières Côtes des neiges Départ Cimetière Le Repos Saint-François d’Assise et Complexe funéraire Magnus Poirier Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 1200 Dîner Dîner 1300 Départ Départ 1330 Collège Rosemont Cimetière Mont-Royal 1430 Départ Cimetière Le repos Saint-François d’Assise et Complexe funéraire Magnus Poirier Départ 1600 Retour à l’hôtel Retour à l’hôtel 1430 - 1900 INSCRIPTION - 1600 - 1900 OUVERTURE DU SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET RÉCEPTION DE BIENVENUE 1500 Cimetières Côtes des neiges Mercredi, le 1 juin 2016 0700- 1700 INSCRIPTION - Foyer de la salle d’exposition, 400 est 0730 - 0830 EXPOSITION ET PETIT DÉJEUNER - Place Bonaventure, 400 est 0830 - 1100 ASFC ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE (Membres seulement) - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières 1000 - 1100 FIAT ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE I - Place Bonaventure, 500 sud 1100 - 1215 CONFÉRENCE INTERNATIONALE DE LA FIAT - Place Bonaventure, 500 sud Présidé by : FIAT-IFTA Président désigné, Mme Teresa Saavedra Andrade, Président de ALPAR, Amérique latine CONFÉRENCIERS : M Jordi VALMAÑA I CORBELLA, Président, Association Espagnole des maisons funéraires et cimetières (AFCM), Espagne M Philippe Gentil, Directeur fondateur, FUNÉCAP, France M David Garvie, Président-sortant, OFSA, Immediate Past President OFSA, L’Association des services funéraires de l’Ontario, Canada 1215 - 1235 FIAT ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE II & TRANSFERT D’INSIGNES - Place Bonaventure, 500 sud 1305 - 1405 CÉRÉMONIE COMMÉMORATIVE 1305 - 1405 DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE ET BOÎTE REPAS - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières Thinking Outside the Box - Embalming, Forensic Reconstruction and Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 Reconstructive Surgery and Special FX CONFÉRENCIER: Pierre-Maxime Fugère, CFSP, Arbor Memorial Exposés seront donnés en anglais. Viewing a deceased loved one provides a tremendous psychological value for grieving families. Funeral professionals face challenges when confronted with difficult embalming cases. Using a mix of forensic and FX techniques, PiereeMaxime Fugere will demonstrate how to go beyond basic embalming to tackling problematic cases (head trauma, putrefaction, and skeletal remains turned into an open casket viewing). Discover how new techniques and products can help transform the deceased and provide a meaningful experience for bereaved families. Fugere has 20 years of experience in the funeral profession. He is a published author and has shared his expertise at conferences in the United States and Europe. 1410 - 1510 SÉANCE 1 – Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières Jaundice: More Concern Than Just Colour CONFÉRENCIER: Karl Wenzel, CFSP, MBIE, The Dodge Company Exposés seront donnés en anglais. Jaundiced individuals present funeral professionals with one of the most concerning and challenging cases to have in the prep room. When confronted with a jaundiced decedent, most embalmers focus on the wrong area: colour. Karl Wenzel will offer a comprehensive analysis of several cases involving jaundice. He will offer insights and practical information about how to present bereaved families with a well-embalmed and natural looking loved one. Learn how to separate facts from fiction when dealing with these difficult cases. Discover changes in medical intervention that lead to changes in embalming. 1515 - 1615 SÉANCES EN PARALLÈLES SÉANCE 2 - Conflict Resolution - Place Bonaventure, 500 sud Conflict Resolution CONFÉRENCIER: Iain Smith, Sands Funeral Chapel of Vancouver Island Exposés seront donnés en anglais *Séance atelier – places limitées Conflict in the workplace is an everyday—and costly—occurrence. Ignoring workplace conflict, or handling it the wrong way, can cost a business thousands of dollars. This interactive workshop offers practical advice about effective conflict resolution. Discover how to assess and address internal conflict. Learn how to develop strategies to overcome conflict and implement meaningful solutions. When employees trust management to deal with problems, it boosts morale Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 and the bottom line. ‘Fosse aux ours’ - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières MODÉRATEUR: Jeff Weafer Our profession faces new and greater hurdles each and every day. By coming together to share our combined expertise we can take our businesses into a bright future. How it works: • A moderator led, thought provoking, informal discussion forum to bring new ideas and perspectives to light. • Opportunity to challenge our reality and find creative solutions to the issues we face in business each day. • An informal alternative to traditional debates or as a substitute for panel discussions. The session will foster dynamic participation, address potentially provocative topics and avoid a lengthy presentation. 1620 - 1720 SÉANCE 3 - Quality Management in Funeral Service - It's More Than Just Attitude - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières CONFÉRENCIER: Stephen MacMackin, Brenan Group Ltd. Exposés seront donnés en anglais. Funeral service professionals are renowned for their commitment to excellent customer service. Quality management standards provide a service delivery toolkit that can have a significant impact on customer experience and the bottom line. This interactive workshop provides insights and practical tips from the Canadian firm that built the first ISO registered quality management system in funeral service in North America. Stephen MacMackin will outline what goes into establishing a quality management system, the tools it provides, and the benefits he has seen in improving customer service delivery while reducing the incidence of potentially costly mistakes. 1730 - 1930 RÉCEPTION ET EXPOSITION - Place Bonaventure, 400 est Jeudi, le 2 juin 2016 0730 - 1300 INSCRIPTION 0730 - 0830 SALON ET PETIT DÉJEUNER - Place Bonaventure, 400 Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 0830 - 0930 SÉANCE 4 - The A to Z of Cremation: Everything a Funeral Director Needs to Know - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières CONFÉRENCIER: Larry Stuart Jr., Crematory Manufacturing & Service, Inc. Exposés seront donnés en anglais. Discover the “whys” of cremation, its popularity, and how the cremation process can influence public perceptions. Join Larry Stuart Jr., President of Crematory Manufacturing & Service Inc., as he outlines valuable information about cremation and crematories in an engaging and easy-to-follow presentation. Learn about the design aspects of the crematory process, how this directly affects the operation of the equipment, and its impact on the environment. Attendees will receive the information they need to effectively dispel the myths surrounding cremation perpetuated by the uninformed, the media, and the general public. 0935 - 1035 SÉANCE 5 - Consumers Are Talking. Are You Listening? – Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières CONFÉRENCIER: Christine Pepper, National Funeral Directors Association Exposés seront donnés en anglais. NFDA’s Christine Pepper unpacks the latest research statistics from four different consumer studies in this dynamic and compelling presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. Funeral and Memorial Information Council's 2015 consumer study NFDA 2016 consumer survey, NFDA burial and cremation stats for Canada NFDA Family Contact Surveys Findings from the studies will influence your business practices and reveal emerging consumer trends. The presentation will also provide funeral professionals with practical tips for interacting with families based on consumer feedback. 1035 - 1050 PAUSE SANTE - Place Bonaventure, 400 est Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 1050 - 1150 SÉANCE 6 - Funeral Rites, Mourning and Young People - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières CONFÉRENCIER: Josée Masson, Deuil-Masson Exposés seront donnés en français. It’s a sad reality that many Canadian families don’t understand how to help their grieving children. The topic of child bereavement is rarely discussed. Josée Masson is the founder of Deuil-Jeunesse, a unique organization that helps young people cope with death and loss. This presentation takes a dynamic, concrete approach to demystifying taboos around grief. Discover how to answer questions about funeral rites. Identify elements of funeral service that can be altered to help families with bereaved children. Gain the skills to support bereaved youth and children. 1200 - 1300 DISCOURS DE CLÔTURE ET BOÎTE REPAS - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières CONFÉRENCIER: Henry ‘Gizmo’ Williams, Grey Cup Champion, CFL Hall of Fame Exposés seront donnés en anglais. Born into an impoverished family, Williams has a family history of multiple sclerosis, which killed his mother on Christmas 1969 (when Williams was six), as well as seven of his ten siblings. Williams's father died in a house fire on Christmas of 1970 only one year after his mother’s death. Williams was raised by his brother Edgar after the death of both his parents, and, after Edgar's death, he was raised by an aunt. Despite his background, Williams was able to be a successful high school football player, and was able to enroll at East Carolina University. After graduating from East Carolina, Williams was signed by the Memphis Showboats of the United States Football League. While playing in Memphis, future Professional Football Hall of Famer Reggie White gave the shifty Williams the nickname "Gizmo", which would stick with him through his professional career. Williams joined the CFL in 1986 and played until his retirement in 2000. Williams had a stellar career and was inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. In November 2006 he was voted one of the CFL's Top 50 players (#25) of the league's modern era by Canadian sports network The Sports Network/TSN. 1300 - 1430 EXPOSITION - Place Bonaventure, 400 est 1430 - 1730 DÉMONTAGE DES KIOSQUES Place Bonaventure, 400 est 1830 – 1900 RÉCEPTION – COCKTAIL - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières 1900 – BANQUET DU PRÉSIDENT - Place Bonaventure, 400 est, Zone des plénières Mise-à-jour 4 mai 2016 CONSEIL D’AMINISTRATION DE L’ASFC 2015-2016 Michael Hedden, Président – Représentant de la Colombie-Britannique John Greene, Vice-président - Représentant de la Nouvelle-Écosse Yves Berthiaume, Trésorier – Représentant de l’Ontario Phil Fredette, Président sortant- Représentant de la Saskatchewan Faye Doucette, Présidente sortante – Représentante de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard Jim Bishop – Représentant du Nouveau Brunswick Marie-Eve Garneau - Représentant du Québec Colin Barrett - Représentant de Terre Neuve et le Labrador Brett Watson - Représentant de l’Alberta Harry Froese - Représentant du Manitoba Steve Tamblyn – Représentant des fournisseurs Roberta Rainville – Directrice générale Formation Continue Les délégués participant aux heures didactiques à la Conférence 2016 de l’ASFC, seront admissibles aux unités de formation continue (UFC), basé sur 1 heure = 1 unité, à un maximum de 8 heures. (N’inclut pas le temps de l’inscription, des repas et des pauses santé) Pour information, veuillez consulter le site web de l’ASFC: Téléphone du bureau de l’ASFC: 613-505-0277 Courriel: [email protected] Le programme est modifiable sans préavis.